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[Video footage] -I Have Been On This UFO...

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posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:25 PM
Ok well this footage is probably somewhere on this site.. but I couldn't find it.. I am totally freaking out.. cause I have had sightings.. and I have had visitations... and this is exactly.. I mean EXACTLY what they look like...

When I first saw this about 20 minutes ago.. well dang.. my heart is still feeling weird... like I was eletricuted or some dang thing... I have had 4 sightings in my life. I have been aboard these ships, I am not lying ... this is what they are like... I kid you not... I want to find who released this video ...

Maybe you all think it is CG, but I am telling you I would bet my life... MY LIFE that it is real...

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:33 PM
Pretty wild, all the nature in every video looks the same though, really cheesy, what happened when you went on the ship? Tell us about your experiences.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:35 PM
I find it hard to believe a circular craft a mile wide could fly directly over a motorway full of cars and not be reported to a local or national media station.

Also I believe this video was debunked in the infamous [HOAX]Haiti UFO Video[HOAX].

But if you'd like to share your experiences, we'd love to hear them. Did you meet any non-human occupants?

[edit on 31/7/08 by JackofBlades]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:38 PM
Im sorry it is CGI. It is part of a film being made by Manbird1200 who is a member of ATS. There is a thread about the movie here movie discussion link

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:38 PM
this is a hoax, done with Vue6 Infinite, so I guess that means your experience was just a phoney? Just sayin..?

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:39 PM
CG or not, awsomlly made!!

What comes into my mind is that they look very much like the objects that swarms around the tether inccident. Hehe

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Akezzon]

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 09:56 PM
Really cool vid. Ofcourse I don't know how it was done but it sure is nice. Just imagine if it really was real. There would be a hell of a lot of people with stains on their pants.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:42 PM
So I looked at the threads that were attached in your comments. They are very good. The question isn't is this real or not, the statement I made is I KNOW that this is exactly what they look like.

One took place when I was a teen, about 15. No I never ever did drugs or alcohol OK.. and I am NOT mental. A friend (she was an adult at the time) and I were driving to my home in Washington. We had to go up this big, huge hill. I lived in an area covered with huge pine and fir trees. It was fairly dark. As we were going up this hill there was Three huge lights.. just like the ones on the bottom of the above shown video.

I lived in the boon docks so it wasn't any kind of city light. This was about 1975. When we got to the top of the hill they were gone, a period of about 40 second, if that long. Gone disappeared. I heard nothing.. no sounds.. and to this day the image is burnt in my memory.. in fact I don't know why I haven't done this before. But I am an artist, I will do a piece of art of this whole thing.

The other major sightings I remember I was a kid. About 6 years old. These craft use to be around, it seemed night after night. I remember being in them, seeing the beings and other humans. But the other humans were adults and were frightened. I could never figure this out, cause I was never frightened of them. The thing is we didn't have a TV. So I would have had no way of even imagining what a UFO looked like. It was just this brightly colored spinning things with funny people in it.

We had a huge Pine tree in our back yard. It stood about 50 or 60 feet tall and was real bushy. I use to watch the smaller more colorful (red and yellow lights) craft fly around, while the larger one was above. I was always very amused by the whole thing. This was always at night, and it seemed everyone in the house was asleep. When you come from a family of 12 kids, that's a lot of sleeping.

I would tell you more about the one on one experience but I am sure you already think I am crazy. But I am not, and it did happen, and it is happening still. My last vivid memory is from about 10 or so years ago. But I know that I have seen them since.

The fact that I so reacted to this video is a statement of the whole thing to me. It was like seeing your folks come home and you haven't seen them for years.

I want to go home, and I have always known that here is not home. I can't explain that anymore than I have cause its' a feeling. Today is a funny day.. cause earlier today I did my first Alien portrait.. that I have done in years. Then I come across this video... which is weird... cause it was my son that actually found the footage.

If this is a CG I have been think about this. The guy who made this video has HAD to have seen a real ship. Is he sending us a message that we are to pay attention to?? He could not have got it this exactly right with out seeing one. There is just no way.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:50 PM
No offense but the ships in this cgi movie are pretty much identical to any other typical UFO ship found anywhere so I really have no idea why you would think the guy making this movie must have had contact. I mean it's a typical looking UFO there's nothing unique about it really other than the fact that it's done very convincingly.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by Fulcrum29

I don't doubt her but i will have to agree with you on the ships looking like a typical ufo, they are just ginormous to typical ones, i highly doubt if any one saw one of those ships that UFOS wouldnt be proven

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 12:46 AM
Haven't watched the vid yet, I have slow downloading issues.

I can sort of uderstand how it makes you feel though. I once dreamt a very vivid dream of seeing a ship. I'd had no interest in the subject, and never watched any footage on TV , etc.

I have a very clear description of it, that won't leave my mind. Years later I was given a book, and the photo inside the book was exactly what I saw. Turns out this sighting (from the book) is quite a famous one, but sadly many say the guy faked it, and they even made models of the craft to show how he did it. He never described the craft in the detail I saw - and I'm stressing here it must have been a dream. However there was one photo expert member on ATS who I'm sure, said he analyzed the photos (from this person featured in the book) and found them to be genuine. This craft looked ridiculously 'fake' and this appearance is why it's deemed as fake, and I really can't blame anyone for thinking that. I read his thread how he said he was very interested in this sighting, that he'd even met the guy, etc. I sent him a U2U, briefly mentioning I'd 'dreamt' this and had a very clear description - didn't supply it in my message, more or less hintng and hoping he'd want more info - just per chance it was real. Who knows? His response wasn't what I'd hoped, so he wasn't that interested afterall.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:05 AM
I imagine you sitting at home with a cup of coffee, laughing your ass off at us even replying to your post. The guy who made that fake video didn't even do a good of designing the ship (no offense to him) but its extremely generic and ill made and I think your just pulling our leg with this whole story. I mean no offence but its blatantly obvious your story is bogus. so sit back..relax and keep laughing at us!

Originally posted by Zaimless
So I looked at the threads that were attached in your comments. They are very good. The question isn't is this real or not, the statement I made is I KNOW that this is exactly what they look like.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:19 AM
Look I guess someone had to be a skeptic and it might as well be you. But I swear on my life that I saw what I saw. I will swear on a pile of bibles from here to the moon and back. And I would swear on TV in front of the world that I am speaking the truth. I am not lying, and if you wanted I would tell you in person the same story.

I have seen people torn apart on these threads by people that come in and say your a liar. Welll you can believe what you want. I was there. One day you will see yourself... if you are so lucky.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Zaimless
Look I guess someone had to be a skeptic and it might as well be you. But I swear on my life that I saw what I saw. I will swear on a pile of bibles from here to the moon and back. And I would swear on TV in front of the world that I am speaking the truth.

That is not necessary, since there really is no way of proving it to anyone. It doesn't matter to me since I believe that YOU believe you saw what you claim but beyond that this video is definitely CGI. No doubt about it. Regardless though, the art in it may imitate life I suppose in some fashion.

Now...what you may want to do since you see a relationship to the video and your alleged experience, is to try and contact the creator/artist and see if there was some inspiration that drove him to use the design he did. Perhaps a dream or even his own similar experience to your own. It could have been a random design but you never know. It's not much but it's a start.

Off topic a bit...but I personally believe that we all are connected into a consciousness we aren't aware of and this consciousness contains a universal memory. Every now and then we draw or create something that is subconsciously pulled from this true source of who we really are. It is hidden...but with art sometimes those things are more noticeably slipped out. Sometimes in strange ways.

Like George Lucas' Death Star design and it's resemblance to the Saturnian moon Mimas that was first photographed in 1980 after Star Wars was released:

And the one that really has me scratching my head. The 1958 Jack Kirby comic book about astronauts visiting Mars only to find:

Strange stuff indeed.

Oh and please ignore anyone that comes to "tear you apart" as a real skeptic would ask you critical question to try and find the truth or fiction of an alleged story not come in to mock and attack you outright. Those people are not looking for anything but escape from boredom.

- Lee

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Zaimless
I have seen people torn apart on these threads by people that come in and say your a liar. Welll you can believe what you want. I was there. One day you will see yourself... if you are so lucky.

Well the animation is nice, just like his other animations. I recommend you check them as well.
But your story (whatever it is, I did not read it) needs to be substantiated to be taken seriously. Swearing doesn't help these days.

Its ok if you can't prove it, but then get it moved to the story section or skunk works or gray area or whatever they call it and let it rest as something subjective.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:13 AM
"Everything you can imagine is real" Pablo Picasso

I love that quote because it just shows how one person's imagination could be a link to another person's reality, because the interconnectedness of everything is just so complete.

That CGI looked SO good, though. I figured it was CGI, but it gave me chills!

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:25 AM
Completely fake the guy who uploaded it on youtube made no secret of it and is planning more of the same.

entertaining enough though and quite well done although the one using the Tornado chasing scene was kind of obvious.

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by rocksolidbrain
But your story (whatever it is, I did not read it) needs to be substantiated to be taken seriously. Swearing doesn't help these days.

So you came to her thread, talked some crap but DIDN'T READ HER POST?

That's pretty rude.

For what it's worth, I believe you saw what you claim you saw. Posters with almost 50000 points and who have been here over 3 1/2 years rarely just decide to start a hoax one day.


posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:37 AM
It's great that you have the courage to share your story but what do expect to accomplish by sharing without any evidence other than your word.

You could be lying or you could be telling the truth. Only you know.

You'll never convince me because I need hard evidence. Sorry if I seem blunt. But I'm sure alot of others share my sentiment.

WOuld you be willing to try and polygraph or voice stress lie detection test?

posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 06:00 AM
I am currently in the process of getting ahold of the person who made the video so that I can find out if there was anything behind it.

I am not a money oriented person, but if I had proof of my experiences well we would all be happier now wouldn't we, and I would probably be a heck of a lot richer than I am. Unfortunately the person that was with me died years ago due to kidney failure, so I don't even have her as the other witness, which really sucks big time.

I know I have no way to prove it. If I did, I would be on the front of Times this week, or years ago really. The spoken word, whether true or not, isn't worth much these days. So I guess that what I wanted to do is to let others know that this is what they really look like.

But the video still freaks me out when I watch it..

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