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posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Relentless

Hi Relentless

I am hooked on this Forum.
Up to now it has been right on the money or "no money"!
Guess i am tracking what is going on cause i live in a "Automotive City" in South Africa. It probably can be compared to Detroit but smaller.
I have two Q's cause the markets are not making sense to me at the moment?
1. When stocks drop! comodities should shoot up...right? South Africa is one of the biggest producers of Gold and Gold is not going up?
2. When you print funny money to prop up a currency should it not devaluate? Why is the Dollar not devaluating? Who is artificially keeping it up? and Why?

posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Daniel666
reply to post by Relentless

Hi Relentless

I am hooked on this Forum.
Up to now it has been right on the money or "no money"!
Guess i am tracking what is going on cause i live in a "Automotive City" in South Africa. It probably can be compared to Detroit but smaller.
I have two Q's cause the markets are not making sense to me at the moment?
1. When stocks drop! comodities should shoot up...right? South Africa is one of the biggest producers of Gold and Gold is not going up?
2. When you print funny money to prop up a currency should it not devaluate? Why is the Dollar not devaluating? Who is artificially keeping it up? and Why?

The "Money Changers" are pumping their earnings over the eons back and taxing us again for the money they already made??('

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:21 PM
Why are we crashing? Take the course!

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 12:14 AM
We will have a global meltdown if people continue to panick about what

they hear in the news. The news media in order to sell news, continues to

pluck the nerve strings of the public. They bring on these pundits, fear

mongers and chicken littles, fortelling of the "end of times, global melt

down, and that the sky is falling." People are unduly influenced, panic,

because they are afraid of their economic future, and quit making

purchases, which causes a "vicious cycle," no one buys due to panicking,

businesses close down, people get layed off, so they don't spend, and so

forth... an example of fear mongering logic, is the 7 or 8%

unemployment rate. The world is coming to an end because of a 7 or 8%

unemployment rate? In other words, why don't these same fear mongers

talk about the 92 to 93% of Americans that are employed? Why don't they

talk about what is going right in this country? Most American businesses

are still viable and not going under. Why can't they asure people that

things aren't so bad if 92 to 93% of Americans are working? The public

should see what is going on and give the media the finger and not ascribe

to the rhetoric.

If anyone else agrees with me, please do not extol my virtues, instead,

pass the message on. Why are we so upset because the glass is 8%

empty, why can't we be glad that it is 92% full? Come on Americans, let's

snap out of this funk and set things right!

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 12:29 AM
Anyone know what ever happened to Relentless?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 10:59 AM
Ramco i disagree.

The Media for the most part has been LATE reporting every damn downturn that happens and PEOPLE think it is worse because they and the news are "surprised" at how bad the latest numbers are because they keep trying to pump the markets and get fools to buy stocks at the worst time ever.

The News could take a better view and get people to focus on the more important things in life besides going OCD about wealth creation but then as a paradox the "economy/consumption" would slow down further.

CNBC and CNN and the like are on TOO many hours a day has to be dedidcated to something and when the times really are bad.......i agree the bad news constantly reported gets pretty old and depressing but guess what they DONT even DARE report just how bad things really are

i.e Unemployment is much lower than report

i.e Consumer Price inflation is much higher than officially reported

the Monetary system is much more of a sham than is ever discussed....never discussed ....that perpectual debt creation is necessary in such a system.....a reason why some big wigs tried to force greedy lenders to grow the mortgage debt market in a way they new was it's the gov'ts job to grow the debt.....because the people in power only care about the Finance Insurance Realestate sectors (FIRE) and care less about production........we have peak debt and a inflexibe establishment party who is trying to avoid necessary writedowns/ correction in debt leves (to those that are serviceable) .......and it WILL drag the REAL economy down into a depression of uncertain depth and duration

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Ramco
We will have a global meltdown if people continue to panick about what

they hear in the news. The news media in order to sell news, continues to

pluck the nerve strings of the public. They bring on these pundits, fear

mongers and chicken littles, fortelling of the "end of times, global melt

down, and that the sky is falling." People are unduly influenced, panic,

because they are afraid of their economic future, and quit making

purchases, which causes a "vicious cycle," no one buys due to panicking,

businesses close down, people get layed off, so they don't spend, and so

forth... an example of fear mongering logic, is the 7 or 8%

unemployment rate. The world is coming to an end because of a 7 or 8%

unemployment rate? In other words, why don't these same fear mongers

talk about the 92 to 93% of Americans that are employed? Why don't they

talk about what is going right in this country? Most American businesses

are still viable and not going under. Why can't they asure people that

things aren't so bad if 92 to 93% of Americans are working? The public

should see what is going on and give the media the finger and not ascribe

to the rhetoric.

If anyone else agrees with me, please do not extol my virtues, instead,

pass the message on. Why are we so upset because the glass is 8%

empty, why can't we be glad that it is 92% full? Come on Americans, let's

snap out of this funk and set things right!

I appreciate your optimism however, I think you need to understand a few things. Unemployment is higher than reported. The depoartment of labor statistics measure is not accurate at all. Our deficit is a killer to the future generations FACT. I do believe that we can make it thorugh this but it's going to be a tough road. By not paying attention to the bad things going on, you don't know where we need to put efforts to correct the bad. For good news take a break from ATS and visit It will get you out of a funk. Perhaps you are in a great situation but there are people here who have been severely affected by this economy, which noce again is very bad. I would like you to back up your statistics on the
percentage of viable businesses.

For the FSME, there were some brite minds on the Up to the minute market data thread, which should be extended an invitation to this thread as they provided great and accurate reportings with links to viable sources.

posted on Feb, 27 2009 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by elston

I think you and cpdaman are getting my drift, at least in part. First, ATS has plenty of interesting sites and forums, so i don't have to leave ATS for good times. Second, I do believe that the media does not sell boring, it sells drama, catastrophe, and sensationalism. No one wants to hear about girl scouts helping an old lady across the street. People want to hear about death, dismemberment and people getting their asses kicked royal. The world suffering a "global meltdown" gains veiwers and sells newspapers.

The media has a lot of lee way in how they present the news. It is still honest, but sensationalistic. That is why they do not state a reassuring but boring, "employment rate is 93%" rather they harp an emotional and anxiety producing "7% unemployment." It's honest, yet, sensationalistic keeping people glued to the TV set. Even if there was a 25% unemployment rate, the fact that there is a 75% employment would never be mentioned. Because of the way the news is presented, people panic, and a disasterous domino effect occurs, as happened during the 1929 depression. "Panic" is what caused the great depression. Lousy investments were made much like what the banks today have done. Speculators started selling in "panic," and at first it was just stock market investors, but the banks followed when ordinary people "panicked," after hearing the news about the stock market crashing, and erroneously fearing the banks would not be able to cover the bad stock market loans, took their money out, exacerbating greatly America's economic situation, and causing investment to drop drastically. No money in bank, no money to loan businesses. A vicious cycle ensued, no investments, no businesses, no businesses, no jobs. We had bread lines, and there was a 25% unemployment rate. I am not seeing breadlines yet, hopefully I never will, but this tells me that there are a lot of businesses still viable, and will remain so as long as people can see the light, and not panic.

As to citing references to determine the number of businesses that are currently viable, I did not expect this forum to be so scholary, otherwise I would have spent time researching nit picky points, points that are irrelevant to what I and possibly others already know..., that "We will get through this mess!" We have done so before, here in the U.S., and we will do so again, regardless of the obstacles.

The truth be known, I am unemployed, and trying to land a job is turning to out be difficult. My wife is losing her job in April. I am optimistic, though, that as long as I have two hands, and two feet I will find work, so will my wife. We will survive. I just wish other people could express more optimism rather then being fatalistic and giving in. I am not just going to lay down and die. Others may do so, if they wish, but not me, even if that is what the "numbers" indicate we should be doing...

I do not believe we are going into a global meltdown. If we do, it is only because of self fullfilling prophesy. That is all I am trying to say. Disagree if you wish. I will not rebutt you. I will move on, as I am probably missing the point.

So, if you will excuse me, I want to see some cool ATS crypto sites, before I turn in. I have an interview tomorrow. State Hospital, recession proof. Caio.

posted on Mar, 10 2009 @ 09:47 AM
I would like to ask you how long you thought the rich will get richer and the poor, poorer. The world is always changing faster and faster, what is today wont be in the future. Man is evolving. How much longer are they going to pull the war and false flag terrorism card? Man will say enough is enough.

Back in the day you bowed to kings and emporers, now we throw shoes at them.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 10:48 PM
It was this section that drew me to this site. I can't wait to explore the rest of the forum, although this will undoubtedly be my favorite section for some time to come.

Keep up the great work!

posted on Apr, 9 2009 @ 08:37 AM

whoa, the graphic isn't appearing ---none the less ---

this video is titled 'CRISIS OF CREDIT VISUALIZED'

its 11.15 minutes short, but goes a long way in making clear the
mess we're in with mortgages, CDOs, & CDSs (albiet briefly on the latter)

for other access to the popular (2 month old) animation, See Also:


The goal of giving form to a complex situation like the credit crisis is to quickly supply the essence of the situation to those unfamiliar and uninitiated. This project was completed as part of my thesis work in the Media Design Program, a graduate studio at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California. For more on my broader thesis work exploring the use of new media to make sense of a increasingly complex world, visit my website here. or email me at: [email protected]

Embed The Crisis of Credit Visualized:
from YouTube
from Vimeo

Writing, direction, animation & sound by Jonathan Jarvis

Narration by John Levoff

Music by Brandon Au - a.k.a - DJ Skwint

thanks, & enjoy being schooled..

[edit on 9-4-2009 by St Udio]

posted on Jun, 30 2009 @ 08:55 PM
THanks. I joined cause ilove this forum

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 07:35 PM
A week or two ago I foiund a website that someone was talking about what he had heard directly from david rockefeller. Byt the way the Federal reserve board is owned and made up from the central bankers. Don
t believe anything anyone say until you do the research for youself and check it out. At it will show ou who owns the Federal Reserve Bank and all of the companies that they own. An a lot of them are the ones that Obama gave Trillions of dollars to. thats why Ben Bernake won't say who they gave the bail out money to. Alo read the book 'The Creature from jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin. An excellant book that everyone must get to find out what is really going on. Another good one is "The Brotherhood of Darkness" by Dr Stanley Monteith. It tells of the people involved and it'd always that same ones passed one from generation to genertaion. A great must get DVD is the "The Money Masters". From or call 1888-the plot 888-843-7568. These are all must get and read ans view. I've learned more form these about what is really going on in the US government then all of the years I spent int school. Like I said don't believe anything anyone tells you until you check it out for yourself. At first I could not believe what I was reading, until I check it out from several different reliable sources Please check these out and tell everyone you know. Keep up the good fight, KeithinCapitola

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 02:31 PM
Relentless, I am glad this forum was opened finally when it happened.

I have been studying the issue of the economy, and how the powers that be manipulate it through Wall Street for a long time, through many sources I have come to realize as I should have always known, that Wall Street and the world economy, let alone America's economy is the playground of the global elite.

I did this thread recently and it seems to be a hit, so please feel free to stop by.

The Creature from Jekyll Island : A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

posted on Oct, 15 2009 @ 08:25 PM
Top 10 Reasons For The End Of The World As We Know It

All items listed below are in progress and can not be disproved.

1. New one world government and/or one forced religion.

2. War created in the middle east spreading to major regions.

3. Major weather and climate changes through out the planet.

4. Plague and/or Starvation due to drought and water shortage.

5. Large solar storms and/or collisions with earth.

6. Population control implemented by governments through out.

7. Economy and/or commercial collapse of major regions.

8. Hadron Collider project taking place in Europe.

9. Revolts and/or unrest due to any of the predicted events.

10. Rapture and/or the return of Jesus Christ to earth.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 02:52 PM
As a new member and so called expert on the current meltdown (if writing a book on the subject makes one an expert
) and I would like to volunteer as a source on the need for a new economic paradigm that indeed may be in our near future...whether or not we want it.

First of all, many feel that it has long been the aim of shadow bankers and the connection with other well known entities (CFR) to establish a one world currency as a prelude to establishing a One World Order. We are in the midst of that very event. It may not be the US dollar, but it certainly will become the controlling transfer of value. And once that is under control the rest naturally falls in line.

The next phase of the new monetary system will be the switch to a digital credit paradigm. OK, I can see your eyeballs rolling back." Please not a lesson on economics", some might sigh. But my friends, as Peter Drucker wrote:" There will be a great shift from a concentration on the economy to a new focus on the society".

Indeed, all of us are asking (usually to ourselves) where the suggestions of big changes really leading us? You see, we are all serious students of what the future might bring...its all about survival.

So, these discussions about what may be causing bad things (stupid things) to happen are really interesting in what may be implied for the future. Although there might not be anything that can be done to change things within the current system, being aware of what may be coming along can have some definite survival value. Besides, there is little doubt that big changes are needed.

As an analyst, I start with the premise that without a viable economy, we go backward into an ugly past. So, I would like to present what a One World Economic system might look like. Good or bad, you be the judge.

If the FSME so deems it, I would like discuss the financial crisis and what it might imply for one of the possible futures.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 11:08 PM


posted on May, 29 2010 @ 02:30 PM
In 1996 after the Dunblane massacre at a press conference ,a politician told a reporter to one side ''we didnt ban handguns because of the massacre ,by 2015 there will be no jobs ,no social security ,food shortages ,people rioting in the streets ,and the last thing we want the common people to have is guns ''.How did he know this ?????? unless it was planned to happen that way

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by bronto

Thats very interesting indeed. Is there any way anyone could find a source for this? that would be brilliant.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 05:51 AM
+1 Bronto how did you come to the knowledge of said forecast?

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