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GW Bush Is Mabus

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posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:58 AM
This has been theorized for some time now by many, even recently on the History Channel. I have always been interested in Biblical prophecies, but have never studied Nostradamus. After seeing the recent History Channel story on the The Lost Book of Nostradamus however, I decided to begin studying this Mabus code.

I believe I have found IRREFUTABLE evidence that Nostradamus named President Bush as the third and final Antichrist. First some basic background on this 3 Antichrists prophecy by Nostradamus.

He named 3 Antichrists each to attempt total global conquest and each to be pure evil and of The Devil, and each one to be progressively more vile than the previous one.

His first Antichrist was named "Napoleon King" and was to be born on Corsica and to rule France for 14 years and was referred to as being a butcher. This has obviously been viewed by many as a correct prophecy of Napoleon Bonaparte.

His next Antichrist was said to be worse than the first Antichrist and was to arise near the Hister river in central Europe. He was prophesied to lead a German army in many great and fast war victories in mechanical beasts. And there were references to people going into pillars of smoke and fire and coming out as ash. His name was given alternately as both Hister and Hitler, depending on the age of the text. Obviously, many have believed this was a prophecy of Adolf Hitler.

The third Antichrist according to Nostradamus was to come some time after the year 1999. He was to be "a man of great renown" and to be a great "King of Terror". He was said to make the whole world both respect and worship him, as well as tremble in fear at his power. According to Nostradamus this last Antichrist would cause a 27 year war, World War III, that would include a nuclear holocaust, likely the biblical Battle of Armageddon. He was said to "celebrate a Thursday as his day of giving thanks."

Nostradamus stated that he would "soon die" and gave him the name of Mabus. He described an Arab leader from Persia and stated that he was "blue headed". He also stated that there would be "trouble and a storm brewing in the East from the West."

Now after studying this and combining it with my Biblical studies, I have concluded that it is absolutely 100% that Nostradamus predicted President George W Bush would be Mabus.

Let's examine this:

The Persian Arab leader during the time of war in the Mideast at the time of the rise of Mabus, during a war between the West and East is an obvious reference to Osama Bin Laden. This tells us the time frame when Mabus will appear.

The leader of great renown and that makes the world respect him and fear him is obviously referring to a leader that is militarily superior to the rest of the world. This is the incumbent US President in this day and age.

The man who celebrated Thursday as his day of giving thanks is a clear reference to the American holiday of Thanksgiving. Which indicates Mabus is an American.

The description of him being "blue headed" I believe describes the fact that whenever Bush speaks at The White House he has the blue emblem of the White House directly behind his head. And it on television appears to be some sort of blue head wear.

This trouble brewing and war from the West to the East is clearly Bush's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and any future wars with Iran, Syria, Turkey, etc.

The reference to a 27 year war is most interesting because both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld stated initially in the year 2001 that the "War on Terror" would last exactly 27 years according to Pentagon plans.

The description of this Mabus as being "The King of Terror" also perfectly fits GW Bush. He is the leader of the War on Terror and in his now infamous 2002 State of the Union speech that was being watched by people all over the world he mentioned the word terror hundreds of times.

He would come sometime after the year 1999:

1. Bush declared he would run for President in 1999.

Part 2 continues below:

[edit on 22-8-2008 by Red Cloak]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:23 AM
2. Bush was selected by the US Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote to become the US President in the year 2000 and was inaugurated in the year 2001. Which is very fitting because Nostradamus said Mabus would be in power after the new Millennium and would first appear on the world stage in the year 1999.

3. The name of Mabus:

It has been said many times that Mabus may be an anagram of GWBush. There is much more to this though as I have discovered.

In the original German form of Bush, Busche, the h is silent. Also in the Latin form the H is missing.

Therefore, the name Mabush, would be both pronounced and written in proper original form as Mabus.

Then, there is the fact that Mabush has two very interesting meanings in different languages. In original form of Hebrew, the words Ma Bush can mean, "From the family of Bush. The evil doer or evil one. One who will bring evil deeds."

I am reminded again of the 2002 State of the Union speech were President Bush stated, "The evil one is among us."

The correct Hebrew words are Ma Bush. Again the h would be silent here as well.

Now to the interesting point about the h being dropped in Latin. Ma Bush, becomes Ma Bus. Ma Bus is now VERY close to Mabus. To get Mabus we simply combine the two Hebrew words into one word, the word Mabus.

Now perhaps the most interesting point of all. The ancient Greek. In ancient Greek the word Mabus would mean, Mr. Bush.

So literally in ancient Greek, Nostradamus' inference that "The third Antichrist Mabus shall come" (from one of his epistles) is written as "The third Antichrist Mr. Bush shall come".

While this could also refer to President Bush's father, Bush Sr. the former President, I believe the Mabus code gives one last clue to which Bush is Mabus. Because it can be decoded to the Hebrew words Ma Bush.

Mabus can be viewed as being Ma Bush, as in "Mother Bush", a reference to Bush Sr.'s wife, which would also be Bush Jr.'s mother. Meaning Mabus is the Bush the 2nd, not Bush the 1st.

The reason why I attempted to decode the name Mabus using Hebrew and ancient Greek is very simple. In one of Nostradamus' epistles he stated that the third and final Antichrist was in fact the same as the Biblical Antichrist. Referred to by many names such as "The Beast that rises from the sea" and The Little Horn. Now in studying The Bible you learn very quickly that you must translate everything in Hebrew and ancient Greek to get the actual meaning. Otherwise you will never get the real words and the real meanings of the verses.

So, since Nostradamus stated Mabus was the Biblical Beast, it makes perfect sense to assume that he coded Mabus in the same way that Revelation is coded. Remember John, the author of Revelation was a Greek speaker that lived on the Greek island of Patmos. Texts are taken from Hebrew and then written in ancient Greek.

So the only way to get the original version of these writings is to translate them back in the same way, getting the words and meanings in both Hebrew and ancient Greek. Thus, I believe Nostradamus used Mabus as the name because he was telling us this is the Beast of of The Bible and to take the name and translate it the same way we do the rest of The Bible.

Thus, Mabus first into ancient Hebrew, Ma Bush, the h is silent as it was in Latin, then to ancient Greek, as one word Mabus. Just as Nostradamus wrote it.

Just exactly as Biblical decoding works. The ancient Hebrew gives us the intended meaning of the text, in this case "From the family of Bush. The evil doer or evil one. One who will bring evil deeds," and the ancient Greek gives us the exact direct translation into modern day English, "Mr. Bush."

I have concluded that it is a fact that Nostradamus' third Antichrist is President of the United States George W. Bush.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:37 AM
that is funny you say that because I used to tell my wife that I believed that GW Bush was the anti christ. I then thought no this guy is too stupid to be the anti christ but maybe just maybe that is what he wanted us to think. Thanks for the post.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:22 AM
If I remember correctly from many years ago, Nostradamus apparently predicted that the 3rd antichrist will be a man wearing a blue turban and WW3 will start in 1997.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:27 AM
I have to step in here and say Bush would have to start killing a lot more people before the end of his term to be in the same echelon as Napolean and Hitler.

But I won't go on as I assure you with utmost sincerity that this whole Anti-Christ thing is a load of absolute codswollop. Anti-Christ is the opposite to Christ or against Christ, when has Bush come out and said anything against Jesus ? come on ? really ?

To be Anti Christ you would be against or in oppostition to the teaching's of Christ plain and simple. This means even you could be Anti-Christ my freind if you so chose to disagree with the "Christ" or more simply disagree with the Roman Catholic Church and its Multi-Thousand year hegemony and its dogma.

In finishing this whole AntiChrist story is a load of Bull.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 03:41 AM
Why kill someone when you can send thousands of troops to do it for you and keep a high position of power? He could very well be using different tactics as Napoleon and Hitler.

But i don't think Bush is the Antichrist, he's incapable of it, I'm sorry, but Napoleon and Hitler wanted to takeover to no end, enough for it to effect their thinking which led to grave mistakes (as i was taught at least) but Bush doesn't envy power enough to take over countries in such a manner, he just invades for "support" and "establishing a Government" or to eradicate Al Qaeda. Now Obama or McCain, i can see one of them fitting the 3rd baddie role MUCH better than Bush

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 04:58 AM
Red Cloak, did you even read the quatrain? It has nothing to do with the anti-christ. Doesn't even suggest it. Can you point me to the exact epistle where Nostradamus uses the word Mabus?

All we know is that he or it dies, there is a lot of death because of it, someone uses it as a ruse for revenge, then the comet shows up. Thats it.

But this isn't near as scary as what I'm cooking up with the quatrains.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 08:12 AM
Maybe that ties in with barbara bush being the daughter of the great beast.

I don't actually believe in any of this bible/antichrist stuff , but just adding that link.. in case any relevance can be drawn for those that do.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth

To be Anti Christ you would be against or in oppostition to the teaching's of Christ plain and simple.

Personally, I would think that lying to start a war and killing thousands of the citizens ( not soldiers) of another country would qualify as being in opposition to the teachings of Christ.....plain and simple.

Actually, as I understand it, to be the anti-Christ one needs to be widely heralded as the 'Messiah'.......the 'savior', the real 'impostor' ... ( Hitler did fulfil this bit, as in mentioned in "The Mind of Adolf Hitler" ......the people of Germany, in the beginning saw him as their 'savior'.....)

The full text of Nostradamus can be found here :

Here's the mention of Mabus.....I believe it's the only one. I'm sure someone will correct me if that's wrong.....

Century II
Quatrain 62

Mabus then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.

[edit on 22-8-2008 by frayed1]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
I have to step in here and say Bush would have to start killing a lot more people before the end of his term to be in the same echelon as Napolean and Hitler.

But I won't go on as I assure you with utmost sincerity that this whole Anti-Christ thing is a load of absolute codswollop. Anti-Christ is the opposite to Christ or against Christ, when has Bush come out and said anything against Jesus ? come on ? really ?

To be Anti Christ you would be against or in oppostition to the teaching's of Christ plain and simple. This means even you could be Anti-Christ my freind if you so chose to disagree with the "Christ" or more simply disagree with the Roman Catholic Church and its Multi-Thousand year hegemony and its dogma.

In finishing this whole AntiChrist story is a load of Bull.

Although I am still on the 'seriously doubting this' side of the discussion I must correct you.

From what I and many others have stated about the Anti-Christ is that he will deceive. He will not openly refute the Christian religion or publicly stand against Christ. The true anti-christ, as displayed in the Bible, will come up from the west through a wealthy family. The thought being that he has serious public ties. Thus, as depicted in the Omen movies, either an ambassador or possibly even president.

Just thought I would clear that up for you.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
I have to step in here and say Bush would have to start killing a lot more people before the end of his term to be in the same echelon as Napolean and Hitler.

But I won't go on as I assure you with utmost sincerity that this whole Anti-Christ thing is a load of absolute codswollop. Anti-Christ is the opposite to Christ or against Christ, when has Bush come out and said anything against Jesus ? come on ? really ?

To be Anti Christ you would be against or in oppostition to the teaching's of Christ plain and simple. This means even you could be Anti-Christ my freind if you so chose to disagree with the "Christ" or more simply disagree with the Roman Catholic Church and its Multi-Thousand year hegemony and its dogma.

In finishing this whole AntiChrist story is a load of Bull.

GWB does the opposite things that Jesus taught. So that point of yours isn't very good. There is a big difference of flashing the image of Jesus around as a means of gaining support and something to hide behind and being a man who acts and follows the path of Jesus.

I'm pretty sure the bible in revelations mentions the fact that this kind of stuff will happen. That there will be people who claim to be what they aren't.

This subject is interesting to talk about, but not really all that useful since it's not like it's going to stop or help anything. Who knows really. But to say Bush has never done anything against Jesus is a farce.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Red Cloak

Excellent work. The best decoding of Mabus I've seen yet. Very logical. But according to John Hogue (a Nostradamus scholar that I like to follow in his on-going analysis of Mabus), Mabus may either be the Third Antichrist or a "key figure killed by the Third Antichrist... his death marks the beginning of the Third Antichrist's war":

The play of the two timelines, as we will soon see, could be another clue to exactly who Nostradamus intended to be "Mabus." He is either the Third Antichrist himself, or a key figure killed by the Third Antichrist. His death marks the beginning of the Third Antichrist's war.

Here is the complete Mabus prophecy in original French and translated into English:

2 Q62
Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vne horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete.

Mabus will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred hands [powers], thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

So Bush could be Mabus, but not necessarily the Third Anti-Christ.

Hogue believes Saddam was Mabus:

Many of you already know that for 20 years in counting I have declared Saddam Hussein to be my personal choice as the man who would be Nostradamus' Mabus. In brief, for the uninitiated, the reason being that the law of anagram allows one to reverse in lower case the name "mabus" into "subam." You can reverse again any letters, such as getting "d" out of "b" and get "sudam." Phonetics play in the rules. If a similar vowel can be derived, for instance changing "u" to the long, Arabic "a"--sounding like "uhh" or "awh"= (Suh'dam, Sawh'dam) you get "Sadam." In anagramming, you can add or subtract redundant letters. In this case, add a "d" and you get: "Saddam."

Saddam Hussein was executed by hanging at dawn of 30 December (Iraqi Time) 2006. Roughly a week later, Comet McNaught passing close to the sun, suddenly and unexpectedly began bursting into a brightness that by the middle of January 2007 competed with the sunset's afterglow. The comet core and tail rivaled the brightness of the planet Venus. I bear personal witness to its brightness, as I had the opportunity to see it, on 11 January, on a rare clear winter evening in the Pacific Northwest floating above a stand of pine trees. It rivaled the afterglow of sunset behind my house. A few days later it appeared over evening skies of the Southern Hemisphere stretching an arched, hoary rooster comet tail millions of miles into space that drew a line in the sky of comet gas and dust reminiscent of a ghostly ribbon of aurora lights.

Anyway. Check it out. You might get some helpful hints from it:

[edit on 8/22/2008 by Matrix1111]

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Matrix1111

Yes, I agree......while, Mabus might not actually be the Antichrist, Red Cloak has made an excellent case for Mabus being Mr. Bush......

To my mind, the one for Saddam is a bit more of a stretch, even with the comet you've mentioned......

Both starred and a flag for the thread!

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 01:34 PM
you guys have let your political passions ruin your judgment.

bush is so hard core conservative on some fronts and that disturbs you.

then who is Obama? you dont see conservatives going off the deep end with the hate speech like the libs.

calling bush an anti christ and stupid? well he is neither. he has a speech impediment and studders. ever hear obama? when he is not scripted? he sounds like a complete idiot and i liar who cant keep his talking points in order nor can he keep track of what he promises to each group promising to the be the president of all and not the rich.

lincoln said those who stand for nothing will fall for anything. your political and over emotional views have blinded you.

the wars were won along time ago the wars have been great and kept us safe. the enemy is evil not bush what the hell is wrong with you people.

this rebuilding occupation has been very difficult mainly do to the ineptnous of the iraq people we should have been out of there years ago.

these wars have hardly any deaths compared and accomplished so much.

bush is very smart and its nice to see a vice president co run the country as like a cfo or ceo. mostly the vice president is the guy on deck who is and does nothing like al gore.

funny the conservative preseidents empower their vp's and the libirals dont.

also bush is home is way more green then al gores home and ect....

Bush is not the anti Christ he is a good smart tough man who doesnt care about world opinion to keep us safe.

how many of you have kids and they are mad at you in their teens then they get in their 20's and they say, " sorrry dad and mom i was an ass in my youth you guys were right along and you kept me safe"

you libs are like srew up teens with no judgment and no character and need to grow up

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by airborne82ndscout
you guys have let your political passions ruin your judgment.

bush is so hard core conservative on some fronts and that disturbs you.

I'm being completely dispassionate about the subject. I didn't even state what my belief is.

In any event, the material presented is very logical. And my quoted material indicates that Mabus may be someone killed by the Third Antichrist and not the Antichrist himself. Don't you think that's fair of me?

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by frayed1

To my mind, the one for Saddam is a bit more of a stretch, even with the comet you've mentioned......

Yes, I thought it was a stretch too, especially in having to invert and substitute letters according to some speculated rule. But the comet factor does help narrow things down though.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 07:08 PM
Napaulon Roy = French King, I don't think Napolean was ever crowned king of France although he was pronounced King of Italy I'm lead to believe.

Hister = Latin name for Danube River ( The greater part of the region will be against the Hister ) which is so obvious its frightening how people get so confused.

Mabus = Probably something real that existed around Nostradamus's time and something we will never know but not an anagram for goodness sake because the others aren't.

posted on Aug, 22 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by airborne82ndscout

Although I am independent, I have to say. Your post reeks of stupidity. You are doing the exact same thing the liberals are doing. Hypocrite.

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by frayed1

Originally posted by mazzroth

To be Anti Christ you would be against or in oppostition to the teaching's of Christ plain and simple.

Actually, as I understand it, to be the anti-Christ one needs to be widely heralded as the 'Messiah'.......the 'savior', the real 'impostor' ... ( Hitler did fulfil this bit, as in mentioned in "The Mind of Adolf Hitler" ......the people of Germany, in the beginning saw him as their 'savior'.....)

The full text of Nostradamus can be found here :

Here's the mention of Mabus.....I believe it's the only one. I'm sure someone will correct me if that's wrong.....

Century II
Quatrain 62

Mabus then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.

[edit on 22-8-2008 by frayed1]

Obama is being heralded as the saviour of the U.S.A. and, in turn, the world..
He did go to the temple mount and ask to be an instrument of God's will. (Your will be done! rings to mind)

No doubt about it Obama knew his prayer would be obviously read. With Ebay and many other ways to monetize such things or just 'auctioning' off the pic/contents of it anyone in their RIGHT mind would have grabbed that paper he shoved in the wailing wall at the temple mount.

I believe there would be, also, USaMA Bin Laden (They use a U vs an O sometimes).

There's also the object of Fraternity nicknames and Religious nicknames.

Maybe there are supposed to be 3 anti christs at the same time!
I can count at least a few very strong likenesses in the world right now that EACH have the potential to wipe out 10X as many as hitler or napolean in just a day. November is a long long time away yet and we see how fast the conflicts escalate. Anyone in power could qualify right now, but think WMD players.

I'm not a believer in (at least in terms of accuracy) occult prophecy. However, I think that sickly, eerie, unknown feeling many of us have been talking about is enough to say that at least one mega evil b4st4rd is on earth with us right now. I think it's in the double digits.

[edit on 23-8-2008 by Atlantican]

posted on Aug, 23 2008 @ 02:07 AM
I dont believe in religion or the anti christ, but if I did, I would point my finger at George Bush as well. I just need to look at Nostradamus description and then look at the history of the US to see it very clearly. No other country or man comes even close. Who seriously believe Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden is the antichrist? They are extremely weak compared to George Bush.

By the way... do you have a source for this:

The reference to a 27 year war is most interesting because both Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld stated initially in the year 2001 that the "War on Terror" would last exactly 27 years according to Pentagon plans.

Would be interesting.

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