I wasn't sure where to post this so as it involves epilepsy i thought this would be a good place. I already had a done a few threads and one post on
this but not quite in the same context.
As a child when i see this ring of light, it was bright yellow and woud get brighter when it was dark. I say yellow, it kind of looked like the sun,
it is hard to describe, and had a postive and negative aspect to it. Other things i noticed which no one ever talked about so i thought must not be
normal was 'visual snow'. This kind of looks like invisible dry rain or what i would imagin static may look like. Over the years i have managed to
filter this out as it is normal to me and if i choose - i can notice it. I also have noticed a warpinging in centre of my field of vision (although
this i noticed over the past 10 years. All these things i put down to poor eyesight and/or an over active imagination. Some other strange experiences
i had when i was a child; there is a memory i have from when i was a about 3 or 4 where i recall being sat in the back of my mums car with my nana, my
mum was driving. I can remember feeling like i had just arrived there and then. I knew the pwople round me were my family but they felt familar yet
unfamilar and it all felt really surreal. I nicked named moments like that as realisations - becauase to me that is what they felt like and so that
is all i could describe them as. There were many time when i was younger and several since where this has happened and at least once i can reember
feeling that i had all my answers answred, what ever they may be or were?? As much as i tried i could no remember my actual experience, the more i
trid the harder it became. i also recall having many De-Ja vu moments ( not unsimilar that to the feeling of my realisations but not the same). Over
time i had forgot this as just came as part of life, everyone says they have De-ja vu and stuff right?? Another wierd thing that i had no conrol over
was staring into space or switching off, quite unawae that i am doing it as such, to observers its like I'm in a daze or trance. I cannot recall what
has gone on around me in these moments, like if i'm watching telly, i could totally miss 5 minutes although it looks like i'm watching it. I found
this annoying at school as i would be interstested but just found myself missing bits, i can remember thinking will i be able to get a job. Funnily
enough this wasn't noticed by school or my family. They thought i was day dreaming - a dreamer.
Any way, years later i met my boyfrienfd who became concerned and looked up the possible reason behind my staring spells. He stumbled upon a type of
epilepsy called petit- mal. I didn't pay much attention to be fair. I had nebver had fits or shakes. Over the next few years i noticed the odd jerk
of an arm or a leg but everyone get that but id did start to happen more frequent - maybe once a week and increased to once a day. Just a jerk. Then
one day i started feeling a bit unwell like a strange pain that started in my lower back and made its way across my body - i thought wind perhaps,
ha,ha. Then it wnt to my heart area, it was more like a dull ache and a throbbing, i was thinking alsorts - anurasm or somthing but knowing i tend to
have an over active imagination i put it down to indigestion. The feeling went to my throat like my throat was getting tighter and then to my temples.
This was accompanied by a high pitch frequency noise like tinitus i suppose - but would increase and decrease in intensity. The feeling left my
temples and i was now feeling pressure forming on the top of my head. It felt like literally the very top of my head was on fire. I felt sick nauseous
and also like i think i needed to pee - (r the other), i just wasnt sure so i made my way downstairs to the bathroom. My legs were like jelly i could
hardly walk. I made it to the bathroom, grabbed hold of the basin and blacked out. I dont know how long for, i presume minutes or seconds. I went back
upstairs and lied down. I felt like someone was kneeling on my chest and had there hands round my throat. This passed and i can rememer feeling like i
was floating although i knew i wasn't. This is similar to the feeling of when you lift someonme heavy up and then put them down and you feel like
your levitating a bit. This was like that but more intense. It felt euphoric - like an orgasm but better as it was all over - it was like you were
bathing in that feeling. I fellt extremely happy and forfilled and very giggly.
This made me look pettit mal and epilepsy up on the net. This has opened my eyes truly.
Firstly the visions problems i earlier mentioned:
postive and negative images, visual snow ext.
Symptoms same as those who suffer from hppd, this is also linked witth epilepsy and brain tumors:
Religious visions/Feelings of Enlightenment
Other experiences that are strangeley similar to those of some Epileptics are those who claim to have awakended their Kundalini and people who have
taken the Hallucigenic '___'. '___' is a class A drug. It also is found naturally in humans and is produced in the pineal gland i think. It is what
enables us to dream. I just find it all very strange, all sharing similar experiences - are they connected?????????
dreams and '___':
[edit on 1-11-2008 by MCoG1980]
[edit on 1-11-2008 by MCoG1980]