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Jesus was Bipolar?

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posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:32 PM
Jesus was Bipolar?

People may feel they have been "chosen", are "on a special mission",


Anyone like to coment?

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:35 PM
Bipolar is characterized more by large swings in mood from a euphoric manic state to crash into a depressed state.

The symptoms you listed could also be used to argue for paranoid schizophrenia. So without evidence of more symptoms I'm gonna go with...No.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by vick27

But without eveidence of god ull say yes to religion?

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:54 PM
Obtaining proper assessment of someone's psychological state is already difficult enough with them right in front of you - trying to gain intimate knowledge of Jesus' mental state is ludicrous, the man's been dead for nearly 2000 years.

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

But what if he truly was chosen and it was not a feeling? I'm not saying God exists. I am agnostic. I think it would be close minded to not accept the possibilities here or the feeling that you are chosen because you actually are, to better the world. To feed the poor, to nourish the sick because no one else will.

[edit on 26-10-2008 by SkepticalSteve]

posted on Oct, 26 2008 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

I didn't say anything about putting faith in religion. I don't see how diagnosing one person or character from an old book correlates at all with my personal faith or lack there of?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:18 AM
If he really was on a mission, those thoughts are totally rational...

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
Jesus was Bipolar?

People may feel they have been "chosen", are "on a special mission",

By that, er, logic, were the Blues Brothers?

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:29 AM
What if:

There have been hundreds of thousands of truely chosen people who were given a specifice mission by none other than the almighty himself
to raise the consiousness of humanity, and these people were recognised as a threat by the government, so, through the help of the gov't and psychiatry, thet were officially diagnosed, (as well as anyone else who thinks they have a mission), with schitzophrenia or bi-polar, thereby sending a warning to anyone who may have the notion that he/she may have a
"mission" to keep their mouths shut or end up at "Quiet Meadows"
wearing a white jacket with really long sleeves.

BTW, I have bi-polar. And yes, I have been sent here to complete a mission. And so have you!!

[edit on 27-10-2008 by cbass]

[edit on 27-10-2008 by cbass]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Perhaps the entire thing is just a way for pushing low self esteem onto people?

‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us. We ask ourselves – who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, and fabulous. But honestly, who are you to not be so?

You are a child of God, small games do not work in this world. For those around us to feel peace, it is not example to make ourselves small. We were born to express the glory of god that lives in us. It is not in some of us, it is in all of us. While we allow our light to shine, we unconsciously give permission for others to do the same. When we liberate ourselves from our own fears, simply our presence may liberate others.’

- Marianne Williamson in Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
reply to post by vick27

But without eveidence of god ull say yes to religion?

Do you not think it is rather arrogant to say their is no evidence in god based on your very limited perspective of this entire huge universe? Is it not a bit arrogant to assume that nobody else has proof of god, because you yourself do not have proof of god? How do you presume to speak for another persons perspective as being the only possible truth?

I wonder if a leaf on a tree will claim there is no such things as roots to the rest of the leaves? Because the leaf has never seen the roots.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
reply to post by vick27

But without eveidence of god ull say yes to religion?

Are you drinking? Just sayin', when I drink I write like that...sorta. God is everywhere. On a biking path when a duck walks across it. The female form/a flower. Evidence is all around us. Jesus is tougher to believe. Tis the greatest leap we can take. I know God exists. But I also know that messages repeat themselves. To the contrary of the Zeitgeist-whatever thriller of a film that no one watched.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:15 AM
The title of this thread made me chuckle
. I suppose he may of been, but then again, all the prophets by today's standards would have been classed as skitzophrenic. A apparition of satan appeared to jesus in the desert, An angel appeared to muhammad in a cave, A voice from a burning bush was heard by moses. The prophets were supposed to display miracles as proof of their claims apparently. Will the next prohet be a master magician?? Maybe Derren Brown or David Blaine

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:35 AM
All the leaders of our world believe in higher entities, and such things. Sarkozy even wants voodoo dolls got rid of that depict him, why, because he knows there is something too it. All our leaders thing they are special, and are led along there path.

All and i say all, sportsmen believe in superstitions, they all do. The best ones see signs now and again, not alex ferguson, of manu, he is just dumb. lol

This thread comes out of ignorance, of the hidden stuff, that runs our world. Even tony blair, says he channeled the light while in no10.

Get this, All your leaders, and men in real power believe in something higher than us. As you see from that sarkozy thing, lol

I believe jesus existed, and i believe the bible version, but christianity is a collection of all known religions before jesus came.

It seems like saviours will always be with us in one way or another. People really do think they are touched by providence, like you hear them say about hitler. All the leaders, as i say again, believe they are here for a purpose. Just look at your george bush, and now look at obama.

I am also glad, someone said above, how the hell can we judge someone being dead for 2000 years, when we cannot even judge people today. If jeus, or whatever came back, and they are waiting for such a person, he would be locked up and filled so full of drugs, in a hospital. The rational mind that the doctors, claim that normal people have, does not exist.

You people should understand, we are not all born the same, and some are born to change the world we live in. While 99.999% of the rest of us, will do nothing but be useless eaters, all our lifes.

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by cbass
What if:

There have been hundreds of thousands of truely chosen people who were given a specifice mission by none other than the almighty himself
to raise the consiousness of humanity, and these people were recognised as a threat by the government, so, through the help of the gov't and psychiatry, thet were officially diagnosed, (as well as anyone else who thinks they have a mission), with schitzophrenia or bi-polar, thereby sending a warning to anyone who may have the notion that he/she may have a
"mission" to keep their mouths shut or end up at "Quiet Meadows"
wearing a white jacket with really long sleeves.

BTW, I have bi-polar. And yes, I have been sent here to complete a mission. And so have you!!

[edit on 27-10-2008 by cbass]

[edit on 27-10-2008 by cbass]

Agreed anyone in his position now days would have to keep their mouth shut and change the world by a means other than telling people they were the chosen one instead by show and not words.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by badmedia

Do you not think it is rather arrogant to say their is no evidence in god based on your very limited perspective of this entire huge universe?

No. Because my perspective of the universe has no limit with dimension, let alone how expanding it may be.

Is it not a bit arrogant to assume that nobody else has proof of god, because you yourself do not have proof of god?

That question sucks.....Its like asking "Just because you dont like cheese no one else does?"

How do you presume to speak for another persons perspective as being the only possible truth?

Arrogantly,because we all feed on the same s***?

I wonder if a leaf on a tree will claim there is no such things as roots to the rest of the leaves? Because the leaf has never seen the roots.

If a butterfly beats its wings in the forest, and no one is around to hear, the tree fall on its head, will anyone one hear it scream?

something to think about.


posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:15 PM
You can rise from the dead if you suffer from bipolar disorder?

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by andy1033

I think your absolutely right and with the internet even the biggest fool can start a thought virus and destroy the world or save it. The chances are probably still unknown as we do not know everything about the mechanics of the human mind.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by kinglizard

No but maybe a higher form of intelligence IE "God" could raise you because he agrees with your life.

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
No. Because my perspective of the universe has no limit with dimension, let alone how expanding it may be.

So time does not exist for you huh? What number is in my head right now? Of course you have a limited perspective.

That question sucks.....Its like asking "Just because you dont like cheese no one else does?"

No, it's more like just because someone has never seen cheese, does not mean cheese does not exist.

Arrogantly,because we all feed on the same s***?

If you will eat it, it will be feed to you. Nobody forces you to eat it. If you know how to feed yourself, wouldn't have that problem.

If a butterfly beats its wings in the forest, and no one is around to hear, the tree fall on its head, will anyone one hear it scream?

No it does not make a sound. Because there is no ear to convert the waves it creates into sound. It makes waves in the energy, your perception turns those waves into sound.

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