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Has anyone seen this supposed alien video?

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 04:54 AM
I'm purposely placing this seldom viewed video here because I feel like not enough people have seen it. Its been on the net for a year or more but hasn't garnered any attention whatsoever. In my random youtube dwellings I discovered it and was surprised by its lack of viewership and lack of comments. I expected a whole line of "Fake, stupid, its a guy in a costume" type of commentary but there's nothing!

I want some opinions on it. It startled me when I saw it. I'm warning you now it gets loud. And no, it isn't a "Screamer" joke vid.

What do you ATS readers think?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by danj3ris

i can not se any aliens!

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:09 AM
If ATS is still serious the BAN THE OP and trash this GARBAGE.
Show to the world that we DONT want garbage, please, DO IT.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:13 AM
Well I'm glad you so graciously gave your opinion. That's exactly why I posted the video.

So you think it's garbage? Awesome. But don't recommend I get banned just because you think its garbage.

I wanted to know what people thought of it. Relax.

And Atrofi, its very blurry in the window behind the guy without a shirt on. You can see it from the left side of the window, and then it comes into full view although still blurry.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by internos

I'm with Internos on this one...Ban this. How much more do we have to take...gets down on hands and knees....pleaaaaaaaaaaase!

There's obviously not anything resembling an "alien" in this video. Can't you and your little friends do better then this??

[edit on 29-7-2008 by LateApexer313]

[edit on 29-7-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by danj3ris

This is a fake video posted by the inferior people from the mexican Country, they are called "Chilangos" and are street people with no school knowledge.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by danj3ris
What do you ATS readers think?


probably the worst hoax vid I've seen in a long time. Wow, that was low budget, haha.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by LateApexer313
reply to post by internos

I'm with Internos on this one...Ban this. How much more do we have to take...gets down on hands and knees....pleaaaaaaaaaaase!

There's obviously not anything resembling an "alien" in this video. Can't you and your little friends do better then this??

[edit on 29-7-2008 by LateApexer313]

Being that you've been here for so long and I'm new, I'll respect what you have to say, apart from wanting me banned (because that really isn't very considerate). But have you seen an alien? Do you know what one looks like? How do you know what's in this video doesn't resemble an alien?

I didn't create this video. I found it and wanted some honest opinions about it. In case you can't see it, theres something in the window. It looks humanoid. I'll admit the picture is blurry but I wanted more people to see it because it seems like it got completely overlooked.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by NGC2736]

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by danj3ris

You should be banned and END OF STORY, and you KNOW WHY, period.
Does ATS want to allow people like you? Well, so be it, but as ive said, you've shared GARBAGE here and you should be BANNED bcause that's the natural end of people like you on ATS.

+6 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:46 AM
I can understand how everyone is frustrated over the mass invasion of hoaxers, but isn't this a little exaggerated?

This guy isn't even a hoaxer, he just posted something he found on youtube. And he's new here. He wasn't trying to con anybody...

Or you guys know something i don't?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Wallachian

The OP promotes an OBVIOUS HOAX: the OP WAS aware of it but shared it anyway trying to pass it as something that can be discussed:
ok, let's assume that the OP is not the hoaxer, the problem remain: this is garbage brought to ATS, deliberately: do you allow other people to bring their garbage to your home? I don't, about ATS, don't know yet.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by internos
reply to post by danj3ris

You should be banned and END OF STORY, and you KNOW WHY, period.
Does ATS want to allow people like you? Well, so be it, but as ive said, you've shared GARBAGE here and you should be BANNED bcause that's the natural end of people like you on ATS.

I disagree. Just because you think that a video I wanted your opinion on constitutes garbage doesn't mean I should be banned. And even if I make this argument as civil as possible, readers will see you claiming I should be banned and agree with you because of seniority. I've probably damned myself just by responding to your baiting.

I won't be responding to you anymore in hopes a few more people will see the video and actually render an opinion without begging also for my being banned.

My take on the video? It's too poor quality to see what is in the window and derive a conclusion. I don't think it's edited, it could very well be a person that scared the hell out of the people in the room.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 05:57 AM
I would also have to say a ban is a little exaggerated. He posted a video, because he wanted hear what people had to say.

So its trash. So what...

Comment on the video and tell what you think about it.
Otherwise just ignore it and let the mods deal with it.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by danj3ris

I disagree. Just because you think that a video I wanted your opinion on constitutes garbage doesn't mean I should be banned. And even if I make this argument as civil as possible, readers will see you claiming I should be banned and agree with you because of seniority. I've probably damned myself just by responding to your baiting.

I won't be responding to you anymore in hopes a few more people will see the video and actually render an opinion without begging also for my being banned.

My take on the video? It's too poor quality to see what is in the window and derive a conclusion. I don't think it's edited, it could very well be a person that scared the hell out of the people in the room.

Ok. Let's put it in this way, then: WHY do you promote this stuff? What makes you believe that there' something related with aliens in it? Listen, i am for freedom of speech, and when i wish someone to be banned, it's just because i am tired of garbage like this one. Let's do so, then. Start a discussion about something serious and leave this one DIE. SO you would PROVE that you actually don't want to promote hoaxes here. Or shall i assume that you did NOT watch the video before posting it?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:31 AM
I don't know if there's a way to do private messaging. I looked and didn't see a way so I'm replying to you here even though its pushing this thread further and further into the realm of "should be closed".

I found a video called "Alien" on youtube. I've seen many fakes before and I usually don't waste my time on them. I came across this one and due to it's poor quality I can't conclusively say its a fake. There's also the fact that it has had almost no exposure and no commentary.

I brought the video here specifically to get other input on whether or not its worth looking at for even a second. I wanted to know what people who are interested in the subject thought of this video.

You gave your opinion and I thank you for it. I'm not trying to pass it off as a real video of an alien entity, I'm trying to get enough informed opinions about it to label it a hoax or unexplainable or other. I personally feel that the more "possibilities" there are that get debunked, the closer the community gets as a whole to truth. So I'm honestly not offended if people here consider it a hoax or not. I'm offended that because I wanted honest opinions about something you deem to be an obvious hoax, I deserve to be banned for even bringing it to light.

I understand the sensitivity in regards to hoaxers showing up just to stir the pot. I'm not a hoaxer. I've been silently following ats for over a year and a half and I just recently joined.

Thats my story. In terms of this video I don't consider it a hoax, I think its too poor quality to really form a conclusion. That's my opinion. I wanted others.

I'm hoping others will see the video and voice what they think. The whistle blowing and such absolutely sucks. If the thread is that poor quality readers can skip right by it and so be it.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by atrofi

Roflmao!!!!! I cant see the alien
! Because there is no alien!

You can see you were really trying to look hard for it! Nice one Man..

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:41 AM
Banning seems a bit extreme, not the best way to welcome people to the forums but then we also don't want rubbish either!

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:46 AM
What, you didn't see the alien???
He climbed in, partied with the kids, did some shots and passed out until they shaved his eyebrows and poured mustard in his ear....

Come on guys, look closer..

I'm obviously joking.

I don't think this guy/girl should be banned though, maybe just shown around a bit and shown some decent ufo threads/photos/vids.
Why not educate the person instead of attack and bully?

Anyway, poor video but maybe you didn't know any better?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:49 AM
For those of you who can't see the alien in question, here is a still image taken at 9 seconds into the clip. Look in the red box. It is not the camera holder's reflection. It remains there then moves closer to the center of the window.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by danj3ris]

[edit on 29-7-2008 by danj3ris]

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 06:54 AM
Internos. You're talking bollocks!

Why the obnoxiousness? You cannot be so presumptious about someone you didn't know existed a couple of posts ago.

I'm sure this lad/lass really does think this video is interesting enough to be shared here and I thank them for that.

I think the big problem here is people aren't seeing the "alien", they have watched the vid, listened to a load of screaming idiots but not seen the alien in the window, so presume it is a rubbish hoax or a joke.

The "alien" is can be seen somewhat clearly in the left area of the window, it is kind of leaning in to the shot, it's body hidden behind the wall and it's head at the top left hand area of the window. When it is noticed, it leans in further.

This is not a blurry reflection on the window that looks something like an alien, there actually is something/someone behind the window looking in.

I would guess that it's a hoax as that is most likely but, well, who knows?

EDIT: Nice one Dan! This is just as worthwhile as the Peckman footage, being basically the same thing.

[edit on 29-7-2008 by triplesod]

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