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Sheeple and Ignorance

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posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 03:25 AM
Hey y'all

With the recent events in the finnacial sector i decited to go out and talk to the common folks about the topic and came to the bizarre conclusion that they are way to ignorant to even notice the world collapsing on their lives.
The reason they don't know about it in my eyes is quitte clear. The media is feeding them nothing and with nothing i mean nothing. Ppl dont have a clue how the world really is working.

Some of the facts i talked about with those guys were :

How do u feel that for the average person up here (Belgium) the Retirmentfund they saved up all their live has shrunk with about 20% in the current crisis???

Well all of the people had no clue it had happend , 1 guy told me that he heard something of the government losing alot of money to in the crisis but he dind't really pay much attention to it.

So for me its clear that the "elite" is doing a great job in controlling the media. I'm a daily newspaper reader and man look at it yesterday we had like 14 pages of """""news""""" and 34 on things like sport sport and other gossip

Do u have any idea on how bad the DJ , one of the leading stockexchanges in the world have been hit since the peak last year??

Not a single soul i mentioned it to could give me a correct answer . They all know the 2 words Dow Jones But.... uhhhhmmm thats about it i guess

(ohh and on the current rate their dropping we have until next week for the value being halved)

How do u feel with the Multi-billion dollar/euro 's being moved around the world like a lending out pocket change???

Most of the reactions i got was that ppl really don't care what the government does with their money as they claim to not have a say in the matter.

My answer would be somthing along the line of: Why try and rescue a system that has falied us 3 times in the last 100 years . Come on am i really that paranoid to think the ""rich"" are just widening the gap between them and the poor/average that had been closing last 15 years?

So after this little survey around town i came to the fair conclusion that the average person living up here is blindfolded to go in the upcoming events! Ohh i try to warn them and they look at u as if ur a guy telling u live on Mars. But if i can open 1 guys eyes to it and he could do the same and so on. Maybe.....

So with this thread i would like to ask and motivate al of the people up here with a "educated" mindset to inform the sheeple of wants really happening. And maybe get some of u guys to do something along the same line. I'm really curious if the belgian and nothern france folks are really that ignorant or that it is more of a global ignorance

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Spartannic
I'm really curious if the belgian and nothern france folks are really that ignorant or that it is more of a global ignorance

It is definitely a global problem. In the US, perhaps 10% read a newspaper daily and something like 3% read a book weekly. I am sure that in less developed countries the figures are even more dismal.

Most of the people, even intelligent people, are completely ignorant of world events. I truly believe that way, way, way too many people have taken the saying "ignorance is bliss" to heart. Quite frankly, IMO most people prefer being ignorant of politics and world events. In typing this, I have to admit it does sound kind of nice.

The more I learn about impending events, the financial crisis, the possible wars on the horizon, martial law, government conspiracies, etc, the more disillusioned I become about my life and its purpose. Though I do feel somewhat more prepared, at least mentally, for these events, I am not sure this is a fair trade off for all of the added stress and disillusionment I receive. I don't know, just a thought, I seriously doubt I will ever put the blindfold of ignorance on. I do not think I could live like that.

posted on Oct, 23 2008 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Spartannic

There is no easy way to explain this but you must be careful if you are out in the open trying to spread the truth.

A lot of people depend on ignorance and will fight and die to hold on to that ignorance for they do not see it for fear of the uncertain.

I have met people who can tear your certainty away from you at the blink of an eye and just be careful is all I am saying.

You will probably not heed this advice for you are still part of the collective which means you are still "safe" and until you find the right step you wont be walking anywhere. Believe me that the answers are not in the people you ask but the people you are afraid to ask mainly yourself to begin with.

The agent scene from the matrix gives a clue to this in a way. An agent is not really an agent it is everyone in essence a programmed mind.

If you start to find an answer there is no going back, it is like trying put windows XP on a Commodore for example it just is not possible as the software has new requirements.

The very fact that you are beginning to question is a sure sign and I bet you are feeling disbelief, fear, uncertainty and many more uncomfortable things.

The fact is you cannot make someone wake up who does not want to for they will judge you as an enemy.

Hope this makes sense.

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:20 PM
Ya well, what is going on in Zimbabwe? Trump deuce, I say. (those are personal things, N/M why I pay attention to Zimbabwe :lol

The problem is that, in my opinion, there is too much info for many people to digest. Lots of people, this all in my pitiable experience, just do no care and can not be logically persuaded to give a hoot. Television is way easier than a newspaper or the internet has books...


[edit on 24-10-2008 by SolarSeaman]

posted on Oct, 24 2008 @ 09:50 PM


Why do we do nothing?
I think it's because we are too comfortable.
Why does no one seem to care?
As long as there is tv to watch, they can escape.
Why are people ignorant?
Comfort leads to complacency. A false sense of security.
In actuality, we are much closer to the precipice than anyone might know.
I have often heard from people getting ready to retire, "I'm done, Let the next person worry about it." I usually reply, "I am the next person!" I get blank stares.
I feel ill when people just cannot care anymore. The stop caring when the see all of their best efforts shot to hell. You know what, Almost none of them ever actually stood up for themselves. so what are they tired from?

Lets face it. We could be lost.
If so then push the G D button already.
If not, then wake up and change.

Strike against the Powers


posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:30 PM
I disagree slightly as I think that it is primarily fear that makes us sit by and watch it pass.

Comfort has a part to play of course but as we are all experiencing or about to the comfort is not there anymore.

I really do think the sh*t is going to hit the fan shortly and it makes me sad to think that instead of working together we will all be nutcases hell bend on feeding ourselves to put it extremely blunt.

I still think that a lot of people do want to do something but as I found out the hard way there are many people in your path which can lead to numerous quotes that im not going to quote.

[edit on 27-10-2008 by XXXN3O]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 11:16 PM
yeah I work with alot of people like this i explain how the market lost 500 points and they say what does that matter i dont trade stocks.. i ask do you have a 401k? they say yeas, i say hou just l;ost 5% of your 401k, they dont get it, they think there mutual funds etc in there 401 k are not part of the economy or the markets..

Most don't vote or follow politics, and have no clue what any of the amendments of the constitution are.. and worst part are these people arn't low income, uneducated people these are smart, talented people working in upper middle class America.

Its the ignorance, they seem to just put on the rose colored glasses and go on with the marginal lives, I try to war them even about the simplest things , like here in Rural MN you can get snow storms that can take out power for a week, most people done even realize that the furnace needs power to run , they think it just runs on that propane or fuel oil.. they don't even realize the blowers etc need power to keep there home heated.. I feel bad for them and there ignorance but have come to the conclusion they would rather not face reality and live in bliss, and die because of it.

All i have to say is I'm not going out like that I'm prepared and ready for whatever gets thrown at me..

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
... you must be careful if you are out in the open trying to spread the truth.

A lot of people depend on ignorance and will fight and die to hold on to that ignorance for they do not see it for fear of the uncertain.

I fear that you are correct in your assessment of the world. Stupid people tend to be more closed minded and are more likely to react violently to thier beliefs being challenged.

The right wing is brainwashed and the left wing is clueless, and thier masters act together to pull the strings and enrich themselves all the while.

It is obvious that the elite are very effective propaganda pushers. I wonder though who is more afraid; the propaganda pushers, the ignorant or the brainwashed.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself", and I expect that is the truth.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 06:06 AM
The escape to TV and "ignorance is bliss" comments remind me of the book Fahrenheit 451 (yes I liked the book before "that" movie ripped off the name).

How Mildred would sit in front of the TV, medicated, not aware of the insanity of the world she lived in. The parties with her friends that revolved around a TV show. How huge wars were being raged in far off lands but no one cared. It is an easy read IMO but a compelling book especially when taken into context these days. It was one of the books that really got me thinking about where we were going as a society.

I recommend you read it.

[edit on 28-10-2008 by ACEMANN]

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 04:35 PM
Yes several refuse to believe what is happening one lady was trying to convince me to use her and her husbands financial advisor,then I believe a week later they were crying that they lost 40k on the stock market,I told her"heck I could lose 40k of my money myself,I don't need to pay someone to do it for me

posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:13 PM
Most of the world is indeed ignorant. I myself used to be guilty of this. I've heard the term NWO since I was a teenager in the 90s but never really paid attention to it. I've also heard of depopulation and the fake UFO invasion since last year but dismissed it thinking that the populous nations of China and India won't allow it and how the elites could possibly control or how could they achieve such power, how many of them are there, it's all just can't be possible, etc.. I even searched on google about the Illuminati but just found a really uninformative entry on Wikipedia so I just dropped it after that. It was only after watching documentaries early this year that my eyes were finally opened. It annoys me actually why just now. Everyone in Britain probably had heard of David Icke while most of us in other countries still have no clue.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 05:07 AM
hey thx for them replies guys !!

So most of u guys believe i really should shut up and let things pass???

though i got me thinking somehow and i came to the conclusion that i rather lose those ignorant "friends" then trying to live with myself with the tought so many ppl are lost.....

If i try and spread the word and can convince even 1 person i know about the whole sittuation bound to unfold in the coming decade. Ill know that i dind't stand "along the line" with the 99.5 % of the world looking like zombies to what the media feeds them.

I do know that most people are scared to get their believes crushed, i'm sure one of those. But in my head there is also a thing we al call guilt...
so what i'm trying to say is that i rather have the mark of a "WEIRDO" in social terms then walking around with the mass

But who am i to change anything........

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:14 PM

I truly admire you for what you are doing but looking at your post is like looking at myself in deja vu terms.

I do not know what age you are but when I was slightly younger I did exactly what you are doing.

I made a lot of people in public open there eyes and ears so to speak.

Afterwards I will give you my thread topic for what I was introduced too and these people are dangerous. If you are a threat they can make you homeless to start with.

Please read this thread but it will never answer your questions but you might be able to relate and if not you will soon if you are making a difference as you put it as I did

If you want to fight it you need to be wiser.

If you want some advice then wait for the storm so to speak as I know many are and even if many will not agree with me here I know many will but never speak of it openly.

You are not alone my friend and you are smart to say the least.

Whatever path you choose hold your head up high.

There is a lot to be said for knowing and walking a path. I am not the all knowing one as such but I just know the path you are about to take and you need to be ready if you want it at least.

I would never wish my experience on anyone.

PS. from what I can tell of you and that is me first of, you are from the UK?

Me too so be really careful as it aint the democracy you thought it was once you poke a small pin in someones shield.

[edit on 31-10-2008 by XXXN3O]

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O

I truly admire you for what you are doing but looking at your post is like looking at myself in deja vu terms.

I do not know what age you are but when I was slightly younger I did exactly what you are doing.

I made a lot of people in public open there eyes and ears so to speak.

Afterwards I will give you my thread topic for what I was introduced too and these people are dangerous. If you are a threat they can make you homeless to start with.

Please read this thread but it will never answer your questions but you might be able to relate and if not you will soon if you are making a difference as you put it as I did

If you want to fight it you need to be wiser.

If you want some advice then wait for the storm so to speak as I know many are and even if many will not agree with me here I know many will but never speak of it openly.

You are not alone my friend and you are smart to say the least.

Whatever path you choose hold your head up high.

There is a lot to be said for knowing and walking a path. I am not the all knowing one as such but I just know the path you are about to take and you need to be ready if you want it at least.

I would never wish my experience on anyone.

PS. from what I can tell of you and that is me first of, you are from the UK?

Me too so be really careful as it aint the democracy you thought it was once you poke a small pin in someones shield.

[edit on 31-10-2008 by XXXN3O]

Thx for the reply

for the record i'm 25 i live in belgium (lets hope i don't break any of the rules here on ATS by posting this)

posted on Nov, 1 2008 @ 08:21 AM
Well I never said I was all knowing.

Seems we learn a new thing everyday

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 07:01 AM
And so the story continues ....

While i wasn't completely satisfied with the answers i got from my "test subjects" i decided to shoot some more questions at them .

And to keep it rather short , it seems most people really believe the worst has past.....

Why can't people see further then the length of their nose???? It makes me sad to see so much ignorance around me. Maybe XXXn3O is right and i should keep my mouth shut ?? but then would i "Embrace Ignorance" ??

Maybe i'm just paranoid ....

Lets hope for the world i am...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:49 PM
It's true, most people I know don't have a clue on what's happening and have no idea what I'm talking about. They need to pay attention.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:06 PM
I tried talking with my grandmother about this last night. Whom I only speak with scarcely since she lives 7k miles away.

Me-"You realize what is going on in the world right now, right?"
Her-"Ya, I've been watching the news everyday"...

Family, friends, whatever... some people are just so far behind on what is really going on it would take months of research for them to catch up. Thing is the media has been digging people into a hole for so long they don't want to get out of it. They feel comfortable and hopeful.

She's been an avid news watcher/reader most of her life so there is nothing that will convince her otherwise. It's just too bad she isn't the only one stuck in this frame of mind right now.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 07:42 PM
the news media is a crying shame

but have we ever wondered where we would be if they had been telling the truth the whole time ( or what YOU beleive to be the truth). Not sure we would be in a better place right now....who knows.

I do know i am going to try and have more fun in my life while this country still has some stability, WHO KNOWS how we may long for the "GOOD OLE DAY' a couple / several years down the road" we may then wish that we had another day/week/month of normalcy and how much more we would promise ourselves to cherish it........i plan on taking that approach NOW

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 07:57 PM
what do you expect? The people are not supposed to know, and honestly, if they did, it wouldnt change a damn thing, so why get them all worried. There is nothing the people can do to stop this machine so long as they keep asking for it. Its called business, how do you expect it to be done, honestly? lmao
It does not take a genius to know that at any given moment things could collapse, people should always keep that in mind, government agenda's or not. If they do not, its just natural selection taking place.
Some people choose to live by money, some choose to live by wisdom; those who choose to live by money have nothing to complain about, the system is designed to fail, and if you dont like it, take the path of wisdom.

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