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What Happened to Frederick Valentich? Possibly the scariest UFO case ever

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posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by JustMike

Mike, thanks for your post: since you 've heard the actual transmission, you may be very helpful: i've found this video on YouTube, the voices sound convincing to me, but i've never heard the actual transmission, i have no clue wether they are the genuine ones or not: would you please listen to it and let us know? Thanks in advance

Absolutely rubbish video (i won't even embed it), but it may contain some interesting evidence: if it's the case, then we could track down its original source.

[edit on 11/11/2008 by internos]

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by internos

Hi internos,

thanks for the link. That's a pretty hideous video but I guess it might be interesting for some. However, the voices used in the "conversation" are not from the original tape. For one thing, they both have "American" accents. Valentich had a typically Aussie voice, as did the ATC in the Melbourne tower. If they had not had, then I would have remembered it for sure simply because it would have sounded so "odd". (In the same way that Aussie voices would sound "odd" to many non-Aussies.) On the original tape, they sounded "normal" to me -- meaning Aussie.

The dead giveaway is that the "Valentich" in this youtube video pronounces "Melbourne" as "Melborn", which is not how we say it. It's "Melbn". (Something like saying "Melbun" but not exactly.) He also pronounces "due" as "do", which is common in the US but absolutely not in Australia, where it's pronounced as a dipthong. There are other clues as well but you can take my word for it that the the voices used in that vid are not "Australian" and it's merely a re-enactment.

I have hunted high and low for a copy of the actual tape. Seems incredible that none exists. If anyone can track down a copy then please post a link! I distinctly recall hearing it on the TV news at the time (with subtitles as it was, typically, not crystal-clear), so maybe (just maybe) one of the Aussie networks has a copy in their archives? Anyone got a friend in the right place who could errrm get their hands on a copy?
This was a BIG story back then so it's unlikely it just got thrown out with the "everyday" sort of newsreels.

One other thing. Some other websites I've checked state that Valentich did file a flight plan but it was only a one-way plan to King Island. Some who don't know procedure might find that odd. However, it's not so strange: if the return time is uncertain then you file one-way and lodge your return FP with the tower at your takeoff location (if it has one) just prior to your return. Anyway, a quick google of "Valentich flight plan" brings up several sites that state he filed a plan, but with no return. Why the official DOT report says he filed a plan for both ways ("from Moorabbin to King Island and return") is something I wonder about. I also wonder why some reports say he didn't submit one. Like I said in another post, that sounded suspicious to me. I guess to confuse things? It worked in my case: I was confused for several minutes till I rechecked and confirmed he filed one!


posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by JustMike

Thank you for finding the time to listen to it !

Some people claim that the tape is no longer available because "it's not nice to share the last minutes words' of a man" but i really can't take this explanation seriously, and anyway one thing is to keep it away from the public, another one is to ERASE it
The original audi, together with the six frames taken by Roy Manifold are evidence: no matter if they don't prove anything: they are evidences, and we miss them

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 12:09 PM
I would challenge anyone to look at a number of green flash photos particularly the cylindrical green ones with yellow lights inside and a metalic bluish tinge to their exterior and explain to me why this does not conform to what frederick was describing.
The Manifold photos show a disclike anteriormotion on the setting sun- exactly what is seen before flash formation. He was at exactly the right time sundown and place -unobstructed horizon over water when flash sightings are classically made. His sighting is timed at a little over six mins, highly unusual but not impossible.-And not unprecidented . The 35 min sighting is not the only prolonged flash on record. Bass Straight is not antartic but still on quite a southerly lattitude. The longer a green flash sighting is made the more intermittent it becomes , was he not reporting the object appearing and dissapearing ? His final comment object above me demonstrates he was very close to flipping a plane that could not be flown uspidedown.
When a genuinely unusual phenomenon such as a prolonged green flash is seen that historically only a handful of have ever seen , a 20year old star wars enthusiast flying solo at night is unquestionably going to start thinking UFO. His transcript shows he was fixated on this object rather than flying his plane - a distracted aircrew can be as dangerous as a distracted driver.
Make no mistake this was a tragic case but it does have a rational explanation.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Other ATS Topic Thread 2005

LINK to article and sources of article composure below.

One evening in August 1982 near the village of Iman, Primorskiy kray, Far East, Russia Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valerianovich Kazantsev, Commander of a frontier guard detachment near the hamlet of Iman, received a report of a suspicious man arrested by soldiers from his unit near the Soviet-Chinese border...

What happened to the material evidence next is the following. The mysterious plate was transferred to the Australian embassy. A special commission was created there; a graphic, logical study was made. Style and grammar of the letter was compared with other material written by Valentich, obtained from the Melbourne Air Club (like flight records written by Valentich). The Australian commission came to the conclusion that the text on the plate and the records in the flight journal from the Melbourne aviation club belonged to one and the same person---none other than Frederick Valentich. The evidence was so strong that it was ready to go to court....

Perhaps even more alarming is a case investigated by Spanish researcher Manuel Carballal. According to the testimony of a number of witnesses, a young man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who mysteriously disappeared in 1978 was alive and well in 1990 at Plaza del Charco, a seaport square on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Displaying an Australian passport....

Some Webpage with links to her sources for blogging

I myself have a hard time believing the real Valentich wouldn't contact his father...

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by internos

Internos, that YouTube footage was posted last year as an ATS thread.

Check here to read the thread...

At the very least, he did make an effort to bring the case 'alive'.

I heard the transcript on TV, when the story broke. I was almost seven years old, but I remember hearing it.

I'm going to ask VUFORS who has a copy when I'm at the next meeting, Dec 1st. Not long to wait, hopefully.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
I dont get it... If wreckage was never found, and the original tapes for the communications were lost or destroyed, how does anyone have a transcript of what was said?

Thats a rumour that they were lost


The original recording was actually played on TV shortly after the incident occured, in fact some members have actually heard it.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:11 AM
I reccomend people to the site "Antarctic astronomy amateur astronomy attempts on the high antartic plateau. " On this site is a video tape of a fifteen minute green flash recorded on august 2005 at Concordic observatory antartica. This footage is remarkable, please observe the way the flash appears and dissappears but also shows a Zig-Zag pattern often changing direction mostly moving R-L but at times reversing. Something that suprised me I always thought this was a relatively stationary effect. Did our Frederick not describe exactly this type of motion ? Take note of the green cylindrical streaks with multiple lights nested within them. There is also a beautiful picture of a green ray with a full rainbow spectrum inside it. This is unequivocal scientific evidence that long green flashes do exist also all the strange forms that this effect can assume are still not fully known. The longest are at polar regions the shortest at equatorial. As I pointed out Bass Straight is not polar but still quite southerly. A six min sighting is not impossible,especially in conjunction with atmospheric inversion. An unusual presentation of green flash is a very real possibility in this case and should be professionally investigated. I believe this case can be solved without having to resort to alien abduction, surely his family deserves a better explanation than that. The truth IS out there , it is up to us to put it together...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I would challenge anyone to look at a number of green flash photos particularly the cylindrical green ones with yellow lights inside and a metalic bluish tinge to their exterior and explain to me why this does not conform to what frederick was describing.

I would like you to prove how a green flash can persist for over 30 minutes, defying all the green flash and weather experts in the world

I would like you to debunk all 50 seperate observations of UFO related sighting in the area over the weeks prior and after and during the event

Im a skeptic more than most around here, esepcially when it comes to weather phenomenen (due to working in the Bureau of Meteorology) being mistaken for other things. But saying green flash is responisble is going over the top. Unless a sun sits on the horizon, setting for 25 minutes, then what you are saying is impossible

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by kidflash2008
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I think he probably crashed and they will never find any wreckage like Amelia Earhart. Many of the mysterious plane crashes have been found lately, from the planes of the Bermuda Triangle to the South American plane where the pilot did not recognize anything during the snowstorm (It turned out he was flying into a mountain range and not the airport).
While this case sounds mysterious, there is no doubt a rational explanation. The pilot was not experienced and crashed. Did he actually see a UFO? That may never be known.

Wasn't that the plane that had passengers on it in the 40's/50' sand it crashed into the side of a mountain because they flew back then with maps and clocks? They didn't know about the gulf stream back then, and they flew into a cloud, and theyre calculations told them it was time to descend for the airport, but the gulf stream (high winds at altitude) slowed them down, so when they thought they were coming in to land they were actually about to crash into the side of the mountain?
And in the 70's they knew about the high winds and made adjustments , surely this 20 year old would've know about all that? still an intriging story though.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith the 70's they knew about the high winds and made adjustments , surely this 20 year old would've know about all that? still an intriging story though.

Well, Valentich might have known a fair bit about such phenomena as high winds, though it's been noted in reports that he was still undertaking studies in meteorology. However, high winds were not a factor in this case as the weather was good and in fact he made no mention of difficulties related to strong winds. In any case he wasn't flying at very high altitude so exceptionally high winds (ie jetstream effects) were extremely unlikely. My own feeling is that he was distracted by what he saw and simply flew into the sea. Even experienced pilots have made similar mistakes and he wasn't very experienced. Any unusual event that distracts a solo pilot in a small aircraft can be fatal if the pilot does not keep a close eye on altitude and horizon.

Back in Jan 1977 (on a Sunday if my memory serves me still), there was light plane crash on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Six people were on board and there were no survivors. It occurred just on dusk, shortly after the plane took off. The plane flew into an approaching storm and the pilot clearly underestimated its intensity. Witnesses heard the plane's engine note rise to the classic "scream" as it revved to maximum rpm and then there was the sound of impact.

The investigation showed that very likely, the pilot thought he was in a power climb, but perhaps confused or panicked by the heavy cloud and storm conditions he instead had his craft in a power dive and flew it into the ground at a steep angle and at full throttle. We and the investigators could only assume that the young pilot did not believe his instruments (if he watched them at all). I say "we" because three of the six people on that plane -- Eddie O., Raywyn S. and Wayne T. -- were personal friends.
I and mutual friends spent a lot of time together in the following days, talking about the event and reviewing every bit of information we could get. It was especially poignant to me because I had wanted to go on that trip but lacked the money ($40 for the fare) and my parents didn't want to lend it to me because my mother had a "bad feeling" about it. (I was still a college student and living at home then.)

This is one of the reasons I am rather sensitive to tragedies of this nature. But for my mother's intuition (call it what you will), I wouldn't be here to discuss them. Believe me, I'd be glad if young Mr Valentich was abducted by a UFO as I feel it might be better than the most likely alternative that he crashed. I can understand why his father preferred to hold on to that possibility, no matter how far-fetched it seems to some. I'm a parent, so I can understand it very well.

I also feel that if Valentich had arranged his own disappearance he would eventually have contacted his family. He was close to them and it just doesn't make sense to me that he could go years without making any contact.


posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 11:52 AM
Debunk 50 UFO sightings seen in a similar time frame ? no not without looking at each one on a case by case basis. We have established from the site Antartartic astronomy that 15min green flashes that show a complex motion are a definite reality and if you read the site it shows that these can occur on consecutive days when conditions are right. I suspect that Australia in oct 1978 was getting a real dose of antartic meterology and effects which are normally strictly antartic such as long green flash green ray and southern lights were seen in much more northerly lattitudes than normal. Antartica is a major weather player in southern hemisphere countries, and occasionally icebergs southern lights etc are seen at much higher lattitudes than normal- and never fail to freak out the residents of those areas. The same thing happened in NZ a little later that same year a real rash of sightings interestingly on a very similar parallell. A real scientist needs to explain the freak weather systems requsite for this to happen. The recent discovery in Port Phillip bay Melbourne of 60 year old planes with preserved skeletons shows that Fredericks plane and body will still be there. Bass Straight is not a deep body of water and that plane could be found using todays sonar technology. The Australian government needs to spend a bit of time and money to give this family some closure.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by JustMike
In any case he wasn't flying at very high altitude so exceptionally high winds (ie jetstream effects) were extremely unlikely.

Yep, in fact its impossible as te jetstream occurs at much higher altitudes such as 25,000 to 30,000ft, the heights and which passenger jets fly

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:03 AM
I think I read that their was a claim by a man to have met a Fred Valentich in Spain who said he worked for aliens. Would anybody happen to have a link?

This case has been discussed tons. I don't think I have much more to add but thanks for the good reading all.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by bloodline

Perhaps even more alarming is a case investigated by Spanish researcher Manuel Carballal. According to the testimony of a number of witnesses, a young man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who mysteriously disappeared in 1978 was alive and well in 1990 at Plaza del Charco, a seaport square on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Displaying an Australian passport to prove his claim, Valentich told those with whom he spoke on several occasions that he now belonged to a group of humans who had been “recruited” by extraterrestrials. It is also worth noting that the supposed Valentich showed no signs of aging, and resembled the photos circulated around the time of his disappearance at the age of 20.

Take it with a grain of salt.

[edit on 14/11/2008 by internos]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 01:21 AM
Thank you Internos. Yes grain of salt taken.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by internos
[Take it with a grain of salt.

[edit on 14/11/2008 by internos]

Read this a little while back. I wouldnt even take it as a grain of salt....more a pile of proverbial BS

Who was it that was supposed to have the recording of Valentich's conversation with ATC again?

Was hoping it would have been posted by now

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Originally posted by internos
[Take it with a grain of salt.

[edit on 14/11/2008 by internos]

Read this a little while back. I wouldnt even take it as a grain of salt....more a pile of proverbial BS

Who was it that was supposed to have the recording of Valentich's conversation with ATC again?

Was hoping it would have been posted by now

Definately to don't take seriously unless/until corroborated by some proof

I hope that tezzajw will manage to get them: his source is good, we have some good chances. Please, let me know whether you tried to contact Paul Norman: i could try to get in touch with him, otherwise.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by internos
I hope that tezzajw will manage to get them: his source is good, we have some good chances. Please, let me know whether you tried to contact Paul Norman: i could try to get in touch with him, otherwise.

Internos, I tried to find a picture of Paul Norman online, but I failed. If it's beyond Google, then I'm not the best internet researcher and I don't have lots of time for finding needles in haystacks.

As I stated here and elsewhere, Paul shows up to most of the VUFORS meetings. However, he's probably in his late 80s or even early 90s and without any disrespect intended - he's sometimes difficult to listen to when speaking. When he's gone, there will be a wealth of information that will pass with him.

I don't know if Paul has an email address. Try and email VUFORS, the secretary Tony Cook will know the answer and he's the person likely to read the email. Even if Paul does have an email address, I'm not sure how likely he will be to 'share' information outside of VUFORS. I spoke about ATS (in passing with reference to O'Hare) with Tony one night and he didn't seem to warm to my mention of it. Don't take that as a bad thing though, he's got to put his own society first, before he shows interest in other groups. They are genuinely good people, I can tell that much.

I'm not part of the furniture at VUFORS, if I had more presence there, I would have no problems asking Paul if he wants to be contacted. The most I have ever said to him is 'hi' as I have passed him at the door on a couple of meeting nights. He wouldn't remember me.

If you have specific questions, you can U2U me. We can communicate there, if you prefer. I'll ask as many questions as I can at the next meeting, without trying to look like a smart-arse, or pissing anyone off. I get the feeling that VUFORS is a little closed-shop and not necessarily willing to share everything that they know. If there's anything that you're dying to know, relay it through me and I'll see what I can do.

It's probably about time that I made myself a little more known at VUFORS so I could have more of a scoop on some of our local sightings.

If VUFORS don't have the audio trasncript for Valentich, then I have absolutely no idea who would.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

On that topic I'll just let everyone know that I emailed VUFORS yesterday but seeing as its the weekend now I wouldn't expect them to get back to me stright away. I'll let you all know if I hear anything

About that rumour that he was spotted with his passport. Because it was just the 30th aniversary of the disappearence it was on our news again. I saw a quick interview with Valentich Sr and he said the Frederich had not been seen since and didn't mention this incident at all. Maybe he just hasn't heard? But if we found out about that then I think someone looking for their son would know about a possible sighting. The main thing that bugs me about that is that he promptly displayed his passport. He wouldn't have had it when he disappeared and it's just way too convenient.

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