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Greys most powerful enemy

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posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 10:38 PM
The main Threat to the Greys Draconains and Reptillions are the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation is composed of peaceful aliens and humans to make one big *** empire to fight the Draconains. They have been at war for millions of years. Thier are alot of human races with in the Galactic Federation such as Lyran Pledians Nordics and others. They are on earth fighting the Tall Greys and Reptillions underground.

I dout all this is true but thiers still a chance it could be. Maby thats why the Greys havnt taken over yet because they are still trying to get rid of the Nordics and all the other Galactic Federation aliens who are trying to free this planet.

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 10:41 PM

The Galactic Federation is composed of peaceful aliens and humans

Is that the one with the klingons and the vulcans?

I saw them on TV.

[Edited on 20-3-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 10:49 PM


posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 11:29 PM
Chronic7 - What you speak of is close to what I've heard, regarding what many 5%'ers (I'm sure many of you have heard of them) believe in. If you've ever heard a black man call another black man "God", then either they're posing or they are a follower of this belief system (I can't really call it a religion, cuz i dont know).

From what I know, this belief regards what is supposed to be one of the oldest races of ET out there, called the Elohim. 5%'ers (and this is not fact, this is PURE hearsay, if someone knows more please post) believe that the black man is the descendant of the Elohim, a race described to be like a Black man version of the Nordics-- extremely intelligent and physically defined, who created the black man on this planet. Supposedly, this is the reason why racism started, especially against blacks.

I am black, but i dont know a damn thing about 5%ers for sure. *shrug*

Anyone ever heard of Dr. York Malakai?

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 11:31 PM
Oh yeah, sorry, i didnt finish connecting the dots for you...

Supposedly the Elohim are the head of the Galactic Council, and, because they are peaceful, they haven't intervened here as far as Reptilians are concerned (and from the 5%er source was the first place I'd heard of the Rept.'s-- this was YEARS before David Icke)

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 11:38 PM
So are all the Races on earth really decendents from other human aliens?

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 11:43 PM
I thought Nordics and other Galactic Federation aliens intervend on earth to try and stop the reptillion threat is that true?

posted on Mar, 20 2004 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Chronic7
So are all the Races on earth really decendents from other human aliens?


Not even all black men, from what i understand. Just certain races. For example, did you know the 'Zulu' race of black men in Africa-- in their own language Zulu means 'Men from the Stars'

I also understand that Chinese/Japanese people come from some other ET race. That's another big *shrug*

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 08:50 AM
The Reptilians aren't the Greys. They are two different species. The Reptilians are far more advanced technologically than the Greys, who are themselves far more advanced than humans. The Reptilians are the "boss" of the Greys. They came to Earth thousands of years ago, and many people today are descended from the Reptilians, including Bush's Senior and Junior and other US Presidents, and the British Royal Family.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 09:27 AM

The Reptilians aren't the Greys. They are two different species. The Reptilians are far more advanced technologically than the Greys, who are themselves far more advanced than humans. The Reptilians are the "boss" of the Greys. They came to Earth thousands of years ago, and many people today are descended from the Reptilians, including Bush's Senior and Junior and other US Presidents, and the British Royal Family


posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 01:00 PM
GWB? Descended from a Master Race?

them reptilians must have been doing a whole lot of slumming with their superior DNA in trailer trashland

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue
The Reptilians are the "boss" of the Greys. They came to Earth thousands of years ago, and many people today are descended from the Reptilians, including Bush's Senior and Junior and other US Presidents, and the British Royal Family.
What you say is what I have read about as well. That the British Royal family and all the rest of the Illuminati families have this type of "corruption" within their DNA structure and that they are keeping this corruption at all costs.

I've also read that they used Princess Diana for her genetics then got rid of her after with that crash.

This may seem like all conjecture, but there is a lot that we don't know about in this world.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 02:19 PM
Who are the Draconains? Are they Reptillions to?

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 03:12 PM
guys, I would just like to ask, where in the hell all this information came from? On certain levels evidence for some kind of extraterestial presence on earth exists, but to go from that to detailed knowledge of an entire glalatic civilization seems very unlikely. If we want to find the truth, and actualy be taken seriously we can't just buy into information with absolutley no proof, and even worse claims about aliens that are highly improbable such as them being humans. Evolution here on this planet alone produces an almost infinite amount of variety, how can evolution produce exact copies of species on planets with very different characteristics?

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 05:38 PM
I honestly think this is a work of some science fiction author or freak. I don't believe it at all. Seriously though. Doesn't this sound like something that came out of a science fiction movie or novel? Like TheEXone, I asking myself... WHERE DID THIS INFO. COME FROM!?

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:19 PM
For every myth, there lies a grain of truth, partial or absolute. That said, how is it that everyday people who only know what their day holds for them one day at a time, are privy to such world shattering information that would, if true, shake the very foundations of human existance?

No, I don't believe it to be more than the inventions of fertile minds that have grown up with science fiction and wish it were so. Hoaxers like Billy Meier don't help the search for truth in all of it.

Personally, I believe that possibly at one time, they may have visitied and found us to be lacking in what ever protocol was needed to ensure return visits, in other words, perhaps we are just boring, unevolved, and dangerous to them and they decided to go somewhere else.

All the talk of underground bases and other flights of fancy are just that. Of course that is just me.

posted on Oct, 14 2008 @ 08:57 PM


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