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DNC and RNC... The days to come

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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Well it has sure been a wild ride.

I want to devote this thread to election STRATEGY DEM - REP alike...
This thread IS for the purpose of evaluating the current and future political tactics as
it pertains to the 2008.

I think it would be safe to say that the partisan bickering is tired so this thread will be a
vacation from the norm.

Please bring your thinking caps and leave the party pins at the door.

If you get the compulsion to start overly using adjectives to further your point please
promptly be compelled to find another post to litter. Thanks

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 10:09 AM
What strikes me as incredible this year is that the Republicans seem to be copying the strategy and even the motto of the Democrats. I remember when Republicans couldn't wait to mock Obama for his message of "change" and "hope", yet, they have fully adopted both words as their own.

I don't understand how anyone can believe that any kind of CHANGE will come from electing someone who votes with George Bush 95% of the time. I can't believe that people think that McCain is going to change anything in Washington DC, when he's been there for 30 years and hasn't done it yet!

The Republican strategy of separating McCain from Bush is an amazing study in human behavior and gullibility.

Sorry if this isn't what you had in mind, I'm just a little blown away by this particular strategy of the Republican party this morning, and even more surprised that people are buying it.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Yes it is an odd strategy on Mccains behalf to roll out the same platform as Obama.
I think has its ups and downs... It is a gamble for certain.

I think all along Mccains evolving message has not been consistent.

FIRST it was experience you can trust

Now it is CHANGE because your experience of me has been undesirable thus far.

The worst mistake Mccain is making is that he has switched to the Change position publicly.

While at the same time saying FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT...

I may be wrong but I have been visiting many message boards and I hear
the same comment.

I'm sorry Mccain... Now you speak of change and what do you equate with change???
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. All we have been doing is fight with each-other, how is that change.

It seems that people are getting a conflicting message. On a few fronts...

How is fighting change?

If you are about change why is Palin speaking in a very familiar tone (BUSH CHENY).

I really Mccains new platform is not coming from a place of genuine strength.
To be revamping the message over and over will not serve him, even if RONALD REGANS ghost was his running mate. The message of change even in a rhetorical sense has been paid for and bought by OBAMA with a year and a half of workout is ingrained and equated with the Obama name.

In short Mccain in saying change may actually be subliminal adverts for Obama.

I think the tone of the jabs that PALIN took was an BIG mistake if we are taking swing and undecided.

On the same message boards that I have been reading I notice that people who seemed to be indy have grown to RESPECT Obamas message, even if they do not support it. I was surprised to see that some of these people have now apparently swung to Obama in PROTEST to the TONE of Palins speech.

I have read more than once... that women is scary, sorry John.

I suggest that Palin appeals to the base, but here PITBULL self is very radical and not
right for this nation at this time.

I prey that mccain will use the phrase FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT over and over, while talking about change. I believe this is horrible horrible strategy!

Provided Obama and Biden do not really f up during the debates, I believe it is theirs to lose.

The cult of personality that is the new messiah is not enough substance when people consider their future.


[edit on 5-9-2008 by mental modulator]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 04:01 AM
Heres a little pattern:

1. Hillary the assumed nominee, republicans begin their assualt on her.

2. Hillary looses, Obama comes in as nominee, Republicans begin their assualt, label him as inexperienced, naive, too young, looks like a muslim etc.

3. McCain then gives sympathy to Hillary, praises her.

3. McCain begins to target Obamas change slogan by claim there will be no change.

4. McCain then begins to use the word "change" in his campaign like Obama.

5. McCains core arguement then becomes Obamas lack of experience.

6. After Obamas acceptance speech McCain chooses Palin, a young inexperienced woman.

7. McCain and Palin begin to speak positive of Hillary despite the great dislike by their conservative base.

8. And finally, they begin to use the word change more often, changing their platform and making an attempt in distancing theirselves from Bush.

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by southern_Guardian
Heres a little pattern:

1. Hillary the assumed nominee, republicans begin their assualt on her.

2. Hillary looses, Obama comes in as nominee, Republicans begin their assualt, label him as inexperienced, naive, too young, looks like a muslim etc.

3. McCain then gives sympathy to Hillary, praises her.

3. McCain begins to target Obamas change slogan by claim there will be no change.

4. McCain then begins to use the word "change" in his campaign like Obama.

5. McCains core arguement then becomes Obamas lack of experience.

6. After Obamas acceptance speech McCain chooses Palin, a young inexperienced woman.

7. McCain and Palin begin to speak positive of Hillary despite the great dislike by their conservative base.

8. And finally, they begin to use the word change more often, changing their platform and making an attempt in distancing theirselves from Bush.

SOUND about right to me SG.

I was going to post my thoughts on the Mccain strategy a while back, but I thought it was to far fetched.

I am amazed that I was very right on with my theory. I envisioned the most obvious wrenches, pick a women, change the entire platform and create a media bonanza around the VP with conspiracy.

I submit that FOX news was actually the key promoter of Palin and her many scandals.

THEY spent much time and emphasis on all these things while the other MSM had better stories to cover.

I watched it and it was something the ministry of propaganda in any nation would be proud of. When you are down any attention is good attention...

As far as the RNC speeches

there was zero substance and it was very BUSH. But I guess it did solidify the throngs of down hearted pasties and extremists. WAR, FIGHT, OIL and TERROR!

I have been spending much time reviewing the many online responses via message boards.

Its seems that some people enjoyed the emotions of Mccains speech

while a bit higher % did not see any substance in any of the speech's GOP

for a small few all of Mccains patriotic talk sold them

I did notice the GOP leaning had many more undecided feelings then the DEMs.

I also have observed the line of thinking that PALIN is to radical and to green.

I just do not understand Mccain hammering on the experience issue still. I believe people are actually taking this to heart and looking at PALIN not just Obama...

Very stupid, although I guess it slowly bleed Obamas resources and time.

Finally the CHANGE deal with Mccain is laughable... as you said the hypocrisy express.
Although I believe he feels it will level the playing field, maybe it does strategically?

There is a link below to a site you should bookmark. It is a very good source for numbers and history.

It is updated often and I love it.

It has shown a slow and steady bleed to OBAMA in the last week and a half for total likely votes...

I have watch the % win columns dramatically of swing states go towards OBAMA

THE PALIN FACTOR??? If Mccain is going to win these numbers should start to increase
for the reds. SO far not so.

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