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bible FAQ

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posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

I concede that the Romans used water clocks and sun dials at this time however there is no evidence that the author of John uses this method of timekeeping in his story. Considering all the other discrepancies between the synoptics and John including what day Jesus was crucified it is more likely that this gospel was written to convey a theological meaning i.e having jesus crucified when the passover lamb was killed.


posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:07 PM
Other contradictions:-

How many male members of the clans of Levi were there? Num 3:21 - 3:34 gives the total as 22,300 while 3:39 gives the total as 22,000.

Another arithmetical error is in Ezra, 1:9-10 gives the total items returned was 2499 (count them) while the next line states Ezra 1:11 all the vessels of gold and of silver were five thousand four hundred and sixty nine. Thats a big difference to 2499 items.

In Ezra 2:64 & Nehemiah 7:66;
The whole assembly together was forty two thousand three hundred and sixty.

but when we count up all the people in their lists Ezra totals 29,818 while Nehemiah's was 31,089. So how many people was it?

Since when did rabbits chew the cud? Lev 11:6 also 4 legged insects? Lev 11:20-23

Did Michal, the daughter of Saul, have any children? II Sam 6:23 - No children while II Sam 21:8 she has 5 sons. Which is it to be?

There are plenty more.


posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:28 PM
or in the Bible arnebeths;

could be in reality a Hyrax
If it is a hare or rabbit;

There is evidence that rabbits are pseudo-ruminants,
it eats it's own waste Do rabbits chew the cud?
As to the others, later.

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 05:33 PM
shiluud are you uing the KJV? This bible was translated wrong in some areas hence the contradictions, those same contradictions cannot be found in the Deuhy Rheims bible.

You see in 1611 the first KJV was formed, back then there was alot of errors found in that book not including the tons of pagan images found throughout the pages and even might I say satanic images, I have to go back to my research.

If satan created the great revolt 1500s that broke from the catholic church then he would have something to do with the formation of the new age bibles.

Like I said read up about the original KJV which still exist today and you will find out some interesting facts about it.

[edit on 14-7-2008 by JesusisTruth]

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by JesusisTruth
Yes was using the KJV but when checked with other versions including the D-R version the verses are virtually identical - contradictions and all.


posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by shihulud
i gave you other scriptures did you read them

posted on Jul, 14 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by shihulud

well thre are some rules regarding numbers usages in scripture:

#1 they may be round numbers or common expressions as in there are a thousand people there

#2 there may be a specific purpose for the list so some people may be left out

#3 mistranslated numbers

#4 you have to add numbers together (the problem you had was that in v 9 it was specifying gold while in v11 it ws adding gold and silver together as it says)

in lev 11:20 it is talking of four specific abominations not things that walk on four legs(the words "all" and "shall be" are in italics which means they were added by the translaters):
"camel"(v4; dt 14:7)"coney"v 5; dt14:4)"hare"(v 7; dt 14:7)after first nibbling and partially chewing its foodthe hare deposits the same food in its cheeks to be chewed a second time ully before swallowing(v6) this is spoken of as chewing its cud "swine"(v 7; dt 14:7)

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by iesus_freak

Ok I can see the rounding down of the clans of Levi.

#4 you have to add numbers together (the problem you had was that in v 9 it was specifying gold while in v11 it ws adding gold and silver together as it says)

Lets see Ezra 1:9 -10 And this is the number of them: thirty chargers of gold, a thousand chargers of silver, nine and twenty knives, Thirty basons of gold, silver basons of a second sort four hundred and ten, and other vessels a thousand.
verse 9 contains 30 gold, 1000 silver, 29 knives; v 10 30 gold, 410 silver and 1000 other items (whether of gold or silver??). Totaling all these including the silver = 2499. Not the 5469 as stated in verse 11

#2 there may be a specific purpose for the list so some people may be left out
A specific purpose that would change the totals between Ezra and Nehemiah and even the totals from some of the peoples but still give the total of the whole assembly as 42360?

#3 mistranslated numbers
Mistranslated in two different books?

You would think that if these books were inspired by god then they would know that rabbits don't chew the cud, insects don't have 4 legs and camels are part footed.

What we can deduce is that the bible contains errors and contradictions. As we don't have the originals then who can say for sure what was mistranslated or edited?

Added:- Checked your other scriptures and answered at the bottom of the last page, Abiathar is not Ahimelech.


[edit on 15-7-2008 by shihulud]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Why do you believe that certain gospels were stripped of their canonicity?

Why was it forbidden for the Bible to be written in a common language?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by eye open doors
well i dont think that people in the councils shouldve done either...
i accept many of the noncanonical book like: bk of jubilees...bk of giants...bk of enoch...bel and the dragon........the prayer of the three men......etc.

and the bible was written in noncommon language to make it mysterious which i dont agree with but thats how it is

[edit on 15-7-2008 by iesus_freak]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by eye open doors

The Venerable Bede was translating the Bible into Anglo-Saxon back in 730 AD so I do not think it was forbidden by the Church.
He was involved in the project that created the first single volume Bible.
Before that they were just a bunch of scattered manuscripts.

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by iesus_freak

What do you believe were the intentions behind the actions of the above listed?

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:17 PM
in ezra it mentioned only 2470 vessels but that does not mean that there werent 5400 vessels in all

i answered the question about the rabbit...but im sorry i made a mistake on the leviticus thing.......the 4 in lev was referring to the four animals in the following verses............. omit all italisized words.........they were added by translaters to try to make sense of the hebrew.

then in ezra and nehemia look at this:

1 children of pharoah(v3)... 2172
2 of shaphetiah(v4)............ 372
3 of arah(v5)..................... 775
3 of pahati-moab, jeshua
and joab(v6)............... 2812
4 of elam(v7).................... 1254
5 of zattu.......................... 945
6 of zaccai........................ 760
7 of bani........................... 642
8 of bebal......................... 623
9 of azgad........................ 1222
10 of adonokam.................. 666
11 of bigvai........................ 2056
12 of adin.......................... 454
13 of ater.......................... 98
14 of bezai........................ 323
15 of jorah........................ 112
16 of hashum.................... 223
17 of gibbar....................... 95
18 of bethlehem................. 123
19 of netophah.................. 56
20 of anothoth................... 128
21 of azmeveth................. 42
22 of kirjatharim, chepirah,
beroth...................... 743
23 of rama and gaba.......... 621
24 of michmas................... 122
25 of bethel and ai............. 223
26 of nebo........................ 52
27 of magbish................... 156
28 of second elam............. 1254
29 of harim...................... 320
30 of lod, hadid, and ono... 725
31 of jericho..................... 345
32 of senaah.................... 3630 33 of jedaiah.................... 973
34 of immar..................... 1052
35 of pashus.................... 1247
36 of second harim........... 1017
37 of jeshua, kadmeil........ 74
38 of asaph...................... 128
39 of porters.................... 139
40 of nethinims, and
solomons servants... 392
41 of questionable
israelites................. 652
-Total listed.......... 29818
-Not listed............ 12542
-total of verse 64.. 42360
42 servants, maids........... 7337
43 singing men and
women................... 200
GRAND TOTAL.......... 49897

[edit on 15-7-2008 by iesus_freak]

[edit on 15-7-2008 by iesus_freak]

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by eye open doors
the intentions were to find books that support the churches coctrine at that time

posted on Jul, 15 2008 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by shihulud
okay then let us review those verses... 1 sam 21:1 ahimelech THE PREIST....... 1 sam 22: 9 ............. ahimelech son of hitub...they called abiathar ahimelech and his son ahimilech was called hitub...the hebrews have different names for there children..........1 sam 22: 11.......... ahimelech THE PREIST................ 1 sam 22: 14...... ahimelch...the same one!

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by iesus_freak
in ezra it mentioned only 2470 vessels but that does not mean that there werent 5400 vessels in all
Then why even devote some lines to half of what was there?

the 4 in lev was referring to the four animals in the following verses............. omit all italisized words.........they were added by translaters to try to make sense of the hebrew.
How very convenient - as I said there are no original copies so we don't know exactly what was written.

then in ezra and nehemia look at this:

1 children of pharoah(v3)...
41 of questionable
israelites................. 652
-Total listed.......... 29818
-Not listed............ 12542
-total of verse 64.. 42360
42 servants, maids........... 7337
43 singing men and
women................... 200
GRAND TOTAL.......... 49897

OK again why devote half a page to listing most (even including the questionable isrealites) and not bother listing them all? Most of the time things are pretty exacting and to the point in the bible. But then you get all the glaring errors.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by shihulud
there are plenty of reasons to denote attention to some vessels and people not israelites.... #1 israelites were so common there is not really a reason to list them all and this was a partial list of those who registered and the final versse was naming the people IN ALL whether they mentioned them or not.... its very common in the lists of the bible they mention some and then they give a total including others that they did not mention......and they could have not mentioned the vessels because these were the vessels of a specific house or tribe or because the vessels they did not mention werent worth much so just werent mentioned or they gave a partial list to give an idea of what they found etc etc. the rabbis never had a problem with it and even scholars who ddo not believe in the bible agree that those lists are partial lists and the grand total is the full number.

i dont know how else to explain it so if you still dont believe me go to a scholar

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by shihulud

there is a fallacy in youre statement there are no original copies... how do we know that ...the documnts we have couldve been oral history until those very documents were written. we have some of the earliest telling every one out there we have some of the earlies mss in the world the bible is very reliable in its original language just not in its translation

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:28 AM

Did Michal, the daughter of Saul, have any children? II Sam 6:23 - No children while II Sam 21:8 she has 5 sons. Which is it to be?

2 Samuel 6:23 refers to Michal, 21:8 refers to another daugther of Saul, Merab. Some manuscripts have 'Michal' in 21:8, others have 'Merab.' The key is 1 Samuel 18, which says that Merab married Adriel of Meholah (verse 19), and Michal married David (verse 27). So they're different people.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Alcove

Hey I'm just stating what it says in most manuscripts, Michal had no kids - Michal had 5 kids. In other words a BIBLICAL ERROR.


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