posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 01:29 PM
Welcome everyone!
My name is, nevermind lets say that everybody call me Konrad.I was soldier in Polish army in rocket/anty air units.Everything i state in this post can
be easily checked by all web users.
Many peopoles propably see the this article about that mysterious blurred area:
What i can say, the most thing in this article is wrong .
Lets start with Zaliv Kresta airfield.That airfield is about 700m north from village/town Egvekinot,not in blurred area.Even the pictures in that
article confirmed the diferent locations of airstrip then blurred area.Position of airfield is showed after type Zaliv Kresta in google maps.
Second thing, what is ,let me be straight ,one of the biggest bull#s that my eyes ever seen on the web, are pictures of anonymouse photographer.This
pictures are signed: ICBM launchers and similar.Thats all wrong!
What we see on the pictures is S300P ani air and ani hostile missile system:
Also we see the 76N6 Clam Shell Radar as a part of the system:
This pictures definitely dont show the ICMB complex and with that all article loose sense.This pictures are propably from S-300PT site near
Severodvinsk google map/earth coordinates: N E
or site near Bortnevo, north of Moscow: N E
Acording to my old geographical atlas that area is mountainside nearly all, maybe a smal west part is on ground level.That area don't have roads, and
most of time because of weather is very hostile environment.Acording to that , in my opinion that dont have nothning with military on large
scale,maybe some kind of reasearch project.My shoot is diamonds, gold or private terrain (Chelsea owner as governor of Chukotka maybe?).