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Help me decide....

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:52 AM
Forgoing the posts I'll inevitably get telling me to "pick what's right for you,"


I've decided I want to see what you guys think the best religion is for someone to follow and why. (I'm not looking to see people say I should follow, I just want to see what others say about their religion.)

I want to stimulate a good discussion with no flames or anything like that.

I have no specific preferences at all, but want to see what others will say in terms of the religion/belief they feel is the best.

I'm leaning toward Wicca or a similar path at the moment.

Let the thread begin!

[edit on 10-11-2008 by mf_luder]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:53 AM
Asking for someone else's opinion on what religion you should follow is rather a mute point when you are seeking what is right for you...isnt it?


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by RFBurns
Asking for someone else's opinion on what religion you should follow is rather a mute point when you are seeking what is right for you...isnt it?


I certainly think so. Op I find it frightening that you would even consider choosing a religion based on input from a message board. I wonder if you have viewed religious natured threads on this forum. What a nightmare! You are obviously bright and have some knowledge of various religions if you are currently leaning towards Wicca (no I am not Wiccan). Your best bet is to do your own research via google, public libraries and eventually religious centers. If you are swayed into something from a member(s) of this board, please promise me you will do your own research regardless. I have found that no matter what religion, many patrons are often incorrect concerning their very own religion. I have even been guilty of this. Good luck and best wishes.


[edit on 10-11-2008 by HypnoAsp]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:57 AM
I was born into a Christian family, later baptized, then lost my faith during high school, shifted towards science and existentialism, then moved towards agnostic.

Only in the last year and a half have I once again shifted my views - this time to something more spiritual, not focused on any particular religion. Having traveled to Thailand 3 times now however, I've seen aspects of Buddhism that really attract me to that way of life.

If I had to choose, I'd say Buddhism, however I'm happy with my beliefs that there is something beyond that which we can physically experience - something that guides existence and could very well have created it. Whatever it is, we come from it, hang out here for awhile (while alive), and then travel back there after death. It's a vague belief, I know, but it's all I've been able to ascertain over the past 30 years I've spent 'alive.'

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by mf_luder
Forgoing the posts I'll inevitably get telling me to "pick what's right for you," I've decided I want to see what you guys think the best religion is for someone to follow and why. I want to stimulate a good discussion with no flames or anything like that.

I have no specific preferences at all, but want to see what others will say in terms of the religion/belief they feel is the best.

I'm leaning toward Wicca or a similar path at the moment.

Let the thread begin!

While I am addicted to gaining as much knowledge as I can from Gnosticism, the Occult, Thelema, Mysticism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Pre-Censored Christianity, Egyptian Polytheism...
one science of spirituality has caught my attention hardcore.

I've been hooked since.

this should help you. -


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by HypnoAsp

Op I find it frightening that you would even consider choosing a religion based on input from a message board.

Agreed. Have you ever thought of satanism? I hear it's cool.

Lame attempts at joking aside..

Firstly, I am curious as to why you are looking for a religion in the first place? I have no religious preference because I am godless as some might call it. But, if I were looking for a religion I would try and find something that made me feel good, on a spiritual level, or even an emotional level. Something that would fill a part of me that I thought was missing befor, something that wasn't pushy on the belief system, but pushy on me focusing on the here and now, not the past. But that's just me.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:30 AM

Maybe I should clarify and my apologies for being misleading in my OP.

I AM NOT choosing any religion based off of the replies I get on this message board. I just wanted to see different people's views on their religions, on any particular religion, etc.

I didn't expect to get half of the replies telling me how crazy I am to choose a religion based on a message board.

Sorry for being misleading.

I just want some good personal insight into the various religions out there.

Wicca is the most interesting to me.

I want to hear about the others too.


Yeah - I could.

But that's more work for me.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by mf_luder

I just want some good personal insight into the various religions out there.

Wicca is the most interesting to me.

I want to hear about the others too.


Yeah - I could.

But that's more work for me.

Congratulations... you've graduated from fool to slacker

How devoted could you be to any religion if you can't even be bothered to take up the great and arduous task of Googling information about it? Stop being so lazy and go do your own leg work. What's next? Gonna start wearing diapers because you just can't be bothered with the hassle of getting up and walking to the bathroom?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by mf_luder

I just want some good personal insight into the various religions out there.

but officially recognized, your avatar's religion is. mmMMm? yesss.

luminous beings are we.
not this crude matter


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 06:37 AM

You caught me.

Didn't want to say it - wanted to see if it came up on it's own.....


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 06:44 AM
My religion is mysticism and philosophy. My religion is self-discovery, and self-awareness. I believe it's what God wants of me.

I am a universalist in that I borrow from all the world's religious and esoteric thought.

I particularly like Taoism and Zen.

Followed by Gnosticism. Tibetan Buddhism. Paganism. Hinduism.. and many more. Pretty much love it all. I find jewels everywhere

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 07:03 AM
Well I think it depends on what you want from a religion. Do you want a specific set of firm rules to live by as defined by "God"? Or do you prefer the free-form less restricted live and let live type of religion?

Bhuddism is a good choice, but if you like creative rituals then Wicca is obviously a bit more creative/eccentric. If you plan to associate with other members of the religion on a frequent basis then you need to decide if you would like the other followers as well.

As far as the Abrahamic religions go, Islam is pretty darn good when it comes to literal consistency. Plus the minority that stick to strict old school Islam (Quranists) do have a fair amount of freedom even by western standards. The Quran itself is pretty easy to follow, but that seem to appeal more to female western converts.

I am a Panthiest, and while I find some religions to be quite annoying, I just see them as different structured ways of incorporating a devotion to God into our everyday lives (or in the worst case scenario inflicting our views of God into everyone else's life).

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by Sonya610

Have you ever heard the term

PanENtheist? That is what I call myself

To be more specific (although a less common term), I am a panEnDeist.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 07:45 AM
This might make me unpopular but..

Religion is for the weak.

Religion is the dogmatic rituals erected around mythological beliefs.

It's much better to simply be a spiritual being and sample from each of the pies than to try to consume all of the contents of any one, considering you have to put blinders on for your faith in any one system to be complete.

Why put yourself in a box? So many people here are devout believers in their own fantastic realities, each without name and with a membership of one.

As for Wicca..

There aren't any answers there. You will only end up feeling silly.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 08:41 AM
Thanks for your post.

I think you pretty much summed up my current feelings to a T.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by Resinveins

That is not neccissarily fair. You can get definitions from google, but not a first person pov.
A religion can look good on paper but then the people can say it is fake and just for money, or that it is hollow.

So my advice is that to go to different religious events and get a first hand approach.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by prevenge
but officially recognized, your avatar's religion is. mmMMm? yesss.

luminous beings are we.
not this crude matter


LOL! The "Jedi" religion of course, the one in the OPs avatar.

You beat me to it prevenge!

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