I think it would.
Do you know the history of the Federal reserve?
Many people think that finance is a complex subject. They've been conditioned to think so.
This is certainly true of our present money system, but it needn't have been.
Do you know
that Our money system is complicated because it is not honest. It is a swindle that grew out of medieval credit fraud by Jewish goldsmiths, who lent
promissory notes far in excess of actual gold deposits. These goldsmiths drew interest�real money that somebody had to earn with work�as the result of
lending this "funny money" under the fiction that it was backed by gold. The swindle fed and fattened upon its previous successes, to the point
where Finance has become more powerful than nations.
The corrupt banking system became a great danger to our race primarily because those affected were either ignorant of its true nature or were induced
to tolerate it because of its immediate financial expediency. We have been like a child who can't resist licking a poisoned lollipop.
To this day, banknotes are counterfeit notes, whatever they might have printed on them, whatever the banks have to say about the matter, and
regardless of the government's assurances. The ruling bankers, the ones who operate the fraud internationally, prefer to use make-believe to keep
themselves in the position of Man-Fleecer. But when the tricks don't work, when the "livestock" rebel, the bankers use the police, the courts,
hired mercenaries, and where necessary the "national" Armed Forces, to enforce their institutionalized larceny, this fraudulent acquisition of
wealth created by other people.
In retrospect, it's easy to see how a king could have nipped the emerging goldsmith's swindle in the bud. He would merely have to offer to redeem
all the promissory notes issued by a suspected issuer at a 10% markup to motivate the note-bearers to sell. Then, once he had all of the goldsmith's
debts in his own favor, the King would present them all to the suspected lender for redemption. If he could not pay, he would be arrested and, most
likely, put to death under torture, as would be fitting. Whatever assets he did have would be seized in satisfaction of the debt, and the guilty
goldsmith's name and fate would be published throughout the land to shame the family that produced him and to put the people on guard against the
crookedness of moneylenders. But alas, that wasn't done in the beginning, and now the swindle has become like an out-of-control forest fire. If we
survive the conclusion of that swindle, we must remember to be on guard forevermore against new schemes of the same kind.
It is easier to douse a campfire than it is to fight a forest fire. But if your apathy allows the flames to spread, then you must fight the forest
fire. If the fire burns up your whole world, then where will you be?
To the average person, it looks as if the government is setting things right when the courts award to a bank the collateral used to secure a defaulted
loan or when lawmen enforce a foreclosure or repossess property for a bank when someone can't make his payments. But really, the government is in
such cases serving the banks as a "strongarm" accomplice to a fraud that originated within the banking system itself. The real swindle arises as the
result of money being created by a private association of bankers as debt in their favor. This is in effect the levy of a surcharge against a nation
in order for it to be granted the privilege of using its own credit.
Since credit is nothing more or less than the trust that one man is willing to vest in another, what right do the bankers have to levy this surcharge?
What right do the bankers have to get in the way between two men and tax their faith in each other's good word? None�except that the government's
police and soldiers will back up the bankers' claims with guns and bullets. In the United States, this bankers' association is known as the Federal
Reserve (a very misleading name). Nobody sends the police around to arrest the officers of the Federal Reserve for the larceny that they do, even
though it is larceny on the biggest scale ever in history.
The results include...
1. Inflation of prices. Each person or business tries as hard as he can to divest himself of his own part of this interest-bearing bank debt.
Inflation in the prices of goods is the way sellers attempt to clear themselves. Of course, this only results in a worse situation for the buyers, who
try to fight back by buying less, which in turn results in a gradual downward trend in the average citizen's standard of living.
2. The decline of craftsmanship. As the bankers' swindle sucks up the national credit and the interest on public and private bank-debt takes an
ever-larger bite out of the nation's productive capacity, it becomes more and more difficult for individual craftsmen to make a living. Farmers lose
their property when they are forced to bet everything on having an exceedingly good harvest in order to repay the bank loan they had to take out to
buy seed and equipment, but due to dry weather or whatever a sufficiently bountiful harvest does not materialize. Similarly, artists find that they
can no longer work fast enough, or command prices high enough, to earn enough money even to pay the inflated costs of their rented homes. The
consumers' demand for art is then satisfied by cheap, tawdry, mass-produced crap.
3. A high divorce rate. Marriages are weakened when two incomes are needed to support the family, and they often fail because of conflicting economic
interests between husbands and wives.
4. Conflict between socio-economic classes. Resentment arises between people who have already failed to escape the consequences of debt (the poor, the
"proletariat") and those who haven't failed yet (mostly, the middle class, the "bourgeoisie"). The conditions favorable to a Communist revolution
can be traced to this bank fraud.
5. Liberals and conservatives blaming each other for spending too much tax money and thereby causing the deficit. The deficit is really caused by the
service charges on the government's debt to the banks. A nation needs a strong defense, and certain social programs are also justified to some
extent. Neither political faction bears the real blame for the budget deficit, which is simply the result of money coming into existence as debt and
necessarily accruing interest charges that are mathematically impossible to repay.
6. Growing hostility between the government and the people. Government, too, is ensnared in the bankers' interest swindle. It is a "player" trying
to escape, or minimize, its load of bank-debt. But as money has come to stand for debt, and not for wealth, it can't off-load the accumulated burden
of deficit unless there is someone else who can be required, somehow or other, to bear it instead. Thus, the government gains an incentive to have an
ever-rising number of picky, picky laws and regulations, with fines as the penalty for violations. The traffic citation you had to pay is the result
of state policemen being ordered to enforce such picayune laws instead of tracking down the perpetrators of far more serious crimes. Also, the
government begins requiring citizens to pay "license fees" for exercising what ought to be their basic rights. Your permit to carry a concealed
weapon is an example.
7. The erosion of public trust, of the faith of man in man, and the subsequent atomization of society. The banks do not bear all of the blame for
this. Racial mixing, multiculturalism, and the rise of television as the national amusement also have had major adverse impacts on voluntary
socialization. But as the weight of the mounting, unpayable interest on the public and private bank-debt makes itself felt, each citizen increasingly
feels himself as a hostile competitor to every other citizen. We call the situation "dog-eat-dog." Ironically, this makes the bankers' position
more secure precisely because it discourages nationalist solidarity among the people. Nationalism is the only means by which the people could gather
the political strength to force their way out of the bankers' snare.
8. An eventual national economic depression. The private load of bank-debt, taking together the whole population, can never be repaid and can only
increase with time. Any relief felt now means that the government has just borrowed more money, which will only add to the future burden. Remember
that any unpaid interest itself becomes interest-bearing debt. Since all money in circulation only represents the original principal loaned, a nation
is "hooked" into an eventual bankruptcy by its very first borrowing. For a government knowingly to borrow against the nation's credit under these
terms is high treason, for which the penalty since the beginning of civilization has been death.
Blame attaches to the government only insofar as it knowingly cooperates with the bankers' deadly financial schemes by making, by enforcing, or by
judging the laws in ways that favor those schemes. Unfortunately, corrupt governments do this much, and corrupting the government is among the first
things the swindlers do. The illicit establishment, in 1868, of the 14th Amendment, even though the Amendment never was legally ratified by the states
as the Constitution requires, was perhaps the largest single treasonous act by the U.S. government on behalf of the bankers.