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Are you thinking for yourself?

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posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:30 PM
Rethink everything

Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the world isn't as sinister as we seem to think it is? Is it possible that all of us conspiracy theorists are off of our rockers? Take, for example, the Galactic Federation of Light. Millions of people were looking to the skies yesterday hoping to see a large space craft. But how many of those people actually read the channelings by Blossom Goodchild? They were so...human. And we all see how that has turned out.

And the 9-11 attacks...
Why do so many people think that our government shot missiles into the pentagon, or that the planes were remote controlled? Are you serious? Maybe they knew about it and let it happen, but it wasn't staged by them.

If we are to ever be taken seriously we need to reevaluate the propaganda we are spreading on the internet. And yes, I called it propaganda because that is exactly what it is. If you are trying to explain to the "average" person what is happening with the North American Union one minute and the next we are talking about an alien civilization that wished to spread love on Earth, are we going to be taken seriously?

I'm not saying we should just shut-up and let the world be taken over by the bankers, or the Illuminati, or evil alien reptiles...but we should use a little bit of our brainpower to separate actual possibilities and complete fantasy. So much of what I read here on ATS and other places seems to be created by a person that just wishes to catch a little bit of attention.

Even when one of those attention grabbers admits that it was all a ploy, the conspiracy theorists claim that the government "got" to them. Example: NibiruShock2012 on YouTube.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good conspiracy just as much as the next person, but I won't blindly follow someone else just because I've run out of things to read about my own.

But I'm sure someone will post something about me being a government dis-information agent and debunk me and call me a blind government following sheep...bring it on.

What do you think?

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by psycospyder
Rethink everything

And the 9-11 attacks...
Why do so many people think that our government shot missiles into the pentagon, or that the planes were remote controlled? Are you serious? Maybe they knew about it and let it happen, but it wasn't staged by them.

You lost me right there. The official story of 911 is the only conspiracy theory related to that day. With complete disregard to the FACTS and EVIDENCE presented by the 911 truth movement alone, we can already make an educated guess that the government was involved just by the series of inconsistencies and lies that they fed the American Public in the wake of the greatest tragedy to hit the US.

Or wait, which is the bigger tragedy? 3000 people dying on one day, or the official death count of American soldiers that reachs close to 5000 now? Or is it a bigger tragedy that on average 18 military men commit suicide PER DAY? Or is it a bigger tragedy that 1 in 4 homeless men is a veteran? Or perhaps its a bigger tragedy that thousands of rescue workers are dead or dying because of how their government lied about air quality and now refuses to help them with bills?

Or perhaps its a larger tragedy that the American society is not free, or a democracy, rather a corporatocracy, in which the rights of a corporation are held above those of the average person?

Or maybe, the biggest tragedy is the ignorance of the American people, which is not their own fault but the fault of the society that has been built for them.

Edit to further my point: If your accosted by a store owner upon exit, and he claims he thinks that you have stolen something, if you're innocent you quickly empty your pockets and show your innocence. While if you are guilty then you will do whatever you possibly can to avoid the situation and the search.

My point. On 911, the government was the guy ducking the question, unable to empty their pockets while being accused of theft.

How did a plane fit into the hole in the pentagon? Where were its remains? And by their OWN CLAIM, how does a plane evaporate upon impact, yet leave the fragile human DNA of over 90% of that plane in tact? Why if a plane hit the building, do they not release video from one of the ten's of cameras that would have caught the whole event on tape?

See the point im trying to make here is that, you don't need to know exactly what has been done, or how it was done if you understand the outcome and the reaction of those in question. The reaction, clearly shows, not only that elements of the government were complacent during the course of the event, but were in fact involved.

So if evidence and facts don't do it for ya, how bout logic Mr. Psychospider.

In respect to the title, great question, group think is a serious problem with todays society. Instead of researching and investigating claims made by others, people simply 'black and white' either agree or disagree and the outcome of that decision to their belief system.

[edit on 15-10-2008 by king9072]

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 08:22 PM
If you consider above top secrets dot com like a giant test machine, then it's only right we see those topics. I just don't answer anymore i consider it's the moderators's job to get rid of these twilight zone threads starters.If they don't do it, i guess they want let these weirdos and others express themselves, so be it.

It's my understanding many people here have hidden agendas but when you'll discover what exactly time will have passed by.Whether
it is selling your next book or gathering data for your next sci-fi tv series script it's hard to guess the final aim.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Here's my problems with with the 911 conspiracies:

1. The plane that hit the pentagon did not vaporize. I don't know of any government source that has claimed this. I have seen the pictures taken of the Pentagon. Wreckage from a Boeing 757 is clearly visible. I have seen a thread posted on ATS that proves undeniably an airplane crashed into the Pentagon.

2. How many people would it have taken to orchestrate an event of this magnitude? Depending on which theory you subscribe to, a missile was launched into the Pentagon, planes were remotely controlled into the WTC, and a field in Pennsylvania, all of the passengers in the planes were secretly executed, explosives were planted in the WTC, false passports and identification were made, fake phone calls were made etc...
But no one involved has said anything. It would have been hundreds.
Or is it more likely that 19 people pissed off at the United States decide to hijack some airplanes and teach us a lesson?

Our government has some things to answer for. Undeniably. I have no doubts that they knew it was going to happen. They let it happen. They made plans to use it to their advantage. But the American government could not have possibly pulled this one off themselves. It would have been a much simpler operation to let the "bad guys" do it for them.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by psycospyder
Here's my problems with with the 911 conspiracies:

1. The plane that hit the pentagon did not vaporize. I don't know of any government source that has claimed this. I have seen the pictures taken of the Pentagon. Wreckage from a Boeing 757 is clearly visible. I have seen a thread posted on ATS that proves undeniably an airplane crashed into the Pentagon.

2. How many people would it have taken to orchestrate an event of this magnitude? Depending on which theory you subscribe to, a missile was launched into the Pentagon, planes were remotely controlled into the WTC, and a field in Pennsylvania, all of the passengers in the planes were secretly executed, explosives were planted in the WTC, false passports and identification were made, fake phone calls were made etc...
But no one involved has said anything. It would have been hundreds.
Or is it more likely that 19 people pissed off at the United States decide to hijack some airplanes and teach us a lesson?

Our government has some things to answer for. Undeniably. I have no doubts that they knew it was going to happen. They let it happen. They made plans to use it to their advantage. But the American government could not have possibly pulled this one off themselves. It would have been a much simpler operation to let the "bad guys" do it for them.

Watch any film of the day and you'll clearly hear, see and witness *first hand* witnesses all claiming secondary explosions.

I suppose it was these 19 people pissed off at the US who ran around and planted those explosives, perhaps it was also them who removed themselves from the official flight manifests, and it was also them who made norad stand down.

Do you see what I mean, you don't need to know the how or what, when the end result speaks so clearly for itself.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:15 PM
If only there were forums about 9/11 that people could go to discuss that huge topic. Maybe someday someone will make a forum on here to that discussion.

I think for myself. But it's pretty clear the education process no longer produces thinkers, it produces knowers. You don't learn how to think, you learn what you need to know and how to repeat it back like a good little sheeple.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 09:16 PM
Bill Clinton said never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance.

I'm starting to think maybe he and the OP are correct.

posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by psycospyder

1. The plane that hit the pentagon did not vaporize. I don't know of any government source that has claimed this. I have seen the pictures taken of the Pentagon. Wreckage from a Boeing 757 is clearly visible. I have seen a thread posted on ATS that proves undeniably an airplane crashed into the Pentagon.

Oh please, please... I want to see that!

Seriously, find that picture please.

I have never seen any sign of a Boeing 757 wreckage.

That could change my mind about the "missile" explanation.


posted on Oct, 15 2008 @ 10:27 PM
How about the following,
Plane parts

That took me about 3 minutes of google-fu to find.

posted on Oct, 16 2008 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by Biscuit
How about the following,
Plane parts

That took me about 3 minutes of google-fu to find.

Hahah, and of course the rest of the planes including engines the size of cars, suddenly disappeared from the outside of the building. Since the whole was hardly wide enough for the fuselage, nooo where near the size of wing lengths. So those parts obviously just got sucked into the building, never to be seen again right.

Those pictures show what we can see, but what about what we can't? Which reminds me, how bout 1 of the I believe (don't quote me) upto 40 other cameras that caught the video of the actual plane hitting the building. Even private footage from businesses was seized, never to be returned.

Regardless, this has become a bit off topic, as I mentioned above, to put it plain, I disagree with the OP.


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