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Secret CIA Prison on Diego Garcia Confirmed

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posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Secret CIA Prison on Diego Garcia Confirmed

The existence of a secret, CIA-run prison on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean has long been a leaky secret in the “War on Terror,” and yesterday’s revelations in TIME -- based on disclosures by a “senior American official” (now retired), who was “a frequent participant in White House Situation Room meetings” after the 9/11 attacks, and who reported that “a CIA counter-terrorism official twice said that a high-value prisoner or prisoners were being interrogated on the island” -- will come as no surprise to those who have been studying the story closely
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 11:54 AM
Aahhh...Yet more disgusting revelations of "Secret Torture Prisons"...And of course our pathological liars in the gov have been vehemently denying it EVEN EXISTED.

Get ready for round two of Guantanamo-like revelations. The mere fact that they so fervently lied about this prison existing, and that they were kidnapping suspects and bringing them here for "interrogations" (i.e., TORTURE) should say it all.

Perhaps we need to rename these maniacs diabolical scheme from the "war on terror" to the "War of Torture".

Anybody still want to be 100% certain that the FEMA camps don't exist, or that they wouldn't lie about their existence if they did?!?

I can't wait to hear the gov excusists try to justify this one...

Yesterday’s revelations, of course, leave the US administration looking like bald-faced liars and the British government looking like myopic dupes. Whether Michael Hayden was also duped is not known, but his strenuous denial, just five months ago, that a secret prison existed, which was manned by his own employees, will do nothing for the credibility of the US administration, which likes to pretend that it does not torture and has nothing to conceal, but is persistently discovered not only being economical with the truth, but also behaving exactly as though it has guilty secrets to hide.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:10 PM
Perfect place to extradite people you want to torture away from prying eyes.

1,000 Miles off the coast of India, not a civilisation in sight and hardly anyone knows about...
Well until now

The places they choose for these "Black Sites" should raise red flags to anyone that they obviously want to keep this whole "Extraordinary Rendition" program away from prying eyes and very secretive.


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:45 PM
Interesting....I have a cousin in the AF that recently came back from Diego..... They aren't even allowed to have permanent buildings let alone a prison. Nor did he mention ANYTHING about seeing any sort of detainees.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by bismarcksea
Interesting....I have a cousin in the AF that recently came back from Diego..... They aren't even allowed to have permanent buildings let alone a prison. Nor did he mention ANYTHING about seeing any sort of detainees.

Diego Garcia

Lets just say that it would be impossible for the UK Gov. not to have known about it. No way in Hell do I believe that the UK secret intelligence services didn't have knowledge of this. They said the same about rendition flights, secret Afghanistani prisons, secret eastern europe prisons... The list is long what the UK Gov have lied about.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 01:58 PM
Anybody interested in invading the British owned territory and free those poor terrorists?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
Anybody interested in invading the British owned territory and free those poor terrorists?

Nah, but I got a free couple of days if the CIA need any water boarding doing so they can have a rest / swim in that beautiful lagoon.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:19 PM
The de-population of the islands by the UK government has been deemed illegal as have all attempts by the UK government to stop the locals from returning home - the UK are losing in the courts so its only a matter of time before they return home - and want independance; which is rather interesting since the `aliens` of the USA would be an illegal force in occupation (which they are anyway)

for another time

^^ from last year , and quietly ignored at the time

[edit on 2/8/08 by Harlequin]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by deltaboy
Has anyone considered the possibility that this type of disclosure was the only way to disinfo the fact that perhaps something else besides a prison is going on there?

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by spookjr

You mean like secret stolen nuclear weapons and aliens? Not at all.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 02:37 PM
OMG its called "camp justice" That makes it all AOK..
Bunch of images....

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:03 PM
DELTA, just one question if the right to due proces is removed how does that one make a terrorist. If a person on the slimest of evidence true or false can be interned without trial how can they be termed a terrorist or anything else.

You make the assumption that all who are in jail are guilty when that is not the case. And its quite obvious that the Island is being used to torture people who may or may not be guilty of anything and the UK Goverment would know about it.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:54 PM
This just shows that the US Government is abusing its allies good nature in its lease agreements, apart from the fact the shameful way that the UK (Labour) Government did the leasing agreement in the first place.

I think its time now that Diego Garcia was closed down and its people be allowed to move back there. The moving of its people was one of the last shameful colonial acts this Government did, disgusting.

..... and for how the UK doesnt know whats going on, what the hell is the UK Naval Party stationed there doing? Fishing and swimming I suppose.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 03:58 PM
I have to agree with you, these people need to be put into the judicial system, or killed outright in the field. I say that because if it is so obvious that they are a terrorist, then they should never take the chance to take them into custody, just fire a missile and whack them. If there are not considered a threat, then there not truly a terrorist, and if this is the case then they should be subject to the judicial system....

Just my 2 cents


posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by magicmushroom

In my opinion the only reason they are considered terrorists in the first place is because they are not affiliated with a puppet government that the U.S. approves of. They are considered combatants with no allegiance to anyone but Allah. So in turn they must be killed or detained.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:08 PM
The chamber of the inquisitor
The Inquisition has now reached it's final solution
Americans must be tortured to make them pay their debts.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by The Godfather of Conspira

The story of Diego Garcia is a sad one. The British invaded & occupied this Island a long time ago, just like the Falklands Island near Argentina. The inhabitants of Diego Garcia lived a peaceful life there under the British, until the United States Government made a secret deal to purchase this looted Island from the Looter, to build their military base what happened !!!

The British were put under severe pressure and eventually expelled most of the Islands Inhabitants to Mauritius, where these people are still living there in a bad situation, without any compensation....and with the stroke of a pen....their beloved Island was Sold from one Looter to another Looter....!!!

The day is coming soon, when all those people around the globe, who were oppressed directly or indirectly by the covert CIA operations of United States of America......will get their pound of Flesh, it's just a matter of Time....Justice shall Prevail.

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Dubyakadubla]

[edit on 2-8-2008 by Dubyakadubla]

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:30 PM

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Sky watcher

Timeline of CIA Atrocities

By Steve Kangas


The following timeline describes just a few of the hundreds of atrocities and crimes committed by the CIA since 1943.1

CIA operations follow the same recurring script. First, American business interests abroad are threatened by a popular or democratically elected leader. The people support their leader because he intends to conduct land reform, strengthen unions, redistribute wealth, nationalize foreign-owned industry, and regulate business to protect workers, consumers and the environment.

So, on behalf of American business, and often with their help, the CIA mobilizes the opposition. First it identifies right-wing groups within the country (usually the military), and offers them a deal: "We'll put you in power if you maintain a favorable business climate for us." The Agency then hires, trains and works with them to overthrow the existing government (usually a democracy). It uses every trick in the book: propaganda, stuffed ballot boxes, purchased elections, extortion, blackmail, sexual intrigue, false stories about opponents in the local media, infiltration and disruption of opposing political parties, kidnapping, beating, torture, intimidation, economic sabotage, death squads and even assassination.

posted on Aug, 2 2008 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher
So I guess during WW ll we had no secret prisons right? You people are so gullible and ignorant. When you catch foot soldiers in a WAR, You put them in prison till the war is over.
Do you think we brought all the Germans that we caught back to the U.S. and gave them a trial? No, Only someone with an AGENDA like Dementia Detective would think that or say it on a daily basis.

I know, Maybe we should send him to Afghanistan so he can tell the NATO forces there how it should be done.

I am so sick of you and your the U.S. is so evil crap. Go be a terrorist then so someone wearing the American Flag can shoot you in the head and shut you up.

WW2 was totally different and you know it. The Germans were POW's and as far as I know were NOT tortured.

We are talking about the US using UK territory to do its dirty work on and abusing the UK's trust and blatently lying to its No.1 ally.

Mark my words this will have a backlash as far as US/UK relations are concerned.

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