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Christian Prophesy: Olymics, WW3, Obama, China and more

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posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:24 PM
Alright, so usually my threads don't get much attention, but thats okay. I usually post to get even just a few answers, and I'm fine with that. My hopes in posting this are the same. I would like a few other people's opinions. Okay, here is how it goes:
I got an email forward from a friend who is "deep" into prophecy, and gets emails from several pastors each day, and forwards the ones she thinks are important. Now, I don't usually read them, but this one caught my attention. The basics are that the Olympics is going to be just like the Olympics before WW2, where Hitler rose to power. Now, I haven't researched those Olympics much, but from what I read from the email, it seems to make sense, call me ignorant. The email also states that with all the current events, like any other prophecy, Jesus' second coming is soon. What I got from it is that in the end times, middle eastern nations, the one's that don't support Christianity as much was western ones, will get eaten up, and because of the new government(s), Christians will be prosecuted:
I'll just get on with the email

Olympic Games - and the spirit behind it.
> THIS YOU MUST KNOW!------------------------------------- Olympic Games - and the spirit behind it. While preparing for preaching today, the topic being the three men in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3), God spoke to me saying:
"My child, the time has now come, where what matters most is your steadfastness in me".
"Will you also be able to stand, as did these three in the furnace?"
"Will you also stand fast like these three witnesses of mine?"
"Will you pass the acid test as did they?"
"Are you as fast and undeviating as those ones?"
"Will you also confess me like they did?"
"Are you really equipped for this time of testing?"
"The whole world fell on its face, at that time, and worshipped the golden image made by King Nebuchadnezzar. They all fell on their faces before the fearsome might of the Babylonian Empire. What will you do when we are faced with the overwhelming might of a modern empire that despises Christianity and demands that we pay recognition to their world-wide superiority and it then becomes our turn to stand as did the three Hebrews. Will we do the same as they, and face a fiery furnace without surrendering our total submission to Jesus and His heavenly Father?
"Do you have enough strength for such resistance in you?"
I was really shocked, when the Lord spoke thus to me. Then I heard a voice which said; "Now has come the time, when the way is being prepared for the kings of the east. (see Revelation 16:12). Look at the Olympic Games in Beijing . There is a powerful demonic plan working through these games.
"Check it and see." The Spirit of the Lord said to me. And I did it. And this is what the Lord revealed to me in just a few moments.
For your information, in the days before the Second World War, the Nazis conceived the idea of importing the power and might of the ancient civilizations into the inner chambers of their Government. They also carried this out, by lighting the Olympic fire on mount Olympus ( 20th July 1936 ) and then they carried this flame from Greece to Berlin . During this Olympic Torch relay there were many protests by people of the countries on the way, protesting against the "Mein Kampft" philosophy of the fast rising power of the Nazis.
Similar scenes to this have taken place at the present time during the torch relay from Olympus to Peking . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Olympic Games start exactly, (according to the Chinese horoscope readings) on the 08.08.08 at 8 hours and 8 minutes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But exactly 88 days before 08.08.08 at 8 hours and 8 minutes, God had forewarned the world and the superstitious Chinese, through an earthquake in Sichuan China on 12.5.2008, which is according to numerology calculations, 1+2+5="8". In China , feasts, dedications and celebrations are all appointed, according to astrological numbers. Then the Lord said to me,
"Pay attention to this my son, these Olympic Games are very similar to what happened 70 years ago (1936), when the Games took place in your country Germany under Hitler. And Hitler was wanting to impress the world with the force of his rising power, so what happened then?"
"My child history is about to repeat itself after 70 years!"….
I was shocked, and had to check back on the reports of the Olympic games of 1936 in Berlin . In these reports, I found so many parallels to these present Games in Peking , from the determined drive for perfection, to the state controlled order of the events. In 1936 the Nazi regime' organised the exclusion of undesired persons from Berlin like (Jews, Gypsies and prostitutes). Beijing has done the same, check it out. The Nazis had total Press and Information censorship, etc. Beijing has organised the same. And then there is the occultist background. In November 1989, a few days after the fall of the Berlin wall, top dignitaries from all over the world were in attendance at a meal which took place at the "Pergamum Alter" in Berlin. The meal was named, "RESURRECTION", which was supposed to demonstrate that the spirit of Olympus had been resurrected. In Revelations 13:3, John records that the deadly wound of the Beast will be healed. The picture in Revelation describes the whole earth having succumbed to the Beast, and having obeyed him. Strangely, Obama's visit to Berlin and his speech which was made between the symbols of the two heathen gods Janus and Mercury at the Victory Column at the Brandenburg Gate, are part of the preparations of the stage for the antichrist. He even referred to the fall of the Berlin Wall as being, "that deadly wound, which was healed". Obama says that he wants to pull down the walls between Christians, Jews and Moslems.
See, News/browse_thread/thread/55e7a27c3c563227
This also happens to be the slogan of the games in Beijing : "One World - One Dream."
Continued in second post:

[edit on 103131p://111 by For(Home)Country]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:27 PM
Continued from first post:

Then the Lord said to me further:
"Tell my children, it is later than you think (the time is far spent) the adversary runs to and fro, seeking whom he can devour. He sneaks in with nice and sweet words all around you, in order to entice you to follow his path.
Wake up! My children I am at the door!
Great storms roar all over.
The earth quakes, the forests burn, the rivers overflow their banks, the people rise up against one another, the fishes in the sea are dying.
All these signs I have given to you, to indicate my coming.
These signs are happening all around you.
Wake up!
Take care, that your lamps have oil in them, and the wicks are trimmed. My day is near," says the Lord.
"The kings of the east are preparing themselves. They are already stepping on the world stage.
The attention of the whole world is drawn towards them right now.
Pay attention to my words," says the Lord. "I want to find my people ready when I come again. For you, who fear my name, upon you will my salvation and my sun arise.
If you only abide in me, and I in you, no one will be able to separate you from my love. I will also protect and deliver you, just like I did with the young men in the fiery furnace. You do not need to fear. My people, your salvation is near. Be prepared, say the Lord." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send this message as fast as you can, to all your friends.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
They should be warned, and informed about the occultist background behind these present Olympic Games in Beijing .
Just like a dictator arose 70 years ago (1936) in Germany and Europe , so also now, a demonic spirit is preparing a way for itself.
The perfect stage can be seen at the moment as controlled by the Chinese Government.
The deadly wound is of course healed and all the world can now obey the beast (referred to in Revelations 13).
The bible says: An army of 200,000,000 soldiers will march over the Euphrates (Revelation 16:12 and 9:16 ) and that could well be the Chinese.
We live in the end time.

Pastor Joh.W.Matutis: (see englisch menu)
Address: New Nazarethchurch
Postfach 65 06 65
D-13306 Berlin ( Germany )

Now, this email contains a personal prophecy, and really, this all depends if you believe in Christian Prophecy or not. What did get me more so, was the facts about the events leading to world war 2.
With the war in Georgia escalating, and the possibility of war with Iran, it kind of makes sense. Maybe I'm crazy, but if Russia, China, and the middle eastern countries form an alliance and choose to go to war with Western Countries and EU contries, I can easily see the end of western culture. That's what worried me.

Thoughts from everyone is welcome, believer or non-believer, however, I would also appreciate any thoughts from you that do believe in Christian prophecy, and tell me what you think. Does this make sense and is it rational or not?
Thank you for reading.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:43 PM
Of course it is rational. The war with Georgia is a sign, nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. This is the begining of sorrows in my opinion, and yes we are not far from the second coming of Jesus.

It is scary to think of just how easily this could be the start of WWIII. Make no mistake, Isreal will see Russia BUSY and launch the attack against the kingdom of Iran. It makes sense to do it right now.

So those who know and believe in Jesus need to pray that God returns soon to take those who are sealed away before the beginning of sorrows.

Who are the ones who wll be rescued by God, ALL those who have asked Jesus to be the Lord of their life.

Do not fear, for lo I AM with you always...Even until the end!

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Good thread. I say that in part because seredipitously I was talking with my cohorts today on something related to this.

The basic problem is that their religion is being used against them. They are being duped by Sinister forces to perceive evil as everywhere in order to make them confused and chaotic. Their passive "me" can easily be used to suggest a state of mind that brings about paranoia and delusion because the "I AM" is weak and unable to will of its own accord. They are incomplete. They are being used.

They need to stop thinking of "occult" as equivalent to "Satanic". It simply means "hidden from view". They need to realize their divine nature to some degree to assuage the fear they feel. Only then can they truely resist evil.

Gee wiz, I hope that made sense.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:58 PM
Obama is NOT the antichrist. See my sig. If Bush launches Martial Law the 2008 election will be suspended. The leader of "Babylon the Great" is just one of the 10 horns.

He has been expected for generations by all of the major religions. Christians know Him as the Christ, and expect His imminent return. Jews await Him as the Messiah; Hindus look for the coming of Krishna; Buddhists expect Him as Maitreya Buddha; and Muslims anticipate the Imam Mahdi or Messiah.

Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come as a religious leader, or to found a new religion, but as a teacher and guide for people of every religion and those of no religion.

At this time of great political, economic and social crisis Maitreya will inspire humanity to see itself as one family, and create a civilization based on sharing, economic and social justice, and global cooperation. He will launch a call to action to save the millions of people who starve to death every year in a world of plenty. Among Maitreya's recommendations will be a shift in social priorities so that adequate food, housing, clothing, education, and medical care become universal rights. Under Maitreya's inspiration, humanity itself will make the required changes and create a saner and more just world for all.

At the earliest possible moment, Maitreya will demonstrate His true identity. On the Day of Declaration, the international television networks will be linked together, and Maitreya will be invited to speak to the world. We will see His face on television, but each of us will hear His words telepathically in our own language as Maitreya simultaneously impresses the minds of all humanity. Even those who are not watching Him on television will have this experience. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spontaneous healings will take place throughout the world. In this way we will know that this man is truly the World Teacher for all humanity.

Who is "Lord Maitreya"?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:05 PM
Link to the "Maitreya Project". They are building a 500 foot statue to him. This is the statue the false prophet will give the ability to speak to.

Maitreya Project

I don't think anyone is talking about/collecting money for a statue for Obama.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:07 PM
Thankyou all very much for your replys so far, it is greatly appreciated. I know Obama can't be the anti-christ, but NOTurTypical, if all that stuff about Maitreya has to come about in one person before Jesus' second coming, it seems as if we are a ways off, as in my opinion, the world is not even close to being ready enough for a one world government/religion.
I know the bible says that we can not know the date nor time of Jesus' second coming, but if you guys could just guess, based on current events, how much time would you give it? (Let's not turn this into a 2012 thread)

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:26 PM
I think it is plausible it could be in 2092. I have posted this theory before, and it didn't get much response because let's face it, it isn't very hopeful for us old timers.

It is very intriqing though that taking the biblical prophecy and using all the math from Israel becoming a complete nation once again I believe in 1967 and using Jesus own words that once you see these things quote, "nation shall rise against nation, & kingdom against kingdom" etc., and of couse the most pertinent clue when Jesus said "When you shall see the budding of the fig tree (Israel) know that the time is near" "For this generation shall not pass away until ALL these things be fulfilled".

A generation is the key, does it mean say 20,40,60 or so years, or does it mean the very last person BORN during this generation shall see ALL be fulfuilled.

I believe it to mean the very last person stll alive will see the fulfllment of all the prophecy.

So since I know the oldest person alive is 125 years old, take 1967 (when Israel regained the temple mount in 6 dsys war) and add the 125 for the age of the last person stlll alive and you get 2092.

Another very interesting thing is that if you take the number of man which is 666 and divide it by 2092 you get Pi, or the perfect number which is a CIRCLE and can't be computed as it is infinite.

Could this be the complete circle of Gods plan? I don't know, but it's very compelling. Also Jesus said no man can know the day nor the hour, He didn't say the year.

[edit on 11-8-2008 by TH3ON3]

[edit on 11-8-2008 by TH3ON3]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by TH3ON3

Thank you, that is interesting. A part of me hopes your right. Sometimes, I think I'm selfish because I don't want Jesus to come back JUST YET. I still have alot of life to experience, get married, go to University, have a family, have a career, and of course, make an actual difference for God in someones life. I'm almost derailing my own thread here, but has anyone else ever wished this too?

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by TH3ON3
Of course it is rational. The war with Georgia is a sign, nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

Predicting something which has always been the case throughout recorded history! How amazing! How insightful. How wonderfully prosaic!

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by Lilitu

Originally posted by TH3ON3
Of course it is rational. The war with Georgia is a sign, nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

Predicting something which has always been the case throughout recorded history! How amazing! How insightful. How wonderfully prosaic!

Thank you my dear, or should I say my dears.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by TH3ON3

Thank you my dear, or should I say my dears.

I'm so sorry. We're spoken for, at the moment.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:32 AM
I read somewhere (don't know if it is true or not) that Israel has supplied Georgia with tons of weapons. We know from prophecy that Russia, Iran (Persia), and Syria (along with others) will come against Israel right either right before or during the tribulation. This will be in the form of a GIANT invasion. I'm wondering if this Georgia thing is the start of just that scenario.

Oh, and BTW, the only way you will know FOR SURE that a person is THE Anti-Christ is when he sits in the rebuilt jewish temple, and claims that he is God incarnate. The "covenant he confirms with many" won't be enough (in my opinion) because they are always having peace talks and signing stuff in the mideast.

[edit on 12-8-2008 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by For(Home)Country
Thankyou all very much for your replys so far, it is greatly appreciated. I know Obama can't be the anti-christ, but NOTurTypical, if all that stuff about Maitreya has to come about in one person before Jesus' second coming, it seems as if we are a ways off, as in my opinion, the world is not even close to being ready enough for a one world government/religion.
I know the bible says that we can not know the date nor time of Jesus' second coming, but if you guys could just guess, based on current events, how much time would you give it? (Let's not turn this into a 2012 thread)

Well, the Illuminati plan to instill this after their 3rd world war, which could possibly develop with events in Russia and Iran/Israel. The plan for Maitreya to come about is after the global economic collapse. His faux John the Baptist says this as well. As a Biblical student you know that the antichrist cannot be revealed until the "restrainer" is removed. I take that to be the Holy Spirit dwelling in the hearts and bodies of Christians. Some say it is Michael the archangel, yet I do not think he can restrain him, only a member of the Godhead can. Coincidently the other side is eagerly awaiting the rapture as well to usher in Maitreya.

At this point, I raised my hand and asked, 'How do these people do this, Bill? No one can simply declare his spirit to leave this world. Do these people commit suicide?' Bill answered emphatically, "NO". He said, "I do not know how it will happen, but these people will leave this dimension."

After much thought, I have concluded that Bill is talking about the Rapture of the Church. He refused to say that these people would be killed, and we know the Bible teaches that Anti-Christ will not begin killing Christians until the mid-point of the Great Tribulation. But, Bill is saying that the timing of the departure of the people of Group #3 is immediately after the appearance of the Christ; and the method of their leaving is mysteriously voluntary. I believe the Guiding Spirits (demons) of the New Age leaders have created this story as a means of explaining the world-wide Rapture of the Church. Thus, when the Rapture occurs, people will not credit God and will continue being deceived.

The Bible tells us that the tribulation period will begin when Israel signs the 7 year peace deal, with the great tribulation to occur the last 3 1/2 years. The bible teaches that no man knows the "day or hour" of the rapture, which is when Christ comes in the clouds for his saints, but the Bible gives the timing of his 2nd coming to Earth with his saints at the end of the 7 year time period. (2 periods of 1,260 days). At the rapture of the church before the tribulation Christ doesn't come to Earth, he comes to the heavens and calls his believers up into the air. At his 2nd coming he comes to physical Earth.

The rapture is when he comes "as a thief in the night". Which is reference to the Jewish wedding traditions. Which is important to study because we are called the "bride" of Christ, and he is called the "bridegroom".

Jewish wedding tradition and the rapture

All prophecies that needed to be fulfilled before the rapture have been completed. That is the next step, right now we are in the "wars and rumors of wars" part. Based on current events, I'd say the rapture happens within 12 months.

Also ww 3 will happen within that time as well, which is really sad. Many economic experts predict a full US economic collapse this fall, and US government bankruptcy next spring. Martial law will then be declared. Maitreya will be ushered in at that point, and will do his fake miraculous signs.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:20 AM
it is said the son of the devil will be born at the end of a century. it is said he is to be the opposite of a jew. what restrains him are the four horsemen of apocalyspe. they must sign the contract of apocalypse to bring the end.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

their is a way to stop that massive invasion u spoke of. the only way to stop persia is to get an army of Greeks. and the only way to stop russia would be japan. they defeated russia once, they can do it again.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by cormag
it is said the son of the devil will be born at the end of a century. it is said he is to be the opposite of a jew. what restrains him are the four horsemen of apocalyspe. they must sign the contract of apocalypse to bring the end.

I haven't read any of that in scripture, can you link those verses for me?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by cormag
reply to post by sir_chancealot

their is a way to stop that massive invasion u spoke of. the only way to stop persia is to get an army of Greeks. and the only way to stop russia would be japan. they defeated russia once, they can do it again.

There is no way to "stop" this, Biblical prophecy is telling us what will happen ahead of time from an omniscient God.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 11:40 AM
There seems to be a lot of errors on what is happening in Georgia. First, Georgia invaded the autonomous regions to "reclaim" them. Russia came in to defend the regions, as they had promised them in the past. Not to long ago, the people of Georgia were out in the streets protesting the corrupt government. They had a quick change of power, and then the old guard got back in again. There is a deal that has been brokered already, keeping Russia in the autonomous regions where they had been before Georgia attacked.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

12 months? Really? That seems a bit soon IMO, but then again, I do not know as much as you. However, I don't quite get all of the different scenarios where Christians get taken up to heaven. I'm not quite sure about the timeline. Does Jesus come to take Christians to heaven and then the antichrist comes to save the world so to speak, or do we know who the anti christ is and then we go to heaven, or what? I need clarification. I've read Revelations many times, but it seems to have slipped my mind. Maybe I'll google it.

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