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Bible Predictions

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posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 08:46 PM
I posted this in another thread but it wasn't responded to, so, I'll post it here:

This is a theory I did based on a big ((IF)) there's any truth to the Bible.

As far as Bible prophesy goes, the only way for someone to inform a person(such as Daniel) on earth of what is to come, so they can record it and we can read it years later, is if this being(watcher, elder) has seen or has access to information of other planets just like ours who underwent the same transformations.

That's the only logical explanation.

How else would Daniel's informers("angles") have predicted that in the distant future the "Holy People"(I believe this means any people who use religion to control the masses.) will lose their power? And he said their power will be "FINALLY broken", as in the truth will be accessible everywhere and to everyone. "Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." and, as typical, "None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand."

Can the power still be wielded? Yes it can, but the tool used isn't a religion, it's technology that will be able to control people. And the closer we get to unity, the closer we get to complete dictatorship by whoever sits at the top of that pyramid.

The many different religions are a distraction technique to slow this process.

Another thing, Jesus was a significant marker in history and his message, the ones he told in parables so his disciples wouldn't mess it up, held huge clues to this whole puzzle. Like the The Parable of the Tenants. ""A man planted a vineyard, rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time...." He came back to "collect", but what is meant by "fruit" I wonder. What has become very abundant here? "Be fruitful and multiply...". There are over 6 billion people on earth. Fuel, other resources...who knows. The only thing that refuses to factor in my mind is, why? Why the mystery and secrecy? To keep things running on schedule is all I keep getting.

Genesis 11:6-7
6) The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
7) Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

Why would they do that unless they were keeping a schedule?

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 09:22 PM

This is my crazy opinion only. We were developing to fast which was not the plan. We were created to "learn" love, compassion, nurturing, etc. which the first "caretakers" lacked. I believe that is God's plan. For you and I to learn what is important in life, to know love for other beings, beauty, hope, dreams and yes even the fear of pain and death as his first creation did not understand this and were non-caring even cruel. We even may be the partial "consciousness" of the 1st creation (like the matrix), I don't know. There will be many who do not pass the test as you and I know there is a good % of the population who could care less about anything other than themselves.

There are a billion billion stars and even more planets. I believe God's plan is to "grow" us to become the caretakers of another wonder in the universe. How can you be a caretaker if you cannot feel? Know fear of death or what pain is?

Oh, back to the question. It shouldn't be to hard to determine what your creation is capable of technology wise given the nature of Exponential growth. I don't think it is to hard to believe that knowing how Exponential Growth would work with civilization and technology that you could easily determine how long it would take to get to a point of maxing the population and having the technologies to destroy the world. So maybe we live (experience a life) here more than once... I don't know. I believe Christ came to earth for the same reason.. God's way of experiencing life on earth, pain, ect. through his son. If we can truly believe in God and practice love, compassion, forgiveness as Jesus did for our example (unlike Satan and the rebel angles) we can then be ready for our true purpose.

posted on Sep, 13 2008 @ 10:23 PM
And, on your very Christian opinion, I believe "Christ" came MANY times, but never asked to be worshiped, only pointed certain off-track cultures back into the right direction.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by infolurker
We were developing to fast which was not the plan.

That makes no sense according to Biblical thinking. Because according to the Bible, God is perfect and made perfect humans. You can argue the fall in Eden, it makes no difference, a perfect God would have predicted a "fall", and for that matter, the speed of mental growth, and adjusted the plans accordingly.
Everything "explained" in the Bible is over in the ridiculous zone and makes no scientific sense, that's why you're expected to have "faith".

There are a billion billion stars and even more planets. I believe God's plan is to "grow" us to become the caretakers of another wonder in the universe.

This, in a way, follows my theory. But it makes more logical sense that if someone were coming back to "collect" humans, it isn't to be a "caretaker" of another planet. A slave would make more sense. Before you attack that, remember, there's no way to be SURE of ANY of this. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for but not seen"? Then why follow the "answers" from other human beings and call it "truth", why not keep it open for discussion?

The Bible says humans were put here for the purpose of "subduing" the planet. But if there are beings here, behind the scenes, watchers/elders, then the humans supposedly "subduing" this planet are not as in control as they're made to believe, are they? And, based on the track-record of the ones in charge of keeping things running on a time-line, show little to no love for the human race.

This is just -one- theory based on the entire Bible context, minus "faith" in the variations of what most religions believe.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:00 AM
The bible is good enough if you have clearer higher understandings. If you really wish to know the truth, rather then just pimp a viewpoint, then I'd sudgest you look into the Urantia Book as it is much clearer written therein.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:25 AM
You didn't even read my entire post or give it any thought. "Urantia Book" is nothing more than another distraction for "sheep" to thank you. I'll think for myself.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 04:36 AM
I too believe Christ came many times. And I think this has something to do with Mary Magdeline calling out "God!!" so many times. In fact, I think this somewhat fed Jesus' ego.

"I'm so good, I must be God!"

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:56 PM
I believe the men who jotted down what Jesus "said", made that part up, about Jesus being God. That's why the most important messages are in riddle and parable form ONLY. Jesus never wanted to be worshiped.

posted on Sep, 14 2008 @ 03:57 PM
Back on topic.....

Originally posted by mmariebored
I posted this in another thread but it wasn't responded to, so, I'll post it here:

This is a theory I did based on a big ((IF)) there's any truth to the Bible.

As far as Bible prophesy goes, the only way for someone to inform a person(such as Daniel) on earth of what is to come, so they can record it and we can read it years later, is if this being(watcher, elder) has seen or has access to information of other planets just like ours who underwent the same transformations.

That's the only logical explanation.

How else would Daniel's informers("angles") have predicted that in the distant future the "Holy People"(I believe this means any people who use religion to control the masses.) will lose their power? And he said their power will be "FINALLY broken", as in the truth will be accessible everywhere and to everyone. "Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." and, as typical, "None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand."

Can the power still be wielded? Yes it can, but the tool used isn't a religion, it's technology that will be able to control people. And the closer we get to unity, the closer we get to complete dictatorship by whoever sits at the top of that pyramid.

The many different religions are a distraction technique to slow this process.

Another thing, Jesus was a significant marker in history and his message, the ones he told in parables so his disciples wouldn't mess it up, held huge clues to this whole puzzle. Like the The Parable of the Tenants. ""A man planted a vineyard, rented it to some farmers and went away for a long time...." He came back to "collect", but what is meant by "fruit" I wonder. What has become very abundant here? "Be fruitful and multiply...". There are over 6 billion people on earth. Fuel, other resources...who knows. The only thing that refuses to factor in my mind is, why? Why the mystery and secrecy? To keep things running on schedule is all I keep getting.

Genesis 11:6-7
6) The LORD said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
7) Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other."

Why would they do that unless they were keeping a schedule?

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

posted on Sep, 15 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by mmariebored

this may come as a shock you you but if you read the bible word for word without using other sources to read something at an eighth grade scholastic reading level you will find that the end of the world has already happened in 70 a.d. when you read the book of revelations, you will find that characters in that book are speaking to each other in that time frame to each other and not to future generations. oh yeah and why is a a messiah and a martyr gender bias and a racist? read Matthew :15 to get what I'm saying.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by rockoperawriter
reply to post by mmariebored

this may come as a shock you you but if you read the bible word for word without using other sources to read something at an eighth grade scholastic reading level you will find that the end of the world has already happened in 70 a.d. when you read the book of revelations, you will find that characters in that book are speaking to each other in that time frame to each other and not to future generations. oh yeah and why is a a messiah and a martyr gender bias and a racist? read Matthew :15 to get what I'm saying.

I HAVE read the entire Bible, many times, before I ever even read other "sources" to compare it with. I have the book practically memorized and my "understanding" is perfectly fine. I was looking at the whole book, in the entire context, from many different perspectives, before reading one single commentary from an outside author.

It wasn't until I decided to discredit the ones who deemed the book 100% "inerrant word of God" that I began seeing the book for more than just a morbidly flawed instruction manual for "sheep".

And who cares if it's gender biased and racist, God didn't write it, half of it is lies and half of it (might) be truth. If you let go of the ridiculous notion that God approved every word of it, it won't bother you as much and you can shelve it with the rest of the millions of imperfect history books, which is where it belongs.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by rockoperawriter
reply to post by mmariebored

end of the world has already happened in 70 a.d.

The "end" of a group of people's "world". I know.

From the Sumerian civilization until now, it happens in cycles. I have noted this pattern.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated
blah blah blah...just pimp a viewpoint...blah blah blah

Funny, I keep seeing this book of yours being "pimped" all over this forum.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by mmariebored

Originally posted by Incarnated
blah blah blah...just pimp a viewpoint...blah blah blah

Funny, I keep seeing this book of yours being "pimped" all over this forum.

It isn't a viewpoint.
It's the real thing.
However, the truth isn't for everyone. Too many would rather believe the lies they tell themselves over understanding the reality of the truth.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Incarnated

Originally posted by mmariebored

Originally posted by Incarnated
blah blah blah...just pimp a viewpoint...blah blah blah

Funny, I keep seeing this book of yours being "pimped" all over this forum.

It isn't a viewpoint.
It's the real thing.
However, the truth isn't for everyone. Too many would rather believe the lies they tell themselves over understanding the reality of the truth.

The thing is, you didn't even read my post, because if you did, you might have been able to at least dispute something, anything. Instead, you came into this thread to pimp your book.

Plus, you won't even give me one good reason to buy this book you pimp, or anything in this book that's different from my viewpoint and why I should believe this is "truth" you're pimping.

No, people like you cannot discuss something you yourself cannot understand, you can only throw insults at the people capable of thinking for themselves and capable of defending the points they're capable expressing in a proper post.

If you make another post in my topic, please, put some meat in between them buns.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:00 PM
Jesus never wanted to be worshiped?

"I am the alpha and omega"
"I am (the son of) God"
"...this is my blood and my flesh.."



posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Sator
Jesus never wanted to be worshiped?

"I am the alpha and omega"
"I am (the son of) God"
"...this is my blood and my flesh.."



Luke 18:18-19
18)And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

19)And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:14 PM
The Bibel is like a travel through time. Its a book of rules , morals and predictions of things to come. God put seals on many predictions of things to come so they would be knowen when the time is right.

Humanity is like a chield traveling through time. We are learning as time go by. When the time is right we will understand and be abel to unlock the predictions that are seald from ouer understanding. But until that time we will not know for sure what the bibel is talking about when it comes to ouer time frame. We can just try to understand, but we have no logage to be sure of ouer predictions. I still think we are fumbeling in the dark when it comes to the Bibel. We dont have the right knowlage to understand the Bibel yet.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:31 PM
mmariebored, and your point is....??

If Jesus did not wanted people to worship him, he should have not gone by making all the miracles and stating he was "the truth", "the light", he should not have allowed the romans to KILL him and them RESURRECT after that, and all that nonsense.

Friend, you have to agree with me on this: if Jesus did not wanted us to worship him, he did a TERRIBLE job avoiding this craziness!!


posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 04:53 PM
he performed all these "miracles" because he was a magician just like Houdini. he was "the light" probably because of these supposed miracles. i am not going to be a sheep. the planet isn't going to explode because of the act of an intangible father figure calling his "children" to him. we are already in the aftermath of the end of the world for "a certain people" i'm not quoting the bible because i see that other folks do it just fine without independence. are you all blind? don't you see that this bible this entire belief system is nothing more than the largest social control and excuse for war and bigotry? i don't need a bunch of hymns and prayers telling me that i'm going to heaven or hell!

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