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Intelligence report on weponized avian flu

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posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:48 PM
OK, I searched and I couldn't find where this had already been posted, so I'm going to go for it.

I recently received an email alert from the Natural Solutions Foundation forwarded to me by a friend. I originally posted it (very long), and then found the link below. Sorry for the extra posts.

While researching this email, I came across this video, and again, I couldn't find that it had already been posted.

I'd also like to state that these guys do try and sell a lot of stuff, and ask for a lot of donations, and in my mind it raises some issues.

The information is quite startling to say the least.

Again, if this has already been posted, Mod's feel free to delete. Thank you.

edit to fix long post problem. Mod's if you want to delete the extra posts, please feel free.

[edit on 27-7-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:53 PM
Sorry, I missed the link to the story:

Source e mail eAlert

[edit on 27-7-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Sorry for this post:

Source e mail eAlert

[edit on 27-7-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:14 PM
Sorry this post was linked here. House cleaning a large post:

Source e mail eAlert

[edit on 27-7-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Sorry last one:

Source e mail eAlert

[edit on 27-7-2008 by seawolf197]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 10:50 PM
God that's depressing, I am one of those Gulf War 1 vets prepped to die from an abreaction to an anti-virus adjuvant!

If she is correct, then we are all done for, and I don't know why they would be waiting to let slip the dogs of biowarfare.

I think her conclusion is half right. The nations of the world have been developing their individual vaccines, and engineering their versions of biowarfare. Now that the cards are dealt, we are waiting for the first player to throw down their card. In that scenario, there is no safe place on earth. You take your nations vaccine, risking voluntary sterilization or death, and take your chances. The camps will be a most certain death.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by seawolf197

She has some points, but unfortunately most of them are wrong. There is zero evidence of countries that have weaponized H5N1, yes we can say that chances are a country has, but it is just speculation. H5N1 has only killed around 400 people total and the definite upcoming mutation could make it easier or harder to catch. Right now there is zero proof of what she said. The only thing she is right about is the vaccine, a medical group made a vaccine called Tamiflu a while back which does poop all - that and 'Flu Mist' ... well you got to an idiot to willing take them. Just because they don't work, doesn't mean there weapons. Every bio-company is out there to make big money, they don't care weather it works or not. O eating healthy does nothing either there is zero proof for that, i briefly went over that in my sticky'd thread in this forum on a reply. Right now not one human immune system on the planet could with stand H5N1. I like the attempt at getting us to donate at the end though.


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by ProTo Fire Fox

Deep down I have the feeling this is intended to scare the bejesus out of people for some reason. It's unimaginable. However, I'm at a point where I won't under estimate the depths of the sickness of the shadow government.

In the video Dr. Rita says you can't have a vaccine without a virus, and then in the eAlert if you read the report of the companies in China producing the vaccine, one could conclude that there is a possibility she may be on to something.

Either way, I won't be taking any shots in the near future.

Thanks for your reply. You too Cyberbian.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Yes on the point of you cant have a vaccine without having a virus is true -- and stupidly obvious. We all know that the injections that we get as kids and for holidays to certain countries have inside them the very infection that they are meant to stop, this is so the body can attack a tiny piece of it and create anti-bodies against it so that if you do get it, your body all ready has the cure. I believe that H5N1 is natural and that it is being used in a sick propaganda game by the shadow rulers.


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by ProTo Fire Fox

Thanks Pro, I agree with you fully.

Did you read the entire eAlert?

I would be interested on your take about the Spanish flu, and the Rockafeller connection then and now.

It is a fact that the Federal Government has established forced vaccination protocols, and the Chinese have made 100's of thousand doses of vaccine for H5N1 according to their own company report linked in the eAlert.

Also they describe the difference between the natural contraction, and the human mutated virus.

This type of scare tactic is horrible.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by seawolf197

Spanish Flu -- I have not heard the connection with Rockafeller, i did a Google search but i didn't get any real sources. I do know about the elite's plan conspiracy. The interesting thing with Spanish Flu is that it was not just confined to Spain.

Interesting facts about Spanish Flu:

  • 500,000 to 675,000 Americans died of it.
  • 200,000 died in the UK.
  • 400,000 people were killed in France.
  • 10,000 died in Australia (Rough Estimate)
  • 14% of the Fiji Island died within two weeks.
  • 22% of the population of Western Samoa perished.
  • 17,000,000 got infected and died in India.

So as you can see, this may of been a population control device. Bird flu has only killed about 400 people; when Spanish flu hit it took out between 5-20%* of the worlds population in total. As i said, I'm aware of 99% of the weaponized H5N1 theories -- but i haven't heard of the Rockefeller H1N1 theory. Would you mind posting a link that i could read please.


*Too many different figures about %, so i have given a bit of give in it.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by ProTo Fire Fox

Hi Pro,

Above, please see post 2,3,4,5 the link to the report is on each one.

I screwed up the continuity of this post from the get go, but I wish one person would read the eAlert.

Thank you.

posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:13 AM
Ive started to read it, but its going to take a bit to get through all of that. Some of it seems OK, mayrity seems a little...well...some is just there to make it a big document....

Ill keep on reading....


posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 09:37 AM
My concern started about 4 years ago: Insanity of the almighty dollar short cuts. imagine a breech with a world class port just a few miles away...

from source:

Apparently unwilling to hold its researchers back over biosafety issues, and despite the lack of adequate facilities, the UW IBC approved 1918 flu projects. It has allowed some activities to go forward in an existing (non-animal) BSL-3 facility, despite USDA's BSL-3ag designation of the agent. Remarkably, the UW IBC also decided, on the spot, to change the biosafety level of the new UW lab. The IBC decided that the new lab, previously not intended to be BSL-3ag, would meet the more stringent designation "in principle". This dubious endorsement enabled grant applications to move forward and for UW researchers to proceed to acquire the 1918 flu from USDA, with the "in principle" UW BSL-3ag lab.

After "resolving" the problem of not having appropriate containment, the UW IBC then considered the operating procedures to be followed in the existing BSL-3 lab for 1918 flu experiments. Here, the "culture of responsibility" of the UW IBC again failed.

The benchmark that the UW IBC referred to for 1918 flu safety were procedures used to handle human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). But the virus that causes AIDS is relatively difficult to transmit, especially by aerosol, the main cause for concern with influenza. Moreover, the risk to the community posed by a lab-acquired HIV infection is trivial in comparison to the threat posed to the world by a case of potentially pandemic influenza.

The UW IBC only considered one of the many opportunities for influenza aerosolization in the studies, that if a tray were dropped. In such an event, the UW IBC decided that researchers "will be trained to stop breathing... just as they are taught to do when working with HIV". An independent microbiologist who the Sunshine Project provided a copy of the UW IBC minutes called the UW biosafety protocols in the 1918 project to be "inappropriate" and "risible".

The minutes of the UW IBC also suggest - but don't entirely clarify - that UW researchers, already working at a lower level of containment than that assigned by USDA, may plan to place cultures infected with 1918 influenza in an unshielded centrifuge. Because their spinning energy can rapidly aerosolize liquids, centrifuges are a notorious source of laboratory infections.

UW's irresponsible treatment of biosafety in the 1918 influenza project does not appear to bother the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID). NIAID recently funded the project. Its formal start date was the beginning of this month, July 1st, 2004.(5)

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Influenza virus is notoriously susceptible to environmental inactivation, e.g UV wavelengths, temperatures above 25C, drying, etc. This is why we tend to see it during fall/winter periods when low temperatures and crowding are more likely to allow a respiratory pathogen to spread.

As a bioweapon influenza is a poor agent. You cannot easily add genes since it's a segmented single strand RNA virus. It requires a rather large infective dose (ID) and close proximity of the targets.

It will infect humans but may take days to produce symptoms. Person between ages 5 and 55 will become ill but rarely die. The youngest, oldest or immuno-compromised are most likely to die. The 1918-19 pandemic was so devastating because it occurred at the end of WW1 when vast populations were immunocompromised. The deaths in the US amounted to less than .05% of the population, about the same number who today die of heart disease or stroke.

There are other viruses/bacteria that are more likely to be weaponized.

medical school professor

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by streakr

The real question that I have for you is: Will you allow the government to force you to take the vaccine if it comes to that?

I live less than two hours from Mexico, and I've decided to head south when or if this starts to rumble.

Thanks for the reply.

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by seawolf197

I want the choice to be immunized. If large numbers of cases appear, which I highly doubt will happen, then I'll reevaluate.


posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 02:55 AM
Well now i think its going to be a clear cut choice when it comes to Vaccination -- either get it, or don't and be put into 'Quarantine'. It shall be announced that is for every one else's safety. With the outbreaks in Vietnam and Nigeria plus the increased action by ASEAN i think it is coming soon.


posted on Aug, 1 2008 @ 01:09 PM
This woman from the National Solutions Foundations wants us to get out of the U.S. to avoid a vaccine if there is a pandemic? Is she joking? If there is a pandemic, the borders will be closed due to quarantine. Even if we could get out, what country would let a U.S. citizen in anyway? Remember we just lifted a ban on people entering the U.S. with HIV, and it's bloodborne. Who here has the money to fly their family to another country and "hang out" for a few weeks? Will you have anything left in your house when you get back? Think looters.

For everyone wanting to grow their own organic food, that's great. Have you ever tried growing your own food? I live in southern Texas and I promise you one fat hornworm caterpillar can eat and ENTIRE plant down in one night. (I have a caterpillar now that I can't find eating BIG holes in my tough leaved rubber plant that is outside.) They eat many times their weight. Pill bugs will wipe out baby tomato plants in hours. Unless you plan on sitting by your garden 24/7 to pick the bugs off, you will have to use something. There are various natural remedies, like predatory insects, etc., but you have to order this stuff. If there is worldwide chaos going on, the next Great Depression is here, do you think you'll be able to do that? Just something to think about. More stuff to stockpile?

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by ProTo Fire Fox
So as you can see, this may of been a population control device. Bird flu has only killed about 400 people; when Spanish flu hit it took out between 5-20%* of the worlds population in total. As i said, I'm aware of 99% of the weaponized H5N1 theories -- but i haven't heard of the Rockefeller H1N1 theory. Would you mind posting a link that i could read please.

The Avian Flu out there thus far is not the WEAPONIZED version... That is the one we must worry about - the ones they are making vaccines for. What else they are adding to those vaccines is unknown, but I am betting they are a gloriously ugly cocktail.

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