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UK UFO Wave - Mass Sightings Of Orange Orbs

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posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:28 PM
On Saturday night there was mass of sightings of the orange orbs that have been buzzing the country this year.

THE record number of UFO sightings up and down the country on Saturday night has baffled experts. Mysterious objects spotted included bright orange balls shooting through the sky and strange flickering lights. Mental health nurse Chris Wood, 27, caught the eerie orange orbs on camera during a family garden party in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. He said: “The speed they were moving was incredible. They rose through the sky and disappeared. The kids were really frightened and I was too.” Telecoms worker Danny Barton saw “massive orange balls of fire” rising out of the sea in Goring, West Sussex. Other Sun readers sent in intriguing photos from Manchester, Leicester, Basingstoke and Arlesey, Beds. James Hatfield, of UFO Investigations UK, called for an official MoD inquiry after his organisation received a record number of reports of sightings in one night. He said: “More than 200 people got in touch yesterday claiming to have seen UFOs on Saturday night. Normally we receive ten to 15 reports a day. “So far we’ve not been able to explain all the sightings. It’s time for an official inquiry.”


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:41 PM
Well, Im new to ATS, but what gets me is that the description is very similiar to other "orb" shaped UFOs. The only UFOs I have ever seen were orb shaped and acted similiar to the desription quoted.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:51 PM
I don't think The Sun paper is a very reliable source. Many have speculated these orange orbs are chinese party lanterns, they drift with the wind currents, and suddenly disappear because the candle burns out ... some of the sightings coincide with nearby celebrations, like festivals and weddings etc.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by violet

I go with the Sun on this one. My colleague reads it and told me to check it out today. There was definitely a shot of a group of ufo orbs of the amber/orange variety morphing together to make a corn on the cob type ufo. I was out on Saturday night trying to make contact for the first time in ages and we did see ufo orb activity in the distant sky but failed to attract them to a very close distance.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:25 PM

The speed they were moving was incredible.

Can't you guys just leave the chinese lantern theory for once?
I mean, come on. Chinese lanterns don't fly in formations reorganise themselves and speed off in the distance AND in this particular case, (see quote above) I mean...NO!!

Sry for the rant!

I think we are slowly getting there: more regular reports in the msm. NICE!

p.s. the rant was quite good: it's not a oneliner

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Aldolas

It's ok rant all you wish about Chinese Lanterns they are used as the latest weather ballon excuse and it's total bull. UFO orbs are very real, and are flying around this planet all the time. The question is not.... are they real? The question is......... what are they.......where are they from?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by ufoorbhunter

I haven't personally seen these orbs yet, so I'm just throwing it out there as an alternate theory that's been adressed as to what they could be. I feel it's important to include all possibilities, and eliminate each theory if it's shown to be wrong. Of course it's possible they may not be these lanterns

I don't know about the formation flight pattern, but if they're all set off at the same time, and follow the same wind current it seems reasonable they would fly in close proximity.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by violet
I don't think The Sun paper is a very reliable source.

Doesn't Rupert Murdoch (Media whore to the Nwo and Bilderberg group) own it?

If so - its either disinformation or disclosure...which is it though

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:52 PM
I live in Bedfordshire and me and my fiance spotted 5 of these orbs at around 9.15pm. They were very spooky and we've got fantastic footage of them. They were all following the exact same path and when we zoomed the camcorder in on them each one had a black ring around it. Very wierd!

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I saw an orb at very close range in 1997 it was more gold than orange. clearly looked metallic without any seems and hovered above the ground past our vehicle before shooting into the sky very fast at a 45 degree angle.

I was not alone there were 6 other people there that night that saw it.

Was not a lantern the size of a VW bug. I promise you that.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:54 PM
Although I dislike the term orb and prefer OBOL(orange ball of light)..I am surprised nobody has said they are military flares. These are being seen frequently at different sites in the US as well. In Indiana in particular they have been seeing them regularly for several years. I don't believe they are lanterns or flares..for the reason stated, the speed they move to name a couple.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by violet
I don't think The Sun paper is a very reliable source. Many have speculated these orange orbs are chinese party lanterns, they drift with the wind currents, and suddenly disappear because the candle burns out ... some of the sightings coincide with nearby celebrations, like festivals and weddings etc.

i kind of agree, the tabloids in this country aren't the most truthful of papers, but to be honest it would be unlikely for the broadsheets to report it unless it was a really big incident.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by BlackProjects

Ya what I saw was not a flare the size of a VW bug either.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Dermo
Doesn't Rupert Murdoch (Media whore to the Nwo and Bilderberg group) own it?

If so - its either disinformation or disclosure...which is it though

I don't know who owns it.
The problem is how do we know disclosure isn't disinfo? Or at least some of what wil be or has been disclosed, I should say.

I don't doubt UFO's are real - as in unidentified flying object. We can't be so arrogant as to think we are the only ones living on an inhabited planet out of billions out there.

I saw two very large, bright stationary lights, lasting several minutes a few weeks ago, they weren't stars nor were they aircraft. I submitted my report to a local site, and went back later and saw 2 other sightings, similar to mine for the same area and same night, so who knows what I really saw. I only know what I saw moved me enough to file a report. I couldn't tell if it was one object with an attatchment on top of it causing the second light, or if it was two objects with the lights, aligned vertically.

It was interesting how one witness described it has having a smaller part on top, where as I called mine two objects. They diminished very quickly into nothingness, and the 3rd witness said it vanished to a pinpoint - which is what I saw too. I'm not sure if the site owner cross-referenced these sightings. The second witness saw it over a mountain, and I did too, but wasn't sure if that was the same Mtn near me, so I didn't bother to add that in case I was wrong, but now I've asked someone, and it is. One witness also mis-named the street with one of a similar name, and that wasn't corrected. I should go back there and mention this.

[edit on 28-7-2008 by violet]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:42 PM
I'm not saying The Sun doesn't do sensationalism or reports the news better or worse than any other news outlet. I just posted because there was mass sightings all over the country on Saturday.

The interesting thing is the vast majority of UFO's that have been sighted in the UK this year have been groups of "orange fireball" craft that often revert back to a gray or dark gray metallic after a period.

I've followed the local papers from all over the country, and the nationals, this year and the same description comes up again and again.

No doubt some sightings are Chinese lanterns, flares, Jupiter, etc. But the whole "it's a Chinese lantern thing" debunk that's in fashion at the moment just makes me laugh.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 06:58 PM
To be fair if these things move slow and are seen in groups you can safely say they're almost certainly lanterns, on the other hand if you see any non flashing lights moving at speed or in groups and changing formation in a short time, then we have something genuinly interesting.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:13 PM
There's a local newspaper story, about some "orange orb" sightings in Stevenage on Saturday, with some bad quality pictures. The airport said they were Chinese lanterns.

If you turn the gamma up on this one you can see about ten lights.

The rest of the pics are here.

The report:

WERE they planes? Were they spaceships? Or were they Chinese lanterns! That is the question many residents in Comet country are asking themselves today following a number of reported sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). On Saturday between 10pm and 11pm Stevenage residents spotted between two and seven orange spheres in the sky, travelling parallel with Luton Airport's flight path and today (Monday) the Comet has been inundated with calls from people who think they may have spotted extra terrestrial activity. Sean Riley, who was holding a barbecue in Wisden Road, Stevenage, said: "There were four very bright orange objects going from north to south, one following the other with a fair gap and then going straight up and disappearing. I had not been drinking and 10 other people at my barbecue saw them, also aircraft going to Luton airport were in close proximity." A year ago motorists reported a similar sighting between Baldock and Royston on the A505. They saw orange balls of light moving across the sky but Luton Airport said they believed they were Chinese lanterns which had been lit and then released into the air. Mr Riley added: "We're fairly logical and reasonable people. They were travelling north to south and the wind was going in the opposite direction so it couldn't have been Chinese lanterns. Some people look at our photos and say what we saw was the moon but there hasn't been a full moon for a long time. Ken Tobin who was at Mr Riley's barbecue said: "I didn't believe in UFOs until Saturday. It was quite unbelievable. "The spheres were silent and travelled in a straight line and then got dimmer and dimmer. I have never seen anything like it." Ian Sharp of Jessop Road said: "I was lying in bed when I saw two orange lights glide across the sky about 15 seconds apart. They were following a plane that had just flown over. It was something I'd never seen before." They were also spotted on the Jackmans Estate in Letchworth GC and near Bancroft in Hitchin. Stephen Hague of Bearton Road, Hitchin said: "I have spent 21 years working nights and have seen many sky items but nothing like this. Could it have been a satellite breaking up? Maybe, but it was the regularity that the items passed over that made this unlikely. They were neither planes nor shooting stars, they were way too big and you could see the flickering orange flames." On the same evening UFO Investigations UK received a record number of reports of sightings in one night and as a result it has called for an official MoD inquiry. Speaking to a national newspaper, a spokesman for the organisation said: "More than 200 people got in touch claiming to have seen UFOs on Saturday night. Normally we receive 10 to 15 reports a day. So far we've not been able to explain all the sightings. It's time for an official enquiry." A spokesman for Luton Airport said: "We can confirm that these sightings were actually Chinese lanterns, believed to have been released in the Stevenage area over the weekend. These lanterns are similar to hot air balloons in design but about the size of a dustbin liner. The airport would like to reiterate that anyone who plans on releasing lanterns should get clearance from the Civil Aviation Authority before doing so".


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:26 PM
This isnt a joke. These orange orbs are real as you and I, I have had first hand experience with them more than once. Im glad to see they are going global.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:52 PM
Since this thread has more global attention than the In thread let me ask this here, assuming these Orange Balls of Light are not natural phenomenon or any thing conventional- what are they? I know people who swear they have intelligence and have signaled them. I have heard they responded to lights shined at them. Are they military? What are the sparkles/flashes that many see just as they move.

Lizard King..where are you located?

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 03:41 AM
The Sun is working with Nick Pope,the Ministry of Defence ufo person at the moment on thwhole summer of ufo's phenom.I email Nick and I email the Sun with suggestions about public meetings and stuff.Nick replies but the Sun does'nt.But if you have ideas ors uggestions about stuff you'd like to see reported on you can email them and they will give it alook as ufos are such a hot topic at the moment or send them photo's ,footage of sightings.The problem is the Sun is the only paper that's consistently reporting on ufos' at the moment and as I said listening to the readers.Other British newpapers won't touch the subject witha bargepole except to sneer and talk about lanterns.The press is there for you to use so use it.

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