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Hello boys and girls !!!

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Hello folks,

I've just become a member of the site. Although I've known about it for quite a while and have visited before in the past, I've just signed up now.

I'm a concert sound engineer with my own company. We build a lot of our own electronics, our own speakers and high frequency drivers because they out perform everything else. If you want the best - build it yourself they say. Well it's true.

An interesting note, is that my brothers and I were informed (after being a Tesla fans for years) that my step father's aunt Milli was Nikola Tesla's niece. I remember Aunt Milli from when I was a little kid. She was incredibly old back then.

I'm not actually related to him but my half brothers are. (Same mom different dads) but it's interesting that after all these years our mother saw my brother reading my book on Tesla called the Prodigal Genius. This was apparently a rare thing to see him reading something so our mother asked him "What are you doing?" He told her he was reading a book he got from me about Nikola Tesla. To which she replied "Oh, Aunt Milli was related to him - his niece)

My brother said "WHAT? !!!!!" and explained to her that we were big fans of his and that I was a member of the Tesla Society and had been for years. Asked her why she didn't say anything before?

She said "Oh I didn't think you boys would be interested in that" we were all more into music stuff not science stuff so she didn't mention it.

So my two half brothers are Tesla's Great, Great Nephews.

Another thing I just found out is that my Step father's mother was a Titanic survivor. She was coming to America from Germany on it and had her 10th birthday aboard it 3 days before it sank. She survived. I didn't even know this until 4 years ago, long after she had past away.

My mother sent me a bunch of old family photos, ones I had never seen because they were mostly from her second husbands, my step fathers family. Included was the news paper articles (Original ) about the Titanic sinking and Grandma Harriet being aboard it. Her Birthday was April 10th
when she turned 10 years old.

Anyway, that's it. Some people may be interested I'm sure most will not but there it is and that's why my screen name here is Teslasfriend

Pleasant reading everyone.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:23 PM
Welcome to ATS.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:27 PM
Interesting dynamics. Welcome aboard. Look forward to seeing you on the board and don't forget BTS for some fun also!

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:29 PM
Welcome to ATS. And what a fascinating family history you have!

As a Tesla fan you definetely have come to the right place, there are lots of threads about him here at ATS. Check out this link:

And if you are looking for a great avatar, I recommend the beautiful work of "greeneyedleo":

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:34 PM

Welcome to ATS

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:35 PM
Welcome aboard !
I bet you'd like to put a Tesla light show at those concerts.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:39 PM
Very interesting family history. Glad you shared that with us. many people here are interested in your (sort of) family ancestor.

We're glad you joined us. Here's some links to help you know how things work:

See you on the boards.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 07:40 PM
Great to have you here and I look forward to the contributions a Tesla fan will make!!

posted on Aug, 3 2008 @ 01:04 AM
Teslasfriend, welcome to ATS, this indeed is a great place, and we are glad you are here, if you have any questions or concerns there are a few people that you can talk to. I hope you can consider this post as your one stop shop for answers to most of the more frequently asked questions on this board.

The forum moderators are quite friendly people, they are here to make sure you enjoy your time on this site. If you have any questions make sure to shoot off a U2U to any one of them for an answer. Also members like myself your ATS Concierge, or enjoies05 are also very helpful and will be glad to try and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to shoot me a U2U whenever you need a helping hand. I am always glad to help

Many of your questions can be answered by visiting this thread; Index of Important Website Related Threads *Read First* This thread is invaluable for all the frequently asked questions about this site and what you can do here.

the ATS Handbook can answer a lot of your questions about the site as well, it's quite informative and helpful if you have questions regarding your Avatar, Signature, or purchasing perks in the ATS Store.

Points are a valuable commodity around ATS and some members want to know how to gain points quickly. There are several ways to do this. One is to podcast, Podcasting if you don't already know is kind of like making your own little radio show about some subject that you’re interested in. Also contributing to TinWiki is a great way to make some points in a big hurry. Also by joining up with Twitter, you can get a lot of points right of the bat.

In BTS (our sister board) one can also find fun games and contests that are happening now, and also get you those points. By signing up with ATS you are automatically signed up for BTS as well, all you need to do is log in and join in the fun with the rest of us.

One should also familiarize themselves with the Terms And Conditions Of Use for proper ATS etiquette and site rules, this helps everyone avoid problems.

Again welcome to ATS and I hope you have a great time around the site, if you have any questions and have met the requirements to do so, please feel free to U2U me anytime about any questions you might have. I would love to be able to help you whenever you need it.

[edit on 8/3/2008 by whatukno]

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