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Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me

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posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:47 PM

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Barack Obama's vice-presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., Wednesday said that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, might have been a better pick for the position than him.

Yesterday I thought Sen. Biden's request for another handicapped, wheelchair bound Senator to stand up was a silly gaffe. Another day another silly comment from Biden. Evidently Biden is admitting what everyone else in the country already knows. Obama would have been better off picking Hillary as the vice presidential nominee. This would have probably changed the entire strategy of the McCain camp and possibly had Obama up in the polls instead of lagging behind.

That's not a shocker. What's funny is that he so readily admits it. Isn't the VP pick supposed to support the nominee and tell everyone how great the nominee's decisions are? Not this time I guess.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by dbates]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:55 PM

Wow! Wonder if perhaps the Democrats might be thinking of having him bow out asap? Might be a leadup to just such a scenario. Thanks for the update.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:55 PM
See but this is one of the things I like about Biden. He is objective. He has the ability to step outside of himself and look at the issue to make an appropriate determination, and he's obviously unbiased.

I personally think Biden is a much better choice than Clinton. If she had been chosen as the VP, I would not have voted for Obama. I haven't made my decision yet, but Biden on the ticket helps me lean in that direction.

Edit: At this point I think it would be detrimental to the ticket if Biden were to pull out and Hillary were to come in. You've got to show that you're resolute in your decisions and switching back and forth would surely arise some "flip flop" comments from the right.

[edit on 9/10/2008 by The Cyfre]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 04:57 PM
I wash SHOCKED when I read this quote from Joe. It looks like his
political intuition is kicking in and he's sensing that REALITY is sinking
into the mindset of the public. I'm surprised that he actually said what
we're all thinking. Obama-Clinton would have been the perfect duo to
counter anyone McCain could have named as VP Nominee.

Obama's ego wouldn't let him choose Hillary because she and Bill
hurt his feelings during the primary. Plus, his wife DEMANDED that
he not choose Hillary as his running mate. Even though I'm African
American and hoped to see Barack be the first of my race in the
White House, it looks like he's not quite ready. He bruises way too
easily and is overly sensitive. Presidents can't be soft.

-CWM in Chicago

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:00 PM
Sounds like Biden is going to chicken out in the name of the best interest of the party..ho ho..
Not so far fetched now huh

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

Who knows? Maybe they're softening up everyone for the upcoming swap. Still, at this point you wonder if it will work? Wouldn't they just look like copy-cats if they pick a woman VP? They should probably go for it though. I don't see how their current ticket will win the election.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by TH3ON3
Wonder if perhaps the Democrats might be thinking of having him bow out asap?

I just thought the same thing!

Thanks for this thread dbates! I had no idea Biden said that.
I'm very surprised that he'd admit that.
It's true! But I'm surprised he'd admit it.

If he bowed out then all the business' around here would have to take down their 'congratulations Joe Biden' signs. Well ... there has only been one up that I've seen ... so I guess it wouldn't take long.
I seriously thought this area would be more excited since the guy who lives around the corner and down the street (literally), accepted the nomination for VP. But, apart from the left-wing rag of a newspaper in town, there doesn't seem to be any big excitement.

Hillary, on the other hand, would excite people.

If they change Hillary for Biden, I wonder if the dems could win back the angry females who refuse to vote for Obama because Hillary wasn't nominated? Bet they would! It would change everything.

Thanks again dbates. This should be interesting!

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:11 PM
So the first major real decision Obama makes(Biden instead of H Clinton) turns out to be a huge mistake judging by the massive poll shift toward McCain once he announced Palin.

Repubs will have field day with that if Biden does chicken out..

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by dbates

Yeah but is that even allowed - a candidate swap after the candidates have accepted their respective positions publicly at the conventions?

I've been looking through ( but haven't found anything yet on the election rules.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by sos37
Yeah but is that even allowed -

You know politicians... Biden could say anything to get out of it.
Health reasons. Family reasons. State of Delaware reasons.
His son is in Iraq reason (doesn't want to put him at extra risk).

People are free to bow out whenever they want.
I'm sure he could come up with a feasible excuse to leave.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:19 PM
bible code


But some here do. So I'm adding a link to the bible code in regards
to Joe Biden, Obama, and Hillary. According to the bible code it says
that Obama will be assassinated BEFORE THE ELECTION and that Hillary
will become president. It also says that Joe Biden will be the VP choice
of Obama.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:20 PM
What a train wreck. It is even too late for Hillary to save them. It would prove Obama cannot make decisions and show that he is weak. Maybe if he stepped aside to be the VP and gave the POTUS spot to Clinton then the Dems might have a chance out of this.

Edit to add,
Obama seems to prefer battling Palin anyways.

[edit on 10-9-2008 by SectionEight]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Regarding the "assassination" thing, my barber has told me that every
time I sit down in his chair. He says that if Obama wins the election,
he won't live until the swearing in ceremony. Maybe my barber has
been reading the Bible Code too. Thanks for that link, FlyersFan. It
seems to be worthy of further investigation. -cwm

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If they change Hillary for Biden, I wonder if the dems could win back the angry females who refuse to vote for Obama because Hillary wasn't nominated? Bet they would! It would change everything.

I think Hillary could probably win them back, many might say no now but when Hillary started talking she could change their minds. But see that would be even worse for Obama in a way, because suddenly his win would not be "all about him", he would have a running mate that he publically snubbed, and that has her OWN set of supporters that do NOT like him at all.

Not to mention the possible conflicts. Michelle and Hillary both in the White House? LOL.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by dbates

The article states (as Biden says):-

"Joe Biden, D-Del., Wednesday said that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, might have been a better pick for the position than him."

Then you go on to say:-

Originally posted by dbates
Evidently Biden is admitting what everyone else in the country already knows. Obama would have been better off picking Hillary as the vice presidential nominee.

"Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me" - Isn't this also false/misleading?

Just saying...

[edit on 10-9-2008 by Xeros]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610

Originally posted by FlyersFan
If they change Hillary for Biden, I wonder if the dems could win back the angry females who refuse to vote for Obama because Hillary wasn't nominated? Bet they would! It would change everything.

I think Hillary could probably win them back, many might say no now but when Hillary started talking she could change their minds. But see that would be even worse for Obama in a way, because suddenly his win would not be "all about him", he would have a running mate that he publically snubbed, and that has her OWN set of supporters that do NOT like him at all.

Not to mention the possible conflicts. Michelle and Hillary both in the White House? LOL.

Problem with that is we all know Hilary wants to be President, not second runner up. To me it would make more sense for her to let Obama go down with the ship this go-round so she could run again in 4 years. Otherwise she's stuck as Obama's "number two". Ewwww that sounded wrong.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
Michelle and Hillary both in the White House? LOL.

I didn't think of that! Now that you mention it, that would
be fun to watch. If Obama/Clinton were to get in, then the
Michelle/Hillary drama just might soften the blow of having
Obama as POTUS.

I can see the tabloids already ....

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:47 PM
If Biden bows out, Obama would have crushed any credibility he had left about his ability to make good sound decisions.

No matter Biden excuse, everybody would know that Hillary as VP would be the real reason.

Obama is stuck with Biden for good or bad and he knows it.

Funny how Biden didn't mention this to Obama prior to accepting to being his VP.

I also concur that Hillary wants to run in 2012 as President rather than VP in 2008.

Somewhere, someplace.....Hillary is looking in a mirror and grinning like a possum.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 05:53 PM
Does anyone think that Biden might have said this to Obama before he was selected? Something like, "why would you want me, Hillary is the one you want." Obama, "nah I hate that pig in lipstick"
Maybe Biden is having second thoughts about accepting the VP spot, see trouble and wants out. Has Obama made any statements about Bidens statements yet? Can't wait to hear that, or will this just be slipped under the rug hmm...
I'll check back on this thread in a couple hours, I gotta go make some money.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 06:05 PM
Yeah there is no way Obama could swap VP's at this point. It looks like his moment of cattiness has cost him the election.

Obama is not stupid, he is all about reading "the people", so surely the topic of Hillary as VP came up and was discussed at length. She took HALF the democratic votes. I wonder if maybe Michelle played a big part in that decision. I can hear it now, "Don't do it, you don't need that woman, you can do it on your own baby!".

[edit on 10-9-2008 by Sonya610]

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