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Take the Zeitgeist Challenge

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posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 06:56 PM
People knew that the story of Jesus was based on earlier versions long before zeitgeist...

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 07:04 PM

Absolutely. Christianity is anti-astrology as it is defined in paganism. However, we also believe everything God does, Satan has a counterfeit.

So this means satan created his own man, in 7 days in his own universe etc etc and still seems to be obsessed with this one?

Christians give satan all the power of their god yet refuse to call him one?


posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 07:18 PM
As much as I have claimed to be a Christian the majority of my life and recently a reborn Christian, I'm starting to seriously doubt my own beliefs.

I've always been annoyed with the fact that all major religions teach that their belief system is absolute and true. Unfortunately they can't all be right, can they? As a Christian I was told that I must believe in and love God and Jesus or go to hell. Isn't it a little unfair to the other 70% of the world's population that aren't Christians? Am I supposed to believe that I was just "lucky" in being born into a Christian family?

Continuing on that tangent, a friend of mine born in Sri Lanka, is a Buddhist. He is very devout in his faith and knows it to be true. I can't blame him either, as I was once very devout in my views. I was born into a system of beliefs like he was and knew them to be true. Well if I'm to assume that Christianity is the way, then what happens to my dear friend? He's convinced that what he believes is true, but unfortunately he's going to hell. What a shame

BULL#. I just refuse to believe it anymore.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:53 PM
I agree. We need the Zeitgeist challenge. Zeitgeist has made some bold claims over the years without anything to back them up and it's about time someone called him and his followers on it.

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