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Abby Newman - doesnt trust cops anymore this is why..

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Standing up for the Constitution of The United States, I thought Cops took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and these Cops could care less about your RIGHTS.

screw this crap.... if you cant trust them then they are not
trust worthy of our tax money. we are targets nothing more...
what happend to SERVE AND PROTECT...
I haven't seen that slogan on a police car in Years.... if they violate their oaths, what else are they violating... Fire the bastards....

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 05:26 PM
I have seen; cops ARE above the law, just like their coconspirators the lawyers, judges, and politicians. They are the REASON James Madison stated the Right to Bear Arms was included in the Bill of Rights, so we could successfully resist their tyranny. People always try to tell me that there are good cops. My brother was an officer cop in the USAF. HE is corrupted. I have never met an honest cop, tho I am still looking and hoping. I have been assaulted under color of law, during the SD Firestorm, by half a dozen duputies. The Internal Affairs is complicit, and a PR stunt in the most corrupt county in the US. I have several other stories about police crimes against myself.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:01 PM
Well, its Ironic I guess, I just got a ticket, it seems we did not pay our registration - for our truck - I dont think we received a bill -- but I got a ticket for registration.... how Ironic ....

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:19 PM
Americans will have to come to terms with reality
Your constitution has been suspended
they can pluck you off the streets on their say alone without so much as a hello
and take you to prison.
The police all know this the police have been issued Military grade hardware
not so that they can stare at it but so they will have it when the SHTF.
its fast Approaching.
When it comes remain calm do not panic let the police do their work and do not resist their commands.
The revolution will not be televised.

I write these truths not to stir up fear, the truth is the truth ,I write them in order to explain to people that you have nothing to fear but fear itself.
remain calm stay in your homes.

there is little time left to prepare buy freeze dried foods,batteries, a portable radio,candles.Get your act together this warning is not an experiment ,a hoax ,or an exaggeration of the facts.

the Police are now with unprecedented powers in America today
the Day of locusts is upon you.
Do not attempt anything stupid,Remember, one man one love using only words defeated the British Empire.

[edit on 30-7-2008 by solo1]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by BornPatriot
Standing up for the Constitution of The United States, I thought Cops took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and these Cops could care less about your RIGHTS.

screw this crap.... if you cant trust them then they are not
trust worthy of our tax money. we are targets nothing more...
what happend to SERVE AND PROTECT...
I haven't seen that slogan on a police car in Years.... if they violate their oaths, what else are they violating... Fire the bastards....

before i join this discussion, who is abby newman?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by N. Tesla

It's in the video.
She was pulled over in (sounds like Texas) and refused to I.D. herself. ???

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:40 PM
now that i have finished watching the video, i don't see why this is a big deal. if she just showed her ID then nothing would have happened. i am high school student in new york. and if truancy or any police car pulls me over i immediately reach for my ID. i think its her own fault. if she just identified herself she would have been on her way. maybe its because i have had my fair share of run ins with cops but i just think its better to do what they say. im not saying that if SHTF we should take it but for now its just better to go with the glow and not end up behind bars.

btw this was shot in 2000 and in virginia i think so im not sure where texas or whats happening today has anything to do with it.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Gentlemen, we most certainly will hang together or we will most certainly hang separately. If you trade Liberty for Security -- you end up with neither,
and that was when The Constitution was New...
Now she is really old and she needs us to protect and defend her her, through this corrosive regime. If we keep her alive and vivid that will give her just enough life to survive this Rockefeller take over or under...

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