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Would it even be possible to be "chemical free" for a week?

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posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:32 AM
In another thread a member was mentioning the meds that they were on and I started thinking, I wonder how their body would react if they were able to be 100% chemical free for a while, get back to zero and then evaluate their problems.

Then I started to realize how amazingly difficult that would be for most people.

Would it even be possible? By chemical free, I mean 100% chemical free, no additives, preservatives, meds.... nothing.

How would you do it?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:42 AM
It would be one expensive month, that's for sure.

You'd need your own well, then you'd need to turn off the purification. You'd need to go 100% organic (which I'm not even sure I trust anymore).
In truth, if I were to be picky, I'd say its impossible based on the fact that even rain water will have chemicals from the atmosphere in it.

I know I'd have issues getting off of my routine daily vitamins and caffeine. And my reflux/allergies would be horrible for a few weeks.

Basically, if you have the money to go ahead, plant your own crops, raise your own animals, and keep them basically incubated from the rest of the world, you might get close.

As far as change? Well to be honest, some of these chemicals actually help me get over rough days (a good pizza pie can make you forget anything, and beer, well.....).

I suggest trying a totally organic diet for 2 weeks. REALLY push the organic fruit juices and vegetables and I bet you lose a ton of weight and feel great. I am close to making that my daily grind, but it takes ALOT of discipline.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:43 AM
Very good question

We live in a society today where doctors are taught to obey the pusher.
They repeat the mantra take this , that and a few of these each day.
not because of any need ,other than the need to make money.

Especially in America where the pushers Doctors are a business
and when the cure is a business then the cause of the disease
is an incentive for profits .

Americans can say and think what they like about social medicine but
Who are the overdosed and over charged really

your kids are forced 24 vaccines before their immune system is even fully developed because the system knows they are the ones they have to control
who are born free of any toxin or controlling drugs

in America you drink fluoride which was first put in water supplies by the nazis to sedate their prisoners. Aspartame that is deadly. the chemicals sprayed in the air ,in the gardins and lawns etc...

All of these chemical soups that Americans have in them and the others like
there quite possibly may be a very negative effect trying to get off of them all. I seriously doubt you could get off of them all in America unless your govt mandated new laws outlawing them which is highly unlikely in the USA.

[edit on 30-7-2008 by solo1]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:45 AM
A week?
Sure , easy
My house's water comes directly from a well underground my house
And just do it the irish way , Some potatoes, bacon and peas
All organic and cheap
Only one thing is that i use an inhaler for my athsma and i basiclly need it 4-6 times a day to breath and live comfortably

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:47 AM
I'm going to add, that this lifestyle you propose should take many years to acclimate to. I know my drinking water for the last 5 years has been fluoride free, and a few months ago I stopped using antiperspirants (not really a big deal for me).

I think if you actually have any type of life, it would be hard to add this during busy times. Good thing I've had a pretty boring year thus far!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:49 AM
That's what I would love to know. Assuming that you are able to eat only vegs and fruits, how trustworthy are the sources of water you drink? Can we even trust water filters or spring water bottles we buy?

We may not be able to be 100% clean unless we fast for several days.

I remember I was at my friend's farm and she cooked me burgers. They tasted so delicious and so different and I didn't get sick from them. I asked her how she did that and she said the meat was 100% organic. The cows weren't shot with hormones, steroids, and other nasty chemicals.

I've read testimonials from people who have fasted for several days. They all remarked on how light they feel. They rarely ever get sick, even with common cold.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by solo1

That's what I am talking about. People get on meds for depression, then they can't focus, so the doc gives them more pills for ADD, then they get headaches, so the doc gives them more pills for the headaches, then they start hearing voices...more pills. Wouldn't it make sense to try to wipe the slate clean before adding more pills?

I don't think it is as easy as well water, bacon and peas either.

A: you have to have the well.

B: You have to raise the pigs. If not, odds are the pork will have hormones. Or if you are just buying bacon, it would be loaded with chemicals.

C: Same for the peas. You have to grow them yourself or you are getting pesticide, herbicide, preservative...fertalizer...etc.

Some people could do it, but most don't have the means to grow their own crops or raise their own livestock.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by solo1

That's what I am talking about. People get on meds for depression, then they can't focus, so the doc gives them more pills for ADD, then they get headaches, so the doc gives them more pills for the headaches, then they start hearing voices...more pills. Wouldn't it make sense to try to wipe the slate clean before adding more pills?

I don't think it is as easy as well water, bacon and peas either.

A: you have to have the well.

B: You have to raise the pigs. If not, odds are the pork will have hormones. Or if you are just buying bacon, it would be loaded with chemicals.

C: Same for the peas. You have to grow them yourself or you are getting pesticide, herbicide, preservative...fertalizer...etc.

You also have the issue of toothpaste, deodorizer, soap...etc that would have to be cut out.

Some people could do it, but most don't have the means to grow their own crops or raise their own livestock.

[edit on 30-7-2008 by Karlhungis]

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:55 AM
Good question. I thought about it before, i even tried it (more or less) and i came to the conclusion it's impossible.

Let's say you only eat organic food, drink water that is chlorine and fluoride free, give up on all medication (including any diet supplements!), stop smoking if you're a smoker and drinking coffee and tea, and the list could go on a while...

Truth is you'd still be inhaling a lot of toxins from the air (unless you live in the Himalayas or so, but i'm sure there's polution even there).

You'll also be absorbing toxins through your skin, from cosmetics.

Well even so, we gotta do what we can, better than nothing, imo.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 05:02 AM
Never allow a doctor to prescribe you a medicine unless you NEED it. Head Dr.'s are quick to give you uppers, downers, whatever keeps you coming back. Since when have people become such wimps?

Suck it up. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. You don't NEED tylenol, or niquil, or bayer, or sudaphed. Many don't need what they are taking. See the strength of the human body and try getting over an illness NATURALLY.

I believe I have gone about 3 years now using only Zicam to get over colds, and it has worked well for me!

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 05:06 AM
The only way is through educating the masses to protest calling congress not once or twice but everyday
to effect these changes

where I live no pesticides or herbicides or any of those nasty chemicals are permitted any where in the province and probably all across the country
it is illegal to sell them even

with your government on the side of big business to the point of not caring at all the consequences only caring about the profits
well you can not do anything to free yourself
you have to move the government to effect a change otherwise you can never come clean
even if you went into the Ozarks into the woods and lived like a hermit the is still a chance a plane could spray your garden or a toxic dump could be set up to effect your water supply.
In America the people elevate the president above them ,they stand in awe of him and ask for autographs.
but in reality you should be looking down at him and making sure he understood he was working for you.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:26 AM
I think a lot would depend on where you live. For city/town folk it would be nigh on impossible due to chemicals in the air.

Chemical consumption (oral) on the otherhand could be achieved unless you have an underlying medical condition that makes it neccessary for drugs such as Diabetes, CHD and COPD, etc.

It would far easier for people who live in the country to achieve 100% chemical free status especially if they own their own land and went completely organic.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 06:30 AM
How are you defining chemicals, and where do you draw the line?

EVERYTHING on this planet is made of chemicals, and even the most pharmaceutically engineered compounds are made of chemicals that occurred in nature or derivatives thereof.

So again, where do you draw the line?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:09 AM
There is no way.

We have created our own toxic petri-dish called Earth. Now certainly you could reduce your chemical load significantly, people do all of the time by using organic and earth-friendly products as well as using special diets and strict de-toxing. But you will still be susceptible to environmental toxins from your city/region and even the best organic food is not 100% pure for the same reason. Not to even mention the VOC's in yor house, car and workplace.

There was a doctor who did an experiment on chemical loads not long ago. He lived as chemical-free as possible for about a year and then tested his hair and blood for traces of chemicals - he was shocked by the results. Especially the levels of lead and mercury. Sorry, don't remember the guys name.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Psychopump

I guess it's about the "evil" chemicals. Like pesticides, growth hormones, heavy metals, addictive substances, etc.

Of course everything is a "chemical". But not all chemicals are toxins. At least not in small doses... Otherwise, even too much water can kill you.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by Psychopump

Picture a time before we had "chemistry" and chemical labs. Imagine their diet / hygenic lifestyle. Would it even be possible to duplicate for a week?

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Wallachian
reply to post by Psychopump

Otherwise, even too much water can kill you.

Too much water can kill you anyway, regardless of filtered, purified etc etc

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by Psychopump

Picture a time before we had "chemistry" and chemical labs. Imagine their diet / hygenic lifestyle. Would it even be possible to duplicate for a week?

Yeah, I think it could easily be done. Not so easy in the west, but a lot of the world dont live like we do and live very healthy lifestyles that are chemical free.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Wotan

Originally posted by Wallachian
reply to post by Psychopump

Otherwise, even too much water can kill you.

Too much water can kill you anyway, regardless of filtered, purified etc etc

That's what i was trying to say too

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
reply to post by Psychopump

Picture a time before we had "chemistry" and chemical labs. Imagine their diet / hygenic lifestyle. Would it even be possible to duplicate for a week?

Sorry, but this made me really laugh out loud!
You mean the time before detergents and personal hygiene?

I seem to remember beer was invented to ´sterilize´ filthy drinking water.
Or how about the uncured sick wandering around spreading their ailments...

Seriously though, I understand what is meant in the OP.

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