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Barack Obama Antichrist Threads

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posted on Jul, 23 2012 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by dbates

Obama isnt the antichrist.. Neither was Bush they are all pawns in the game of chess... We all wonder who is making the moves.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:22 PM
Just watched Obama's little Ohio youtube video. Looks like everyone is falling for it as planned...........

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 08:38 AM
What if we wanted to start a thread titled"Obama is not the Antichrist.. But he should be."???
Would that be suitable for a new thread?

It's a joke.
I know he's just a Democrat.

posted on Nov, 28 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

keep in mind that "should be loved by all" will be quite impossible for a prophet or a special person,
because the world is to divided to love together one person, even when
elijah would come, many would think he is false.

then, it is also said that even the elect can be trapped in the TRAP.
what does it mean ? that things will not be, how they look to be,
thats it is not true that you see truth because you wait a prophet with miracles,
and when he is there, one could say he is false because of that, and allready understand it full ?

so difficult that the elect could be deceived means something else,
then, hey lets wait for the antichrist to show up.

The antichrist first is not a person but a spirit which lives through us.
And whoever shall come to give some hope, he will only be believed for a while, and after the error.
but he will be broken again, so as to bring together the peoples
to do our work in life for a last time after the errors they wil do in recognising

the protection in life come through 2 pillars: logic (repenting untruths, seeing Law and Logic and logic gives you the next step to do, which is WORKS) and faith ( seeing the goal, remembering it, and working towards it: care for all, not judgements) and those 2 pillars of the temple, they become one, because they are the same thing (= the spirit that is alwayas moving and evolving from the symbol of the wife, that through repenting leaves her old in a saltpillar (the residue of water that means repenting), and brings forth the man, the prophet that goes into the land, the 2 pillars that give the one pillar, or child)
edit on 28-11-2012 by onelastcloud because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by dbates

What is with the panic ?

1. He is not the Antichrist trust me

2. If he was the Antichrist we would all be dead by now
thus we are still breathing.

Yet. Still thank you for the provision of links and reads rather interesting and peculiarly confusing at most.

posted on Mar, 25 2013 @ 12:24 PM
Not that I am in any way a fan of Obama* but to give the Devil his due. Every president since the 1980s has been said to be the antichrist by one at least one group or another. This is because life has been getting successively worse for the 99%ers for the last three decades. This is the part of the plan and the common folk need to place the blame somewhere and the easiest one is the guy in that oval cubicle with the nice desk.

If anyone here actually that thinks Obama is the Antichrist then write Francis and ask for the him to bless all the water from the local water water providers and if and when Obama visits he starts avoiding all toilets sinks and showers, then I 'might' be convinced that he is the (antichist vampire werewolf, demon of choice).

Even Antipasta has some pasta in it.

*Everone here must admit that Obama and the first family have been acting like Trash-with-Cash since they planted their hind ends in the public paid housing project at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. However, being classless doesn't make you the Antichrist or anything near it, just an embarrassment to the country you are supposed to be representing.

posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by dbates

The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 was a huge mark on God’s timepiece for end of day’s events. It was at this time that President Truman (1945-53) was in office and served the role of King Cyrus allowing the Jews to return to their homeland and establish the state of Israel. If you list the presidents of the US after President Truman there are 11 presidents with President Obama being the 11th.

If this parallels the prophecy of Daniel chapter 7 and Obama is the 11th King of this prophecy, then he will subdue three other kings according to verse 24. Obama has already subdued Mubarak of Egypt and Khadafy of Libya and is currently trying to subdue Assad of Syria. So that part of the prophecy seems also to be on track for fulfillment. The prophecy also states that the 11th King will speak against God and will try to change times and the law. Obama’s campaign and administration has been all about change and pushing an anti-God, anti-bible agenda. In 2011, when he celebrated Hanukah at the white house on December 9th, he joked about celebrating 2 weeks early and said that they didn’t need much of an excuse for a good party. So he had changed the appointed time for the Jewish holiday and then made light of the fact. He was the first US president to celebrate the Jewish holiday intentionally on the wrong date.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 03:03 AM
I know, this is a thread about the Anti Christ. However, I am convinced that THE Anti Christ does not exist. There are many, many Anti Christ in the World. All people that swing in "666".
As well as the second coming of Jesus Christ will be the Christ consciousness of many people and not that Jesus will live on Earth.

Jesus Christ will come. Yes. He will be the leader of the affectionate aliens officialley landing in April. However, he will not stay here and not save anybody.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
LOL! Sort of. wHY DO THESE FOOLS GET TO HAVE SO MANY THREADS...AND SO MANy birth certificate threads, but gawd forbid I post something of an IMPORTANT nature 6 months after someone posted something on the same topic? Nice job MODS! Sort of!

I couldn't have said it better.

posted on May, 14 2013 @ 11:22 AM
Quite the effort ATS.
Y'all should be so proud.
Fine work indeed.

I'm sure when it's all over we will find out that Obama
indeed was an immortal Muslim demon. A Black Panther
Anti-Christ, Hell bent on world domination.

Here's something to consider sleuths...
The oil companies and gun manufacturers
may be tricking you into believing something that isn't true
to keep their profits skyrocketing?

Nah...that's too weird.. It's definitely the Obama devil thing.

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 10:51 PM
"The numbers 3, 7, 9,11,13, 33, 39. Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. 3x7=21 3x11=33 ....

Iran's presidential election on 14 june it is the eleventh period

And there are six candidate for competition 14 jun

hassan rohani is one of them her name in Persian is 9letters (حسن روحانی )(ح س ن ر و ح ا ن ی)

date her birthday 11/12/1948 and in the numberology

and 2+7=9

the iranian calendar 21/8/1327 - 2+1+8+1+3+2+7=24 & 2+4=6


kazemeyni boroujerdi The iranian political prisoner The time of arrest

on 8 october 2006 said:Government of Iran Is destroyed 6 years, 6 months and 6 days later


It was day 11 April 2013 the day that hassan rohani announced his candidacy


11 April 2013 is 113 days after 21 december 2012 ( evil code on mayan calendar)

113 is number masonic and three digit have three numbers Masonic 11-13 -3

On 11 june 2013, Rouhani was endorsed by former president and chief of the assembly of experts, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani who said that he will consider him to be more suitable than other candidates to steer the executive branch referring to the slate of five other hopefuls most of whom conservatives

11June 2013 to 2 October 2013 is the 113 th day

2 october 2013 twenty fifth dhu Al qaeda Probable date of arrival imam mahdi

As always, the devil is defeated by his number

at 11 on 7 may 2013, Rouhani registered for the presidential election

5/7/2013 5+7+2+0+1+3=18 & 1+8 =9

The registration for the 11th presidential election

Is he the antichrist؟ whether he is an enemy for imam mahdi like Pope Peter romanos(Jorge Mario Bergoglio)He denies jesus Christ in return time imam mahdi and jesus For peace and justice from the sky down to earth

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 11:03 PM
Rouhani won a total of 18613329 votes . 18613329 1+8+6+1+3+3+2+9=33

15 June – Official results announced by Interior Ministry with Hassan Rouhani elected as the seventh President of Iran

the numberology numbers 7 is satanic

and 15 june
1+5+6+2+0+1+3=18 1+8=9

edit on 19-6-2013 by zanbaq2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2013 @ 11:06 PM


posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by mosey
ok, this is where i draw the line.
I DONT think obama is the antichrist.
and this is why.
because i know presidents are not the ones who control anything.
they're poster boys thats all. he's just another face.
everyone alllllways wants to blame presidents, its almost sad. he has no control in his seat, even though it SEEMS like he does to us ants.

and p.s. Nostradamus was no prophet.

[edit on 7-2-2009 by mosey]

I totally agree with you. OBAMA is not the antichrist but he knows who it is. Many of the select already know who the antichrist is and they worship him.

And Nostradamus was nothing more than a drug addict who was given visions of dark times that will occur on this planet.

posted on Aug, 13 2013 @ 08:26 AM
Experience in the 'net taught me anyone who's being accused as the Anti-christ is automatically NOT the Anti-christ.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 05:19 PM
Check out this movie made in 2003 called: Head of State. It predicts Barack Obama's presidency years in advance.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:22 PM
Sorry that I haven't read all posts.

My Conspiracy Theory (concludes on Obama's name):

the Antichrist is Caesar who killed Christ according to the Gospels, he became the devil Satan when he (Chapter 12 of Revelation) took 1/3rd of the stars from the heavens and chased the seed of the virgin Mary with a flood from his mouth: an infernal taint.

Merovengians according to official history only classically held France, Caesar converged on the Merovengians and found out he was at war with Ra / Israel. His Id Instinctive Rage schismed him from his attachment to the royal tradition, so he programmed 20% of the Merovengians to be loyal to classic royalty to cover it up and taught the other 80% to be his mind control hierarchy reinforced prophets.

Anton LeVey (French Levi) and Aleister Crowley, who claimed to have been Eliphas Levi in his past life, founded modern Satanism. Marquis de Sade was history's first writer to fictionally depict the modern Catholic scandals, his name means French royal. The Pope's name is Francis (why?). I suspect Caesar programmed them to hate the Merovengians they were, and they had the highest neural capacity for aggression, so they were severely introverted.

During World War II, Mussolini / Muscle in I(taly) killed Ra/IsRaEl's moral majority ethnicity because they were the first to be educated concerning psychic and ethical discipline by the angels of the Book (Israel defeating himself at daybreak in Chapter 32, and after Cain founds Enoch before the tongues schism in Babylon Genesis 5:24 God takes Enoch (the hour and day of his birth)). He killed the Gypsie because Roma / Romani, what they called themselves, meant opportunity to project guilty of being Roman, because they were at war with Rome's injustice.

Caesar nuked Japan because the Ninja popularized by fiction signifies they are an Assassin infastructure rather than a Setite one, and only Setite schism (on purpose) from the sun on the Japanese flag: which was supposed to have meant the heart of God that Pharaoh Ra / Israel encountered. Then P2 did 9/11 (a P pointed at the Roman Numeral 2 if you invert the 9) to kill the Haqim Fanatics to prevent them from training a moral majority within Islam, and to identify every branch of the moral majority which begins to emerge in the Middle East Region a terrorist cell: Muslim Extremists and Assassins are both fanatics.

Assassin could have prevented Rome's espionage agencies from blocking the moral majority existing, plan B if they are yet dead: Jesus Christ. One of Pharaoh's most important tacticals, by my calculation, constitutes element of surprise enclosing: since the original royals could schism if told what to do (attacked), the elite remains about the same as it was at the beginning until almost the exact last minute.

Revelation Prophecy, the 28 or 88 morning star (star for a morning)
sits atop Verse 29 (a P pointed at a 2) to foreshadow
Sar'dis, begins Ch3 ends Verse 6, or 666.

Barack Obama put PJ / P2 if the J is turned upside down Crowley (Crowley confessed to being 666 when Thelema was invented) in charge of the US military after he was elected President, and occupies Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Palestinian Conflict is ongoing in Israel, and Lebanon was invaded 1982. According to Muslim Hadith, the Dajjal is at war with Islam during the End of Days.

Nazis can falsify my media sources, but I suspect Mussolini reincarnated to be the first black president so that every ethnicity he exterminated would feel more traumatized by the thought of him being harmed than concerning any other man alive.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by dbates

Barack Obama is not the Antichrist. He simply can't be based on what the Bible tells us about the Antichrist. We know that he will come from somewhere in Eruope, possibly Rome which would nullify Obama as the Antichrist. Also, too many people dislike Obama for him to be the Antichrist. Furthermore, the very fact that people even suspect him to be the Antichrist is evidence that he is not. The Antichrist will arise out of nowhere after World War III and he will be a man who no one even Christians will suspect to be the Antichrist. That's how smooth, charming, and persuasive he will be.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by TitusAndronicus

Not everyone will be fooled.

posted on Feb, 27 2014 @ 09:54 AM
Reply V for Vendetta: every man is low key.

Genesis 3:6, two Verses of Knowledge, Daath on the Tree of Life blocking Tiphareth from obtaining Wisdom and Understanding, foreshadow Wisdom of Good and Evil on Verse 666 causing the Fall - meaning faith constitutes honesty about uncertainty.

Genesis 6:3, God ordains humanity live 120 years, biological capacity. In Ch 5, they are living in excess of 900 years (immortal), and the tongues schism in Babylon when Hammurabi outlaws murder, immortals listed living in excess of 500 years.

Revelation Ch 13, the Dragon, sometimes And I, stand upon the shore. This is the most commonly dual translated Verse of Revelation. The last Verse, Wisdom and Understanding are necessary to overcome 666, which means Nero in Hebrew.

Verse 7, those who worship the dragon, Verse 8 and are not written in the Lambs Book of Life, (tend to go to hell, losing their right to immortality in Heaven).

The 7 Churches: the 3rd Church is Pergamum in the New International (purge ah muming or silencing the Lamb?) or Perg a Mos' (of the accessories) in Hebrew. Two idolaters are identified: those believe in Balaam or Balak. Baaad Lamb or Barak if you turn down the top of the l. Balaam = "And I," of the only unsure verse of revelation on shores/Daath, Balak = "the Dragon" (to a poet's inference).

Surah 2 of the Koran, "al Baqarah," or the Cow, concerns the false idol worshipped when the Jews left Egypt. Barack Obama may have the ability to falsify surety he is history's most trustworthy freemason because the King of Lies, he may be playing an intricate joke, he may be a coincidence, or an evil Freemasonic Bluebeam type mind control program. al = the in Arabic, ah, the Baraq. al Baq a rah (most Setite accessories? all back a ra).

Nero = 666 in Hebrew.

The first beast of apocalypse has the mouth of a lion, Aleister Crowley claimed to be the first beast and helped found modern Satanism through the Aiwass Prophecy: if he self deified, as normal Satanist do, he'd be Ai... was (the hiss of the highest ranking snake). He'd have the ability to fake the policies of Pharaoh, neither a life nor an attempt to deceive he's the same person, just not why. If I'm not mistaken, he claimed his past life was Eliphas Levi, and Anton LeVey (French Levi) founded the Church of Satan.

The second beast has two horns like a lamb, the mouth of a dragon: Michael Aquinos schismed from the Church of Satan to found the Temple of Set. The Aiwass Prophecy and the Temple of Set create a scriptural definition wherein Seti is now Satan, despite that the Book identifies Nero / Caesar, the guy that crucified Christ (Revelation Ch 12).

Genesis 28 (88 Frame foreshadowed), Jacob takes on Issac's blessing the sun sets and he establishes the pillar of the temple of the house of God and the hierarchy of the angels in BetHel from Luz, a tenth to charity. Ch 32, Jacob wrestles with a man alone until daybreak when he (defeating himself / selfishness, pride & desire) receives the name Is Ra El, or Ra is el ("of God" in Hebrew). Pharaoh Ramsees was the father of Pharaoh Seti (Ra Set, Ram Sees the doublecross attempts), Surah 28 of the Koran identifies lineage of Imam with Pharaoh. Pharaoh Amenophis IV outlawed paganism because inspired by the sun Aten (A ten), he renamed the temple Aketaten (A ke ta ten). In the modern era, Kaaba is in Mecca (Tiphareth in Kether): Amen, of His, for a sunn's (sunna) law.

Chapter 4 of Genesis, when Cain (a stave) falls the sun of A dam (to prevent flood), the text reads (barely paraphrased), "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice, wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. If Cain is to be avenged 7fold, Lamech 77fold." Lamech = Va Mech if the L is turned to the left. Revelation Ch 5, the Lamb of God has 7 horns and 7 eyes which are the 7 spirits of God. The Koran, the frame goes so far... the question will be asked... Is... Lam? Every Chapter advises to Sue Ra, but to hit based upon whether Lam Is is to hit Islam.

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