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Global Warming is a Conspiracy Because...

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posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 12:26 AM
Whilst many scientists disagree on whether we are causing the current rise in temperature. What none of them will disagree with is that the temperature in the past has been far higher than it is now. It's a rediculous notion that humans can keep the earth temperature static, it rises and falls like the sun. Whether humans have caused it or not is a mute point as in the past the temperature has been far higher than it is now.

The earth will survive a temperature far higher than it is now, and it's about time we understood that and took away the noble prize from that profiteering Al Gore.

Whether you believe humans are responsible or not is irrelevant. Simply becuase the past temperatures have been far higher than they are now.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 02:40 AM
I also like to point out (after your point) to people who go on to me about carbon footprint garbage is that in the 70's there was an Ice Age scare. People we scared that the glaciers were proceeding.

LOL, morons.

Edit: There is also of course the fact that other planets in our solar system are experiencing global warming. How does man be so wastful as to melt the Martian ice caps?!

Or even if it were carbon levels that drive climate change, man produces a fraction of the globes carbon. The oceans produce a couple hundred times the carbon we do.

And people might say, better safe than sorry, to which I respond, "For all the good it will do, it is going to be very expensive in time, effort and money, and in the end the globe will still do what ever it likes."

"If you really want to do something for the planet, protest de-forrestation and ocean over-fishing. Lobby to bring paper bags back to supermarkets. etc. Don't waste on global warming!"

[edit on 9/5/2008 by Good Wolf]

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Whilst many scientists disagree on whether we are causing the current rise in temperature. What none of them will disagree with is that the temperature in the past has been far higher than it is now. It's a rediculous notion that humans can keep the earth temperature static, it rises and falls like the sun. Whether humans have caused it or not is a mute point as in the past the temperature has been far higher than it is now.

The earth will survive a temperature far higher than it is now, and it's about time we understood that and took away the noble prize from that profiteering Al Gore.

Whether you believe humans are responsible or not is irrelevant. Simply becuase the past temperatures have been far higher than they are now.

Well right you are.
If you watch the documentary the great global warming swindle.
There is many scientists saying with backed up proof from ice cores sattelite temperature measurments etc.
That there is no way to say this current warming is because of us.
And they have physical proof to say no one has the data to be able to make this conclusion.
I don't really know what more people could want.
These are experts saying "hey hello this data and conclusion IS WRONG!".
And everyone is saying oh who are these guys conspiracy theorists?
And no they are not they are just everyday scientists who cant lie to themselves and everyone else.
On the other hand you have a group of people out to get lots of money.
Presenting data they know is false and saying "hey how about we all start paying some money for this hey?".
The first thing they do is whack a tax on it.
Money as a motivator should clearly show that they could care less about the environment.
There is definitely NO 0 nada reason for anyone to pay ANY MONEY at all because of this.

posted on Sep, 5 2008 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Interestinggg

I know the docco you mean. They arn't conspiracy theorists at all because they all were scientists working to for the UN's climate change group who so how the UN were not interested in the REAL science. They left that group and still their names are on the list of top 2000 scientists of the world who supposedly say that it's man's fault. Its a good test for scientist are the real scientist will leave and the political pay-offs will stay and continue to perpetuate "Sh*#-based" science to be used as political propaganda.

That's all man influenced global warming is, propaganda and as you mentioned, an excuse for new tax.

posted on Sep, 16 2008 @ 01:27 PM
Just want to link you to an incredible article I just read with information on climate change and it's affect on our environment. There is no hype the article.

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