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Possibley 1 week of freedom left

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posted on Aug, 9 2008 @ 11:41 PM
the other day i was arrested for assualt, i have court next tuesday, however this is not what bothers me, the lawyer said i'll prob be convicted and discharged, so no prob there.

the thing is for the last 5 or so years i have had this deep gut feeling that i am being set up/framed for something, what i dont know, but it has got to the stage were i hardly go out, socialise with other people, i have even eneded up in a couple of mental health wards around the place and have a spych that i speak to on a regular basis.

i'm flapping big time at the moment, it just seems a bit different to all the other time i start to have this feeling, i'm not seeing as many people following me as i used to, i think it has something to do with me being at work 3-4 days a week, ther know were i am and how to get to me.

so my prediction is that if i dont have anymore posts after a week from today, then i'll proberbly be one of the first on here to actually predict something that has come true, i do hope this is not the case and i'm proven wrong. i hope i am a little bit loopy and the last 5 yrs of gut feeling have actually been my synapsis's fireing wrongly.

now i know i'm prob going to get a lot of questions and flaming as happens on this board. and i can say that those that are out to get me are on this board aswell.

so ......lets see what happens

eit to add this........

i so a spychic about 2 months ago and she told me that she saw me sighning some papers that would be used for things other than the intened purpose,

she also said that she sensed somebody in he legal proffesion behind it all, someone that has a grudge against me.

she also said that y ex has accused me of doing something but the powers that be cant do anything about it, because it would be a accusation from a disgruntled ex and apperently they hold no weight,

my fears were confirmed about 80% by this psychic and when i sat down with here i said nothing to here she just wanted my watch to hold.

[edit on 10-8-2008 by trekker]

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by trekker

Hi, Trekker. Interesting post. Are you clinically paranoid?

Are you a South Aucklander?

Good luck in court.


posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 12:12 AM
by cliniclly i suppose you mean have i been certified, not yet but they think i have deluisanal disorder, wich i suppose you could take as paranoia.

no not south auck, in the BOP

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by trekker

Bay of Plenty, huh? Well, if you WERE a South Aucklander I could certainly understand how you might end up in an altercation and fisticuffs.

Are you as frank with your psych as you are here?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Fuggle

yep if anybody besides me knows more about my situaion than i do it is him.

i just edited the op to update so have a look

it sucks big time i cant go anywhere or see anyone with out them knowing what im doing.

i dont suppose any one on here know where they place tracking units in cars now a days do there?

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:06 AM
reply to post by trekker

The psychic may have just been taking advantage of your mindset to make you hear what you want to believe.

The truth is you don't need to be afraid. Whether you have an entire department of the NSA running after you, or if its completely delusional, living in a state of fear doesn't do anything.

My mind has a..I guess you could say a vulnerability in it. I have been through a few psychiatric loops before. I would be a very very disturbed crazed frightened individual right now if it wasn't for me finding a very very deep comforting peace within spirituality/eastern philosophy/god/.etc

I can tell you that the most important thing you can take from any spiritual teaching is the concept of only living in the present moment. Don't worry about the past or the future, you aren't there yet! Just focus on the now, remember that saying "Live everyday like it's your last". Well thats just another form of saying live in the present moment.

Maybe in 1 week you'll have something terrible happen to you, but right now, as you are reading this, if no one is attacking you or detaining you, .etc, than just keep doing what you are doing.

The mind is a very powerful thing

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 02:11 AM
thats all very well, living in the moment
i just cant do it, im not wired that way. have tried though

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 03:44 AM
Is there any sense in saying just keep your nose clean and keep a low profile?
If you stay out of trouble you dont need to be seeing any lawyer guys or courts you just cost the state money any time you break the law, and they dont want that they just want you to be a good little boy, do your job and pay your taxes. about your paranoia, some of it is well grounded the world sure is getting heavier on survelance and its so much easier to track people nowadays through mobile phones, they are probably breaking worse laws against our privacy doing it. but if you just stay out of harms way then what harm could come to you? your not special so why would they be interested in you otherwise, dont worry about specifics if there is none.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Boostah

the only thing that i do to break the law, is i dont wear a seat belt,
i pay taxes. im enrolled to vote but dont vote. even my dog is registerd.

i think i do keep my nose clean apart from that altercation i had with a dog warden the other day, but apperently a push on the shoulder is classified as asault, who am i to argue.

posted on Aug, 10 2008 @ 09:05 PM
just had confirmation the lawyer that i was oppointed/reffered to is a ex CIB in the police force. make of that what you will i suppose.

i always thought it all ties back to someone in the CIB.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 06:48 AM
I would certainly take the advice of the poster who mentioned there own success with eastern thought, you can use this fear as a powerful emotion to instigate positive change in your life!

Now I had a brief paranoid moment this week end. Last week I was hacked massively, I mean big time from a dodgy place in the USA.

My Laptop, passport, Driving license and Briefcase were stolen, from a house, whilst a family member was there, a day or two later. They left money and wallet etc just passport laptop briefcase and Driving License!

All this following some "activity" on the net that would be seen by some as worthy of attention, I made a few posts on ATS but they were not my main concern.

Then I U2U someone very interesting that I found on ATS and very soon the ATS crashes, I believe they might actually be incontact with a group I used to head up from my area that is very actively involved in protesting against certain things.

I have reason to be concerned my friend, in my younger days I was very very passionate about many things, including politics and the environment. I have actually risked my life, by putting myself in harms way to protect these things, on many occasions, ElfEdit for Personal information Security :-)...contd at certain points in my life, many many years ago.

Some of the actions that I may have knowledge of, or been involved in could be termed to be an action now beginning with "terr" ist, though I only ever took part in Non Violent action some of it was direct, as above.

I have observed myself being filmed (elf edit by some people!!!), on some occasions whilst at certain events...

Well the world since 9/11 is different now and whereas I might of just been called a "hippy" back then the classifications are changing. Due to that and also other things I may or may not, have taken part in or organised in the mists of history I had ever right to feel those twinges of paranoia.

My friend as always I found that it was just a set of circumstances with an apparent link but none in reality. our minds like to look for patterns, and "sameness" and then our imagination fills in the blanks for us.

Looking at what ive said I feel to be honest there is like a 1000% more chance of any such action happening to me than yourself, but it hasn't and wont im sure.

so do not fear run your life! run your fear!

Use its energy and power, turn it into optimism, you can do this I feel that you may be very very interested and find much benefit from Tantra a type of Buddhism,

HOWEVER PLEASES PLEASE only do it under supervision, find yourself a teacher, and make sure you can trust him/her first. they have authorisation and are at the least a Monk/Nun. The reason for this is that this powerful technique if not used properly can make the entirely sane and normal, with none of the experiences you have had to go mad or insane anyhow, WITHOUT THE GUIDANCE, however with correct guidance and practise im sure you will be in a very different spot in 5 years time!

As said my Friend there could have been a reason and some history for a strange event like you describe to have happened to me, but it never and is not. Why then when I take it from your post would "they" be interested in you?

Keep you nose clean, do nothing to make yourself a point of attention, then you can relax in the knowledge there is no reason or benefit for anyone be interested in you from these type of people!

ps posting on ATS is not going to get you much attention if any at all!

Relax, break through the Fear as was once so well put all you have to fear is fear itself, good luck in overcoming and controlling it.

Kind regards,


[edit on 11-8-2008 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 07:42 AM
some might call it a paranoia... others may see your situation as waking from the 'hypnotic trance' which most of humanity does not know it is in.


[this is a 118 pg book by the famous Alan Watts...
you may find it helpful... in understanding the things around us which attempt to control & direct us...

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:02 AM
I know people ( Government ) know my address, phone number, place of employment, where my kids go to school and how many kids I have. I use my Food City value card and wonder if they know every time I shop there. I'm sure they know my IP address and maybe even watch where I go on the INTERNET. My license plate has a number and can be put in the computer at anytime by police officers and maybe there's a tracking device in the truck itself I don't know. I use a bank and file taxes so I'm sure they know how much money I make. I vote so they should know my preference on that too.

Just wanted you to know that you're not alone on this. The difference is I don't care about them, I care for me and my family. I try to go through life worrying about my job, food, gas, kids etc... I don't worry about who's watching me or if they know my every move. I hope you can get past your problem and focus on you and not them. Good luck.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 08:11 AM
To the OP: Good luck in court and with everything.

Your avatar kind of freaks me out. Just sayin'.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 09:17 AM
Last week, when I returned home from a few days absense, I noticed that a little inflatable pool set up for when grandkid visits had been refilled, used, but not drained. I flipped it upside down to expell the now putrid water (under a shedding tree) and called it a day.

A few days later, my woman comes in from a stroll outside and says there's blood all over the pool.

I go out and sure enough, a pool of blood on the outer-inflated wall of the still upside down pool, but no other clues to it's origin.

I thought that was pretty unusual, and my woman was feaking out.

I knew an explaination was in order, to calm her down so I suggested my theory of what had happened.

There were numerous fresh mole holes arounf the yard, so I assured her that an owl had swooped down and attacked the mole, leaving behind only a pool of blood once it had subdued it's prey.

The presumption had the effect intended, and she relaxed, her venician thoughts settling back to an earthly pattern, and that was that.

Since that day, I noticed no new mole hills and two nights ago, I went out for a smoke about 3 AM, and in an adjacent lot, heard an owl hooting about 8 times.

Lucky guess?

8 years ago, driving from a relatives about 95 miles away, We, carpooling, left the kinfolk's place heading home via another city a bit out of the way to drop off another relative.

On this trip, three white owls swooped in front of the vehicle all in the day.
I found out this had happened to my woman in the past prior to our intoduction to each other, yet had never been told. Evidently, some strange, not so good things happened right after her similar encounter, and she tells me that it's an omen.

She starts freaking out, just like over the pool thing.

This jogged my memory of an event in my youth. Riding with my folks in the wee hours one weekend heading to grandfathers, (dirt road through heavy forest), a 6 point white tail gets caught frozen in the headlights. Middle of nowhere, Hunting season, but dark as pitch, Dad decided to stop, retrieve his 30-06 and chamber a round for a shot.
By the time he got it together, trying to be expeditious and silent with kids, wife, only headlights and dash lights to see by,
The buck had composed and pranced up the highside and gone. We waited a few more minutes as Dad hoped to catch a sillouette or movement to fire towards, but, no such luck.
After expelling the cartridge and putting the rifle back in the vehicle, we drove on.

About 10 minutes later, still in the woods, pitch dark other than the headlights, an owl swoops down and Wham! right into the grill.

When we arrived at Grandfathers, waking the younger siblings and helping unload with my brother, we noticed the owl on the extended bumper lying dead attop the PTO winches cable spool.

I was pretty young, and the coming Monday was Show and Tell at school.

I bagged the owl in a plastic bag and the weekend couldn't go fast enough from that point on.

Unfortunately, prior to leaving sunday afternoon, My attempt to bring the owl back was rejected due to the decomposition and related odor.

My point is, nothing ever happened regarding the "three white owls swooping".

Oddly enough, a few years later, we encountered two swooping white owls in the same day once again, but not three.

Those five white owls were the only five I have ever seen and I had been in the areas and used those routes my entire life.

I think it has to do with my woman somehow.
Has anyone ever heard of a three white owl "Omen" before?

Lastly, the night of the 3 white owls, hearing her story for the first time of the event she had in the past, After the related story I told, while discussing the fact that she had never mentioned it before and things we've never thought of talking about prior to meeting, We come to find out that now 30 years ago, we worked in the same business and building together, but I, day shift and she, graveyard. never meeting.

I think the owls caused these revelations to be realized, and that was their intent. Not some Omenous looming danger about to unfold.

well, that's all I have to say about that.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 06:21 PM
Just wanted to add that from 8:45 saterday morning till 7am wensday morning there was white car parked right outside my house, and im in a dead end street.
it was dropped of by someone that got picked up by someone else, and when he picked it up, he had someone drop him of to do it, i had a good look at it but didnt find anything sus, but things are so small these days i suppose it would be hard to find , unless there was some sort of monertering device in the trunk/boot.

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