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My client requested that I post this link on this site

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:03 PM
hi i am sorry but i cannot belive the op. why post on u tube if it is his client
thought somthing was going to happen to him. i would have wanted to post on ats at least people who would belive him. Like the op said, he wanted to in case somthing did happen to him. i could find a new video
and made it look like my client. i need more proof.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by Ceara

Completely agree with what you said. Very well expressed. I try to consider the concept of karma in nearly everything I do.


Back on topic: OP, if you disappear on us, you are SO gonna incur wrathful karma. Please contact Springer as NefraTari suggested.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Are there black pyramids on mars, sammydavisjuniorjunior?

Just wondering if you'd know. Would you know? I don't know.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:07 PM

says brain not bone but...

forget it i read it wrong. ugh

[edit on 24-7-2008 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:07 PM
Interesting use of the alien photo as well.

It's a frame from "UFOs: Fifty Years of Denial."
According to Bob Collins, three good sources have indicated that it's "real."

Note the apparent bruising on the face and the "knot" running diagonally up along the thin neck (like its head was twisted more that 90 degrees then brought back?). Is this evidence of crash injuries? It appears from the two color photos taken of the original that the Eben was erected upright and its picture taken. Then what looks like rags or packing material (if this took place in Mexico then that explains the rags?) is just behind the Eben? Also, notice the tight fitting uniform on the Eben........Rmc


Should be interesting to watch this unfold.

[edit on 7/24/2008 by garyo1954]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Hey OP, can you tell us if your clients illness was a direct result from working at NASA?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by argentus
reply to post by v1.01

I honed in on the "popping balloons" thing too. It kind of makes sense, IF our spirit/sense of self perseveres, and the grays believe they are working from a higher overall view of things....... the long view.

Not to say that I don't still distrust them, becuase I do. Much as I'm sure the cockroaches that scurry around our house fear being stamped out by me, and all the while I think their lives are expendable, as I know they will eventually try to get into the house and crap on my plates. Who is in the right?

it is possible that they also have the ability to repair a balloon. where it's wrong for us to take a life because we can't give it back.. suppose they can give life back? least we forget John Lear's soul catcher on the moon

regarding insects, when i find an insect i catch it and through it out the door. some spiders i allow to stay in my room. i had some fruit fly's and i became a master at catching them

relocation works.. although i do try to kill mosquitos occasionally when they bite if im in a bad mood.. but mostly i blow them off me and swat them down. i don't think other more advanced planets have these bothersome insects like mosquitos... i think they come from some negative aspect that's indigenous to earth.. i also think it's possible we can evolve earth to where we no longer have insects that are parasitic to us.. more like a utopian world.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:17 PM
The Nasa Scientist was named Joseph Paul Ciganek. He is in the picture on the video. Another picture of him can be found here.

Ciganek was killed by an alien using telepathy, like a psychic attack or something. They probably give us technology for something in return, like inter-planetary carrots and sticks. If the have a sort of robotic sense of humor like the narrator says, then it makes sense their logic would dictate a relationship with humanity while their personal day-to-day actions concerning humans may not be as important to them. If they believe we are all universal and that is the true life in the universe, that we are balloons that can simply be popped, and it's not a big deal, it makes sense to think they would think more ultimately in terms of their agreements with our species of life.

What else... oh! Ciganek was stabbed and beaten to death by a couple of asian dudes. A woman her her two kids were also stabbed and beaten to death, the woman had divorced one of the guys back in 2004.

They haven't established a motive for the killers, and someone who knew one of them made a comment here stating that he was a great person and it was so surprising that he did this.

What else? Oh, if the narrator posted this on July 24th (today) and Ciganek was killed at 5pm on Monday, June 23rd. If the narrator has five more months to live, i'm sure he'll have more.

I couldn't find any information on Sam Davidson but i'm not finished looking.

I'm not making a determination one way or the next, i'm better at doing the research. I will say it reminds me of a rabbit hole, which would be very cool.

Flagged, be back later!

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:19 PM
So the OP hasn't shown up to clarify more about this post, especially pertaining to what his client did?

Why not put all the info at once instead of constant teasing by all the new posters lately?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:20 PM
Is that a photo of the guy at the control desk? If so why hide your voice if you're going to put a photo of yourself on there?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by v1.01

I do the same for spinx moths, lizards, etc. We have cats and they capture things and bring them inside. I'm about 75% successful in rescuing the various creatures and turning them free again. I live in the tropics and roaches are legion. Spiders I'm fine with -- they eat things I dislike more. Roaches have an affinity for crawling on people. I don't know why, I just know it's true for us. Therefore, they must die when they are inside. And for all of them I've killed and thrown outside, the carcas is never left for long. Lizards gotta eat. Soldier crabs gotta eat. It's an interactive ecosystem I live in, and loving it.

Interesting -- the concept of repairing the balloon. Perhaps sometimes it has to be popped to make it better? I don't know. If your avatar is in any way relational to your temporal age, you are far beyond your years.


[edit on 24-7-2008 by argentus]

[edit on 24-7-2008 by argentus]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:24 PM
Best way to pull of a hoax ever? Possibly!

Can't ask a dead person many questions now can we? I will just nod my head and let the replies float in.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Samdavidson

I find it interesting that a dying man wouldn't come on here and talk to us on his own. I know he's dead now, but why wait? Seems like a clever way to avoid a heap of questions. Perhaps the lawyer is someone who is still alive and revealing these details. Or they are a hoaxer who was clever enough to make up a story in which the NASA worker wouldn't have to deal with our scrutiny.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Samdavidson

That sounds pretty possible. I hope the guy can post more soon. A lot of the time, in those NASA photos, I feel like they look too photoshopped. So it is very possible that like he says, they've been covering up stuff.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by rapinbatsisaltherage

Agree. If the OP doesn't contact ATS admin. then I think that leans heavily toward an opportunistic hoax. The bad part of it is, what if the youtube were real, and an opportunist ruined it by utilizing it as a hoax?

The longer this goes on without input from the OP, the more it makes me sad.

OP, if you're doing the right thing and working with ATS, please just drop us a note, let us know what's going on. We can actually fabricate some patience, if given some data.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:32 PM
wow - one post and one vid and the 1st person / 3rd person identities have already been mixed up :

why is the Youtube account " nasajim08 " when ` jim ` is supposedly dead - and the vids are supposedly being uploaded by ` samdavidson `

why is this vid the first instalment - if ` jim ` had 5 months to live - why does the first vid cite a very recent event ?

IMHO a ` nasa engineeer ` would be more methodical - and start at the begining with a linear presentation of his case

the ` i will post more later ` in the vid - makes no sense at all " jim " intends to be dead before any are released

why would that line be in the vid - if they were sent to his presumed lawyer - wouldnt a covering letter make more sense than forcing his lawyer to watch the vids to make sense of the instruction ?

we are truely in the grip of the ATS ` SILLY SEASON `

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:41 PM
I know if someone paid me to client service this posting on youtube and ats, not being involved with ATS, I probably wouldn't get into it if it didn't interest me, or I thought everyone was a nutcase. This will get really no where until more research into Mars has been done, and we'll have this as a little "I told you so" until then, end of story.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:44 PM
Anybody else find it funny that he says "Check back later, maybe I'll post more".

But yet, he is supposed to be dead. How come this didn't start out as "If you are watching this, it means that I am already dead?"

Matter of fact, he states at the beginning that he is terminal, and he doesn't want to die without giving all this information to his brothers in mankind.

Yet, he ends it with, "Check back, and I'll post some more."

And this guy never connects the illuminati to the aliens.

He consistently mis pronounces Illuminati, Cydonia, and a few other words. This doesn't sound credible at all to me.

Although I believe the death of any nasa engineer should be duefully examined

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:49 PM

Like Popping a Balloon

Not what I would call reverence for our lives. 60 years of watching and what have we shown them..60 years and what have they learned from us? They have remained for the most part hidden. I am not sure if we are ready to meet the neighbors..but a serious discussion needs to take place in full view of the public with all the Govt knows or suspects. I dont like the idea of creatures hiding in the shadows and abducting and experimenting.. what gives them the right?
NASA may or may not have parts of the truth..if this person can be validated perhaps we will all be some steps closer to a DEFINITIVE answer

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 08:49 PM
It's too bad the advanced aliens with their advanced technology can't do anything for this poor nasa guy who's dying of cancer.

Kind of sucks too.... I was actually looking forward to aliens kind of giving us a hand with medicine and technology.

Oh well

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