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New World Order Has Us...

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posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:52 PM
The New World Order has us by the balls and the worst thing is we cannot do anything to stop them. However, as many others have said we can prepare for them. I have compiled a list of how they are beating us and maybe we can possibly slow them down.

Well the first thing they wanted to do and have succeeded at is to lower the human population rate. And the best way to do this is through abortion, RU486 (which has a "special" meaning behind it), birth control, higher cost of living (through a higher cost of living women who get pregnant are more likely to have abortions than put the child up for adoption), eugenics, laws for 1 child families~China.

First I will explain the special meaning with RU486.
-86 is the army/military way of saying: to throw something away/dispose of.
-The Rest is self explanatory R (Are) U (You) 4 (For) 86 (Throwing your child away).

Next step expose children in the classrooms that their is no God and no punishment after death. Show them that they are related and are a type of animal, through indoctrination of false science. A brainwashing technique that is reminicant of Hitlers Nazi Germany.

Once the child believes he is animal leads to:
High Death rate of teens with suicide (many issues lead to suicide, high cost of living the child feels he is a burden), drugs, alcohol, STD's.
High death rate through all ages from wars, chemtrails, genetically modified foods (without the nutrients of real food, a person has a lower disease resistance), AID's, drugs, genocide, racism, starvation, poor nutrition, and other way possible.

Jacques Cousteau stated: In order to stabalize world population we must eliminate 350,000 people per day.

Ted Turner: A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from the present levels would be ideal.

Alan Greg: The World has a cancer and the cancer is man.

Prince Philip: If I could be reincarnated I would wish to return to earth as a killer virus, to lower human population levels.

Catherine Bertini: Food is power, we use it to control behavior, we do not apologize. (70% of U.S process food contain Genetically engineered foods, Catherine Bertini was the executive director of UN food distribution).

Hitler understood how brainwashing worked. He knew that he need to have control of the nation and he knew how to do just that, these quotes say it best:

"When an opposite declares, 'I will not come over to your side.' I calmly say, 'Your child belongs to us already....What are you? You will pass on. Your descedants, however, they know nothing else but this new community."

"Let me controls the textbooks, and I will control the state."

What do you guys think? and how is this for my first post?

Thanks for reading!



posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

I read somewhere "don't remember the source" that every one in the us could live comfortably in Texas.

I don't think that [population control] is any answer. A [population in control] is a better alternative, I think. There you have it though. 4% in control, and depopulation looks like a viable means to their ends. As long as there is some sort of conflict, be it human, health or otherwise, there will always be a profit to be made at the expense of your very life.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:05 PM
Very nice first post and welcome. I did not know that about the number 86. But now that I think of it, that is a way to say that one got kicked out of a bar- to get 86'd.

I will take exception to one thing in your post, and that is the part about the classroom. I do not believe anything having to do with God should be taught in public classrooms. If you want to teach that to your child either send them to parochial school and/or do it at home.

I am an atheist, but I wasn't always. I know plenty of religious people who went to public schools, many of home believe in evolution, who are still religious and do believe in God and consequences after death.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Great analysis. Star and Flag. Most of us, of course, already know most of this and are working diligently to foil these tyrannical fascists, too. I now grow most of my own food, and refuse to buy ANY processed foods.

I do, and will continue to, trade services and goods with my neighbors to avoid any monetary transactions.

I promote and tinker with above-unity electrical systems. I hope most people encourage solar power.

I promote pro-life and encourage population bloom. I know we have a destiny among the stars, and limited resources on the Earth only means a faster path to our destiny.

These Nazi's (and princes) are short-sighted narcissistic megalomaniacs and should be removed from power, post haste.

Thanks, man, for such a profoundly succinct OP, congratulations.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:21 PM
No the New World Order is royally screwed, the fall out from this financial crisis is way beyond the scope that they could ever have dreamed up. I've been paying attention to this closely for the past month or so and the real ticking time-bomb hasn't hit yet that is the derivatives market.

The derivatives market has an estimated value of somewhere around a quadrillion+ dollars. Then you also have to take into effect that they now have to explain to people where all their money went too and they have to tell them the truth which is well the money didn't ever actually exist to begin with.

The EU just got together and decided to pump more money into the system raising the debt even higher. This controlled demolition of the market has blown up in their faces. When the real problems of the system become exposed because of their inevitable collapse people are going to be asking questions lots of questions.

The real factor is going to come into play when the people they pay to do their dirty work are going to demand something with real value. Their bi-weekly pay won't even buy them half a weeks worth of food and their families suffer because of it they will switch sides and fight against those that once employed them.

People are going to demand pay with something with real value and it is nowhere to be found it has all been squandered off. There have already been protest won't be long before they turn into riots.

This is the end of the NWO their scheme was to complicated and slightest misstep would cause it to all come tumbling down. The derivatives market was the misstep.

In effect there is nothing to fear the best thing to do is to sit back and watch their network implode.

There will be wars to attempt to control the population, but most of them will be short lived as the reality of situation begins to sink into even the most moronic person.

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

Yes. Good post. Starred and Flagged

But they're correct, aren't they ? We have bred ourselves into a no-win situation, haven't we ? Well, not my branch of the family. We have far more than average un-married-childless in our family. But most put a few more of themselves on the planet, don't they ? And that's how we ended up with the 6.6 billion and counting.

And be honest ... which of us wouldn't prefer to be part of the lucky reduced-number ? Which of us wouldn't prefer less crowding, less stress, less threat .. MORE returned-to-nature expanses ?

Which of us wouldn't prefer to have MORE of everything and LESS competition for resources ?

Which of us wouldn't prefer to be amongst the elite .. wouldn't like to have the luxury home in the south of France and another on an island paradise ?

Which of us wouldn't prefer there to be full employment .. less competition for work .. more pay .. more perks .. more recognition ?

And so on.

But, people keep on breeding, even when they're on welfare and must or should know that their kids will probably do no better and have no more than they.

People still believe it is their 'right' to breed, to replace themselves on this overloaded planet.

So what should happen ? Should people keep on breeding? Should the world's population climb to ten billion, twenty billion ?

Oh, ok. So by then, all those currently alive will be dead. So not their problem, I guess.

But it's going to be a problem for those alive next century. If you think it's tough and stressful now .. imagine what it will be like then.

You're not going to solve the problem, nor I. We just post in fora and eat snacks and whine about New World Orders and conspiracies.

But SOMEone has to think ahead. SOMEone has to draft solutions. SOMEone has to take action.

And if you're in a position where the world's future and future population is in your in-basket, then you don't think in terms of individuals, any more than retailers or bankers or hospitals do. You think in terms of numbers.

Farmers have to trim their herds. Those charged with managing the world's population are forced to think along the same lines.

And I'm pretty sure that most who post about NWO would do likewise, in the same position.

So Ok. Let's pretend for a moment that you've been handed responsibility for a constantly reproducing 6.6 billion, all of them seeking sustenance, shelter, etc. from the same planet WHICH, incidentally, remains the same size.

What would YOU do ? How would you handle it ? What would your proposals be ?

Anyone ?

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:34 PM
Good post Myth ..I agree and I also agree that there is nothing any of us can do about it .It is way past too late .

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Hastobemoretolife

Hello Hastobe
Sorry but I think your mistaken or in denial ..a One World Gov is about to be completed ..they have been heading towards that for a very long time ..
it is we the people that have been the problem as to why it has not happened yet with our country ...I believe it was the NAU that finally got it rolling ....

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Dock6

How would I handle it? Let Mother Nature take her course.

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by GetOutOfMyRabbitHole

Fair enough

Would you deem the alleged NWO to be part of Nature's course / (edited to insert a question-mark here instead of the mistake forward-slash) : )

Genuinely interested

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Dock6]

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

You have to look at their reasoning for a NAU to work as in they have to have a working example to point too. That working example would be the EU which is currently feeling the effects of this economic crisis so even they aren't immune. Word is that they are rewriting the global finance rules which will change the whole world market.

Governments right now are facing the fear of going into default. So now they have to do something drastic to "fix" the problem. People all over the world are already mad at the current situation and they have been lied to by their governments and the governments have been exposed. As it stands right now the people will never allow one central world bank.

They are going against the will of the people now and the whole plan was for the people to go silently into the night. They knew a few people would resist, but as it stands right now they are looking at billions of people resisting. There isn't an army on earth that can combat that type of resistance.

You have to realize what they are going to be asking all of us, which is to give up our sovereignty in order for a few thousand to be in control of the currency. That worked real well this time didn't it.

What you are going to see is the attempt to still implement the NWO even though it has no chance of surviving or even working. This is just the beginning of the end their best laid plans have been corrupted by their own greed and corruption.

They are asking the people to trust the people that got them into this mess to begin with and there is not any trust left in those people.

In effect for their whole plan to work all of this had to have happened with our consent well now they don't have our consent on a larger scale that they didn't plan for.

[edit on 12-10-2008 by Hastobemoretolife]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Dock6

"So Ok. Let's pretend for a moment that you've been handed responsibility for a constantly reproducing 6.6 billion, all of them seeking sustenance, shelter, etc. from the same planet WHICH, incidentally, remains the same size.

What would YOU do ? How would you handle it ? What would your proposals be ?

Anyone ?"

I would handle it by not handling it. I would leave the responsibility with the individual. I can't possibly know what you or your family needs. I certainly can't know what someone from the other side of the planet needs. In the same respect, you can't know what I need.

Thank God no one has the responsibilty for providing for all of the needs of all of the people on the planet. It would be impossible to do so. That's what make the whole idea of 1WG completely absurd. How can one person/government know what everyone on the planet needs? We as Americans are supposed to believe in self-government. I believe this is the most effective form of government. Different cultures "need" different things. They value different things.

This is the fallacy of 1WG. The only equality that can come out of this is equal misery.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by Dock6

To reply to your concerns about undesirable breeding, government policies and political correctness must share the vast majority of blame.

By subsidzing bad/destructive behavior, we encourage it. By holding our tongues because of the real threat of being labeled a racist or cruel, we encourage it. Povery-stricken people across the planet are given food, shelter, water, housing, medical care etc. by numerous "help" organizations. The idea that people have a right to "necessities" by virture of being born increases the problem exponentially. By giving poor people longer lives and removing the natural enemies of overpopulation, it is inevitable that people will overpopulate themselves into misery.

The idea that you are responsible for your own actions has been replaced with the long-suffering nanny state. Not only does the State permit bad behaviour, it encourages it in order to keep it's own existance as a necessity. Free people don't need the State, slaves do.

The cycle of "mistakes" can only be broken by allowing the impact of poor decision-making to fully affect those who make bad choices. Or to put it simply, Live and Learn.


posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 01:07 AM
double post...

[edit on 10/13/08 by dontreadonme]

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by reticledc
reply to post by TheMythLives

I don't think that [population control] is any answer. A [population in control] is a better alternative, I think. There you have it though. 4% in control, and depopulation looks like a viable means to their ends. As long as there is some sort of conflict, be it human, health or otherwise, there will always be a profit to be made at the expense of your very life.

Or... A population freed to pursue their bliss - all work no one wants to do relegated to computers and robots...

Here is a discussion worth reading (so far, only three pages...):

Also see:

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by dontreadonme
reply to post by Dock6

Free people don't need the State, slaves do.

And if the machine slaves instead of us... We become completely free.

See my post above.

posted on Oct, 13 2008 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
reply to post by TheMythLives

And be honest ... which of us wouldn't prefer to be part of the lucky reduced-number ? Which of us wouldn't prefer less crowding, less stress, less threat .. MORE returned-to-nature expanses ?

Not me. Those of us left after the billions are purged - unless we are the Elite - will be chipped and mind-controlled. We will be their slaves.

What would YOU do ? How would you handle it ? What would your proposals be ?

Anyone ?

See my post with links above.

posted on Jan, 1 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Not me. Those of us left after the billions are purged - unless we are the Elite - will be chipped and mind-controlled. We will be their slaves.

I agree with ya. The New World Order is just waiting for an event that will anger the people and usher in the NWO as the solution.

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