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Crazy Photo/Ghost/Farie/ UFO ???

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posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:36 AM
Well I think I figured out how to put a pic on here..We will see..
Anyway The other night as the sun was going down I saw something in the sky..It looked like bright yellow light so I took a pic..When I reviewed it and zoomed this is what it looked like. I dont have good software or a great camera I wish you could see it clearly, but this is the best I could do..
Ok I did it I guess.
To me it looks like a fairy, wife thinks it looks like Ghost .
What do you guyz think???

[edit on 07/07/08 by bugs_n_recovery]

[edit on 07/07/08 by bugs_n_recovery]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:51 AM
I think it kind of looks like a booger on a black peice of construction paper.
But hey thats just me.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:09 AM
no im sorry Im a skeptic so im not into hozxing/foolin anybody i just took a pic of the sky, not a pic of a "booger" and i thought it looks alot more like something then alot of pics i see on here and it was the first time in my life that i took a pic and something different showed up ya know

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:35 AM
Looks a little bit like one of the "sky serpents" Infact,it looks quite a lot like a "sky serpent"

For reference,the stephenville case is a famous one with the aptly names sky serpents.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 05:46 AM
Nice pic

Although it does resemble a 'fairy/ghost', it also resembles many other explainable things.

Is it possible to provide some more info to go with pic, such as:

- distance from you at the time
- how long did it last
- Any other witnesses, previous sightings
- Could it be a reflection
- A comparison photo during the day, for reference.
- size approximation ( house size - bird size )

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Grailkeeper

Answers Ok I myself ruled out fairys and ghosts because the pic was tookin lookinh up towards this big mountain about 20miles from my house and it was above the mountain, as far as distance i couldnt tell you but it is in the sky, the original pic is just a bright dot in the sky.. I didnt see the image until i zoomed the original pic, i was bye myself but when i went in to the house to get my family it was just to show them this golden light in the sky.
I have never heard of sky serpants

Pic coming shortly

[edit on 07/07/08 by bugs_n_recovery]

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 07:42 AM
ok heres the pic earlier that day same direction.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 12:43 PM
Were you using a flash?
Cause it's either something that just stands out against the background, and was caught by the flash, or it's something that was bright nough to b caught by your camera even though th rest of the picture is to dark to see anything?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:37 PM
It was way to far away for the flash to work , so ono I did not use a flash, this is a little bity camers I won a Christmas party(crappy gift)

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:41 PM
You took this pic in Sedona? That is a huge hot spot for interdimentional beings passing through the vortex there... Ive seen some crazy pictures from Sedona.

Also, its probably one of the most beautiful places i've ever been, and I would recommend anyone to visit!

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 03:48 PM

Where has ATS gone?

Anyone can take a picture in the dark...........

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 04:13 PM
Well, to me it kind of looks like a worm on a fishhook .. was anyone fishing around you?

Sorry, that is kind of what it looks like though.

If you didn't use the flash, I wonder if it could have been just a ball or orb of light. Either the camera or the object - or both - moved during the exposure and you got a light trail.

Like this, which the photographer states is the moon, but the camera moved.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

Excuse me sorry to offend like I said i took this picture and when i blew it up i saw this..Im not saying its anything nut I did find it rather puzzling and you would see more if i had the equip..
I'v seen alot of posts on something less that this.
Ya know i am an avid ats fan im here every day and i promote ats constantly,
so be nice god bless you

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by Heike

Thats exactly what I was thinking

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by bugs_n_recovery

You're starting to take photo's like mine, i call them aliens, but fairies, ghosts, demons, any supernatural name applies. Your ghost was them beginning to compress a body (transitioning from non-physical to physical) that is how they seeming materialize and de materialize in front of witness'es eyes. It is a good catch.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 11:10 AM
And here's the EXIF data:

Exif IFD0

* Picture Orientation = normal (1)
* X-Resolution = 942669824/2097152 = 449.5
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* Software/Firmware Version = KODAK EASYSHARE C813 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA
* Last Modified Date/Time = 2008:08:06 01:12:52
* Y/Cb/Cr Positioning (Subsampling) = centered / center of pixel array (1)
* Custom Rendered = normal process (0)
* Exposure Mode = auto exposure (0)
* White Balance = auto (0)
* Digital Zoom Ratio = 322122560/134217728 = 2.4
* Focal Length in 35mm Film = 108
* Scene Capture Type = portrait (2)
* Gain Control = high gain up (2)
* Contrast = normal (0)
* Saturation = normal (0)
* Sharpness = normal (0)
* Subject Distance Range = unknown (0)
# Exposure Time (1 / Shutter Speed) = 536870912/1073741824 second = 1/2 second = 0.5 second
# Lens F-Number/F-Stop = 644245120/134217728 = F4.8
# Exposure Program = portrait mode (7)
# ISO Speed Ratings = 200
# Exif Version = 0221
# Original Date/Time = 2008:08:04 20:14:24
# Digitization Date/Time = 2008:08:04 20:14:24
# Components Configuration = 0x01,0x02,0x03,0x00 / YCbCr
# Shutter Speed Value (APEX) = 1073741824/1073741824
Shutter Speed (Exposure Time) = 1/2 second
# Aperture Value (APEX) = 606664128/134217728
Aperture = F4.79
# Exposure Bias (EV) = 0/1 = 0
# Max Aperture Value (APEX) = 606664128/134217728 = 4.52
Max Aperture = F4.79
# Metering Mode = pattern / multi-segment (5)
# Light Source / White Balance = unknown (0)
# Flash = Flash fired, auto mode
# Focal Length = 301989888/16777216 mm = 18 mm
# User Comment (Hex) = 0x00,0xdd,0xb7,0x7e
User Comment Character Code = unknown
# FlashPix Version = 0100
# Colour Space = sRGB (1)
# Image Width = 640 pixels
# Image Height = 480 pixels
# Exposure Index = 419430400/2097152
# Image Sensing Method = one-chip color area sensor (2)
# Image Source = 0x03,0xce,0x70,0xa5
# Scene Type = 0x01,0x18,0x19,0xc9
Exif IFD1

* Compression = JPEG compression (6)
* Picture Orientation = normal (1)
* X-Resolution = 1207959552/16777216 = 72
* Y-Resolution = 1207959552/16777216 = 72
* X/Y-Resolution Unit = inch (2)

If someone understand all this data...

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by IMAdamnALIEN
Where has ATS gone?
Anyone can take a picture in the dark...........

I have begun a reply to this post several times, only to cancel because I know from experience that posting when I'm angry gets me in trouble.

IMAdamnALIEN, I have a question for you. What does a person posting a photo they took and asking for help identifying/analyzing it have to do with the quality of ATS? In my opinion, that's part of what ATS is for, and does not detract from ATS one bit.

If someone posts an experience without photos or video, they are criticized and scolded for not having any evidence.
If someone posts a blurry or unclear photo, disgust and annoyance are expressed for the quality of the evidence.
If someone posts a nice clear photo or video, the cries of "FAKE!" and "HOAX!" immediately start.

This is a no-win situation for people who want to come to ATS and actually contribute something, and I say that it is people like you who are lowering the quality of ATS with your rudeness, negativity, scorn, and bad attitude. Chasing off everyone who shows up to share an experience or evidence certainly does not make ATS any better.

Did your mother never tell you "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything?" Can you not be adult enough to just hit your BACK arrow and move on if you don't like what you see? What is the point to insulting and belittling someone who is asking for help?

There are plenty of other things I'd like to say to you, but they'd be quickly removed by a Mod if I did, so I'm done.


Bugs_n_recovery, your anomaly is certainly a UFO since no one has conclusively identified it. I do not personally think that it is either paranormal or alien, but I still thank you for posting it. Every anomalous picture has value, at least for learning from and having it to compare other photos to. I appreciate your sharing it with us!

Remember that ATS is a public forum, and as such it is only a reflection of the "real world." In here, as out there, there are people whose self-esteem is so low and self-image so poor that they live by attacking, belittling, and criticizing everyone around them in a mostly futile attempt to make themselves feel better. Personally, I try to imagine how miserable their existence must be and try to have compassion/pity for them instead of getting angry. It makes my own life more peaceful and pleasant.

There are also many people here at ATS who are curious, interested, intelligent, friendly, and helpful. Please allow the positive element to prevail and continue to share your experiences, evidence, and insights with us. I, and others like me, welcome them and you!

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:16 PM
OK I'm an idiot
So the next night i was reading about the post about the moving camera creating that effect...
well That night i went outside and took another pic of some lights off in the distance and surprise surprise it looked the same some its me i guess i cant hold a camera still

Please dont hate me cause of my ignorance

love you all buh bye for now
sorry for wasting your time

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by JesterMan

Useless post. Contributes nothing. Really, thank you.

reply to post by IMAdamnALIEN

Useless post. Contributes nothing. Really, thank you.

reply to post by bugs_n_recovery

You're not an idiot, you just need more experience...and a tripod...and a better camera. Because, Sedona IS a hotspot and I'm sure we'd all like to see your contributions in the future. Hang in there B&R!


posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 03:14 PM
thanks see ya guyz around

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