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Burning throught the CONfusion. (Know Thy Self).

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:31 PM
Here and now, on this planet and in this time, we are for the most part, seperated. This alows for a springing forth of the full range of thinking patterns and thought ideas. In many ways they may seem conflicting, but only through hard headed misunderstandings and confusion do they truly conflict. It is the moment you choose the path as to what you believe that it becomes more solid and perhaps your feet get stuck on the wrong path.

There is the right path and the wrong path. I am, nor are any, here to tell you what that is. If one says they can tell you want your path should be then your path should be to get away from that one.

Sure with all these thought, it might seem like alot of noise, and in some ways you're right. There's alot of noise outside there and everyone seems to think they know "the way".

So why have you, if you haven't, not realized your callings? Why have you not seen clearly "the way"? Your mind can real at all the choices, and this might get you fustrated. Don't give up. For you have all that you need within you as long as you know where to look. The truth is already written in your heart. You just need to lose biases such as fear and self rightousness and you need move aside of egotisims like wanting to think you understand just because everyone else seems act like they do. Egotisims and Biases are you're personal stumbling stones along the path of spiritual fulfillment.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 06:44 PM
I'm thinking this would better go in the "Psychology, Philosophy and Metaphysics Discussion Forum Thread List".

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