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A Half a Million Plastic Coffins?!

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:36 PM
I Live near there... Would you like me to dig up more anwsers for yall? Ask the Cement company behind them who owns all of those?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by sp00n1

Dont be naive ppl, the military always keeps millions of plastic coffins around, they had that many when i was in the military, They use them to ship to foreign countries when needed, for military, for civil matters. If something big happend and the military didnt have them, then we would bitch and call them unprepared. You guys cant have it both ways, either our goverment is proficient and able to aid us in time of crisis, or they know alot of people are going to die and there just waiting to let it happen. Ocams Razor - the simplest answer is the right answer. We provide aid to many countries and I believe that just recently tsunami hit countries needed use of lots of disposable coffins. Get real people, you sound like 10 years olds, with flashlights telling big toe stories.

One last thing, way to grab this story off a left lunatic conspiracy site, we all know how down to earth and fact checked these sites always are.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by alienj]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:57 PM
I did have a dream 2 weeks ago seeing one of the 4 horsemen on a white horse and a blackface. That's never a good sign, as I've had premonitions before of something big going to happen and it has.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:46 PM
intresting that you should mention that they were moving data out of the state. Someone on ATS yesterday said the same thing; they said they've worked for the gov , not sure which branch, but they posted on ATS that they were told to moved EVERYTHING (data) to another site....

Originally posted by Ceara
There is another post on the forum showing photos.

But leave it to Alex Jones to really scream it out. hehe

The idea of so many coffins is kinda scary though.

The article mentions Georgia. And there was another post on there from someone claiming that he had to move all data out of Georgia.


posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Are those "plastic coffins" intended to hold 3 bodies each?

Why are they so deep?

The "air tight" sealed coffin lids are sitting out in the sun unsecured, not even a weight on top, and what are those? tie down hooks every six inches? ya those look like generic storage containers, maybe fish on ice or something like that.

Plastic coffins? I saw the infowar link, but the ones in the video do no look like those, or else they have the product quality of mcdonalds, offering you a plump juicy burger on the order menu, and then selling you an unidentified pile of #.

The website for the company in the link, offered custom orders and "oversized 1 and 2" were listed, but a whole field full of the same style and only that style?

Im going with generic storage container.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:39 PM
Being as the containers are guaranteed to last 100 years, they could keep them outside till 2108, if the guarantee is a valid one. Lots of time for this war and the future ones to use them up one at a time or thousands at a time as technology increases the kill ratio on the battlefield.

If there was going to be a mass killing of Americans, seems like we would be rounded up, taken to sports stadiums, and shot down like diseased cattle. The bodies then taken to mass gravesites like the ones used in Europe to bury the Jews from concentration camps. Can't imagine the powers that be at that time would give a hoot about descretion.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:06 AM
These containers have been there how long? If before or just after Katrina, then this is a possibility on the matter.

In every single branch and finger of the US Gov't, you have people who have special interests. It could have gone like this,

Disaster strikes, gov't employee, aid, congressman, senator etc, knows a guy who can make coffins, he calls him up, asks him for $0.50 or even $1.00 per coffin that he can get a gov't contract for. Someone estimated in the millions, that is a lot of money for both parties.

Just a thought!

Keeping an EYE on things,

Eye of Eagle

" Be sure to keep your senses sharp and alert! "

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Zaimless

Originally posted by BlasteR
reply to post by whatukno

But don't forget.. These have been stockpiled for years.. There is no company that sells these (to my knowledge)... and exhaustive searches online have, for me at least, yielded no results of any company selling these in that location. yet they supposedly have vast numbers of them (somewhere in the hundreds of thousands from what I've been reading)?


[edit on 19-7-2008 by BlasteR]

My exhaustive search took about 4 minute.. they do sell them in Atlanta and they make them in Georgia.... check the following link...
If they aren't made in the state the serve the state, but if you look close you can see many of them are in Georgia already... So really here... how exhaustive was your search, just wondering, thats all.

Well not to sound too cynical but a 4 minute search is not exhaustive..

Well obviously i don't live in Georgia. I live in Alaska so my resources are limited to what is available online. I spent probably 3-4 hours searching multiple sites lastnight and just researching this in general.. My argument isn't whether or not burial vaults are sold in and around Atlanta. That much is obvious and it probably doesn't even take 4 minutes to find a retailer in or around Atlanta that sells them..

The exact address of this mysterious location I am unsure of, however it is on "Lions Club Rd." in Madison, GA. I've done searches for everything I can think of.. You can see my lengthy post from lastnight on page 2, but since then I have done some research off and on today and haven't had much luck finding any answers just from doing online searches..

A "burial vault" search brings up this..

none of the resulting companies are anywhere near this location..

However, I did find a concrete company which shows up right next to this location (which probably explains why people have been seeing concrete trucks in the video as we talked about earlier).

B & B Concrete Products‎
1190 Lions Club Rd
Madison, GA 30650
(706) 342-3123

However, still no results actually exactly at this location for anything having to do with construction, concrete, septic tanks, burial vaults, funeral homes, caskets, or anything else I have thought of (as of yet).. That is bizarre..

There is a "septic services" company off of highway 20 near Madison but nothing else involving anything of that sort nearby.. Definately not anyone who manufactures septic tanks or anything like that (which, as I said before, is important because the manufacturing process of septic tanks and these polypropylene vaults is identical. Some companies that manufacture septic tanks offer these kind of vaults for sale actually.

It could very well still be a completely normal mom and pop operation ,with no website, stockpiling burial vaults for whatever reasons but why for half a decade and why out in the open for all to wonder what on earth is going on?


[edit on 20-7-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by rjmelter

That's a great idea . If I were there I would just go ask what they are doing. That or one of the companies close by.


[edit on 20-7-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 02:26 AM
For what its worth, here is my take on this whole thing.

What i see in the video is a whole lot of plastic composite type containers of some sort all stacked together in lots of rows. Imo these containers are in no way coffins. They could however be the burial vaults that a previous poster supplied the link to. I have a problem with the burial vault theory though. The website from the link clearly shows that the burial vaults have lids. Where are the lids? Why would anyone make and stockpile 500k burial vaults without doing the same thing with the lids for the 500k burial vaults. I dont think they would. And thats what pretty much throws the burial vault/coffin theory out the window for me. Imo they are just some sort of storage/shipping containers/construction material.

The next question that pops in my head is why would a company stockpile so many plastic containers, whatever thier use for them is?
That answer imo is that plastic is a petroleum product. The company that made the containers had enough foresight to see that petroleum prices were rising to historic levels and decided to make and stockpile inventory when that fact came to thier attention so that they could pad thier profit margins.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:46 AM

Originally posted by shoafy

For what its worth, here is my take on this whole thing.

What i see in the video is a whole lot of plastic composite type containers of some sort all stacked together in lots of rows. Imo these containers are in no way coffins. They could however be the burial vaults that a previous poster supplied the link to. I have a problem with the burial vault theory though. The website from the link clearly shows that the burial vaults have lids. Where are the lids? Why would anyone make and stockpile 500k burial vaults without doing the same thing with the lids for the 500k burial vaults. I dont think they would. And thats what pretty much throws the burial vault/coffin theory out the window for me. Imo they are just some sort of storage/shipping containers/construction material.

The next question that pops in my head is why would a company stockpile so many plastic containers, whatever thier use for them is?
That answer imo is that plastic is a petroleum product. The company that made the containers had enough foresight to see that petroleum prices were rising to historic levels and decided to make and stockpile inventory when that fact came to thier attention so that they could pad thier profit margins.

Well I have a few things to bring up here in response to your post... The video I posted earlier was from a man living near that location which sais FEMA told him they were casket liners. Now, this is bizarre for a few reasons..

1- By law, the state of Georgia does not require casket liners/burial vaults in coffins.. So why hundreds of thousands of them there of all places?

2- So, then, why would FEMA, for about half a decade, stockpile casket liners in the hundreds of thousands in a small town East of Atlanta when the state of Georgia doesn't require them for burial?

The logical explanation is that they are being manufactured now to be used somewhere else for some kind of catastrophic event (like just in case we have another Katrina). When you think about it, for natural disasters like floods and hurricanes, Atlanta is the perfect staging point for such a macabre effort as this. But why casket liners and nothing else? That just brings up more questions..

But from what I've been reading and seeing on youtube, alot of people are pretty freaked out right now.. I don't know about all that.. But if this casket liner/burial vault stockpile is being built up by the order of FEMA, then they obviously would have had to created some kind federal justification for funding such an effort. And they obviously got funding if this really is some kind of FEMA program/effort..

Some people believe that FEMA has already built concentration camps for the american people. I'll be the first to say that this sounds crazy and paranoid to, say the least.. But, briefly, what some people think is going to occur is more or less like this...

1- An initiation of a state of Marshal Law via the American leadership

2- The incarceration of the american people to include an organised screening system which will be used to distinguish between people who are a threat to the government's plans and who aren't..(this includes the carefully planned transportation of Americans via railcar to specific concentration camps and underground facilities already empty and already built for this purpose)

3- The systematic executions of these specific people who will be viewed as non-compliant threats to the leadership's grand plan.

4- The "re-education" of the remaining populace and brainwashing tactics to make the people compliant and cooperative enough to move forward with the formation of the NAU (North American Union) with little or no outcry from the American people.

5- The official formation of the NAU. (the next step to a one world government)

6- ?

Now, I know this is a conspiracy forum and that we all want to openly discuss these topics.. But this sounds pretty morbid just imaging it.. The following are things that have made and still make people extremely paranoid and concerned about what the government's true intentions really are..

1- September 11
2- The war in Iraq
3- The overall economic situation (which may have been a planned tactic, itself, to eventually make the American people more willing to accept the formation of the NAU).. If the situation is grim enough and people are hurting economically, they will be more willing to accept the NAU as a situation which would be much better off economically (since the NAU would then be 3 economies in 1.. Mexico, U.S., and Canada)..
4- Underground facilities and above ground facilities which have been constructed, are brand new, empty, and have supposedly also been strategically placed throughout the U.S. for use by FEMA in this effort. Some have been calling these "FEMA concentration camps" which are supposedly going to be used to hold Americans for the duration of the police state/state of Marshal Law.

There are many more, but these are just a few examples..

The following youtube videos might seem a little far out in left feild, but it really makes you wonder doesn't it?


[edit on 20-7-2008 by BlasteR]

[edit on 20-7-2008 by BlasteR]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 05:02 AM

Well I have a few things to bring up here in response to your post... The video I posted earlier was from a man living near that location which sais FEMA told him they were casket liners.

Still not convinced they are burial vaults/casket liners. If they are "casket liners" then where are the lids for the "casket liners"? Without having an equal number of lids to "casket liners" it would negate the whole purpose of putting a casket in a vault/liner. Caskets are put in vaults for lots of different reasons, a few of them being, to preserve casket prevent bio hazardous soil prevent soil erosion exposing casket..ect ect..all of which would be negated through use of a burial vault without a lid. So my question stands...Where all the lids if these really are burial vaults/casket liners? Wouldn't it be very cost and logistically inefficient to store/stockpile lids and containers at different locations?

And if they are burial vaults, then maybe they are manufactured nearby and this is where the company storing them until their customers place orders for them and they can be shipped to said customers whether those customers are FEMA or private entities. And like i have already stated in my previous post...maybe the reason for the stockpile is purely manufacture costs of petroleum products. If they saw the price of oil going up why not manufacture alot of them while oil was $100/barrel and stockpile them rather than make them to order at $150/barrel. that could also be why, if they are for FEMA, they ordered so many. Simply because of the rising cost of oil.
As many of previous posters have stated, why would anyone use casket internment as a means of disposing of hundreds of thousands of bodies in the event of a huge loss of life? It would be a huge waste of resources in any such mass casualty event. It would simply be cheaper, less labor intensive, and more sanitary to either pile em up and cremate the remains or dig a large trench with a back ho and bull doze large quantities of corpses into the trench and cover em up.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by shoafy]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 05:58 AM
Ok, new boy on the block here, so please excuse if I am out of line.

Several months ago a thread about these "coffins" got me hooked on ATS.

From memory, it turned out that they were protective covers to be put over a wooden coffin to stop them from being crushed by the weight from above.


posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 06:44 AM
ok...did a search and read 10 pages on the other ats thread on these things. it appears the lids are there and that they may very well be burial vaults. but it also appears that the manufacturer of them is located nearby the stockpile.

that said i still think they stockpiled them to keep manufacture costs down due to the fact of rising oil prices and that its nothing sinister.

and i also stick by my opinion that casket burial in the event of a mass casualty situation would be the worst possible way to dispose of corpses.
if u had hundreds of thousands of rotting corpses laying around rotting away, u arent going to take the time to put them in coffins and then in burial vaults and then into the ground. not only is it a huge waste of resources that would be much better allocated helping survivors and what not, but it would be a huge health risk.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by sp00n1

You are mistaken and/or deceitful to call these "coffins". These are "vaults" used to cover coffins and required in many states to protect the environment as well as the body of the dead person after burial. In the ground a normal wooden coffin can fall apart in a year or two and thus leave the body exposed to the elements, insects and vermon. The air tight "vault" is designed to give long lasting protection. I know all this because many years ago a friend of mine owned a company that produced these "vaults", except then they were manufactured of steel reinforced cement. Don't get me wrong, I think the current administration would like to see many of us gone but I don't think this stockpile is an indication of evil intent. The USA has 304,645,252 population right now and with a death rate of 8.26 per thousand, you'd need a half milion of these every 10 mystery here unless you have additional details not shared in article.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 09:44 AM
This has not been debunked! I believe I read a great deal of people discussing this, some understandably more concerned than others, which is a discussion, not a debunking.

Thank you for bringing this up again, we can't really let this one go. There have been alot said about the purpose of these coffins. Body bags and mass burials are not protocol when its something biological. These coffins seem to be a precaution against a certain type of situation. Dr. Deagle talked about the fema camps and the coffins.


Mr. Sea, a committed Christian, is a former inspector for the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense, with 31 years of federal service: 22 in the military, nine with the Department of Defense, including two years with the Air Staff. He's a holder of the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, three awards of the Joint Service Medal, all of the Vietnamese awards, as well as the Joint Meritorious Unit Medal....

Mr. Sea spoke of the coming American Holocaust of the Government's plans for dealing with the non-New World Orderites. He spoke of the infrastructure that has already been set up to incarcerate and execute Americans, and the locations of the facilities that will be used for these purposes all with photographs, leaving little to the imagination:...

These facilities, many in remote areas across our country, are set up to become concentration/detention camps, complete with gas chambers, for resisters and dissidents. Generally speaking, they're set up for dissenters who will not go along with the New World Order. The 'resisters' are gun owners who refuse to give up their weapons; the 'dissidents' are Christians, Patriots and Constitutionalists. These camps are set up. I've seen many of them....

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by mystiq

who is exactly going to lead these people to these so called gas chambers. You do relize that the people in the military are just like you and me. They are no different. If you think they would round up innocent americans (their friends, neighbors, etc.) and lock them up in these so called concentration camps, kill and gas them, then you are insane. The Major Majority of the military would never do this. You may have less than 1% of military leaders and forces that would actually go along with a plan like that. Not going to happen, Today or Ever. I would love to know who is going to enforce this NWO. It is such a joke.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by tide88]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by tide88

who is exactly going to lead these people to these so called gas chambers. You do relize that the people in the military are just like you and me.

Yup, just like they were in Nazi Germany. You do realize that Hitler didn't kill six million people by himself don't you?

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
There have been alot said about the purpose of these coffins. Body bags and mass burials are not protocol when its something biological. These coffins seem to be a precaution against a certain type of situation. Dr. Deagle talked about the fema camps and the coffins.

its been established that these are NOT coffins but burial vaults. the links to the proof on this was provided by earlier posters in this thread and in the earlier thread on this topic.

You also say that body bags and mass burials are not protocol in a biological type mass casualty event. I suppose that in your "protocol" in such a situation calls for cremation? If so, why would anyone waste the time to put mass number of corpses into these containers to ship them to an incinerator? It would be much easier/faster to scoop up the contaminated corpses en masse with a bulldozer type tool then to load them into containers one by one. I think in a biological event with mass casualties that time would be of the essence to minimize the spreading of the biological agent.
Also u provide a link to a website about the "concentration camps" and rounding up of american citizens. which is it then? will a large scale biological attack happen or will we be rounded up and slaughtered like cattle? why round us up and put us in concentration camps if they plan on unleashing a large scale biological attack?
I am in no way doubting that the PTB are up to no good and something may very well be in the making and very well be upon us soon. I am however doubting that they are stockpiling "coffins" because its been proven that these are not coffins but very likely burial vaults that protect coffins. And if any kind of mass casualty event of any kind were to happen, that it would be a HUGE waste of resources to use these containers in any way in such a situation.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by sp00n1

reading the entire thread on infowars the information was first posted on FEMA coffins in Georgia

ats members did an excellent job working this one out.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by musselwhite]

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