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A Conspiracy of Zionist-Masonic Misdirection

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posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 05:47 PM

Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another.

This is something I have been thinking about and the more I analyze and contemplate, the more it seems like a real conspiracy.

Fact: Hundreds of thousands of Jews were massacred in hunts organized by clergy and royalty from the Crusades to the 1700s. The Inquisition itself was orginally organized to hunt down Jews who practiced Judaism in secret.

Fact: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was part of a conspiracy by Russian Tsars to scapegoat Jews.

In modern Conspiracy Theory, in one way or another Zionist Jews often become the scapegoat at the end of the rainbow. Everything from the so called New World Order, 9-11, JFK, Illuminati, Communism, etc. In one way or another people always implicate Zionist Jews.

After examining historical precedents and researching various real conspiracies like Operation Paperclip, etc. I have come to the assumption that Zionists and Jews are scapegoats, serving as misdirection from real issues. I think a number of so called conspiracy theories could also be misdirection, but I won't get into that in this thread. Overall I think memetic disinformation and misdirection play a much larger role in the meme complex of conspiracy theory than people realize.

Following with that line of thought is also the scapegoating of Freemasonry. Like the Jews they have been implicated in vast conspiracies. One very strong myth is the idea that masons are Luciferians. That is simply not true, but what is true is that Leo Taxil conspired to create and spread this Luciferian myth at the expense of the Catholic Church's anti masonic policies.

Masonry like Jewry have been suppressed and persecuted in history. It was suppressed throughout the Soviet Union and its satellite nations, the Warsaw Pact. It is illegal throughout the Islamic world and associated with Zionism. It was suppressed throughout Fascist Europe under Hitler and even Imperial Japan.

There are often associations drawn between Jews and Masonry, even though at times even Freemasonry was Anti semitic and required members to be of Christian faith.

Jews and Masons do not stand together in solidarity. There are Masonic Jews or Jewish Masons, but overall there is no solidarity on any issue or idea, except one.


In Judaism and in Freemasonry, the concept of Charity is exalted. How insane is it that two of the biggest philanthropic societies are made into scapegoats and objects of radical hate.

I have come to the conclusion, that it may not just be random hate and persecution. There are already marks of organized, systematic Anti Masonic and Anti Judaic mechanisms in the past with Imperial Russia, Fascist Germany, the Catholic Church, Jihadist Groups, and the Soviet Union.

If one can figure out the mystery here and complete this puzzle of hate and misdirection, I think people may be one step closer to discovering if there really is a "They" and who "They" really are.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:01 AM
So no one thinks that Jews and Masons might be set up as scapegoats to misdirect people from real conspirators and conspiracies?

I'm guessing many people have already fell for the misdirection and memeplex that says Jews and Masons are evil.

Or maybe the thread title irked people. I have no idea.

Thoughts, Opinions? Anyone?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:33 AM
I think it's the title. It's making it sound more like your saying a plot by the Masons and the Jews (it's Judaism, not Jewry) instead of against.
So people are probably avoiding the thread cause of that. Personaly,
at least of rhte Jewish part, I think it's just the prevalence of Christianity made easy for the Jews to become a target.
After all, according to many er... scratch that.
Eddie Izzard joke, you'll know it if you've heard it.
A lot of antisemites use the "Jews killed Jesus" card, and forget that Hesus was a Jew. So to them, it makes the jewish people fair game.
And, when things get bad, a scapegoat is the best way to distract the public while you try to clean house, or get things together.
Anyone not like the mojority is against the majority. Therefore they are evil. From there, it's kind of personal preference.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:07 PM
I think that there are a lot of different reasons however these are what i think common to masons and Judaism:
a) Different and unfamiliar religious (at least in Judaism) ceremonies which can be smeared and lied about by anyone,
b) keeping a society inside bigger society that alarm parano..., nope, better - generally suspicious members of the society that can be rallied to anyone's flag easily using those groups as threats,
c) Having some important/influencing/rich members that can be singled out for critique and this critique can be latter applied to whole group by anyone willing.
I do not think that charity or anything else matters.
About "origin" of mysterious anyone - it really can be anyone. Circumstances, desire to become famous easily, desire to plunder, to gain/hold power .... These usually small and less protected (not always) groups are ideal for - as you said - scapegoating. But it is also not conspiracy, these are just different anyones who want to ease their way up.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I have come to the conclusion, that it may not just be random hate and persecution.

Why waste your time on people with no money.
Great pickings for criminal thug governments.
Look at what happened to the Templars.
They had their own bank.
The pope declared them heretics, killed them and stole their money, then declared they were not really heretics.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:41 PM
My point in naming the title that way was specifically to get people's attention. It can be read different ways. In a way the title misdirects.

The thing that really makes me wonder, is the universal scapegoating of both groups. It makes me really think that behind the scenes there are a number of people around the world who purposely use Jews and Masons as misdirection.

While people debate and discuss so called Zionist Masonic Illuminist bloodlines and other such disinfo, it makes me wonder what are we being misdirected from, who is doing it, and why.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
Fact: Hundreds of thousands of Jews were massacred in hunts organized by clergy and royalty from the Crusades to the 1700s. The Inquisition itself was orginally organized to hunt down Jews who practiced Judaism in secret.

This isn't entirely true and therefore not a fact. Jews were not specifically targeted by the Inquisitions, or by the Crusades. They were expelled from certain territories but the Roman Church, per se, has never had any difficulty with Jews. The Inquisitions specifically targeted 'conversos' (as well as Pagans, Gnostics etcs), those Jews who had converted to Christianity but retained some of their Jewish traditions. Jews unwilling to convert were merely dubbed 'infidels' and expelled or their social/legal status not permitted to ascend any higher than 'peasant'.

Without exception the Jews, from the Portugese and Spanish Inquistions onwards have been targeted for financial gain, their expulsion being the means by which their lands and possessions could be seized. It was not until the actions of the Nazis, that this practice of acquistion was accompanied by genocide.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I tried to start a thread on a similar topic. It went nowhere.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 01:48 PM
Ive authored three threads carefully hinting at this. They are:

Conspiracy against Jews

The Reverse Conspiracy Theory

The very real conspiracy against Freemasonry

Nothing is as it seems. The good guys may be the bad guys and the bad guys may be the good guys. More than a decade of intense study and you start seeing the Light.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 04:36 PM
From everything I have read so far, the Inquisition initially was organized to hunt down cryptic Jews or Jews who practiced in secret. It spread to others, e.g. gnostics, pagans after that.

I would like to see someone calculate some numbers on the chances that this widespread persecution is all just coincidence. Why arn't other small groups suppressed and persecuted on a scale like the Masons and Jews?

The phenomena just seems too driven and motivated to be just coincidence that universal hatred and suspicion exists towards Masons and Jews.

If someone was pushing the deception, who would it be and what are they misdirecting people from? Is it archetypal? Are people unconsciously programmed to hate Jews and Masons?

I look at "Real" conspiracies like Operation Paperclip, Operation Condor, ODESSA, Ratlines, Operation Gladio, etc. They have two things in common that really disturb me. Fascists and connections to members of the Roman Catholic Church. I'm not implicating the Vatican, but there are some shady members of the Church out there. The Fascists, well we all should know who and what the Nazis represent. At the same time though that doesn't address the hatred in the Islamic world or other places outside the sphere of Catholic and Fascist influence. So it must be something bigger, but what?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
From everything I have read so far, the Inquisition initially was organized to hunt down cryptic Jews or Jews who practiced in secret. It spread to
I look at "Real" conspiracies like Operation Paperclip, Operation Condor, ODESSA, Ratlines, Operation Gladio, etc. They have two things in common that really disturb me. Fascists and connections to members of the Roman Catholic Church. I'm not implicating the Vatican, but there are some shady members of the Church out there. The Fascists, well we all should know who and what the Nazis represent. At the same time though that doesn't address the hatred in the Islamic world or other places outside the sphere of Catholic and Fascist influence. So it must be something bigger, but what?

What you have to remember is that the Roman Catholic Church is the church that forgives. No matter what you do, no matter what depths of humanity you stoop too, you can not only be offered absolution, you can buy it. The Roman Church may not instigate these conspiracies, but it does profit from them and it does offer absolution to it perpetrators.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Again I'm not implicating the Church. I'm worried about shady likeminded individuals who are members of it. The same goes for various shady groups and organizations involved in various real world conspiracies like Operation Condor, Iran-Contra, the Blood Diamond trade, and Stay Behind Operations Groups.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by KilgoreTrout

Again I'm not implicating the Church.

YOU don't need to implicate the Church, there is evidence and it is only the fact that it claims immunity, and that no government or body seems willing or able to contest that, that it keeps on getting away with it. The Roman Catholic Church is used as a tool by many and as such it has its own evidence of the wrongdoings of others. It is a two-way blackmailing street, a completely symbiotic relationship.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I think there is a treasure-trove here. You'll hit paydirt once you connect what you called "crypto-Judaism" to Sufism at the dawn of the Islamic Rennaisance.

Ultimately, it's the worldview or knowledge any of these groups carry or have carried in the past that is relevent - not the labels or the bloodlines.

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:20 PM
All I know is that anywhere you find extreme levels of stupidity and bigotry you also find hatred of jews and masons. Its no coincidence that a certain country in which women are seen as the guilty ones if they get beaten and raped is at the same time also the country in which freemasonry is outlawed and jews despised.

Scapegoating jews then becomes a diversion and deflection from their own shameful acts which they dont want to face.

Conspiracy-Theories involving Jews as the grand evil force are thought-up, written and published by such questionable sources for questionable reasons and with questionable results (the holocaust for example).

I wouldnt be surprised if a significant amount of anti-jewish posts on this website resolve to IP-addresses from aforementioned countries (hint, hint).

The Roman Catholic church used to be a force of stupidity hundreds of years ago but they´ve mellowed out in order to adapt to new levels of evolution. Fascism has fallen, communism has fallen. One of the last challenges we face is religious extremism.

Maybe George W, the idiot, was right afterall

[edit on 16-7-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

A little too soon to say fascism has fallen, I think.

There will be a wave of theocratic fascism to sweep America within 20 years, I think. Maybe sooner.

[edit on 16-7-2008 by applebiter]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by applebiter
A little too soon to say fascism has fallen, I think.

There will be a wave of theocratic fascism to sweep America within 20 years, I think. Maybe sooner.

In small helpings for sure. Its a phase a nation usually goes through before progressing to more mellow heights. But I believe we´re all too aware of it for it to be enforced on a wider-scale (thats only my typically optimistic opinion though).

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by applebiter
reply to post by MikeboydUS

I think there is a treasure-trove here. You'll hit paydirt once you connect what you called "crypto-Judaism" to Sufism at the dawn of the Islamic Rennaisance.

Care to expand upon that? I admit my own ignorance on the subject so if you'd like to say some more about it to give me a place to start a little research I'd really appreciate it.

To MikeBoydUS: Do you have any idea what the point of all this deflection is? Are the Jews and Masons just the go-to scapegoats for everyone? Or is there something larger and more specific?

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by sc2099

The Templars had a fantastic turn of luck when the location they had secured as headquarters in the Holy Land turned out to be situated directly above an interesting historical location. Another amazing coincidence is that these knights had quite a zeal for archeology.

What ever they found there apparently impressed the Pope enough to shower them with praise and blessings... that is, until they stopped sending the relics to the Church.

The speculation is that parts of the what they found there already existed in the Greek Classics, which were translated not from Greek but from Arabic. The flowering of Islam in Moorish Spain is to thank for preserving and elucidating the classics for Europeans farther North. Science, poetry, medicine, sacred geometry... everything of value to a mind untroubled by want or privation.

It is also conceivable that they found scrolls similar to the copper scrolls found in Qumran in the 20th Century.

Did the Cistercians help the Templars to locate the site where they set up shop? Was the Templar Order's stated goal a cover story? Were the noble families in Europe at the time when the Cistercian Order was founded, and from whom some of the more important members of that Order were drawn, actually the keepers of an underground "crypto-Judaic" tradition?

That should be enough to get you started.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by sc2099

I have a feeling there may be something larger and more specific, but I could be wrong.

There seems to be an overall network that could be tied into this misdirection.

Part of this could be connected to various NATO Stay Behind Operations groups who have been involved in various false flag operations and in the concept of strategy of tension.

Another part it could be connected to is ODESSA, Organization of Former Members of the SS. Including Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny of the Waffen SS and his neo fascist organization Paladin Group.

Both of these groups have been involved in covert ops in Algeria and in Latin America and have networked in the past.

Another connection appears to be Propaganda Due also known as P2, a false masonic lodge. It is linked with the various NATO stay behind operations groups and I would not be surprised if it has other links with neo fascists, like Paladin Group.

The Vatican Bank is also connected to all of the above. They all seem to be linked to funneling money through it.

One other connection in all of this is the Mafia which has been linked in various ways to all of the above. My guess is that the Mafia and the Vatican Bank are services rather than active partcipants or key players. They help with various financial, logistic, and supply activities.

These neo fascists and their support seem to be involved in a number of shady operations, the Illegal drug trade, Illegal arms trading, and Blood Diamond trade. Maybe this Black Market is what they are deflecting from.

One thing that really got me was reports that neo fascists have actively set up false flag ops and using a strategy of tension to cause conflict between Jews and Muslims. This makes me wonder how much of the Islamic world and Israel are being manipulated against each other like pawns. There defintiely seems like some kind of Divide and Rule, divide et impera philosophy is at work in all of this.

So far those two concepts, the International Black Market and the concept of Divide et impera/Strategy of Tension seem to me to be the two possible conspiracies that are being protected by deception and misdirection. I would guess the overall goal is maintaining the Status Quo, which is to maintain profit, product, and a Pax Cryptica. Pax Cryptica is an idea of mine that means a global environment that is positive for the International Black Market, where smaller conflicts provide a postive environment for trade and prevent world war through division and tension. In other words a bunch of small conflicts all over the world that help prevent any World War. This helps maintain illegal trade networks and also provides consumers for drugs, weapons, and other contraband.

I know its not exotic. No reptiles or world government here. Its a fairly simple and very realistic theory.

[edit on 17/7/08 by MikeboydUS]

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