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What are the Cops waiting for !!!!!

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posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 09:56 PM
What is the deal with this. For those of you who don't know the case basically a 2 year old girl is missing and the mother and grandmother are doing nothing but lying to the police. My question is why haven't they been charged with manslaughter. The FBI has DNA evidence that the little girl has died or been killed. Someone help me understand please why these people toy with the police and aren't charged with anything and I catch my wifes sissy ex cutting my tires on my property and because I take action and do what his father should have done years ago I get charged with assault.
Caylee Anthony. missing 2 yr old in Orlando Fl

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:01 PM
she's 3 by the way.

And the reason they charge the sociopath yet....

defense lawyers.

posted on Sep, 3 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Unless the district attorney feels there is enough evidence to go to trial, they will not charge anyone with the crime. How is your personal experience in any way related? And to the poster who said the reason she has not been charged is defense lawyers, well, no. You seemed to intimate that defense lawyers are somehow bad? Please explain this. Would you rather it be you and the OP screaming, "It's so OBVIOUS to me, someone who lives thousands of miles away and occasionally watches the news on the story but has NO REAL INSIGHT into the investigation and beind the scenes deals, that they are GUILTY! HANG THEM!" Often times our justice system works, many times it doesn't. Unless you are currently working with this case, please understand these things can take time, and often times, such as with the murderer Joran Vandersloot(?) or OJ, the killers go free. It still doesn't mean that when your ass is on the line for something you didn't do you won't be praying for a good defense lawyer...
Also, just had to mention, after a question, such as the thread title, question marks, not exclamation points are used.


[edit on 3-9-2008 by ColoradoJens]

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by ironjello
What is the deal with this. For those of you who don't know the case basically a 2 year old girl is missing and the mother and grandmother are doing nothing but lying to the police. My question is why haven't they been charged with manslaughter. The FBI has DNA evidence that the little girl has died or been killed. Someone help me understand please why these people toy with the police and aren't charged with anything and I catch my wifes sissy ex cutting my tires on my property and because I take action and do what his father should have done years ago I get charged with assault.
Caylee Anthony. missing 2 yr old in Orlando Fl

There's a phrase we use on our Men's Rights boards that apply to this situation. Unfortunately, it would break the T&C here. So, what I will do is to rephrase it.

They aren't being charged because of the "kitty" pass. Imagine if the two suspects had penises. You think they'd still be out of jail?

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 09:58 AM
As stated in an earlier post, suspects aren't charged unless the prosecutor is sure they have enough evidence to go to trial and get a conviction. Charging someone too soon leads to all sorts of problems...from lawsuits, to wasting taxpayer money, looking bad in the public eye, etc, etc.

Rest assured...if they think these people are suspects in any shape or form, they are watching them very closely, and will charge them when the time is right.

posted on Sep, 4 2008 @ 10:27 AM
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