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The NEW Answer: Ignorance = Sanity!

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:16 PM
I agree with the title of this thread. Ignorance is sanity because sanity is accepting and behaving becomingly of whatever is presented to you as truth by the major ruling paradigm of the time.

If you want the truth... you cannot continue functioning in this society. Simple as that. The truth is heavy as a ton of bricks. It's like living with the fact that your best friend shot himself because you had an affair with his girlfriend... or something similar. It's something that you can only attempt to ignore because, after the veil has been torn away, the truth is all you see. All things are interpreted without the filters that have been installed along the way.

The truth is the most painful thing to ignore once it is known, because you realize how far away from it the world has become. It's not something anyone can teach you to understand like a math problem. Nobody can show you how to put the puzzle pieces together.

My stomach hurts just thinking about the scope of sight that "our royal keepers" saw while crafting this. On the spectrum of ignorance, we're dealing with something likened to bacteria battling a blue supergiant.

[edit on 11-11-2008 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 11:31 PM
I actually have found that the more people I confront about certain beliefs I have regarding some 'conspirational' topics, I am met with open-mindedness. That said, I work my way up to bringing these things in our conversations.

For instance, with my friends, I casually brought up my ideas on the Bailout and why I was against it, citing as much information and evidence as I could, and after I stated my case the majority of them ended up agreeing with me. I even convinced one of them to write a letter to his congressman!

I have found that people are more willing to listen to you about the 'out-there' ideas you have if they believe you are trustworthy and you have built up a reputation amongst them (be if friends, family, or just acquaintances) as being reliable and open-minded. As far as actually doing anything about it once we have the knowledge, I must say that I, too, and stuck.

But, despite knowing exactly how to go about changing anything, we must start with the informational knowledge required to form a valid opinion. When confronted with the ol' "ignorance is bliss" statement, I have many a times quoted a Philosopher I tend to admire, John Stuart Mill.

"It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied." Ignorance may be bliss, but when I use this quote I have found that nobody likes being compared to a pig.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:12 AM
Heheh, consider yourself lucky if your surrounded by nonbelievers. It's when you surround yourself with true believers who are extremely motivated to change the system, that the system decides to change you by discrediting you or inprisoning you or whatever.

One of my closest friends had been targeted briefly by the NWO agents for wearing a "Bush, Not MY president" shirt to a public setting where a very effectively programmed drone dropped the dime on him claiming he was a terrorist for having a differing opinion on our nefarious leader. I surround myself with like minded people. We support the constitution. I would gladly sacrifice my self to defend those freedoms from tyranny. That is true patriotism. The ideal of basic human rights. I don't give a flying bleep about security, let the terrorists come, I'll kill em myself with my bare hands, Its the systematic undermining of the constitution by our own leadership which really scares me.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:22 AM
Quite re-assuring to know that many of us are facing the same disheartenment, but that's the great thing about ATS. We can come up with a solution to this together, which is exactly what XXXN3O has done. Make sure you click through to his thread (assuming you're a 'he'

Originally posted by XXXN3O
I am not trying to steal the OP's thunder but I feel a need to solve this because if we do not then I fear a lot of people are going to feel dreadful.

Oh no. Seriously, don't spare it a second thought. This thread is more than validated when it helps plant seeds. Your thread is more important and has the potential to create something so I fully approve the use of this one as a springboard.

Originally posted by guyopitz
Heheh, consider yourself lucky if your surrounded by nonbelievers. It's when you surround yourself with true believers who are extremely motivated to change the system, that the system decides to change you by discrediting you or inprisoning you or whatever.

I see your predicament, but I think the best outcome is for the majority around you to be aware and ready to fight, but simultaneously discreet about how they do it. Clearly forming protest groups has its dangers, but it's better than being surrounded by zombies.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:31 AM
Change the direction of the head, and the ass will follow.

As above, so below. As within, so without.

All is one. Check this out. The space you inhabit is just a mirror of the space that your mind inhabits. Change the form of thought, and you'll affect the reflection.

We're living in a matrix of existence where the only constant is change..... and yet we feel that we always need to use force, always need to keep track, to label, to "be somebody (else)".... to do all of these very temporary and meaningless things. All we need to do is stop forcing these meaningless and hardly even novel things down our own throats, and we all need to take a few days off as a world and just allow change to happen on its own.

Non compliance. There is no path to peace. Peace IS the path.

So... I'll give you the solution.

Peace! Stop forcing it! Ask yourself a simple question before you do something. "Am I doing this out of love or out of fear?"

Everybody should be asking this question to themselves multiple times a day before attempting daily tasks until they start to understand what the difference is. Only then, can they personally find a peaceful path.

I don't do much of anything forcefully. I don't work. I don't protest. I don't vote. I don't bathe obsessively or wear deodorant most of the time. I don't force my opinions upon anyone. I keep to myself most of the time, I make music, and I'm a good person I think. Lots of people would call me lazy.... but I see no hurry. I think they're crazy, anyway. It's nobody's right to force society down anyone's throat.... so just stop doing that, or you're part of the problem as much as Dubyah.

I remember a thread not too long ago where it was suggesting that all unemployed people be rounded up and put in work camps. I'd be one of those people. I'm a nice guy and I'll go out of my way for anybody just to make somebody happy, but I'm a # up cuz I don't think it's worth any of my time to work at some #hole minimum wage job, or worth any debt to anyone because I have to pay my left soulstickle just to get some general education that will at best make me one of millions of insta-coffee drinking office workers? If I'm lucky, maybe I can lie and kiss ass and poke my wet little dingy's way into a just slightly more tolerable office job of some sort...
and music can just be my hobby. It's my life.... but we'll just diminish the importance of life and we'll use the word HOBBY instead. Does a good person deserve to be squished into being just a hobby? Because I can't take all my unique ideas into the system with me. The system just wants to make me into something profitable, a transistor, a meaningless node in a power grid.

Maybe I'm rambling on here.... but you get the point.

I refuse to power the system of control that chains us away from each other and from our individual potential.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, indeed.

This could all end tomorrow if we wanted. We could all just stay home, read, spend time with loved ones, go out in nature...... just free our minds of thoughts for a few days. We could delay it a day so you can go get food for the week.... and then come friday..... how about a 7 day weekend for absolutely everyone everywhere?

Butt (yes).... you're too afraid of what might happen if you stopped... because for now, it's just you alone. If you stopped, would your whole entire community stop with you? Or would they leave you behind because non-existent boogey monsters are coming? Would they defend you and your home if some jerk claiming to just be doing his job evicts you from the house your grandfather built with his bare hands? Or would they look the other way and make up excuses as to why it's okay that they just allowed a beloved community member to be ousted from his rightfully claimed estate?

A country, founded upon invasion, genocide, rape, murder, pillaging, infidelity, perversion, hate, fear... still masquerading as a White Knight?
If the people believe it.... they probably won't live long enough to see the agenda unfolded anyway, so we'll use their thoughts against them until they are dead. Spiffy.

So if ignorance equals sanity and killing masses of innocents equals freedom....

then shouldn't Ted Bundy have been given the Nobel Peace Prize by now?

No no wait.... we'll give that to Death himself. Actually, we'll just make Death the president of the world.... king of the world, actually. Ted Bundy can be like the head of World Child Welfare Services or something... maybe Planned Parenthood.

Screw this. You solve your own damn problems.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:09 AM
I think it can be resolved with approach and trust. For the ones that try and tell their family and friends, and show them the evidence (the evidence that is usually overwhelming) and they reject it, and accuse us for thinking radical! they have every reason to be afraid of the truth (or plausible truth). There are ways to deliver the message without sounding ridiculous and absurd, but I think it boils down to that person's faith and trust in you as the deliverer for them to believe.

The stubborn aren't ignorant, they just need to trust you.
The Ignorant aren't stubborn, they just haven't been told yet.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 09:50 PM
Do not undermine the value of your enlightening others. People may fight you or be afraid to get to involed, but things happen they cant keep ignoring.
Most of your successes are unseen but that doesnt stop your being a success...You have to come to terms with the fact that you wont get a pat on the back foe enlightening them. People hate looking foolish thats why the ridiculing CONSPIRACy THEORIES...WAS so successful . When they find you were right all along that can also make them feel foolish.
Dont feel down hearted. Everyone you drop seeds on, drop seeds on others. The KNOWLEDGE IS POWER saying is more than you think also....People awakening then generate a powerful electromagnetic energy more powerful than any technology man can create to overcome any EVIL. Even one person can generate enough & have done so throughout history. Remember this also when you are tempted to feel overwhelmed or depressed.
This energy has jammed guns brought down satelites...the list is long.
Keep up the good work & just KNOW how important you really are.

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