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*ALERT* We may have our first real case for a valid UFO.

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posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:20 PM
There are many threads about individual accounts of this UFO but none yet showing this phenomenon in its true vastness.
This Diamond shaped orange UFO has been recorded in different countries by different people at different times of day all over the world in addition to being filmed at the time of the Columbia disaster.

Please take a look at all of these and compare.
I believe we finally have something here.
Check out these

I am calling on the skeptics here... is there any denying this?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:24 PM
"I am calling on the skeptics here... is there any denying this? "

lol..i think some of the skeptics here are sort of

..thanks for sharing

+14 more 
posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Sorry, but you can do the same thing by using an artificial IRIS in front of your camera lens. Draw a circle in black construction paper the same size as the front of your camera lens. Cut out an iris shape in the middle of it. Make it any design you want. I use to do mushroom shapes. Cut it out so that it fits and wedges in good enough to hold it while you shoot pictures with it. So now that you have your custom iris shape you can shoot an OUT OF FOCUS LIGHT SOURCE and it will take on the same shape as the iris.

These fakes are easy to spot by two distinct characteristics. The first is that the lighted portion IS NEVER IN FOCUS. The second is that THE EDGES OF THE IRIS ARE ALWAYS HARD. So you end up with an out of focus light with hard edges. This is a dead give away to the artificial iris trick in action.

Back when I did film photography and kept a dark room, I used to do this at Christmas time with outdoor lighting displays. I did not think of hoaxing a ufo encounter with it though.

I am editing this to add that some of the cameras being used may have a DIAMOND SHAPED IRIS. I am NOT saying that all the people filming diamond shaped ufo's are intentionally hoaxing them.

[edit on 8-10-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Skipper1975
"I am calling on the skeptics here... is there any denying this? "

lol..i think some of the skeptics here are sort of

..thanks for sharing

well if they try to call all of these hoaxes then they have one hell of a widespread hoaxer network .. including news agencies?

I don't think so.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

well forgive me for being blunt but if you are going to pass this off with such a claim and seem to be indicating that you can do this on a whim then by all means PLEASE reproduce this for us and post the video on youtube to share as a way of proving that the news network and all these people did the very thing you are claiming.

I want to see you do this SIMPLE trick. Should not be a problem if what you say is true right?

I can be a skeptic too.. and I am skeptical of your claim.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:45 PM
I do not have a movie camera, but I will do a still shot tonight. It should be linked in this thread by tomorrow at this time.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I remember seeing the 2nd. one in a show here in Argentina, about 11 years ago (i think it´s the same one).

I´ve been looking for it since then, without any luck. The original one is much longer that the one posted in Youtube.

It was an amazing video. If i remember correctly, the video is from some western europe country. Taken from the shore, sharp clear. You could see that strange triangle form in the middle of the sky.

But the most intriguing is that, at some point, the object / light just dissapears. PAF! And in slow motiong, playing the "dissapearing moment" in slowmo, you can see how it just seems to "go away from the shore" or how it dissapears "making it self smaller".

Wonder what would that be. Sorry for my english.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:47 PM
This is not part of a wide spread "hoaxer network" but looks like most of them are products of the camera lens.

Seriously, try it home yourself. You will find it very easy to catch "UFOs" that look exactly like this almost at will.

Not saying that is what all of these are, however before folks jump of the ledge of absurdity, propelled by their own ignorance, reality needs to be looked at first. Sorry.

And side note, why is it when you guys get a couple of blurry lights on film you scream its some sort of definitive proof, or give it some sort of absurd thread title (like this one) and then immediately start saying things like "Where are the skeptics/debunkers...guess this one must own them" or something like that. Hate to tell you this, but us "skeptics/debunkers" want to see real UFO videos too....we are just a little embarrassed at times by the shear amount of overwhelming ignorance displayed by some who are interested in the same things we are.

[edit on 10-8-2008 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

A still is not the same as video.
Anyone with moderate skills can photoshop.
You are claiming this can be done easily.. I want to see it reproduced in THIS form.

If believers are made to back up their claims skeptics should be held up to the same standard.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:51 PM
I remember once watching a UFO documentary and there was a guy in it from Sony or Panasonic who explained that sometimes these diamond shape UFOs are the product of a part of the shutter that is shaped like a diamond.

nevertheless nice post NephraTari, thanks for the videos.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

I do understand what you are saying. But I want to see someone willfully reproduce this and PROVE that this is just some camera flaw or such.

I am not going to accept a debunk on this one without proof. There are just too many varied instances here for me to pass them all off.

I want proof.

much like you do. I am sure you can understand my point of view as well.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:54 PM
These look really interesting! Thanks for putting this together

Will have an eye on this thread ...
but would like to see a video from groingrinder or anyone who says it could be a camera lens effect also ...

You never know, do you?!

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by guard
No, you never know. I do not mind being proven wrong. I want truth.
Truth and nothing but truth but I will not accept an explanation without proof in this instance. The evidence is too varied here.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:59 PM
Second time I've posted this about these UFO sightings.

The diamond shape you see in most of them is most likely caused by the camera having trouble autofocusing on such a small object. Still camera and video camera autofocus works better if there is contrast in a scene which the autofocus can use to determine the distance at which the lens should be focused. If the scene is flat (such as a clear or dark sky) then the autofocus can't 'see' anything and has difficulty doing its job.

I'm sure some one will ask "But the bright light, and pitch black sky; that's very contrasty, right?" Well, yes, but the light really isn't a defined object that the autofocus sensor can 'see', not to mention the dot of light is pretty small. Very small objects in the distance such as a plane or UFO will probably not even be seen by the autofocus because the area of contrast is not great enough.

The diamond pattern you see could be caused by the shape of the light, but is also affected by the number of blades in the lens aperture. See Bokeh. Google if you would like to know more.

I'm not debunking the whole thing, but from experienced eyes, a lot of the lights are out of focus, and it's really difficult to gather any definitive information about where the light is coming from. There is one video where you can see multiple lights on what looks like a triangle UFO. Evidently the camera had an easier time focusing when it had multiple lights against the night sky. Notice though, that when the camera does lose focus, you see the distinctive diamond shape of an out of focus light as seen in the other videos.

I'm betting that if the videographer had pointed the camera at airplane lights, a light on a radio tower in the distance, etc., that we would see equal difficulty with the autofocus and the same diamond shape when it does lose focus.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

Your the one that does not understand basic camera and lens artifacts, and yet your lack of knowledge (called "ignorance") concerning how your primary evidence shown here is gathered doesn't stop you from making claims that...well...should embarrass you.

I would suggest that if you are going to make outrageous assumptions about things, you should already know the basics of how the evidence is collected and displayed. Therefore, the videos and evidence you show us will keep getting better and better.

All I know, is if I was going to come on here and claim something was a UFO or Alien ship or something, I would damn well know the basics about the collection equipment before I displayed my ignorance...thats all I'm saying, lol.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

I do understand what you are saying. But I want to see someone willfully reproduce this and PROVE that this is just some camera flaw or such.

I am not going to accept a debunk on this one without proof. There are just too many varied instances here for me to pass them all off.

I want proof.

much like you do. I am sure you can understand my point of view as well.

I first saw the diamond UFOs years back on a BBC docu. (late 1990s I think)
A guy on TV mentioned a lot what the guys have just said Neph.
He said that even though the 'iris' effect takes place it doesn't mean that whatever it is 'causing' the effect is not a UFO in the first place.
So something UFO shaped is there, but it's likely not the diamond shape the camera see's.
Hope this helps.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by guard
No, you never know. I do not mind being proven wrong. I want truth.

I do not mind being proven wrong also, as I am not sure what I should think about the object in the video's at the moment too ...
The "You never know, do you?!" from me was meant in a general way!
Meaning -> I am looking forward at what is coming up here and open to both sides ... Thanks again. Peace!

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:10 PM
In the middle of the fifth video is a short bit of black triangle footage.

I have noticed the diamond image over the years.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Once again you resort to insults when I was more than civil to you.
No sir, being an expert on camera's is not something you can demand of everyone who has seen or will report a UFO. I don't really see why my request to backup the explanation with evidence is being met with such rudeness.
I would think that someone as knowledgeable as yourself would be more than willing to prove your superior knowledge and skill and produce evidence to support your claims.
Trying to humiliate me is not going to make me accept your reasoning without proof.
Nice try but the psychology failed. Now stop avoiding the point and show some evidence of your explanation.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Once again you resort to insults when I was more than civil to you.

Calling someone ignorant is not an insult. Often, an ignorant person thinks that the word ignorance means "stupid". I didn't call you stupid, I said you were ignorant. Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge, far from being stupid. We are all ignorant about some things. I would just expect that as active as you are in this subject, camera ignorance would not be something you would participate in . I was wrong I guess.

No sir, being an expert on camera's is not something you can demand of everyone who has seen or will report a UFO.

You don't need to be ANYWHERE near an expert on filming or cameras to understand the basics that produce a ton of misidentified UFO's. Again, your displaying your ignorance here. Sorry for you on that on. Hope you go out and purchase a camera soon so you can point it at lights and zoom in to see what you get.

I would think that someone as knowledgeable as yourself would be more than willing to prove your superior knowledge and skill and produce evidence to support your claims.

I would think that someone as "knowledgeable" as yourself is about aliens and ufos wouldn't be making rookie moves like this. I mean, seriously, you post a lot around here and now I think I know why. You probably see aliens and ufos in tons of stuff. Kind of like those members that see things in moon rocks and mars photos.

Nice try but the psychology failed. Now stop avoiding the point and show some evidence of your explanation.

Seriously? You want me to get off my butt, go outside and take blurry pictures of any point of light in the sky for you? It wont mean anything to you. And it wont educate you either. Seriously, go buy a camera and spend some time with it. Nothing anyone does online will help you, only some personal expereince behind the lens will better aid your search for the truth by erasing some of your ignorance.

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