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What to trust/Believe, Lost and Confused

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posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:59 AM
Hi all

who do you believe,

I've read he terra papers, the dulce book and lots of other conspiracy related material and they all seem to contradict each other, trust them, trust the others, its all messed up in a big way, the terra papers, when i read them seamed to ring a tune in me, and i think i believe them in some way, and the dulce book was a good read to, but it seemed to mention things(cant remember what) that contradicted the other.

so whats is going on, what is going to happen, what does the majority think, who is in control, is it true that America have lost sections of they government to outside forces, is it true that a few of the underground bases, have also been lost, is earth really part of another planet that got sucked into the gravity, after it got blown apart in a ancient space war, are the powers that be in some countries controlled by nefarious means, are we living in a different time-line now than we were 10 years ago.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:06 AM
You can either continue reading and believing the story from all directions or choose a side and build your evidence from there. I personally can't tell you what to believe because I may contradict what you have already learned. It is up to you to translate what you perceive. If you were to listen to people you will become a lot more confused.

Believe me I know. I came to this site as a Christian and later found myself drifting away from by beliefs because I had information coming from all directions.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by trekker

You are going to have to chose a side. If you chose not to chose, have no doubt someone else will be glad to make your choice for you.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by applebiter]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:52 AM
Don't be the one who is spoon fed this information and then made to swallow it. If the information isn't suited to your beliefs, spit it out. There is tons of info regarding how did we come to be and our purpose? But all of this info doesn't mean didly if you don't agree with it at some level. Like the posters above you have to chose your own side on the issue and not be told what side to take.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by applebiter

You are going to have to chose a side. If you chose not to chose, have no doubt someone else will be glad to make your choice for you.

That is to be read into, right?
(I don' know ya man!)

reply to post by trekker

It's easy, who to trust ........... you know that feeling you get that tells you "don't turn down this street" or "wait a few to go" or "man sumpin' wrong with that dude" ....... THAT'S who you trust, your own gut - it will never ever fail you.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:03 AM
i just want to know the truth. i know what we where told told in history class at school was a load of (untruth) i know the powers that be, keep all manner of things to themselves and do not share or pass on technology that they have, down the chain to us.

i truly believe the hollow earth theory and that beings visit us from far away places, its more of the history of mankind, were we came from, how we came to be.
i suppose ats is not the best place to find the truth, to many contradictions in theory. but since i've been on this site, i have managed to add a feww more pieces to the puzzle.

i guess im just clutching at straws.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by trekker

Paralysis by analysis could be a worse fate than exploring unfamiliar territory.

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