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7/15/08 Crop Glyph indicates Solar Event on Dec 21, 2012

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posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by SaviorComplex
I had considered that, but the crop-circle glyph is not to scale. They could have just as easily included it.

Or... The model most are familiar with is the 9 planet system, including Pluto and excluding whatever else is out there. I believe these glyphs are communication with the common man - they could have radioed ahead, but only a small fraction of us would be reached. Hence a phenomenon that we all can see.

So rather than throw in every rock and berg that might be out there, muddying the communication, they used what most of us are familiar with. And we understood, n'est pas? There was no ambiguity. We found the date that the alignments pointed to easily enough as well (and nine points of reference were enough to establish this pretty clearly).

So, Savior... Have you educated yourself with the presentation by Nassim Haramein yet? I highly recommend it.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
What a load of BS.

You too, dude. Watch Nassim Haramein's presentation.

Ooops. One-liner. [gulp]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by SUNRAY06
You know advanced space faring civilization capable of traversing the vast distances of inter stellar space comes across a planet with sentient inhabitants and does what? Picks up a few animals and experiments..maybe a few people and then leaves GRAFFITI in a food crop.

Two different sets of aliens, dude. One is amongst us now, and one is on its way.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 05:58 PM
Being part of a small team that made some circles I can tell you that most of the information about these circles were flat out lies. We had people coming to the sites we made to pray and tell everyone that aliens, ghosts, magick rituals all created the circles. That the circles were too perfect to be made by people and that they held secret messages. Some people walked around with cheap geiger counters claiming that the crops and the dirt were altered. We even left some soda cans and potato chip bags about 50 feet away from our creations only to hear that there was no evidence that people had been in the spot.

It was a total joke. Go out and test it for yourself. I don't make circles anymore. I'm retired and simply don't have the time. But I did learn a lot about how people think and how people force themselves to believe in strange events.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Even the best hoaxers in the world have admitted that there are crop circles out there they have not made and no one has taken repsonsibility for.
they will admit when a circle would be extremely complex for men to make in one night.

AND, they also even have listed on their sites, very weird things that have happened to them while making their own circles.

Well some crop circle makers are better than others. Just as some artists are better than others, and others are better at complex shapes, and drawing pictures useing a strange medium (crops)

Also to counter your other point. You've spent many nights working in the dark trying to hone your talent of makeing crop circles. for 1 you spend many more ours out in the pitch black of crop fields than the average joe, so you more likely to see natural phenomena, that you can't explain.
2. Your eyes are not so well adjusted, nor is your brain being that it's pitch black, maybe moonlit, but also your concentraiting heavily on the task at hand, it can make you very open to seeing things that are either natural, or just not there. Could be birds that have bedded down in the fields for the night ect.

Crop Circles are man made, heck they even have contests for them now.

The prank goes way back before the two fathers of the CC's , forget their names nut I thing it was Dan and Dave or something, both started with a D. I remember they even signed thier circles. DD.

The old pamphlet with the devil cutting corn stalks in a circle(was like from the early 1900's if I remember right, maybe earlier.), probably An old tale to scare children from hiding in the crops at night ect. All these things have origins, and they get convoluted as they get handed down.

I watched plenty of shows,did some reading too, where the nodes in the "genuine" circle were blown out ect due to large amounts of heat or something, and the whole radiation bit. But I don't think any of these have been proven definitivelty yet, I think a group of MIT students were looking into it when I saw this show some 8-10 years ago. Guess they didn't find anything concllusive. Didn't suprise me.

I find the first alignment shown of the four inner planets in a straight line alot more profound than this alignment which I can't even see anything special about. Is there a Y shape or something?

Anyhow Until one is caught makeing these like that hoax orb video. But without the hoax part. I believe ALL Crop circles are man made.

You'd be suprised what artists can do when they have the time and drive to do something.

I find it funny the one posted in this thread is found probably in like Lesson 2 of 100 in the big book of How to make Crop Circles. Thats how easily that circle could have been done. Vert low on the difficulty scale imo.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 07:29 PM
i remember watching a show on crop circles, forget the name, one scientist who examined the site found "99% silicone substance, something which does not exist on this planet". Not sure if anymore info on this substance has come out, also seen videos of people being driven off fresh crop circle sites, by black unmarked helicopters...

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by prevenge

Great find. It looks like the Grays have been busy. I went to that
crop circle link. WOW! The Grays are giving us great puzzles to look at.
I heard the REAL crop circles made by the Greys have the wheat
blown apart. The fake just ones have the wheat pushed over by a
wooden board. The crop circle archive jpeg from Italy is cool.
The crop circle Italy 2008-6-29
has the 12 dots pointing to the center.
I think I have figured that one out.
That is actually a diagram of a Gravity Wave Tractor Beam.
12 Artifical Gravity Wave Generators focusing on a common point
in space.
I wonder if the Grays will give me a prize for figuring it out?

All i want is 10 pounds of platinum.

[edit on 17-7-2008 by Eurisko2012]

[edit on 17-7-2008 by Eurisko2012]

[edit on 17-7-2008 by Eurisko2012]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
Great find. It looks like the Grays have been busy.

I don't believe it is the Grays. They are the ones who are here, and the circles (the ones by aliens, of course) are messages for various factions on the planet. Some are trying to contact us, and some are contacting others.

What information do you have that the circles are created by the Grays?

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:06 PM
according to Solar System Live, this is the relative position of planets in our solar system for Dec. 21, 2012 at 00:00

Pretty close if you ask me, but... who knows...

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:14 PM
I, too, believe that authentic crop circles (you know, the ones that aren't incompetent) are impossible for a human being or human beings to create. Aliens are trying to send valuable messeges through them that we as a denial and primitive race so unwisely disregard. Anyone who still believes they're all hoaxed should go get some actual footage of hoaxers creating one before they go ahead and make complete ignoramuses out of themselves!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
Great find. It looks like the Grays have been busy.

I don't believe it is the Grays. They are the ones who are here, and the circles (the ones by aliens, of course) are messages for various factions on the planet. Some are trying to contact us, and some are contacting others.

What information do you have that the circles are created by the Grays?

One of the crop circles had a 3D picture of a Gray.
It looked pretty good.
I'm guessing in about 5 years we will actually be shown
the advanced technology remote controlled probes that
create a crop circle in a few short minutes.
The guidance system must be incredible.
I predict they will only be about 3 feet in diameter.
The Grays are masters of miniaturization.
Of course they have had many years to replicate and optimize
their probes.
They shouldn't be too hard to reverse engineer.
Lockheed Martin could do it no problem.
-- They probably already have -----shhhhhhhhhhh!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Zepherian
That and the fact that 3 people in 2 hours could make that crop circle, I've seen it done on a similar scale, it dosen't take thousands, that thing is only some 30-40m across, you can judge the scale by the tractor tracks.

Unfortunately, you can't judge the scale of the tractor tracks. I can assure you that the distance between the individual tyre tracks is at least 2 metres. I've worked out the minimum diameter of this image to be at least 140 metres.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by ParaFreaky

I agree with that. If human pranksters are responsible for the large, extremely complicated designs, where's the proof? Why doesn't someone do a masterpiece overnight and make a video documentary of it, and prove for once and for all that it's actually possible, instead of just saying it is when so many disagree?

If ET's are responsible for the complicated ones, it's fair to say it may be difficult to prove, but if it's all pranksters, it couldn't possibly be easier.

[edit on 18/7/08 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:09 AM
EXACTLY! Even if the the glyph were less than 30-40m there is still evidence closing the possiblity of a hoax! The truth is before us my fellow earth dwellers! In plain sight but only for the open eyes to witness!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by ParaFreaky

And the open mouthed.

So some guys who had the starry night software, moved the date to 2012, and drew it out on paper, then decided to put it in a corn field one night...Awesome.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by cruzion

MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HAHA! HA!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AHA! AHA! HA. HAHA...Wait a minute, was that a positive or negative statement? I've only been here so long, y'know?

How about decephering a few crop circles with stereotypical alien heads on them?! Hahahahaha! I don't have much time to gather and understand everything I come across, but then again, I don't need that long! Haahahahahahahahaha!! I make no sense!! Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
One of the crop circles had a 3D picture of a Gray.

Several things I might point out... First, the Grays are amongst us, and have no interest in "coming out of the closet," second, just because we are being shown a Gray would not mean that Grays were the ones who "drew" it (maybe another race is trying to tell us we are under their control), and third, other races may look similar and we have the image of "Alien" in our heads and like some people who see all Asians or all Blacks or all (fill in the blank) as "looking alike," perhaps it was mistaken for a Gray.

So I would not interpret it as necessarily being a message FROM the Grays.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by aLinkToThePast

can you please cite any evidence of the cases of " black helicopers ......... driving people off "

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
Why doesn't someone do a masterpiece overnight...

Do crop circles actually appear over night? Or do we just think they do? Just because someone hadn't noticed it before doesn't mean it appeared "overnight."

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by SaviorComplex

It would seem that all crop circles appear at night. Even the ones where people say UFOs' came down and did it. They always come at night. Strange coincidence, no?
We know that people who fake the crop circles do it at night, so they aren't seen/caught. It adds a lot to the mystique, as it suddenly appears, as if from thin air, and no one seen anyone doing it.
I guess this is also thought process behind the aliens thinking, when they come down to make their circles. I guess they don't want to be seen or caught either.
The rational mind would have suspect that the aliens modus operandi is rather too coincidental to the cropcircle fakers, and for me, the conclusion is that it really is only people doing it.
It's the simplest and most logical explanation. Why bring UFO's into it?
It is like an agraraian version of Banksy spraying walls.

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