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Senator Feingold To Hold Hearing On 'Restoring The Rule Of Law'

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posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:15 PM

Senator Feingold To Hold Hearing On 'Restoring The Rule Of Law'

Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee's Constitution Subcommittee, has announced a hearing on how to best prepare the next president to foster an environment of accountability and responsible use of power seen lacking in the years President Bush and Vice President Cheney have been in office.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:15 PM
What a complete joke this do-nothing Congress is.

"Prepare the NEXT president to foster an environment of accountability..."

What about THIS president?

It's unreal to see how all of these people have all just rolled over and given one free pass after another to the most criminal administration in the history of this nation.

You want to "restore the rule of law"?

Then put these pathological lying, illegal-spying, torturing WAR CRIMINALS on trial! Not tomorrow, but now.

Other than that, then it's nothing more than the same old, blow-hard, all bark and no bite, empty rhetoric from the co-conspirators of endless illegality...


Next week the Subcommittee will hear testimony from legal and historical experts on what actions the next president and Congress need to take in order to "repair the damage done by the Bush Administration to the rule of law." The purpose of the hearing is to give the next president the "full range" of proper guidance in restoring and maintaining checks and balances in areas such as wiretapping, interrogations, government secrecy, violations of privacy, detention policy, proper use of executive power and efforts to not mislead Congress.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:55 PM
On the spot! DD!

There can be no restoration of justice that withholds judgment on the events which have occurred in the last 100 years.

There is a great undertaking before anyone who sincerely pursues this path. And having opened this door, they must be MADE to follow through. The American public must keep a constant watch and maintain pressure to see that this doesn't become a farce, hidden from view and obscured by media neglect, and legislative abuse.

I am writing my representatives first thing in the morning. In my humble opinion, this was intended to be a political 'stunt', but the people can, should, and must make this exercise into the American's forum for unanswered grievances.

The law CAN be used against them. They are not immune. And I believe this golden opportunity like this should never be missed.

Let's see. Shall we start with the Fed and move forward, or work our way back from present times? And is there a constitutional lawyer with enough juice to cover the 'forms' of the contract?

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Im going to break it down into simple terms for the sheeple on ATS who will not understand what this means. This means that we need a law passed to follow the constitution. As far fetched as it seems this is what we are being told. To follow the constitution we need to pass a law.... disgusting.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:42 PM
Both houses have proved time and time again over the last 40 years(since I've been aware anyway) that they have no teeth.They bark and growl about whatever is popular at the moment,then the issue fades away.
There needs to be two more laws passed in congress then no more.Congress should pass a law restricting the presidents ability to execute executive orders.(Only congress can make laws) Then the congress should pass a law,to enact no more laws on the people.Every law wether good or bad robs a freedom from someone

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by daddyroo45

There needs to be two more laws passed in congress then no more.

They need a third law requiring the repeal of all regulations made by bureacracies without the direct oversight of Congress. No more "the USDA shall make regulations to oversee the welfare of the titmouse"

Congress should make the laws not the bureaucrats. Also there should be a court of "commoners" to judge offenses by bureaucratic enforcers. There is absolutely no check on inspectors. They are "tin gods" whose word is law with no oversight or appeal.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Has there ever been a petition from the people put before the House or Congress wanting the Constitution reinstated?

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by FiatLux

To my understanding, there have been more than a few. Problem is that the authors were marginalized, (in some cases, they were their own worst enemies.) Look mostly towards separatists movements, tax protesters, and other such 'organized movements' for examples - generally categorized as 'radicals', although today the government might not hesitate to apply a more inflammatory designation.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 06:23 PM
I will have to give credit to Senator Feingold at least he see how our system of government has been corrupted and now is broken.

I got the feeling that our entire nation is broken and in need of a completely structuring.

But as long as the powers of corporate elite have a hold in this nations government it will be to the people to take back the government and make it work the way it was intended by our forefathers.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 06:28 PM
Perhaps its just time to pull the curtain and see the wizard. After this success, knowing the truth won't matter. Sort of like the first GD. Anyone who seeks to know can discover what part the Fed played in that catastrophe. Funny how they really DON'T care about the rest of society. If that's not proof of a 'class' element to this, I don't know what is.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 06:32 PM
I also have to give credit to Feingold. It's clear that holding the current administration accountable is a lost cause, as far as Congress is concerned. How many times have they tried to raise the impeachment issue? But if they can give the impression of "turning the page" on this administration and starting anew, it MIGHT help. But I doubt it.

I agree completely, DD, that the starting point is HERE and NOW. How better to show that they're serious than to put Bush/Cheney up as an example?

A law to uphold the Constitution!

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