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another google earth camera captures UFO over Argentina

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:03 AM
This hurts, I mean it I was like physically ill watching that video.
I just dont understand how a person or people can take something and change the color, and hue, and emboss it somtimes to feel scientific about researching photos.

Especially somthing like this. I wonder do people who watch this give thier minds over to just any old thing without rationally exploring other alternatives?

Also, a humanoid in the trees????????????? Are you serious?
this is as bad as the thread claiming dragon flies were government robot spies, or the thread where the op claimed he/she could see what no one else could by pixelating photos.

sometimes I dont know if threads like this are a joke or for real.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
What's with the endless ridiculous posts of UFO claims.

Well Rock... we KNOW you love them sooo much... you can never resist a good UFO thread

So JUST FOR YOU I dug up this one

This is OBVIOUSLY a Top Secret Base entrance. It is in Alaska near HAARP and you can CLEARLY see the smudged and photo shopped trees...

Now even YOU will have to admit in public that there really IS something odd here...

61°17'58.92"N 149°37'25.62"W

[edit on 19-9-2008 by zorgon]

Once again..........I sincerely hope your not serious.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
This hurts, I mean it I was like physically ill watching that video.
I just dont understand how a person or people can take something and change the color, and hue, and emboss it somtimes to feel scientific about researching photos.

Watcha babblin about?
The colors are those found on Google Earth... that is the color the satellite took... You can just zip to the coordinates and see for yourself

Are you serious?
this is as bad as the thread claiming dragon flies were government robot spies,

You know I really grow tired of people like you that simply make stupid... errr 'ignorant' debunking comments without the SLIGHTEST bit of RESEARCH

Try just a simple google search once in a while before you shoot blind huh?

Robot dragonfly takes flight

Researchers at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands today unveiled a small, remote-controlled aircraft weighing just 0.11 ounces (three grams) and with a four-inch (10-centimeter) wingspan--just large enough to accommodate an onboard camera.

The DelFly "micro air vehicle," which flaps its wings and looks like a dragonfly, can fly for about three minutes at a speed of 16.4 feet (five meters) per second. The team hopes the DelFly Micro--Delft's third-generation robot flyer (after the 0.81-ounce (23-gram) DelFly I in 2005 and the 0.56-ounce (16-gram) DelFly II a year later) will capture images from nooks and crannies that bigger cameras cannot reach. The DelFly II's camera transmits TV-quality images, allowing it to be operated from a computer using a joystick and giving the person controlling the mechanical insect the feeling of being inside the cockpit of a miniature aircraft. The researchers are hoping to further develop the DelFly Micro's camera so that it can be used the same way. They are also working to give the DelFly Micro the ability to hover (like a hummingbird) and fly backwards (the DelFly II can do both).

Next on the agenda: the DelFly NaNo, projected to weigh a single gram and have a two-inch (five-centimeter) wingspan. In addition to making ever-smaller robots, the researchers want to add image recognition software that will let the DelFlys zoom on their own without getting tangled in a tree or crashing into a wall.

(Image courtesy of the Delft University of Technology)SOURCE

sometimes I dont know if threads like this are a joke or for real.

They are for real... just because you don't see or believe what others do does not make them any less real to the OP

Me personally always wonder if debunkers are 'for real' because they never see anything, never believe anything and worst of all... never look when its right under their nose

And the weird black thing is FOR REAL on Google Earth Go see for yourself. Or even simply on Google maps

So perhaps YOU have a rational logical explanation for it? Or is this 'just another rock'

[edit on 20-9-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Easy there KILLER!!
What I do and dont do is far beyond your reasoning right now.
I dont mean to attack your field water tank/disk / humanoid thingy ok!

As far as the dragonfly nonsense, I found the idea for robotic flying insect interesting back in 1995 so it isnt beyond me as far a research is concerned. Also once again without being a sarcastic asshole,,,,,,that yes I admit I did come across as such,, I ask are you serious about the harp secret interance and what not?
Look you dont have to reply me ok I just disagree with your findings, the same findings I have come to discover for myself.

I know the black thing is for real but that doesnt make it what you want it to be.

[edit on 20-9-2008 by snowen20]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
I just disagree with your findings, the same findings I have come to discover for myself.

You disagree with my findings...

yet you have discovered the same findings for yourself?

Pardon me if that confuses the hell out of me

Serious about a Secret UFO base near HAARP covered by a weird symbol? I have no idea... I find em, post them and see what the thread tosses back...

You never know what gets tossed back

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:13 AM
You think that's interesting. Search Google Maps for this location just north of the OPs location....


Tell me what that thing is...

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:13 AM
Logical explanaation I can give, will you accept it after finding me so mmmmmmm annoying I dont know.

You see the same thing was over my house on google earth in 2005.

it obviously isnt a door not in my neighborhood.
Further investigation...Again back in 2005 showed it was some kind of photo target indicator, and as far as the trees being photoshoped actually where I live it was photos taken at seperate times maybe even months apart. they didnt crop them together completely.
I know there are many photos where they are taken in mid summer and a line goes down the screen and the other side shows winter.

Thats why I asked you if you were serious, thinking maybe you had done the reasearch...........THATS NOT A CUTTING REMARK...

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:16 AM
there are also many visuals especially in shipping lanes where there appear for all intents and purposes to be ghost ships or wakes in the water with no boat attached, that doesnt make it a USO..
Looking down on places where my wifes family lived in Asia the housing area was pasted together all wrong.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by snowen20
I just disagree with your findings, the same findings I have come to discover for myself.

You disagree with my findings...

yet you have discovered the same findings for yourself?

Pardon me if that confuses the hell out of me

Serious about a Secret UFO base near HAARP covered by a weird symbol? I have no idea... I find em, post them and see what the thread tosses back...

You never know what gets tossed back

Uhmm....I disagree with your findings.......though I see and have bore witness to what you are describing. My conclusion is different.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 01:28 AM
Holy craptacular batman a smudge..
.finally a piece of evidence that cannot be debunked..
. Maybe its not a smudge...but geez you guys really reach on some of this stuff doncha...

[edit on 20-9-2008 by riggs2099]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by Oreyeon
Tell me what that thing is...

That whole area is littered with holes...

-39.335484, -62.107387

-39.325057, -62.138103

-39.298821, -62.122782

-39.317931, -62.114822

-39.347250, -62.102349

-39.346010, -62.087983

-39.370950, -62.065319

And WEIRD markings

-39.386765, -62.059010

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 08:13 AM
To be honest I think it's some kind of radar dish, you can tell it's concave from the shadows.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by zorgon

The Weird markings are merely tractor tyre tracks.

But I think you know that already that.

EDIT to add:

The rest are water holes or shadows.

The reason why they are elevated is so that they are higher than the surrounding fields. Allowing water to gravity feed them.

What about this place? 11°47'17.60"N 85°51'22.19"W
Much more interesting than holes in the ground or shadows

[edit on 20-9-2008 by Chadwickus]

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
What's with the endless ridiculous posts of UFO claims.

Well Rock... we KNOW you love them sooo much... you can never resist a good UFO thread

So JUST FOR YOU I dug up this one

This is OBVIOUSLY a Top Secret Base entrance. It is in Alaska near HAARP and you can CLEARLY see the smudged and photo shopped trees...

Now even YOU will have to admit in public that there really IS something odd here...

61°17'58.92"N 149°37'25.62"W

[edit on 19-9-2008 by zorgon]

Zorgon, you are tossing softballs and no one knows it. I see a lot of fertilizer has been spread since I last posted.

Nice pic of a fiducial mark. These are used to line up pictures used in mosaics. The person who did this particular part of Google Earth did a bad job.

There is another "secret underground base entrance" just south and slightly west of Anchorage Alaska out in the water at 61° 1'53.68"N 149°47'29.43"W if your interested.

The average guy would think it would fill in with water, unless they have some sort of force field in place to hold back the water.

Thanks for the entertainment.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by Oreyeon
You think that's interesting. Search Google Maps for this location just north of the OPs location....


Tell me what that thing is...

Unless aliens coming across the known universe or multidimensional beings who have found our reality, both of whom have a propensity for geometry by landing at yet another cross road; I'd call this object a tank on a small hill.

It's about 100 feet in diameter and the cleared area around it is just over 1/2 half in size.

That's all I see.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:37 AM
Ok I understand the supposed hole in the OP could be and most likely is a water tank. But what is the plasma looking ball, that looks like its leaveing the exact spot if you follow the trails comeing off of it?

Is that a cloud?

Perrhaps this is just a pic google caught of a tornadoe forming? *shrug*

I really dont think it's a UFO, but Your all explaining what the crater is without explaining what the OP believes to be a UFO is. Did I miss something?

Someone said water, reservior run-off? Doesn't look like its on the ground to me personally. Looks way too gassy, and plasma like to be water. Maybe a cloud. I dunno.

But yea google earth isn't the place to look for UFO's. imho.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Oreyeon
Tell me what that thing is...

That whole area is littered with holes...

And WEIRD markings

-39.386765, -62.059010

Those are weird.

My first thought was the area in question had a copy of different images overlaid taken at different times of the year and this is why the colors are different. No it's one image and the land must have something to make it appear different colored. You'll see this in many images of Russia and Canada with snow and ice cover.

It's obviously an agricultural field and those appear to be like plowing marks. It raises the question why the farmer would make doughnuts and 180 degree turns with a tractor and plow/disk thing.

Maybe he saw something

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:54 AM
How is this a UFO? where is any indication that it's above ground level?? Maybe just a UO

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by zorgon

There is nothing odd there whatsoever. There are technical glitches all over google earth.

Yeah that most certainly is a secret base entry.

It's so secret they allow it on google earth and make it look so obvious that anyone could suspect it.

You're reaching to new levels of paranoia here Zorgon, I seem to be the only one willing to say it though.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 11:30 AM
The image isn´t clear enough to make a judgement.

Maybe its a water tank, it seems like a pool of water nearby.

I will have to travel to Bahia Blanca to check it out.

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