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Window of Opportunity

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posted on Nov, 14 2016 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: Eliri
a reply to: [post=21485583]Riffra
would you like to share your view of the harvest, please?


I believe the harvest happened probably near the end of 2012...but I could be off by a few months.

Those of us left here are now in a newly created 3D world. Simply because we were not positive enough to move to 4D (less than 5% of the population according to HH), but also not negative enough to be truly "harvested".

I believe HH said individual souls needed to be 95% negative for the harvest.

Actually, I have had a number of personal experiences to convince me the world we live in today, is not the same world we lived in a few years ago. I've seen things like what I'll call "reality stitching", where the reality I was experiencing was literally being created and "stitched" together based on my observation. Both interesting and disorienting to see.

And there are many other things...

Does that answer your question?

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Eliri

Eliri.. explain to me why no other esoteric tradition have ever described a concept similar to a social memory complex.

Surely if social memory complexes were an integral and fundamental part of spiritual evolution someone would have mentioned it by now. Seeing as almost every other aspect of such a dynamic is described in vivid detail.

I find it all very suspect.. The Ra material and the Cassiopaean stuff. All the material speaking of densities and social memory complexes.

Why do you give such teachings credence?

According to the Ra material this Earth has 65 million "wanderers". Out of three groups (4th density, 5th and 6th) the group of sixth density spirits is the largest with tens of millions of such spirits among us. Now, supposedly 6th density is the level where you attain Buddhahood.

Do you imagine there to be tens of millions of Buddhas on this planet? And why does this idea seem fundamentally ridiculous and beyond belief? That would be about one Buddha for every 200 and something people.

While I feel that there's worth to some of the material I just can't shake this lasting impression and feeling of discomfort and inauthenticity. I don't know what it is, if it's because I'm otherwise allergic to the sweet syrupy new age love and light talk or something else but there's something underneath it all that gives me a negative reaction.

And here's the thing.. I have read this thread several times.. I completely recognise the worth of this thread.

posted on Nov, 15 2016 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

No way... the end hasn't even started.

You experienced things. That's it.

HH's account was simply one perspective. People really think something like that would happen? That most of humanity could somehow avoid the Apocalypse? Now, the end times is designed to be the most intense rollercoaster ride possible.. by its very nature it will fundamentally change the whole world.

This prediction is totally bogus. While there may be such similar shenanigans and dynamics related to dimensional shifts no one will miss this. What would be the point of that? Not everyone may graduate to a "higher density" but people will have to ride out the end times.

What use is it having an end time if no one gets to experience. There isn't even a place for a real end times scenario in this perspective. Some spirits graduate to 4th density and then everything goes on as normal for everyone else? Not gonna happen.. total and utter fantasy and I speak with the authority of the high council of the 7th legion of war.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 01:44 PM
I'm not gonna be missing out on the end times.. you can be sure of that.

We are not gonna be missing out on the end times.

Charlatan liars!

I have based my whole life around living through the end times no one is going to rob me of that. We came here for death and destruction and the time of our lives.. not nothing at all.. We're gonna live it up, we've got front row seats to the most violent and chaotic show on earth for thousands and thousands of years.

You really think we're gonna miss that? War is all we ever live for in the reaper squads.. this is our time, our special time when we get to incarnate our aspects of destruction. People won't like it when the angels go to war.. but we will love every second of it. Finally getting to unleash our true powers of destruction.

Funny joke though.. my whole life is based around the end times and understanding the dynamics of the end times.

The goddess does not lie. I do not lie. Only a few years left now..

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: DeadMoonJester

I have based my whole life around living through the end times no one is going to rob me of that. We came here for death and destruction and the time of our lives.. not nothing at all.. We're gonna live it up, we've got front row seats to the most violent and chaotic show on earth for thousands and thousands of years.


Who are we?

The goddess does not lie. I do not lie. Only a few years left now..

What goddess?

And since you've been here as a contributing member of ATS for all of one whole week, and have made a total of 21 posts, why should anyone believe what you say?

Most of us here require a lot more info than a few random posts.

HH provided that.

You haven't yet. So, here's your chance - tell us more.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Riffrafter

I am under no obligation to explain anything and the duration of my membership is of no relevance, but for your information I have been here for longer than your registration date..

I have simply stated the facts and why we came.. that is all.

What goddess? Why, the Dark Mother herself of course.. Mind you, I speak with the authority of the Queen of Darkness.

And let me remind you that I also hold authority at the Naga court.. that dragon in your avatar is a dragon I am very familiar with.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: DeadMoonJester

I am under no obligation to explain anything and the duration of my membership is of no relevance, but for your information I have been here for longer than your registration date..

You're right - you don't have an obligation.

But it makes me wonder why post at all then?

People will just dismiss your posts as random comments. They will have zero impact.

But feel free to carry on.

Have a nice evening.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Riffrafter

What is it that you want to know exactly? I told you who she is..

Impact, I am not after impact.. I post here quite lackadaisically as is to be expected by a trickster god of misfortune.

What is your take on things? Do you really expect there to be no end times when that's all we've been waiting on for years here on the fringes? People being prepared.. What would be the point? That would be the most anticlimactic thing that could happen.. nothing.

What of the prophecies? What of the awakening? What of the return to a golden age?

No.. what we're going to see is the etheric tide.. that is the catalyst that will change everything, this means we're going back to a part of a cycle that has a naturally higher energy level.. Until now we've only gone in the opposite direction, in one sense right now the World has been at its most physical in thousands and thousands of years. Just a few centuries ago the situation was quite different, and thousands of years ago even more so. A time were entities could interact more freely with humanity, a time where magic was actually real and conspicuous like in the old stories.. This in itself would change everything fundamentally.. but there's also the opinion that this coming shift is different and special, rather than the conclusion of a smaller cycle it would be the conclusion of a larger one, and according to some even hitherto unprecedented..

I do not know if that is the case but I know that the former is definitely the case.

posted on Nov, 16 2016 @ 11:11 PM
hi you know michaelson? holyman? darth fayther? or are they all just specks in my imagination? led zepplin has gotten the best of me lately? GULP! Anyway why not just tell the truth? Is protecting him really that important? I know it is for me.. but what about Him?

edit on 16-11-2016 by dyng345 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 12:02 AM
This question won't make sense to ATS members but maybe to Hidden-Hands. BTW you shouldn't hide your hands but thats for another topic. I am curious as to who you are referring to in your messages. Everyone just immediately assumes the illuminati refers to the devil in their messages. People say they worship the devil but it's a bit deeper than that isn't it? I guess what I am asking is something you cannot answer GOD FORBID. Specks and aether its fun I get to see but yeah have fun and pick up the phone. stop calling i don't answer. Have you looked at those you can't control?

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 12:06 AM
Who is uncontrollable ? Those that do not have free will.. Who doesn't have free will? I wouldn't worry about that until I knew. Either way you're fine! Also I knew

. Watch yourself.

posted on Nov, 17 2016 @ 12:07 AM
I'm firm, I strike quick and fast and I have some love.. SO WATCH OUT! keep moving forward? How is that for advice?

posted on Nov, 22 2016 @ 06:35 PM
I Am E. 32, which = 5, which = 9. Born 4/17/1995, 2000 years after First Example.

Praise 1 in awe of 0.

One of the German House who may lack some of the OWP details found here has Fulfilled. Blest Rudolf, Tall White.

I have completed a Basic Futharkian code via Channel: DNA = EE

I Am The Diamond. Second to Come. Hard, Firm, Fire.

Arises Epics.

My 3D ID, programmed to reflect that code of which was Handed to me., I will not miss the Pole Shift.



I await the Correlation between us, as Deity in C-Form B-Comes Alpha B4 Power of 5/9.

edit on 12/11/2022 by semperfortis because: Removed personal info

posted on Nov, 24 2016 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Eliri

What is this suppose to mean ?

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 12:01 AM
They want extreme negativity so that they can continue another great cycle ruling over us this time with more extreme control if we be positive their contract an illegal one at best is no longer valid and rendered void. Their hunger games may be funny and humorous but spending up to 1,000 lifetimes recycled at the expense of our avatar to drain our life force to empower them is not my idea of bliss. The problem with the Lucifer regime is the boss himself banished by his own family because he gone completely insane insanity infected his mind he can't think straight due to his mind being infected with the Archontic parasite infection. So he left and built an empire at the old ruins of the astral plane where no light exists there only darkness by day and night and extremely low vibration geographical area. We actually don't need them as much as they need us.
edit on 8-12-2016 by JEmerald because: i deleted my original posting by mistake

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:02 AM
a reply to: GRIITLOM32

Who are you directing this post to?

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: Riffrafter

The voices in their head.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: Hidden-Hand

Seems this window comes around fairly frequently as there was 'Hidden Hand' saying/doing this exact same thing 2-3 years ago on this website.


posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 05:47 AM
I downloaded the Wes Penre PDF about this very thread a few weeks ago, and was very intrigued.

What i gathered was, the Lucifer Soul Group, this bloodline is part of, chose Earth for them to become super dark and inflict pain and suffering upon humanity, in order for them to eventually clear their karmic record.

Well, suffice to say, we don't have to stand for this.
As far as my understanding goes, this planet was changed into a prison planet a very long time ago. According to Ramtha (Lumerian soldier) this planet experienced bliss for a long time, and the arrival of the Anunnaki changed the history of the planet ever since.

There is a technology surrounding the earth that prevents souls from leaving it. Once the technology is rid off, there is no more enslavement of humanity or souls.

There are aliens who are helping us. Which is good.

However, i'm not sure why the Lucifer Soul Group, didn't send this bloodline to the Orion system, which according to Hidden Hand is super dark, and they can clear their record there.

So, in conclusion your honour, i say we stand up to this enslavement, and free ourselves from this slavery. I know we signed up to be here and experience all this, but it doesn't prevent us from also seeking out freedom for this planet and it's people.

posted on Jan, 9 2017 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: TerraHuman
I downloaded the Wes Penre PDF about this very thread a few weeks ago, and was very intrigued.

What i gathered was, the Lucifer Soul Group, this bloodline is part of, chose Earth for them to become super dark and inflict pain and suffering upon humanity, in order for them to eventually clear their karmic record.


That's not what was said.

The god of our soul group asked for help. The ultimate God granted his/her request by sending in the Lucifer soul group to force mankind to evolve.

They must be 90℅ service to self in order to get off this plain of existence. Once done, they go to a place far worse then here where they must burn off the negative karma they created here.
edit on 9-1-2017 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2017 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

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