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Star Gates and 2012

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posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:30 AM
I wrote this out last night and decided to post it here to see what you guys think... Sorry it's so long.

According to Sumerian mythology interpreted by Zecharia Sitchin there was once a terrible celestial cataclysm. A former planet in our solar system called Mar, Mary, or Tiamat was involved in a celestial confrontation with another planet. As a consequence of this confrontation Tiamat was split in half. One half of the planet became the asteroid belt the other half became our earth. As Sitchin says, earth is Tiamat reincarnated.

Just before this terrible cataclysm there were 11 satellites that were ejected from Tiamat. Ten larger ones one smaller one, our moon From this perspective the moon emerges as some form of an ark, as a vessel into which the seeds of life were placed from this former planet to be brought to life once again on the new planet, earth.

The center of our milky way galaxy has hundreds of millions of stars. Physicists say that there is a black hole that occupies the center of our milky way galaxy and there’s also a complimentary, theoretical “white hole”, a gusher of cosmic energy. Now, we are way out on the Orion arm of our milky way galaxy and all the stuff we want is at the center of the galaxy, but there is no bridge, no ladder, no apparent way for us to get from our solar system to the center of our galaxy. By the way, the ancient Shamana tradition teaches us that our souls came from this center of our milky way galaxy.

That center was called Tula, which is a Sanskrit word that means balance. The astrological sign for Libra(1), which is the symbol for balance, perfectly matches or mirrors the shape of our galaxy(2).

Tula has many variations, it’s the “t, l, a” signification letters that are important in this word. From Tula we get such words as Tala, but we know from the Japanese that the letters “l” and the letters “r” are interchangeable. Tala or Tula becomes Tara. Tara means compassion, enlightenment, and “Tara” is phonetically similar to “terror”. I for one was alarmed after 9/11 when the word terror was implanted in our consciousness in a massive way. This word is like a pillar and we are all dogs chained to that pillar. We will not take one step forward as a species unless we get over terror. But we’re fighting terror with what? More terror. Guess what the outcomes going to be? Terror. The only way we’re going to get past terror is with Tara, compassion and enlightenment. But the bottom line is how did this happen? How is it that the cosmic mind synchronizes in this way?

The Mayans tell us that in 2012 our sun and solar system will align with the center of our galaxy, the place of Tara but also the place of terror. At this point it seems we have chosen to align ourselves with terror and we are making a big mistake. Because if we pursue this course it will ultimately lead to the extinction of our species. Because we will be ready to step into the stars and the stars aren’t ready for us if we’re going to come out there with a war like posture

In fact, in December 2012 the Mayans tell us that with this alignment, the galactic alignment, a great rift will open from the center of our milky way galaxy and a ladder will emerge. From this ladder will emerge a “serpent rope” and from this rope will emerge the God of Nine Winds(3). John Major Jenkins, who’s a Mayan scholar says that the God of Nine Winds is actually Quetzalcoatl, or the King of Tula.

What I’ve done is taken out the archaic word serpent rope and replaced it with the more technological term worm hole. So what all this says to me that with the alignment of 2012 a worm hole will open. The King of Tula will emerge from this worm hole and deliver enlightenment.

Worm holes are areas that connect two areas of space(4 ,5). We could enter a wormhole on one side and come out on the other side as if there is nothing in between. I’m going to suggest to you that we are right now on the verge of being able to open up star gates and wormholes ourselves. Physicists tell us we can do this. We have the secrets of the star gates and wormholes in our hands we stand with one foot in a new Atlantis.

When you look up the word wormhole on the internet you’re going to get fantastic depictions. These are pictures of wormholes or time tunnels that appeared as a crop circles in 2006 and2007(6,7). The basic symbol for worm hole in myth and art is the bulls eye, the concentric circles. If you were to show this symbol to a Hopi elder he would readily identify it and he would say that is the mark or sign of the Hopi messiah who they call Massau. Massau according to the Hopi researcher Frank Waters, is the same as the Jewish messiah. The two words are phonetically similar therefore interchangeable. Interestingly Massau or the messiah met the Hopi when their world came out of balance, or came out of Tula. He led the Hopi through four migrations, depicted as four symbols we would describe as lower case g’s. They came out the other end and were at earth. If your were to ask a Mayan elder what the letter G represents they would tell you that it represents the galaxy. So when we go back to the Hopi representation does it say that they went through four different galaxies before they came to earth? Quite possible.

Navajo country the lord of the mist is depicted in a rock painting next to the bulls eye symbol . The lord of the mist is the lord of the star gate or the wormhole. Mist of course is short for mystery, and I believe that wormholes are at the center of all of our mysteries.

(Continued in comments)

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:34 AM
I love the way you think. Your studies of interest are of high quality. I have to say that Tara to me was closer to the feeling of Terra, than terror, but then perhaps my lineage is from the whitehole in space instead of the blackhole.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:38 AM
We apparently once had a gate that opened and it was in a place called Eden. Adam and Eve transgressed the Hebrew god Yahweh, he slammed the gate shut and he posted two guardians at either side of the gate. For some reason God decided we weren’t good enough to be wormhole traveling citizens and parked us on this desolate planet way out in the middle of nowhere . But along comes another figure called the Messiah. This is a picture of Jesus coming out of the bulls eye symbol of concentric circles(8). What does this signify? Here a Schwarzchild worm hole is depicted with the throat of the wormhole as the familiar vesca pices or the almond shape(9). They have Jesus coming out of the same shape at the Chartres Cathedral in France(10). I believe that it means when he went in to spend three days in the belly of the “fish” which is that shape, that he actually spent three days in the belly of the wormhole. And when the bible talks about beings that go into the “fish” or gateway they are actually talking about star gates or wormholes.

Jesus said “I am the door”. What did he mean? I believe he meant he literally was the door. But not him individually, he represented the knowledge of the star gate or wormhole that would enable us to be citizens of the universe.

Now we go back to the Mayan depiction of the god Quetzalcoatl coming out of his wormhole(3). What I want to call your attention to is the symbol at the top center of the picture (the sun looking symbol) which represents the origins of the wormhole. That symbol happens to be essentially the same as the Babylonian symbol for a planet called Nibiru(11). At the very center of this symbol of Nibiru is a circle with a dot in the middle, which is very obviously an eye. It also is the Egyptian hieroglyph for gold and legend says that Nibirians came to earth in search for gold.

If you research the twelfth planet you find out that the Sumerians and the Annunaki (the dwellers of Nibiru, a word translating into “those who from heaven to earth came”) had many different names for this planet such as Nibiru, An, the Lord, and Marduk. Many people today call it Planet X. There is a lot of talk of an impending appearance of Planet X in our world in the near future. The most sacred name for Planet X was which literally translated means Nam: destiny, Ku: God. tula. Name of God is Tula. The beings from Tula, we are told in the Shamanic tradition, are light beings. In the Hebrew old testament the beings from Nibiru are called Yelohim or the shining ones, the illuminated ones, the illuminati.

The knowledge of wormholes it was said was brought to earth by the Annunaki. And the primary being we want to pay attention to is Ea, also called Enki. He is portrayed here as half man and half serpent giving the secrets of the stars to two priests(12). I don’t think I have to tell you what I believe it means that this being is represented as half man half serpent.

Ea we are told came to earth I search of the blue stones that cause Ill, or illumination. The Blue Stones of Atlantis that open the star gates and cause enlightenment. These stones were the reason humanity was kicked out of the garden of Eden and Ea’s desire to uplift humanity to the level of the Gods. According to researchers he is the serpent in the garden of Eden that delivered the secrets of the “Tree of Life” to Adam and Eve.

Ea, or the Great Light. Light, as it is used in myth and scripture, has a meaning of electromagnetic radiation, a radiance associated with a divine being, a metaphor, as a synonym for truth and most importantly as the title for the savior. As our solar system aligns with the center of our galaxy it is important to take into account the prophecy in Isaiah that refers to an exotic light. A light that is seven times brighter than the sun that will illuminate the world when the Savior returns, the light that will enlighten every man, the return of the Blue Stones or the return of the Annunaki. I believe that when they do so they will not come in a space ship but a wormhole or star gate.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by antar

Thank you very much.

I was thinking that this also opens up a whole new theory on the lost Mayan civilization. It is said that they just disappeared but maybe that's not all that happened if they really had this kind of technology.
It irks me that if our society doesn't know something they just accept an answer as truth when it isn't really an answer at all. For instance, how the pyramids were build, or stone henge, or the lines in the ground visible from space...

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Shocka]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 11:50 AM

Interisting read, you might want to checkout "Stargates are real" here on ATS. It's about 156 pages but worth the time. There are some good linkd to other sites as well.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:05 PM
Very interesting read!!!! I am sure you spent a lot of time on this. I have just one question.

If you say Enki is the serpent in the Eden, then is he the satan?? If he tried helping the human to get the Blue stone then why the religions are contradicting him as a evil one?

Btw just to let you know Tara also means Star in Sanskrit. Try substituting terror with star; it may give you a different answer.


[edit on 21-10-2008 by the_spark]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 12:45 PM
You're definitely on to something that a lot of people have been talking about lately (google Jake Kotze). Although, I'm more prone to think of "serpent rope" as a representation of our DNA. The galactic alignment is more of a "Junk DNA" ignition and hopefully will usher in the Homo Luminous that Ben was talking about in his movie "Esoteric Agenda".

Star for anything dealing with 2012, serpent ropes and/or stargates.


[edit on 21-10-2008 by TheRealDonPedros]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by the_spark

God is Satan Satan is God
It's all relative. The snake represents the worm hole or the knowledge of the worm hole.
Enki wanted to teach the human race that we could all have the knowledge of the worm holes and be lifted up as gods but a select few kept this information from the population so that they could be all powerful. What you might call the illuminati are just the few that know about the worm holes.
They made us believe something, like any religion you may have, no offense there's some truth to all religions so that we would be easy to control and never realize that we could be or are gods as well.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 04:31 PM
I know this is a little bit off topic, sorry.

I was thinking about some freemasons that put their thumbs and index fingers together, forming a spades symbol. I never thought it was a spades symbol, rather something deeper than that. Now I'm thinking it is a symbol of the wormhole knowledge. That really makes more sense, right?

Somebody must have the knowledge.


posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 06:39 PM
Your ideas are similar tho those of William Henry and also a poster by the name of "undo" has done some great research on Stargates, and if I'm not mistaken she thinks Enki is more likely to be the biblical Satan.

We have been given the knowledge to the gate, but people have to learn it on their own.

But know this, that if and when you try and you feel you are getting close but keep hitting a wall - go back to the original source of the door.

Trust me, there is no other way.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:21 PM
The only issue I have with that, is that the Mayan interpetations were by one guy only, and experts have said pretty much that his conclusions were full of a heck of a lot of holes. It's his assumption that's what they meant. Most experts are pretty certain 2012 was simply the end of the next Mayan age. Had it come to pass while their civilization was about, they'd celebrate by building some huge temples and what-not, and the next age would begin.

He ignored lots of stuff like the many references to the 5 visible planets on the tablets. That makes sense: it's what they really could have seen. One single tablet with dots on it is found, and he jumps to all sorts of conclusions. Since I think his work is a bit of bunk, I can't really buy into the rest. I personally don't think anything out of the ordinary is going to occur in December of 2012.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:25 PM
Very interesting post, S & F ! I will return with questions and comments when I have more time..

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:43 PM
I have nothing against Zacheria Sitchin, but I read a synopsis on Sitchins work from a man who had a phD in ancient script readings, and being as interested as he was originally in Sitchins "findings", he came to the realization and understanding that Sitchin just did not know what he was talking about.

I don't remember his name or have a link, but Im sure if you google it you can find it easily enough. I just happened to run into it researching some of Sitchins findings myself.

As the phD was looking into what Sitchin had written about he found errors and mistakes more and more. He said he also tried to contact Sitchin to see if he had any credentials from anywhere and if he would adress these mistakes. I guess in the end Sitchin just flat out mis translated some of the Sumerian glyphs. Honest mistake I suppose.

If I remember correctly, he never received any answer from Sitchin and therefore discredited much of what Sitchen had to say.

Just wanted to throw that out there. If I can find a link, I will provide.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by TheRealDonPedros

You're definitely on to something that a lot of people have been talking about lately (google Jake Kotze). Although, I'm more prone to think of "serpent rope" as a representation of our DNA. The galactic alignment is more of a "Junk DNA" ignition and hopefully will usher in the Homo Luminous that Ben was talking about in his movie "Esoteric Agenda".

I find what you type very interesting. Not only can serpent rope refer to our DNA or wormholes, it could also be a reference to kundalin energy awakening or knowledge of it.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:09 PM
Another way of looking at the 'snake stargate' is as an Ouroboros. The snake swallowing its own tail can both represent a continuous cycle as well as a barrier encircling our planet.

It's said that the real stargate is a barrier surrounding Earth, one from which we cannot escape. It was placed here to keep certain beings sequestered from the rest of the galaxy.

Michael Tsarion explains it here in this 4 minute video clip:

I also just wrote a short story loosely based on this idea entitled These Dark Worlds

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:10 PM
Nice read. Its interesting how many different explanations humans can come up with. Your story made sense.

Starred and flagged!

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by abelievingskeptic
I have nothing against Zacheria Sitchin, but I read a synopsis on Sitchins work from a man who had a phD in ancient script readings, and being as interested as he was originally in Sitchins "findings", he came to the realization and understanding that Sitchin just did not know what he was talking about.

I don't remember his name or have a link, but Im sure if you google it you can find it easily enough. I just happened to run into it researching some of Sitchins findings myself.

As the phD was looking into what Sitchin had written about he found errors and mistakes more and more. He said he also tried to contact Sitchin to see if he had any credentials from anywhere and if he would adress these mistakes. I guess in the end Sitchin just flat out mis translated some of the Sumerian glyphs. Honest mistake I suppose.

If I remember correctly, he never received any answer from Sitchin and therefore discredited much of what Sitchen had to say.

Just wanted to throw that out there. If I can find a link, I will provide.

The man you are speaking of is an unqualified debunker out to take Sitchin's work and his honor way from him. The argument has been out there a while. Sitchin made so much headway when no one was getting anywhere and just because the wannabe debunker has a PhD, does not immediately qualify him as an expert in ancient languages and writings. He has not earned his place in schema of things through hard work, and I refuse to give him an credit without it.

Remember that opinions are like rectal disfunctions, everybody has one !

On another comment regarding the Serpent. It is our modern day world another representation for DNA strands.

[edit on 10/21/2008 by Evisscerator]

[edit on 10/21/2008 by Evisscerator]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:34 PM
Is it possible that these blue stones are Dark Matter? It is said as far as i know that you need Dark Matter to open and keep open a stable worm hole.

So basically its a possibility that all these gods from mythology and stuff are actually real beings and that they left the earth a long time ago via wormholes.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by Shocka
That center was called Tula, which is a Sanskrit word that means balance. The astrological sign for Libra(1), which is the symbol for balance, perfectly matches or mirrors the shape of our galaxy(2).

Sorry, but the symbol for Libra does not mirror "the shape of the galaxy" in reality. You posted a 360-degree all-sky photo of the Milky Way - from our own vantage point in the galaxy of course - purposely centered to vaguely resemble the sign. The apparent resemblance is due to dust clouds obscuring the vast number of stars. That is, the dark areas are not vacant of stars at all, and so this "shape" is contrived. Furthermore, no one prior to the invention of all-sky photography could ever have noticed even the faintest resemblance.

Originally posted by Shocka
Tula has many variations, it’s the “t, l, a” signification letters that are important in this word. From Tula we get such words as Tala, but we know from the Japanese that the letters “l” and the letters “r” are interchangeable. Tala or Tula becomes Tara. Tara means compassion, enlightenment, and “Tara” is phonetically similar to “terror”.

So what does Sanskrit have to do with Japanese? And what does Japanese have to do with a phonetic resemblance to English? That line of reasoning is not reasonable at all. I can equally argue that je t'aime is phonetically similar to "Get 'Em!" and therefore they should be considered related in meaning.

Originally posted by ShockaThe Mayans tell us that in 2012 our sun and solar system will align with the center of our galaxy, the place of Tara but also the place of terror.

What alignment? How can a dot orbiting the center of the galaxy (a process that takes roughly 200 milion years BTW) somehow "align" with it? To align with anything, you need at least three variables. It is meaningless to "align" two things. You must have three to be in alignment. What is the third thing? And you've already made an extremely tenuous jump from Tara to Terror. Now you are accepting your own false reasoning as a postulation.

Originally posted by Shocka
In fact, in December 2012 the Mayans tell us that with this alignment, the galactic alignment, a great rift will open from the center of our milky way galaxy and a ladder will emerge. From this ladder will emerge a “serpent rope” and from this rope will emerge the God of Nine Winds...

Oh lord...blah, blah, blah. I've already wasted my time with this. I do not suffer fools easily.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:40 PM
Did you know, there's not a single remaining piece of art from ancient Sumer, that depicts a humanized "god"? All the humanized gods in mesopotamian art, are AFTER the black sea flood. Since the ones responsible were locked up/sent away, whatever, and Enki is put under special restraining orders, the artforms of the gods we see in Akkad and Babylon are based on memories that have been humanized. In other words, artforms depicting Enki as a human are LIES. They are fakeries. The only remaining full body images of beings from ancient Sumer are of Reptilians. Yes, REPTILIANS.

I know it sounds way out there, but folks, I've been scouring the archives for sumerian artifacts, specifically, and the only other things I can find are plates, bowls, vases, and odd little symbols, like charms or fetishes, of some kind. There are no depictions of human gods, no depictions of human kings, or human shaman or human anything, except the legless, decapitated females. Conversely, the Reptilians are mostly intact. I think there was only one with a missing head.

Yup, we caught 'em red-handed trying to cover up their own existence by influencing scholars to mesh the Sumerian and Akkadian timelines together when they are indeed separate for good reason. The flood not only marked the end of sumerian civilization, it marked the end of visible occupation by this particular line of ETs. The idea that they cannablized the humans is actually reported in the Book of Enoch, a book, btw, that was outlawed from being included in the biblical texts by the Holy Roman Catholic Church during the ecumenical councils.

It says, the planet was so polluted, food wouldn't grow. A massive drought kicked in, the plant life died, the animals were no longer edible, and the fallen ones (the ETs) and their hybrid offspring began to eat the human population because there was no food left. This would go a long way in explaining a great deal about the ancient past. Starting with why reptilians may not be all sunshine and lollipops. So much for enlightenment.

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