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A New Angle on the JFK Assassination

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye


Tip the man in the can


It is fun...glad you enjoyed...

On Jackie.....they always do it right in front of you and use the obvious, that way no one will believe it.

When the south said "We will rise again"....they meant it. Manasseh is a whiley little feller and don't much like Ephraim...Just ask old Abraham.


posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:04 AM
So with all the information that has been out forth in this post, which is very interesting, I still have to wonder why he was killed. I can't believe that it was simply over money or because he was bedding someones wife. I personally don't believe that JFK was soft on communisim either so to me that takes that motive away also.

Was there something in his polocies that would have put a BIG wrench into the NWO? And how does the UFO stuff play into the motive? Just because of the space race?

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by -Reason-
So with all the information that has been out forth in this post, which is very interesting, I still have to wonder why he was killed. I can't believe that it was simply over money or because he was bedding someones wife. I personally don't believe that JFK was soft on communisim either so to me that takes that motive away also.

Was there something in his polocies that would have put a BIG wrench into the NWO? And how does the UFO stuff play into the motive? Just because of the space race?
Your question is a valid one, and it will take a bit of time to explain. There are certain things, I have to put it that way, that are not public yet. All I can tell you is to backtrack EVERYTHING JFK was trying to do. All of it was reversed. Just ask yourself, did we really go to the moon? How many times did we go? And, how come we don't have a outpost there now. I'm sorry that is all I can really tell you. Everyone wanted JFK gone for their own reasons, you could call it multiple causation. Alex Jones touched on it when he created the name of his site, Prison Planet.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:08 AM
Very good post on the JFK assassination. I find this photo to be interesting too.
Notice the two motorcycle officers positions. Certainly didn't want to be in the way of any gun shots now would they?
I personally believe the son and actually sons(RFK too) took the bullets because their old mans actions caught up with him.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:02 AM
Here's a theory, perhaps it's valid, so let's think about it.

How many of astronauts, or cosmonauts, went "nuts" up there? Many of them were "enlightened", experienced a mystical "unity with the Universe", like Edgar Mitchell for instance.

Does anyone have any statistics on this?

Because, people with such experience, which is caused by leaving the sphere of influence of planet Earth, suddenly become "unaccountable" by certain, institutional, standards.

Are those isolated incidents or does it happen to most of the astronauts who go further into space from Earth?

If this is to be taken into account, then it is logical to conclude that creating a manned base at the Moon is unrealistic. If the universal constant, as we know it is valid within Earth's system, changes as soon as we leave its sphere?

What if this experience occurs also inside a vehicle which is using the so called Tesla drive, which enables such movement which is apparently denying some physical laws (like how most UFO's behave)? That means that using those vehicles, even though it is possible to make them, is practically impossible because it affects human behavior by giving them a totally different coordinate system of awareness and motivation, which is opposed to the usual indoctrinating an protocolar behavior?

If someone was going to create such conditions on a massive scale, to enlighten humanity, for instance, he would most certainly be opposed by those who didn't want such change to occur. If JFK was aware of this, he wouldn't be the first "saint" to be crucified. Because such attempts are qualified as most dangerous form of opposition to the existing authority.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by DangerDeath]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by MaverickTheWise
Just my 2 cents on the topic - sorry for beeing short:

JFK was killed by a CIA team lead by Ethan Howard Hunt (daddy Bush heavily involved). A french assassin was also involved, but he was later killed in Mexico. Oswall was FBIs informant (and a MK Ultra victim). The original Zapruder film is in custody with the french intelligence still today.

(just a side note: mr. Hunt gave the name for Tom Cruises character in Mission Impossible were he's portrayed as a "hero" - not by coincident).

Photo: The french assassin

My source: one I deeply trust - I cannot confirm this or elaborate on it. As said, my 2 cents.

[edit on 7.11.2008 by MaverickTheWise]

Kennedy was obviously assassinated by his own intelligence community, the evidence for this IMO is self evident in the assassination itself.

Something this badly planned & executed could only be the offspring of an intelligence organization. The series of events read as bad as TJ Hooker script. Its only saving grace was the media being put to sleep, which delayed effective investigation.

As to Lucien Sarti and his corsican buddies being hired as the shooters, entirely possible, the most important part of enforced clandestine regime change, is keeping your hands clean. J Edgar spent many many years denying the existance of organized crime as long as he had a use for it.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 09:38 AM
There are obviously several possible motivations for a super-secret internal faction of CIA carrying out both the assassination and the coverup.

The two motivations I take most seriously are 1) JFK didn't like the idea of The Fed and wanted the USA to issue its own currency rather than borrow from The Fed. Of course, the Rothschilds and their London based puppeteers could not have this; 2) after JFK was "burned" and totally embarrassed by not getting a full and truthful pre-Bay-of-Pigs intel briefing (they wanted to drag him into a full-scale invasion of Cuba), he was determined to dismantle and reorganize the CIA and the whole intel community, which certain people within CIA could not stomach.

Ancillary motives... withdrawal from Vietnam (the Vietnam war was highly desired by the military/industrial complex as a defense spending engine for the economy; certain changes he wanted to make in how oil men profiteer; getting crossways with the mob; LBJ's ambition to become prez come hell or high water; womanizing out of control and harder to keep a lid on (Marylin Monroe, etc); and possibly JFK wanted to come clean with the American people about the existence of UFOs and alien visitors;... just to name a few.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by All Seeing Eye

There are several drains in the area. But I think that is the one in question here.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 10:38 AM
Here’s a little something, which may or may not be related, but could shed some light on the government’s research into Nazi UFO technology. Many of the Nazi scientists brought over through Paperclip were connected to the Jet Propulsion Lab, whose early membership strongly overlapped with the OTO. Well, check out this quote from NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin on March 29th, 2000

"I'd also like to acknowledge Admiral Inman, head of the JPL Oversight Committee at Cal Tech."

Now, this is quite interesting because a JPL Oversight Committee has never existed at Cal Tech.

Head of the this allegedly nonexistent committee is Bobby Ray Inman, who has an impressive track record in the intelligence community:

1974 – 1976: Director of Naval Intelligence
1976 – 1977: Director of DIA
1977 – 1981: Director of NSA
1981 – 1982: Director of CIA
Board of Directors on the Council on Foreign Relations
Board of Directors of Wackenhut

Wackenhut, founded by a circle of ex FBI and CIA agents, is dug in deep to the intelligence community:

Wackenhut has been tied to the US goverment since inception. The early board members included Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker, Gen. Mark Clark and Ralph E. Davis, a leader of the John Birch Society. Other members include former FBI director Clarence Kelley, former Defense secretary and CIA deputy director Frank Carlucci, former Defense Intelligence Agency director Gen. Joseph Carroll, former Secret Service director James J. Rowley, former Marine commandant P.X. Kelley, former CIA deputy director Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, and previous to becoming CIA director, William J. Casey as outside legal counsel.

Casey, a member of Le Cercle with Reinhard Gehlen, was a close friend of Roy Cohn, who is named a principal financer of Permindex.

Wackenhut is a joint venture partner along with MPRI, Kellogg Brown and Root and AGS in the civilian police training company Civilian Police International

Brown and Root is also named a financer of Permindex.

In the same above mentioned SPY Magazine article, 18 year terrorism expert and CIA analyst, William Corbett, stated "For years, Wackenhut has been involved with the CIA and other intelligence organizations, including the Drug Enforcement Agency. Wackenhut would allow the CIA to occupy positions within the company [in order to carry out] clandistine operations." He went on to say Wackenhut provided the intelligence agencies with information and was paid in return "in a quid pro quo arrangement". This would explain in part the huge number of contracts awarded to Wackenhut in delicate areas of the national security, such as embassies and nuclear plants, and the $150 million increase in work under the Reagan Administration.
Wackenhut was also involved in illegal US operations in Central America in the 1980s. By exploiting the Cabazon Indian reservation as a sovereign nation, they intended to produce and export explosives to the Contras, evading Congressional law to the contrary.[7][8]
The director of international operations at the time, Ernesto Bermudez, admitted to having 1,500 men in El Salvador doing "[t]hings you wouldn't want your mother to know about."

One of the employees of Wackenhut based at the Indian reservation was Michael Riconosciuto, the close friend of Fred Lee Crisman. Another Wackenhut employee, Robert Booth Nichols, sat on the Board of Directors of FIDCO, along with Robert Maheau and Clint Murchinson, which we have connected to JFK.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Someone336]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Someone336
..... by far the best resource I've used is Ganser Danielle's "NATO's Secret Army: Operation Gladio and Terrorism is Western Europe.

A seriously excellent resource. This book, or her master's thesis (same subject) should be on everyone's must read list. Once you realise how much of recent history is false flag operations, you'll never look at those in authority the same way. And that's a good thing!

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:18 AM
I believe the JFK crime was a first step in a slow motion coup which is still alive and flourishing today.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by Someone336

what do you think of this member's older thread?

do you think he's on to something??

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:28 PM
It was the Suite 8F Group. (see '***' below & also following posts)

Well, you've certainly research a lot of material. The work of Peter Dale Scott and Dave Emory and Mae Brussells and to a lesser extent, John Loftus, and Lyndon LaRouche certainly is source material documenting much of what you say. Also, see Daniel Hopsicker, who you'll find, as I did, starts where your OP stops, intuitively. I had gotten as far as you, but Hopsicker's info was VERY helpful on Mohammed Atta (WTC/911 pilot in charge) apparently a heroin runner for CIA for Fed for City of London, more below).

also see, ‘Obama (almost?) backed by Bush & Deutche Bank, Union Bank, Brown Bros Harriman, neo-Nazi's & ex-Enron execs, Carlyle’
Obama's 'insider's insider' Fannie Mae CEO Johnson RESIGNS & steps down from committee to find vice president.

I've done similar research.

My conclusion is that Brown-Brothers Harriman, specifically, Brown & Root Construction (a Halliburton subsidiary, 'Kelly, Brown & Root', the group that backed Johnson and thereafter got the military-industrial contracts for the next 30 years is noteworthy. (Bechtel, Halliburton, Brown & Root were founded by the private bankers that own the Fed -- what I call, the 'money-issuing' class -- who own the banks they just directed the U.S. Treasury to 'bail-out' in a huge taxpayer rip-off.)

However, note that the Brown banks and Brown-Brothers Harriman ARE MAJOR PRIVATE SHAREHOLDERS of the Federal Reserve Bank/City of London/Rockefellor/Thyssen central bank complex (NWO/CNWO).

(Also, see Daniel Hopsicker's work, re: by the way, Barry Seal was also in the same civil air patrol unit. Barry, a CIA agent, was the biggest heroin and coc aine and was a pal of some of the other folks you mention. Barry was allegedly offed by Oliver North, who then became the biggest heroin and coke dealer and trafficked via the Contras for coke and Monsour Al-Kassar the biggest narco-terrorist in the mideast (who co-owns the Syrian poppy fields w/the king of Syria) -- AND Seal et all used neighboring airports to those used by Mohammed Atta (the WTC/911) head pilot and his fellow 6 German ('muslim-extremists') pilots whose home base was an airport in Florida busted for trafficking 60 kilos of heroin and is implicated in renting planes to the CIA) -- therefore, the Kennedy assassination AND WTC/911, among other things, was alsoa power-grab for control of the world heroin market and coc aine markets --

note Oswald look-a-like in bottom right
Goss second on left, between CIA pilot-drug smuggler Barry Seal (third left) & CIA assassin Felix Rodriguez (front left), Cuban vice cop under corrupt Mob-run Batista regime became Iran Contra operative confidant of George H.W. Bush. Covering face w/his sport coat) Frank Sturgis, famous as Watergate burglar.

videos ... WTC/911 terrorist Mohamed Atta's blond girlfriend gives exclusive interviews

Daniel Hopsicker's, 'Mohamed Atta & Venice Flying Circus' video trailer

Another of his video's:

To see how Mohammed Atta fits into: "MOHAMMED ATTA … at TERRORIST MOTEL-- GOP & UNDERGROUND REICH & WTC/911 & MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD & 2012", go to series of post in this string: --
JOHN O'NEILL tracked bin Laden for years before WTC/911 -- but BUSH & FBI would not let him proceed. There's an excellent 2-hour one-man show url here at this posting

interesting celestial & intuitive timing on all this for me ... what about you?

As for title of article based on this thread -- maybe 'ratlines' could be one of subtitles, when I first break thread into it's major movements. (In this thread also I embrace Tri-Border Area, Fed/Bank of England/Bundesbank terrorist/ drug/ deathsquad/ hit-team world center. Interestingly placed in Bormann-run/controlled territory.

more of Hopsicker's research:
WTC/911 heroin connection

May 7, 2008 -- Drug Pilot, VOTING MACHINE EXEC killed on CIA Plane

'Saudi Flights' on Mob, CIA-Linked Air Charters, by Daniel Hopsicker

Feb 2008 -- Same plane that flew McCain also flew Saudis out of U.S.A. after 911

Jan 2008 -- CIA drug planes part of massive 50-plane deal, by Daniel Hopsicker

Jessie James, Ollie North, Ku Klux Klan, Special Forces linked to MLK,jr & Barry Seal murders

NOTE, re: below: Fred Korth's daughter allegedly put a shotgun in her mouth and blew her head off -- the same way Sergie DeMohrenshielt allegedly did.

***Here's an excerpt from the appendix of one of my books: []American Civilian Counter-terrorist Manual[/url]

Brown & Root enjoyed a special military-industrial contract reward relationship with Lyndon Johnson from when Johnson was a Senator in the late 1940s, before, during and after JFK … with the Suite 8F Group.

Appendix 2 ~ Suite 8F, JFK, RMK-BRJ, Halliburton, and Kellogg, Brown & Root
Fred Korth joined the Democratic Party and worked with John Connally helping Lyndon B. Johnson with his 1948 election campaign.
In 1952, Harry S. Truman appointed Korth Assistant Army Secretary under Frank Pace.

In 1953, Korth and Pace left office. Pace became CEO of General Dynamics Corp. in Texas. Korth returned to law and became director of Bell Aerospace Corporation. Chairman of the company, Lawrence Bell, was a fellow member of Suite 8F Group. Korth was also president of Continental National Bank of Fort Worth, one of General Dynamics’ bankers.

In the last months of the Eisenhower administration, Air Force said it needed a successor to its F-105 tactical fighter … the TFX/F-111 project.
January 1961, Robert McNamara changed TFX from an Air Force program to a joint Air Force/Navy program. October 1961, Air Force and Navy sent the aircraft industry requests for proposals and work statements on the TFX, due December, 1961. Bids were submitted by Lockheed Aircraft, North American Aviation, Boeing, Republic Aviation & Chance Vought, General Dynamics & Grumman Aircraft, and McDonnell Aircraft & Douglas Aircraft.

Boeing was expected to get the contract. Its competitor was General Dynamics/Grumman. General Dynamics was a leading military contractor during the early stages of the Cold War, in 1958 it obtained $2,239,000,000 worth of government business. More than 80 percent of the firm’s business came from the government. However, the company lost $27 million in 1960 and $143 million in 1961. According to Richard Austin Smith in Fortune Magazine, General Dynamics was close to bankruptcy.

Smith claimed that “unless it gets the contract for the joint Navy-Air Force fighter (TFX)… the company was down the road to receivership”.
General Dynamics had several factors in its favor. President of the company was Frank Pace, Army Secretary (Apr. 1950-Jan. 1953). Deputy Defense Secretary was Roswell Gilpatric, previously General Dynamics chief counsel. Navy Secretary was John Connally, a politician from Texas, where General Dynamics was located.

Connally left the job in January 1962, JFK appointed Korth Navy Secretary. According to author Seth Kantor, Korth got the job after strong lobbying from Lyndon Johnson. A few weeks after taking the post, Korth overruled top Navy officers who proposed the X-22 contract be given to Douglas Aircraft Corp. Korth insisted the contract be granted to the more expensive bid of Bell Corp., a subsidiary of Bell Aerospace of Fort Worth … creating controversy, since Korth was a former director of Bell.
Korth became involved in discussions about the TFX contract. Korth was former president of Continental Bank and loaned General Dynamics great amounts of money during the 1950s and 1960s.

John McClellan, chairman of the Permanent Investigations Committee, continued looking into the activities of Billie Sol Estes and Bobby Baker. During this investigation, evidence emerged that Lyndon B. Johnson was also involved in political corruption. This included the award of a $7 billion contract for a fighter plane, the TFX, to General Dynamics, a company based in Texas.
When it was discovered that Continental National Bank of Fort Worth, was the principal money source for the General Dynamics plant. As a result of this revelation Korth resigned from office in October, 1963. On 22 November, 1963, a friend of Baker’s, Don B. Reynolds ... told B. Everett Jordan and his Senate Rules Committee he saw a suitcase full of money ...which, Baker described as a “$100,000 payoff to Johnson for his role in securing the Fort Worth TFX contract”.


[edit on 8-11-2008 by counterterrorist]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:30 PM
There is a lot of stuff covered here that I am familiar with. There are somethings I have read or been told by researchers and others, that could be relevant that aren't mentioned..... One thing that has really raised a red flag for me, was in a book that I think was stolen, but there was a reference to a connection between Jackie Kennedy's stepfather and George deMohrenschilt, stating that the latter was a frequent house guest of the family's during the early 1940s.... I was in Downtown Dallas 3 hours after J.F.K had been declared dead, and the "Dallas Times Herald" had run an Extra Edition of the paper that I saved for years. Things were in that edition that have not been mentioned since, such as, Secret Service Men were dispatched to Midland Texas to debrief a Texas "businessman".... Think about that.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

(this is a following post to

John McClellan, chairman of the Senate subcommittee investigating the TFX contract said, he wanted to interview Don Reynolds. However, for some reason the subcommittee didn’t resume investigation until 1969, after Johnson left office.
After resigning as Secretary of Navy, Korth worked as a lawyer in Washington. In 1969, he was elected to the board of OKC Corporation, in Dallas. Later that year Fred Korth’s daughter Verita, allegedly killed herself with a shotgun.
In 1932, several politicians from Texas assumed important positions of power in Washington. John Garner became House Speaker. Texans became chairmen of important committees ...Samuel Rayburn, Interstate and Foreign Commerce ...Joseph Mansfield, Rivers and Harbors Committee ...Hatton Sumners, Judiciary Committee ...Marvin Jones, Agriculture Committee ...Fritz Lanham, Public Buildings and Grounds Committee.

Historian Robert Caro’s, Lyndon Johnson, Path to Power, comments.
“Texans were elected on December 7, 1931, not only to the Speakership of the House but to chairmanship of five of its most influential committees, Lyndon Johnson’s first day in the Capitol was the day Texas came to power in it … a power that the state was to hold, with only the briefest interruptions, for more than thirty years,” Caro said.

In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt selected John Garner as running mate and on 8 November Garner was elected Vice President. Garner was able to use this position to promote political careers of other Texans. He recommended that Jesse H. Jones should become chairman of Reconstruction Finance Corporation. This became a crucial post in Roosevelt’s New Deal policies and Jones had responsibility of directing billions of dollars to help support American industry. Jones took control of the Federal Loan Agency, Federal Housing Authority, and Home Owners Loan Corporation. Jones was described as a ‘fourth branch of government’.

Samuel Rayburn, chairman of Interstate & Foreign Commerce Committee, played an important role establishing Federal Communications Commission. In 1937, Rayburn became majority leader and held the post for three years.

Several of these Texas politicians were involved in the Suite 8F Group, a collection of right-wing businessmen. The name comes from the room in the Lamar Hotel in Houston where they held their meetings. Members of the group included ...George Brown and Herman Brown of Brown & Root ...Jesse H. Jones, a multi-millionaire investor in a large number of organizations and chairman of Reconstruction Finance Corp. ...Gus Wortham of American General Insurance Company ...James Abercrombie of Cameron Iron Works ...Hugh R. Cullen of Quintana Petroleum ...William Hobby, Governor of Texas and owner of Houston Post ...William Vinson of Great Southern Life Insurance ...James Elkins of American General Insurance and Pure Oil Pipe Line ...Morgan Davis of Humble Oil ...Albert Thomas, chairman of House Appropriations Committee ...Lyndon B. Johnson, Majority Leader of the Senate ...and, John Connally a Texas politician. Alvin Wirtz, Thomas Corcoran, Homer Thornberry and Edward Clark, were lawyers who worked with the Suite 8F Group.
Suite 8F helped coordinate political activities of right-wing politicians and businessmen in the South. This included ...Robert Anderson, president of the Texas Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association, later Secretary of Navy, later Secretary of Treasury
[Editor’s note: more about Robert Anderson Robert Bernerd Anderson, born Burleson, Texas, 4 June 1910. Graduated from University of Texas Law School. Worked as a lawyer until he became member of Texas State House of Representatives in 1932. Following year, appointed as Assistant Attorney General of Texas. In 1934, he became a Texas State Tax Commissioner. Anderson purchased KTBC Radio Station. In 1943, sold it to the wife of Lyndon B. Johnson for $17,500. By 1951, station earned $3,000 a week. A close friend of Sid Richardson and Clint Murchison, Anderson became president of Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association. When Dwight Eisenhower won the presidency, Anderson, became Secretary of Navy. May 1954, Anderson left his Navy post to become Deputy Secretary of Defense. From 1957 to 1961, served as President Eisenhower’s Secretary of Treasury. In this post he introduced legislation beneficial to the oil industry. After leaving office, he was active in business, investment and banking affairs, and carried out diplomatic missions on behalf of President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was also reported he worked as a consultant and lobbyist for Sun Myung Moon and his Church of Unification. In 1987, Anderson was found guilty of tax evasion. This was related to possible money laundering involving an unregistered off-shore bank he operated. He was disbarred and sent to prison. Robert B. Anderson died in New York City on 14 August 1989.]

(cont). Suite 8F helped coordinate political activities of right-wing politicians and businessmen in the South. This included ...Robert Anderson ...Robert Kerr, of Kerr-McGee Oil Industries ...Billie Sol Estes, an entrepreneur in the cotton industry ...Glenn McCarthy, McCarthy Oil & Gas Company ...Earl E. T. Smith, U.S. Sugar Corporation ...Fred Korth, Continental National Bank and Navy Secretary ...Ross Sterling, Humble Oil ...Sid Richardson, a Texas oil millionaire ...Clint Murchison, Delhi Oil ...Haroldson L. Hunt, Placid Oil ...Eugene B. Germany, Mustang Oil Company ...Lawrence D. Bell, Bell Helicopters ...William Pawley, with business interests in Cuba ...Gordon McLendon, KLIF ...George Smathers, Finance Committee and businessman ...Richard Russell, chairman of the Committee of Manufacturers, Committee on Armed Forces, and Committee of Appropriations ...James Eastland, chairman Judiciary Committee ...Benjamin Jordan, chairman of Senate Rules Committee ...Fred Black and Bobby Baker, of Serve-U Corp., also political lobbyists.

A major concern of this group was to protect interests of the Texas oil industry. The most prolific oil reserves in the U.S. were discovered in October, 1930. The East Texas Oilfield included Rusk, Upshur, Gregg, and Smith counties. The first small company to find oil in East Texas was Deep Rock Oil Company. The first investor to take advantage of the discovery was Haroldson L. Hunt. He bought 5,000 acres of leases and an eighty-acre tract for $1,335,000. Hunt soon owned 500 wells in East Texas.
The discovery of oil in Texas made a small group of men a great deal of money. They decided to join together in order to maintain their profits. This included strategies for keeping the price of oil as high as possible. The rich East Texas field caused problems, as it initially caused the price of oil to fall.

Ross Sterling, former owner of Humble Oil was elected governor of Texas and took office Jan. 20, 1931. Texas Railroad Commission, under control of large oil producers, attempted to limit production of oil … prorationing … in the new fields of East Texas. July 31 1931, the federal court in Houston sided with a group of independent oil producers and ruled Texas Railroad Commission had no right to impose prorationing.
Large oil companies in Texas, such as Humble Oil, were in favor of prorationing, and Sterling came under great pressure to intervene. August 16 1931, Sterling declared martial law in Rusk, Upshur, Gregg, and Smith counties.

In his proclamation, Sterling declared independent oil producers in these counties were “in a state of insurrection [and] reckless and illegal exploitation of oil must be stopped until such time as said resources may be properly conserved and developed under protection of civil authorities.”

Sterling ordered commander of Texas National Guard, Jacob F. Wolters, to “without delay shut down each and every producing crude oil well or producing well of natural gas.”
Wolters was chief lobbyist of several major oil companies in Texas and readily used a thousand troops to make sure that the oil wells in East Texas ceased production.
Texas Railroad Commission was now in control of the world’s most prolific oil fields. It controlled the supply of oil in the U.S.
The price of oil began to increase.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt gained power, he attempted to push a bill through Congress to give his Secretary of Interior, Harold Ickes, authority to regulate domestic oil production. Sam Rayburn, a politician from Texas, as chairman of House Committee on Interstate & Foreign Commerce, was able to kill the bill. It was left to another powerful Texan, Tom Connally, to sponsor the Connally Hot Oil Act. This gave Texas Railroad Commission authority to proration oil.

Texas oil millionaires fought hard to maintain tax concessions. The oil depletion allowance was introduced in 1913 … and allowed producers to use the depletion allowed to deduct 5% of their income …the deduction was limited to original cost of their property. In 1926 the depletion allowance increased to 27.5%.

In the 1930s, Suite 8F group was hostile to Roosevelt and the New Deal. Edward A. Clark arranged for a meeting to take place between Herman Brown and Lyndon Johnson. Brown and Root now grew rapidly as a result of obtaining a large number of municipal and federal government projects. This included the Colorado River Marshall Ford Dam project, worth $27,000,000. In a letter written to Lyndon Johnson, George Brown admitted the company was set to make a $2,000,000 profit. In 1940, the company won a $90 million contract to build Naval Air Station at Corpus Christi.


posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

(this is a follow-on post to

Congress granted Jones and Reconstruction Finance Corporation power to distribute funds to prepare for war.
This included creation of Defense Plant Corporation and Defense Supplies Corporation … during WWII Jones was responsible for spending 20 billion dollars.

In 1942, George Brown and Herman Brown established Brown Shipbuilding Company on the Houston Ship Channel. Over three years, the company built 359 ships and employed 25,000 people in contracts initially worth $27,000,000 and eventually worth $357,000,000. Until they got the contract, Brown & Root had never built a ship of any type.
Another businessman who did well out of the war was Lawrence D. Bell, head of Bell Aircraft Corp., builders of P-39 Airacobra, P-39D and P-59 Airacomet, America’s first jet-powered airplane.
After WWII, Bell Aircraft concentrated on helicopters and in Bell had the idea of making a 47-B available for Lyndon Johnson during his 1948 election campaign. With a helicopter, Johnson could land in town and give a speech on the landing spot, eliminating the need for car trips from the airstrip. Bell moved his company from New York to Fort Worth. Johnson, now a member of Naval Affairs Committee, helped Bell sell helicopters to the U.S. Military.
In 1954, Paul Douglas spoke in the Senate of tax reforms to eliminate privileges like oil depletion allowance. Douglas attempted to join the important Finance Committee. He held seniority priority and should have been given one of two available seats on the committee. Johnson applied pressure on Harry Byrd, chairman of the Finance Committee, to prevent this.
In 1955, Lyndon Johnson became Senate majority leader. Johnson and Richard Russell had control over all important Senate committees. Money to bribe these politicians came from Russell’s network of businessmen, involved in the oil and armaments industries.
According to John Connally, large sums of money were given to Johnson in the 1950s for distribution to his political friends, “I handled inordinate amounts of cash”. This money came from oilmen. Cornel Wilde worked for Gulf Oil Corp. In 1959 he took over from David Searls as chief paymaster to Johnson …he testified, he made regular payments of $10,000 to Walter Jenkins.
In 1956, there was another attempt to end all federal price control over natural gas. Sam Rayburn played an important role in getting it through the House of Representatives …according to Connally, Rayburn was responsible for 1.5 million dollars of lobbying.
Paul Douglas and William Langer led the fight against the bill. Their campaign was helped by an amazing speech by Francis Case of South Dakota. Up until this time, Case had been a supporter of the bill. However, he announced he’d been offered a $25,000 bribe by Superior Oil Company to guarantee his vote. As a man of principal, he thought he should announce this fact to the Senate.

Lyndon Johnson responded by claiming Case had come under pressure to make this statement from people who wanted to retain federal price controls. Johnson argued, “In all my twenty-five years in Washington I have never seen a campaign of intimidation equal to the campaign put on by the opponents of this bill.”
Johnson pushed on with the bill, it was passed by 53 votes to 38. However, three days later, President Dwight Eisenhower vetoed the bill ... on grounds of immoral lobbying.
Eisenhower confided in his diary this was “the most flagrant kind of lobbying brought to my attention [that there was a] great stench around the passing of this bill [and people involved were] so arrogant and so much in defiance of acceptable standards of propriety as to risk creating doubt among the American people concerning the integrity of governmental processes”.

Senators called for an investigation into the lobbying of the oil industry by Thomas Hennings, chairman of the Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections. Johnson was unwilling to let a senator not under his control look into the matter. Instead, Johnson set up a select committee chaired by Walter F. George of Georgia, a member of the Southern Caucus. Johnson had again exposed himself as being in the pay of the oil industry.
Drew Pearson of Washington Post picked up this story and wrote articles about Lyndon Johnson and the oil industry. Pearson claimed Johnson was the “real godfather of the bill”. Pearson explored Johnson’s relationship with George Brown and Herman Brown. Pearson reported on large sums of money flowing from Brown & Root, the “big gas pipeline company” to Johnson. Pearson referred to large government contracts Brown & Root obtained during the WWII period. Pearson quoted a Senate report there was “no room for a contractor like Brown & Root on Federal projects”.
Nevertheless, Johnson helped Brown & Root win several contracts including one to build air-naval bases in Spain.

NOTE: Fourth Reich underground intelligence was run by Otto Skorzeny in Madrid.

Johnson was in serious trouble and sought a private meeting with Pearson. Johnson offered the journalist a deal, if Pearson dropped the investigation, Johnson would support Estes Kefauver in the primaries. Pearson accepted the deal, writing in his diary, “I figured I might do that much for Estes Kefauver. This is the first time I’ve ever made a deal like this, I feel unhappy about it. With the Presidency of the United States at stake, maybe it’s justified, maybe not … I don’t know.”
The decision by President Eisenhower to veto this bill angered the oil industry. Sid Richardson and Clint Murchison renewed negotiations with Eisenhower. June 1957, Eisenhower agreed to appoint their man, Robert Anderson, as Secretary of the Treasury. According to Robert Sherrill’s, Accidental President, “A few weeks later Anderson was appointed to a cabinet committee to ‘study’ the oil import situation; out of this study came the present-day program which benefits major oil companies, international oil giants primarily, by one billion dollars a year.”

During the 1960 presidential election John F. Kennedy gave his support for the oil depletion allowance. Oct. 1960 Kennedy said, “I realize its purpose and value. The oil-depletion allowance has served us well.”
On advice of Lyndon Johnson, Kennedy appointed John Connally Navy Secretary, an important post controlling much federal spending, including the contract to provide oil to the Navy. When Connally became Governor of Texas, Johnson arranged for fellow Texan Fred Korth, to become new Navy Secretary.

October 16, 1962 Kennedy was able to persuade Congress to pass an act that removed the distinction between repatriated profits and profits reinvested abroad. As a result, oilmen saw a fall in earnings on foreign investment from 30% to 15%.

Jan. 1963, President Kennedy presented his proposal for tax reform, including relieving tax burdens of low-income and elderly. Kennedy claimed he wanted to remove privileges and loopholes, and do away with the oil depletion allowance.

It was estimated the removal of the oil depletion allowance would result in a loss of 300 million dollars a year to Texas oilmen. Nov. 1963, Fred Korth resigned as a result of accusations of corruption following the award of a 7 billion dollar contract for the TFX fighter plane to General Dynamics in Texas.

Johnson could not afford to appoint another Texan in this post. Instead he selected Paul Nitze. Nitze had been a vice president of Dillion Read in the mid-1930s.
[Ed’s note, Dillion Read Venture Capital merged with SG Warburg in 1997 creating Warburg Dillion Read.]
The assassination of John F. Kennedy brought an end to the proposal to bring an end to the oil depletion allowance.

Suite 8F Group did well out of escalation of the Vietnam War. They formed a new company … RMK-BRJ … to obtain military-industrial contracts. This included Halliburton, that took over Brown & Root in 1962.

These contracts included building jet runways, dredging channels for ships, hospitals, prisons, communications facilities, and building American bases from DaNang to Saigon. RMK-BRJ did 97% of the construction work in Vietnam. The other 3% went to local Vietnamese contractors. Between 1965 and 1972 Brown & Root (Halliburton) alone obtained revenues of $380 million from its work in Vietnam.
Senator Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut attempted to expose this scandal. He claimed that millions was being paid in kickbacks. An investigation by the General Accounting Office discovered that by 1967 RMK-BRJ had ‘lost’ $120 million. However, GAO never managed to identify the people obtaining these kickbacks.

Another company associated with Suite 8F Group that did well out of the Vietnam War was Bell Helicopter Corp., which began producing the UH-1 helicopter. It could climb 2,000 feet per minute and fly 125 m.p.h. for three hours, carry nine equipped soldiers and a crew of four. By 1969, Bell Helicopter Corp. was selling $600 million worth of helicopters to the U.S. Military. According to Robert Bryce … “Vietnam made Bell Helicopters.”
Anti-war protesters decided George Brown was a mastermind of corruption. Demonstrations against him took place everywhere Brown went. It got so bad, Brown advised Lyndon Johnson to withdraw from Vietnam. Brown told Johnson, that if Johnson did not do this, the war would destroy both men. It did destroy Johnson, but Brown survived the protests.
Johnson’s resignation as president was a body blow to the Suite 8F group.


posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

(this is a follow-on to

Johnson’s resignation as president was a body blow to the Suite 8F group. However, they made preparations. John Connally got Richard Nixon involved with the group. Connally arranged for Nixon to meet Suite 8F members at his ranch in Texas. This resulted in Connally becoming Treasury Secretary. However, they did not get the success that Johnson achieved in the 1950s and 1960s, because they were not able to control chairmanships of important Senate committees.

Kellogg, Brown & Root is an American engineering and construction company, a private military contractor and a subsidiary of Halliburton.

After Halliburton acquired Dresser Industries in 1998, Dresser’s engineering subsidiary, M.W. Kellogg, an engineering contractor, started as a pipe fabrication business by Morris W. Kellogg in 1900 and was acquired by Dresser in 1988, merged with Halliburton’s construction subsidiary, Brown & Root, to form Kellogg, Brown, & Root.
The legacy of Brown & Root, having had many contracts with the U.S. military during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as well as during World War II and the Vietnam War. KBR is the largest non-union construction company in the U. S.

Brown and Root was founded in Texas in 1919 by two brothers, George R. Brown and Herman Brown … with money from their brother-in-law, Dan Root. The company began operations by supervising building of warships for U.S. Navy.

One of its first large-scale projects, according to Cadillac Desert, was to build a dam on the Texas Colorado River near Austin during the Depression years. For assistance in federal payments, the company turned to local congressman, Lyndon Baines Johnson.
During World War II, Brown & Root built Corpus Christi Naval Air Station and a series of warships for the U.S. Government. In 1947, Brown & Root built one of the world’s first offshore oil platforms.
Following the death of Herman Brown, Halliburton acquired Brown & Root in December 1962.

According to author Dan Briody, the company became part of a consortium of four companies that built about eighty-five percent of the infrastructure needed by the Army during the Vietnam War.
At the height of the war resistance movement of the 1960s, Brown & Root was derided as ‘Burn & Loot’ by protesters.
Robert Bryce, contributing editor at Austin Chronicle, and author of, Candidate from Brown & Root, comments.

Herman Brown’s huge bet on the Mansfield Dam just keeps paying off. It made Brown a rich man. It secured the future of his company. It led to other big projects that provided funds to elect Lyndon Johnson to the U.S. Senate in 1948 and to the White House years later. Today, 63 years after Johnson helped secure federal funding for the dam, it appears the modern descendent of George Brown’s Brown & Root may again be propelling a Texas politico toward the White House. Call it fate, dumb luck, or clever politics. Brown & Root is a subsidiary of the Halliburton Company, the Dallas-based oil services conglomerate that formerly employed Dick Cheney as CEO and chairman of its executive board.

Like LBJ before him, Cheney used his association with Halliburton and Brown & Root to enrich himself and gain political power. Halliburton announced it was giving Cheney a retirement package worth more than $33.7 million, on top of $10 million Cheney earned in salary, bonuses and stock options at Halliburton since 1995.


posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by fmcanarney

Actually I believe it started in the early 1930's with the Fascist's attempt to overthrow FDR and finally succeeded November 22, 1963. On January 20, 2009, the debt owed by the PTB, for that action, will have been faithfully fulfilled. The book will be closed as we now step into the new era of Obama.

Another poster made remarks regarding the possibility of 2 Lee Harvey Oswalds. I submit the following:

September 1959 US Passport photo:

"Oswald" in Moscow October 1959, just one month later:

IMHO there was a swap made between his leaving the US and his supposed arrival in Moscow. A no-neck strapping Marine (passport photo) "leaves" the US and this wimpy guy shows up, in Moscow, claiming to be Lee Harvey Oswald. I just don't buy it.

I do have one question. Oswald's revolver misfired twice during his arrest at the Texas Theater. The revolver was found to have a damaged firing pin which made it inoperable. How did this LHO shoot Officer Tippet with this pistol?

What do you make of the automatic shell casings and a LHO wallet, with I.D., found at the scene of the Tippet killing. Did you also know that the LHO arrested in the Texas Theater also had a wallet on him with a full set of Oswald/Hidell I.D's.

The key to the 2 Oswalds is to be found in the circumstances surrounding the killing of Officer J.D. Tippet. IMHO, both "Oswalds" were there.

An absolutely outstanding OP and thread. One of the best I've seen here at ATS.

Bravo, OP

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

Wow Counterterrorist, lots of great info! The Suite 8F would definitely dove-tail and fit right into the web that I believed carried out the assassination, which is FIDCO-Permindex-1001 Club, and its smaller subsidiaries like the New Orleans Trade Mart, Wackenhut, and Bell Aviation. I was also fascinated by the mentions of John Connally, who not only received a bullet that day, but was named in the Torbitt document as a financier of Permindex. Connally, years later, was an investor in the Main Bank of Houston. The director of Main Bank was James R. Bath, an investor in George Bush's "Arbusto Energy" along with Salem Bin Laden, and worked with the BCCI Bank. Another investor in the Main Bank was Khalid Bin Mahfouz, who was charged with funding al-Qaeda. When Salem Bin Laden mysteriously died after his involvement in BCCI came out, his assets in Arbusto were passed to Mahfouz.

Was George Bush Sr. at Dealy Plaza that day?

I'm not completely sold on that one, but its interesting none the less, considering Prescott Bush and Humble Oil keep popping up.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Someone336]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by Someone336

wow.... you wasted a lot of time on this theory... but... go for it... it fits in with the 53 other versions of his asassination.

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