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What do the Aliens have in mind for a money system?

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posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 08:19 PM
So I was just wondering what their plan is for when they come here and dwell among us as some have suggested they will do .
What have you been told on what sort money system we will have then ?
I am asking those who supposedly speak to the channelors.
What have they told you about this ?

I can see that something is coming up with everything that is happening with our banking systems and our economy .Was just wondering what sort of PROMISES they are making to help make it better when they arrive ?
(Not that I believe any of this but I am curious )

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 08:23 PM
Oh wow. first to reply. thats rare.
anyways from all the nonsense (or truth?) i read on the whole alien/ufo thing is that they don't use any money system, and that we're the only (or one of the few?) that use a money system. So to them, us using money is very weird

Just what I heard/read somewhere, take it with a grain of salt


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Hi and thanks for your post .

So I wonder what they have in mind a bartering system maybe ?
Really I wish we could just go back to that myself ...I think it worked much better than what we have now .

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 08:32 PM
the aliens indeed do have a monetary system.
there is an economic system, otherwise there would be
no individual advancement. Which, we all know, creates
innovation and propels a civilization forward.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 08:52 PM
I don't know but I assume it would be all cash.

Those intergalactic transactions take a bit too long.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Grey Magic
I don't know but I assume it would be all cash.

Those intergalactic transactions take a bit too long.

LOL yes I am sure they would ..
Cash is good ...maybe they would have a high tech printing machine so we could just all print what we need when we need it ..sounds good to me anyway lol .Would be nice to create our own avatars on them too
In Simplynoone I trust LOL >>.

[edit on 19-9-2008 by Simplynoone]


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:00 PM
i do not believe that an advanced race would have a monetary system any near with our concepts about money. First, we have to keep in mind that an advanced civilizations would be made of ETs that evolved from Biological creatures as we claim to be evolved from apes. What I mean - their DNA was re-engineered long time ago, also their mental capacity was enhanced (enbeded with quantum computers) to a point they are no longer biological creature in the way we see it. Possible their minds can be million times more developed than ours - to us they would appear as Gods.

Having this in mind, I guess they would not need a system to use the work of the many for the benefit of the few as it is happening with humans.

if i would have to give it a guess - probably one based on energy would do it as you can convert the energy into anything you want. And very very likely they would not trade with a green paper that represent the energy , a pice of paper is in the end a pice of paper and nothing more..

so i would expect they would have ways to store "unlimited" quantities of energy in a very small place, then use it to create what they need . Maybe the black holes are just ETs banks that went bankrupt haha

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:05 PM
So if I am full of energy then I would be rich in alien terms LOL ..
Black holes eh lol ...
I am really trying to be serious but yall are cracking me up ..stop lol ...

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

you believe! i know you do

we will have NESARA then some time after we will have first contact..

check my sig for nesara link

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:11 PM
Hi Skipper ...not so sure ...if they are real I am not sure I like them anyway .lol
Maybe we wont be friends ..I just dont know yet lol ...
I have read all about Nesara has been about the same thing as the aliens are coming threads ...was gonna happen then didnt ..then was gonna happen then didnt ...etc etc ...turned out to be boreing for me even reading them I skip them posts when I see them all over the web .

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:17 PM
They don't have anything in mind. They don't use it or so that is what they say, but who knows. If we go by the contactee's... Everyone is given everything they need and everyone has a function in society to make this possible. If everyone contributes no one will be lacking. It is quite simple.
It is not even bartering it just is.
Everyone contributes to the society freely according to their strengths and no one goes without.
it is really quite simple and logical. Money was created to establish social seperation and power structures. It is a tool of control plain and simple.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:22 PM
Heres a very good thread that gives an idea of what advanced alien economy is:

They are very intelligent and do not squander their planets resources as we do. They also utilize as much solar and wind energies as possible as the energy from the vacuum is not exactly free. Its on a clock and shortens the life of the sun, even galaxy. Theres some very good threads on about hyperversals and this very subject, and I believe this is the same author, in which case he is a contactee.

Edit to add: This is the link for some very though provoking articles:

[edit on 19-9-2008 by mystiq]


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:28 PM
it is really amazing that in our world we have the possibility that some individuals would inherit billions hourly wages.

I guess that step number one would be to not allow someone to inherit more than the equivalent of a life-time of average wages .

Then the second - money should not be created from nothing as the FED is doing now.
Long time ago , when your $ bill was invented, actually it used to represent an equivalent quantity of Gold somewhere in the bank. Something like this should be re-invented, and in my opinion the energy is already the currency of the World.

For example: if I discover 1 million barrels of petrol in my garden , then i start making 1 million papers with the promise of a real barrel for each paper. Can I spread 1 billion papers now? well, the actually the modern banks do work like this! So I would have to actually sell only what I have.Sure, this would make the middle East as the world bank over the night - but this actually happens ! $ is not power, but petrol is power!

the good news - you could also produce your own money - like my petrol is over, then I could produce electricity using wind turbines installed on my land.

This would bring the price of energy up, and at a point it would represent 100% of our expenses! but the reality is that 100% of what we have is produced by some form of energy

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:38 PM
Why wouldnt just using numbers work ? Like they do now ..

Just keep adding numbers but make sure everyone gets an allowance of numbers every week as they contribute to society in any way shape or form.
Sort of like the ATS point system LOL >.
I know that sounds funny but simple ...


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

yes, why a single mother with 4 kids would be considered to "contribute" to the society 1000000000 times less than the GP Morgan main shareholder? your idea with "points" is also good, but how would you gain them , and how do we make sure there are not people grabbing billions of points ?

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:47 PM
Limits ...also everyone who earns lots of points (a certain limit a percentage goes to those without) has to DONATE points to someone who is incapable of gaining any ..disabled people, mothers etc .....

You would gain them with whatever your trade is or talent ...or whatever way you can contribute ....there are zillions of ways I could see everyone able to contribute in some way even small ways would count .

[edit on 19-9-2008 by Simplynoone]


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

well, let say that every American produces 1 point a day . Then , in 1 day you have 300 000 000 points on the market . Next day you have the double and so on. What is going to happen with all those points? i mean , the more points on the market the less value they would have.Somehow you need to kill the points at a point.

Also- about percentage for helping disabled ppl - that is what tax supposed to do.Unfortunately most of the tax is now used to pay interest rate on public debt

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by LOLZebra

i agree.. i think that we're the only "alien race" that uses economics! the system i think the aliens use is Service-to-Others, and once that's established, the act of giving and helping can be more rewarding than any amount of material money!

great thread! i really think we need to consider their ways if we're ever going to truly, spiritually advance in the right direction! as my sig says, down with the economy!

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Well, it's not our classic system, that's for sure. Good Lord....could you imagine the check kiting you could do with a banking system that spans a galaxy....whoohooo!!!!

It's gonads. Yup. Aliens trade in gonads.

Which is a shame....'cause a bunch of ya' is going into the system flat broke....heh....

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 09:24 PM
Hey maybe we could go nanochange or something like that
We could all have one of those Nano Factories and make as much as we need. ..sounds great doesnt it ?

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