Whatever happened to keeping Politics and Religion separate?
The Prophecy concerning the Anti Christ gets twisted every which way it can be when it suits their particular vision of what they want and need from
So whats happened to the rebuilding of Solomons temple? the giving the people of the world what they want or what they think they want? I just don't
get why people go off calling Obama this and that, yet Sarah Palin belongs to a church that wishes the temple to be rebuilt so the Rapture will arrive
and they can all be saved by the second coming of Christ.
Does anyone else see a problem with all these Anti Christ predictions?
If the likes of Palin and her church buddies really thought this was true, they would be supporting their campaign, either that or their faith is a
false one, it can be both ways can it?
My guess is that when these prophecies where written and the stories told, the last thing they where referring too, was the coming election.
I cant wait for this election to be done and dusted, the hatred I've witnessed over the past months has severely damaged my faith in the Human
I have to tell you, when the campaigning began I didn't really care who won, because both sides are or where as bad as each other, but now i despise
McCain and Palin, and I mean a deep Dislike, not because of his policies, but because of the way they have thrown petrol on the fire, they have
brought about everything I despise about Mankind, they have deliberately said and done things to bring about all this hatred regarding terrorism,
race, peoples faith.
They even make most of it up as they go along, and instead of trying to find the truth, people just accept it, take the birth certificate for
instance, how much time has been wasted on that crap? now the truth is out and official that his birth certificate is real genuine and proves Obama
can run for President, now its time to turn on his family, family i might add he has never met, hands up all those without a skeleton in the closet
Instead of concentrating on an honest campaign talking about what they can do and will do for the American people, they are driving them towards a
civil war.
Tell me how is that beneficial to the American people? some people cant see the damn forest for the trees, a vote for McCain and Palin is a vote for
everything disgusting and wrong with the world, how is that going to make everything better?
I'm not even saying I think Obama is anything different, but he isn't the one running a campaign fueled by hate and lies is he?
I'm not even American, but I am concerned that a man who can run such a campaign is going to have his finger on a button, which is connected to
missiles aimed at the very things he hates, is nobody else scared of being vaporised because of his ignorance and hatred?
Remember something happens to him during his Presidency, you then have a woman who wants the end of the world to come so she can be saved, as
President, do you really trust her that much? or is your bank account more important than your life?
And don't bother flaming me about this, it is my opinion, and nothing anyone can say is going to change my mind on this obvious danger to the Human
race, wake up, your money or your life.
Anti Christ my arse, just some more hatred.