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October 14 Alien Clues

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posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:04 AM
By now we all have heard of Blossom Goodchild and her message from the Federation Of Light that says aliens will expose themselves to humanity on a massive scale this tuesday October 14, 2008.

Some clues from the aliens so far has been:

"snow cone"




"shine your shoes"

I think I've figured out 4 of them so far.

The "snow cone" means that they are in the Antarctica / Iceland region.

The "table" could be the so called glitch that is presented in google map lately.

The "diamond" could be the shape of the spaceship.

"Alabama" is actually an alien spaceport that was here on earth many thousands of years ago.

I don't know what shine your shoes means. Maybe it means that it's going to get muddy and watery due to their giant spaceship causing wind and storms?

By the way, there's no glitch on google earth. A glitch CAN'T shift shape from a pentagon to a diamond.

What are your thoughts? (Obviously we have to wait till Oct 14, but in the mean time what you think?)

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by bobbylove321

I have a different interpretation:

"snow cone" - Aliens love to eat snow cones, especially yellow ones.

"alabama" - Rednecks love Aliens, just as much as Aliens love rednecks!

"table" - Aliens are mystified by tables, it is a strange and unusual quadruped, and in space with no gravity, they don't need tables. For them, the table is the pinnacle of human technological achievements. Well done humanity!

"diamond" - Aliens love shiny objects just like the next person, and what a more beautiful way to say, "I love you", then with a diamond. So please give them your diamonds when they come, and they will love you too.

"shine your shoes" - No one likes dirty shoes, not even Aliens. Aliens want to meet us, and take us on board their space craft, but not if our shoes are filthy and tracking dirt all over their lovely clean space craft. Be mindful of your footwear when boarding alien craft. Wipe your feet clean.

Those are just my personal interpretations of the clues... I could be waaaaay off base on this one. I'm not an alien, I just kinda look like one.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

I reckon you're closest.

If this space ship shows up,I'm buying everyone in my local drinks all night.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 02:45 AM
If the spaceship shows up then I know what I'm dressing up as for the Halloween parties this year.

the GFL has been good for nothing but laughs and sorting out who the super-gullible are

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 03:23 AM
You have to got to be serious with this... the woman is a fraud, its funny how she seems to be selling a surprisingly increased amount of books in recent months. October 14 will come and go just like October 7 did, i actually want something to happen, but i think ill just get up a go to school like any other day.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 03:53 AM
I can see Blossom Goodchilds new book. 'A social experiment' and this will go into detail how thousands of people around the world can be lulled into believing anything that the mind can conjure up, without the slightest bit of evidence.

I would love a huge mother ship to come down and sort all of humanity's problems out but alas, the older I get, the more predictions that never come to fruition, the tireder I get about the whole sha-bang.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:47 AM
Skeptics I see.

Well did you know 10-14-2008 is actually -2012? (10 minus 14 minus 2008)

Is that a coincidence?

Yet, no one here tries to prove that google earth has a glitch because it doesn't. Explain to me HOW a pentagon goes to a diamond shape and it only appears within the past few weeks?....glitch right? yeah ok.

Am I saying they'll come? I think they will. Why you ask?

Well because IF they don't this is the end of humanity as we know it. Look at the world around you. We are at the edge of entering a New World Order with a select few at the top.

No surprise though because 99% of the people in this world are extremely stupid. It's no surprise you have around 4 billion people who believe a book (torah, koran, bible,etc) and then you have another 2 billion who smoke cigarettes.

Really smart population you got there eh?

We NEED an intervention or humans are going to kill each other because of their stupidity.

Sad, but true.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by bobbylove321

If they wanna is the time....the world is in chaos and governments losse their grip........

I better get into my shuttle and fly away to the moon

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
We NEED an intervention or humans are going to kill each other because of their stupidity.

Sad, but true.
Agreed. We will not only kill the planet off but pollute the solar system with the refuse of our dysfunction.

If Human Beings ever needed a mentor, it is now.

I don't know if what is predicted will happen but I hope it does for all our sakes.

[edit on 9-10-2008 by argilla11]

[edit on 9-10-2008 by argilla11]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:12 AM
Against my better judgement... i.e. my head!! I am seriously beginning to believe....... nooooo...... think........... that this is actually going to happen

I have put myself in for and against mode many times over the last 6 weeks and, I can't put my finger on it but "I" have changed........... and it has been noted by family members, who don't see me often...
I seem to be a better person, less flying off the handle at the kids, less swearing and general rattiness, a greater acknowledgement of the "whole" planet and for the life of me, I know it sounds bonkers, I can "feel" a change happening around me..... I can't explain it and I have stopped trying to.

There is just "something" about all the evidence that just rings true........... call it gut instinct, call it whatever you want, but try as I might, I just can't imagine a world for my 6 kids in the future without the intervention, as such, help and guidance from a higher evolved. ( insert your own specific term here).. whatever....

I have had my eyes opened on ATS to the "evil" (for want of a better term) and I am not a religious person, that is going on............

I feel calmly confident and a subtle acceptance of what is said is going to happen..... It's almost like I have accepted it IS going to happen and HAS to happen for ALL of us on this planet..........

Roll on the 14th, if nothing happens and this is all BS then I really don't know how I am going to feel, my long term other half thinks i will descend into a mass depression and maybe I will because I have copme to the conclusion that If we are ALONE and no-one is going to give us a nudge in the right direction then, really, truely, I don't want to be part of future mankind's decline into anarchy....... and I pity my children who are on the brink of their whole lives.............. what life awaits them in the next 50 yrs.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by barontorz

This is only my opinion but. The next 50 years will be pretty much the same as the last 50 years. Wars will happen, people by the thousand will die, the elite few will make a lot of money on the back of the small man, there will be starvation in certain parts of the world and natural disasters will also factor a few thousand deaths but mankind will march on as normal.

I've said this before, I really hope some civilization will descend out of the sky and give us a guiding hand but I won't hold my breath.

People think the world has gone mad what with the war and greed, it hasn't, today is no different than any other day throughout mankind's rough and violent past and as sad to say, it will continue like this for a very long time.

This Blossom Googchild is pinning everyone's hopes on the 14th, just like the old religious teachers used to get peoples hopes up of the second coming. This whole phenomenon as much as I'd love it to be true is now turning into a modern day religion where people are going on blind faith.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by yeebsy
I can see Blossom Goodchilds new book. 'A social experiment' and this will go into detail how thousands of people around the world can be lulled into believing anything that the mind can conjure up, without the slightest bit of evidence.

I would love a huge mother ship to come down and sort all of humanity's problems out but alas, the older I get, the more predictions that never come to fruition, the tireder I get about the whole sha-bang.

This "social experiment" is allready in place for ages, and we call it religion. People die and kill in the name of it. Perhaps we should stop being blind and recognize that "humanity's problems" can only be sorted if we get off our butts and sort it out ourselves. If we did, it would be humanity visiting the aliens, instead of humanity waiting for aliens to "bail us out".

The world is in a sad state no doubt, but no aliens, god(s), nephilim, beings of light or what have ya, are going to "safe" us by sorting out the smelly mess we are in right now. We don't need a mentor or a savior, we need a frigging drill-instructor who scares the crap out of us, and sets our head straight. But I guess waiting for someone to clean up after us, is always better then doing it ourselves. We die and kill for religion, a belief, yet we seem have no "faith" in humanity.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:40 AM
reply to post by barontorz

Yes opening eyes to evil is really what has happened to me over the past few months. I have felt different for a while now. I think what strengthened this feeling is the pure evil/greed that has been going on and the lies being told by a multitude of wealthy powerful people. Compared to that I am a saint and I think most of us can say the same.

The fine line between good and evil has become a wide gap and most of us are on the right side of it. That alone has given me peace of mind for some strange reason. Grey areas have become more black and white which at least gives more certainty on clarity.

Racism, Sectarianism and bigotry seem to be obsolete in my mind. It is irrelevant. I have always thought but I actually feel it in my bones now.

But saying all of that, I realise that the fact that we have a scapegoat (A worthy one) will relieve us, psychologically at least, of the responsibility of this mess and may attribute to this feeling.

I am not sure that is a good thing but for now I am happy that I feel calmer. I am resigned to the fact that life is going to change for the forseeable future. It could even be for the better.

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 05:47 AM
I dont think anything will happen..

But just incase
this is another take on the words given to us.

Snow cone could refer to a mountain as does the word table. Which would give us "Table Mountain" in South Africa. I know, a bit "Close Encounters" but a good place to put a spaceship.

Diamonds are also found there along with other crystals / gems etc. Not sure about the other two clues though.

If I win do I get a prize?



posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
Well because IF they don't this is the end of humanity as we know it. Look at the world around you. We are at the edge of entering a New World Order with a select few at the top.
No surprise though because 99% of the people in this world are extremely stupid.
Really smart population you got there eh?
We NEED an intervention or humans are going to kill each other because of their stupidity.

Ok.. Let me see if I follow this.

The majority of people in the world are stupid (they are, agree with you on that).

But instead of using human ingenuity - we all must wait on the aliens to come and "fix everything" for us? need to try and do your part in helping out the world, because the aliens will?

As much as I would like to believe..
There will be no mothership.
I do believe in aliens, but this is all a bit far-fetched.

The 1% of the population (more probably than that) who are awake to the world's problems can do more good. But will they? Nooooo......Because according to you they are waiting for the aliens to do it for them, right?

So when the date passes by, and there's no mothership coming to "save us all" - will you still be turning a blind eye to your fellow man, or will you try and help in a bit more of an "earthly" manner??? I know I do, and will.

This is comparable to someone noticing the world's problems, but instead of doing something about it - they bury their heads in the sand hoping someone else will do the hard work. Albeit, that someone else in this case is from outer space....

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by justme2

Justme2, that is an excellent post and one I have gone down too.......

Maybe just maybe, they'll turn up and we will all realise our mistakes....
Or maybe they won't and this hopefully will be the nudge in the right direction that the believers, like me, will need in order to get off our butts.....
Having said that I do as much as I can with regards to the planet. I am but one small grain of sand on a very large beach we call earth.......... one grain cannot move a mountain alone but................

If it doesn't happen then I hope it makes us all sit back and think WHY we WANTED it to happen.........

Maybe that is the conscious paradigm shift that will eventually put us on the right path.....

The realization that we have to go this alone and no-one is going to bail us out of the mess we have got ourselves in..

I for one, will be thinking HARD about where I am coming from and what I can do to change should Tuesday be a normal every day, tedious, drudging day................
But hey, I have 6 kids to educate on humanities mistakes, they will inherit this planet, WE NEED to start the changes........... Education not Indoctrination..........

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:50 AM

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 10:59 AM
Here's a scenario that I believe in this case:

October 14th.... the aliens land... on a bookshelf for 30 bucks a pop.

Or some other new age gimmick... like the aliens actually only landed for her but tricked her into telling everyone so they could bottle up the hope of the world into a life giving elixir.... 50 dollars an ounce. Hope doesn't grow on trees ya know. It is bottled by aliens and sold by Blossom Goodchild.

I have no problem ripping on such a fraud. If you wanna believe, fine. Just don't buy her products. She could just as easily be a fantasy fiction writer. At least that's honest!!!


If aliens land on this date, I will... probably still be cynical.

"Where the EFFING A WERE YOU, ya friggin useless space monkeys!?!?"

[edit on 9-10-2008 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:22 AM
thanks for this thread. it brought me a few laughs.

the reason some of you are believing in this farce is that you have nothing to turn to for security from whats to come (martial law, all hell breakin loose)

posted on Oct, 9 2008 @ 11:49 AM
This stuff is hilarious.

That's what this financial crisis is about, we're stocking up arms against the aliens in secret. If (BIG IF) they show up, we'll just end up fighting them. conventional firearms, then if that fails we use Nukes, then if that fails we pull out our reverse engineered dimension distorting black hole cannon, which destroys not only the alien ships, but also venus "for being in its line of fire".

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