This is from MUFON - latest 20 from In today >>
I live on the southeast side of Indianapolis, near Beech Grove. I was coming home from a buddy's house a little after 1AM. I pulled in my
subdivision, and when I was turning onto my street, I saw two bright white/orange lights off to the northwest. I stopped my car at the intersection,
and watched the lights for 2-3 minutes. They were moving very slowly, but surely were headed right towards me. While they were still 2-3 miles away, I
quickly pulled in my driveway and got out to have a wider view. They were moving northwest to southeast, but when they were about a mile away, they
turned straight south. I kept my eyes on them, and they moved ever so slowly closer. By the time they were as overhead from me as they could be, they
could NOT have been more than a half mile away, maybe 2,000 feet in the air. When the first one passed,
I saw one large orange oval light on the
bottom, 6 more round white lights in the middle, a smaller red light on each side, and three white lights on what appeared to be the tail "wing" of
the craft. It was emitting two orange contrails, about the length of the craft, that could not be missed, they were very luminescent. After the
first two crafts passed, I looked back to the north, and I saw another emerge above the trees, and as it passed, another one came into view. All of
them were following the exact same path, almost like planes in a flight pattern near an airport, and all of them looked identical. The odd thing about
this was I've never seen a plane with this many lights on the bottom, especially with an orange light, and I live a good 30 miles from IND airport.
None of these crafts made a sound as they passed overhead, which is also odd because of the close proximity of them, and the wind was blowing straight
in my direction, which would've helped any sound emitted reach me. If they were jets, they would have easily been heard. The same goes for
helicopters, small private planes, etc... It made no sense to me what I was witnessing. I saw no more of them coming after 15 minutes or so, so I
proceeded to go inside. I watched the last part of Conan O'Brien, and on my way to go to bed, I peered outside one more time. Strangely enough, I saw
one more craft, identical to the first four. It followed the exact same path also, and it was going quite a bit faster than the first four, almost as
if it was trying to catch up to the others.
This was my first time seeing any kind of unidentifiable object in my life, and to see 5 of them in one night really overwhelmed me. I couldn't sleep
at all, the curiosity of what those crafts were was too much for me to control. Whatever I saw, it was not conventional whatsoever. The sight of them
has been burned in my mind conitinuously since the sighting.
It mentions orange/white luminous oval..with orange contrails.. A couple days after the Ohio
Here is what the IN guy drew -maybe some similarities contrail.
[edit on 10/31/2008 by BlackProjects]
[edit on 10/31/2008 by BlackProjects]