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2012 The year Jupiter will Ignite?

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posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:15 AM

The Maya conceived of time and human history as moving in cycles, small and large.
While we use a single calendar to keep track of our annual solar circuit and to mark all of the important days within a year, the Maya used a variety of calendars.
The array included a 365-day solar calendar; a 260-day sacred calendar and a Long Count calendar that operated something like an odometer with a zero start date.
Unlike the other calendars the Long Count clocked linear time and was programmed to stop after 5,125 years elapsed.

The Long Count was begun at the onset of this current cycle, known as the 5th Sun, in 3114 BC. (the day Venus was expelled out by Saturn) and we aligned ourselves with our current sol. I believe before this time earth was in orbit around saturn (4th sun , black sun , old sun)

It will clock the required number of years to complete a full cycle of five suns on December 21, 2012.
There will also probably be two major alignments, (one between the winter solstice sun and the galactic equator; the other an approximate one between solstice sun and galactic core) and it also completes the Great Zodiac precession cycle of 26,000 years. I do wonder if that is all there is to the end of this solar cycle- the 5th Sun? Will this be the start of the 6th sun jupiter?


posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 05:04 AM
Well that defiantly sounds interesting, Ill start some research on this and hopefully ill be back soon with some information.


posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:55 PM

Did you find any other research on this subject?

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