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New Proof! Bilderberger Frank Pearl Chose Obama Since 2003

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posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:16 AM
Just did some digging and discovered this.

Obama chose James Johnson, Vice Chairman of Perseus LLC to vet his VP. Well, the Chairman of Perseus LLC is a man named Frank Pearl. Pearl is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and American Friends of Bilderberg.

You can see his bio here from

Well it turns out that this same Frank Pearl of Washington DC took a liking to Illinois Senator Barack Obama back in 2003. Here's is the pdf from the FEC database/ Look at letter B on the form. Frank Pearl, Washington, D.C:


So why is it that a member of the CFR and Bilderberg group decided to back an Illinois Senator named Barack Obama as far back as 2003??? And how is it that it was Frank Pearl who backed Obama as far back as 2003, and then Pearl's Co-Chair at Perseus LLC was picked by Obama to vet his VP?

And it's interesting that Pearl's company, Perseus LLC, also is partnered with George Soros since 2000:


Are these the people who have been pulling the levers for Obama since as far back as 2003?

Now here's something even more interesting. Before you Obama fans get your hopes up thinking Obama's the NWO's chosen candidate to win in November, check out what else I dug up:

Richard Holbrooke is also partnered with Johnson and Pearl at Perseus LLC. It turns out that Holbrooke also contributed to Obama back in 2006.

Obama wasn't running for anything in 2006. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, and is serving a 6 year term.

So why did Holbrooke contribute to Obama in 2006?? Was the contribution for the 2008 Presidential campaign?


Holbrooke has already contributed to Obama's 2010 Senate campaign fund.

I'm not sure what this all means except for one thing. Obama is full of $($# when he blathers on about how he's not part of the Washington D.C status quo. It's the Washington D.C. elite that have put him where he's at right now.

I'm just not sure at this point if it's for Obama to win to election, or to make sure McCain will win the election.

Time will tell...

[edit on 3-7-2008 by jamie83]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:23 AM
This is a GREAT find and deserves a lot more study....

For us at anytime to imagine ANY politician is unfettered or not influenced by the system, is to live in ignorance...


posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
This is a GREAT find and deserves a lot more study....

For us at anytime to imagine ANY politician is unfettered or not influenced by the system, is to live in ignorance...



I think it's disgusting that Obama has campaigned from day 1 on the premise that he's a Washington outsider and not part of the Washington status quo. And it's idiotic when Obama supporters act like Obama is a fresh face not sullied yet by D.C. politics.

I'm just wondering why these people picked Obama as far back in 2003.

[edit on 3-7-2008 by jamie83]

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 02:00 AM
Great find!

It all fits in with the theory that everything, for many decades now, had been planned a long time ago. If you were king of the world, would you ever let confrontation and change really threaten your throne or would you control every aspect of it?

I wanted to believe Obama was decent, but I figured that he, and Hillary, and everybody else (save for our boy Ron Paul) were all part of it. If, indeed, Obama was chosen a while ago, what is their intention by putting him on the front lines (so the bottom of the heirarchy of elites)?

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 02:24 AM
Great post!

You can find Bill Clinton linked to NWO too.

I haven't been able to find links to NWO with McCain though!

It makes you wonder. Obama and the Clintons are obviously part of NWO, as are the Bushes, but I have yet to link McCain.

It can only mean two things. McCain is NWO or NWO architects think Obama will having a sweeping victory over a McCain say versus a Ron Paul (the reason Paul got scuttled).

I think NWO is pushing and planning for Obama because they think he can unite the Middle East (ME Union) under the guise of Islam.

Their ulitmate goal is to defeat China (check out Obama's lead foreign campaign advisor who authored the book "The Grand Chessboard"). China must not control the ME or Africa to do so.

Either way, these men are very greedy and Obama is the puppet catoring to their whims. He may side with the Muslims should the political winds change.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by astronomine
I wanted to believe Obama was decent, but I figured that he, and Hillary, and everybody else (save for our boy Ron Paul) were all part of it. If, indeed, Obama was chosen a while ago, what is their intention by putting him on the front lines (so the bottom of the heirarchy of elites)?

I think the boys at Perseus had multiple motives. Their first goal was cutting the head off the monster knows as the Clintons. It's no surprise that THIS is their homepage:


Their next goal is guaranteeing themselves a fat paycheck by making sure U.S. policy supports their endeavors. They have billions invested in a variety of different ventures. CleanTech seems to be one of the areas they're focused on. So it's no surprise Obama is planning on spending $50 billion on investments into clean technology companies.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by jetxnet

I think NWO is pushing and planning for Obama because they think he can unite the Middle East (ME Union) under the guise of Islam.

Their ulitmate goal is to defeat China (check out Obama's lead foreign campaign advisor who authored the book "The Grand Chessboard"). China must not control the ME or Africa to do so.

Either way, these men are very greedy and Obama is the puppet catoring to their whims. He may side with the Muslims should the political winds change.

I think there may be a lot of truth to what you say. These are some of the smartest, and most power and money hungry people in the world. They are going to do whatever it takes to protect their interests first and foremost.

I wonder what goes through the minds of the young, idealistic Obama supporters when they see the curtain pulled back and discover men like Frank Pearl, James Johnson, George Soros, and Zbignew Brazinski are the ones pulling the levers to create the all mighty, all powerful media persona known as "Barack Obama", 21st Century Messiah?

And I'm still wondering if they're not using Obama to make sure McCain gets in. These guys play both sides all the time.

And doesn't anybody else find it odd that Obama already has hundreds, if not thousands of donors contributing to his Obama 2010 Senate campaign fund???

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by jamie83
...These are some of the smartest, and most power and money hungry people in the world. They are going to do whatever it takes to protect their interests first and foremost.
And I'm still wondering if they're not using Obama to make sure McCain gets in. These guys play both sides all the time.

I'll let a well-connected Republican reply to that:

Mitt Romney: "I go in their primary, just like a lot of other folks, and voted against the person who I thought was the strongest Democrat.

Now, that happens in America today, but let me tell you, in the general election, I don't recall ever once voting for anyone other than a Republican."

"If they are Republicans and independents who are working with me, that makes us stronger." Senator Obama

.. Having a sincere preference for one party’s candidate in the general election, “raiders” may enter the opposing party’s primary to vote for a weaker candidate to face their preferred choice in the fall (Chen and Yang 2002, Cherry and Kroll 2003).

Strategic voting in this sense has two steps: the decision to vote in the primary of the party opposing their preferred general election candidate (here, crossover voting), and the decision to vote for the least electable candidate in this primary.

Let me add another insidious billionaire to the list of those backing Obama.

Self declared Messiah: Rev Sun Yung Moon
>...Moon has to destroy anyone who refused to bend his knee and endorse Moon...<

>The Washington Times, America's NewspaperMar 3, 2008 ... Brian DeBose, national political reporter, The Washington Times . ...<

The Washington Times: "Barack Obama represents "Positive Change" for all of America"

Lynn Sweet: Sweet column: Behind Obama's rise, massive positive press.Nov 1, 2007 ... WASHINGTON -- The presidential campaign of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was launched with the help of more positive press coverage than any ...

Obama's quick rise in national politics has been assisted by massive, mostly favorable coverage since the summer of 2004... ...Obama ...his favorable treatment came from influential media.

posted on Jul, 3 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by himself
Obama's quick rise in national politics has been assisted by massive, mostly favorable coverage since the summer of 2004... ...Obama ...his favorable treatment came from influential media.

The people behind Obama use McClatchey News to spread the propaganda about Obama. This is why Obama doesn't need PAC money. Big money is only needed by candidates to pay for advertising. When a PAC is using a newspaper syndicate to spread positive and FREE PR, you don't need to pay for advertising.


Hmmmm.... interesting that none of the Obama regulars have commented on this latest discovery. I'm not sure they know what to do when they see REAL original research as opposed to copying and pasting stories from liberal blogs.

Any doubt now that Obama is a puppet of the NWO selected back in 2003 to be the "savior"?

Does anybody here have any idea of the scale of Perseus' holdings and influence, or the influence of George Soros?

McClatchey News only has a market cap of $450 million. Soros just last year made $3 billion personally. He could be the majority shareholder in McClatchey for a tiny fraction of his net personal net worth. But more importantly, he controls hedge funds that invest billions. He could own a majority stake in McClatchey and nobody would even know it because the investments would be filtered through layers of LLCs.

[edit on 3-7-2008 by jamie83]

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by jamie83
Well it turns out that this same Frank Pearl of Washington DC took a liking to Illinois Senator Barack Obama back in 2003. Here's is the pdf from the FEC database/ Look at letter B on the form. Frank Pearl, Washington, D.C:

uhm... He's a citizen of this country... He's allowed to donate to any campaign he wants... Plus... $2,300 is the maximum donation for a senatorial campaign. He didn't give the maximum. This is actually proof he's probably donated to ALL of the campaigns. It helps to get in the door (to ASK for a favor, you seem to think people can demand favors...)when you're a known donor to a campaign.

I'm not sure what this all means except for one thing.

this is becoming obvious with each thread....

Obama is full of $($# when he blathers on about how he's not part of the Washington D.C status quo. It's the Washington D.C. elite that have put him where he's at right now.

a private citizen donating less than half of the maximum contribution is not proof that the candidate is being manipulated by that citizen. If you knew anything about how the political system works, (which I should... I've been working on campaigns for 4 years now) you would know that the people who want to buy your sway... Don't pay minimum dollar. They also don't always get what they want.

Contributions don't require a response that favors the contributer. If you have some evidence of this (not 'six degrees of kevin bacon' either please!)
please post it, as some of us would really like to see some proof of all of your slanderous/liable accusations against this candidate.

I don't understand why you haven't provided any substantial evidence... yet you continue to try and down those of us who support Barack Obama for pointing this out for you. Just because you've found a trolling loophole, doesn't give you the right to constantly use it.

I'm just not sure at this point if it's for Obama to win to election, or to make sure McCain will win the election.

If you really think this is the way the world works let me make a suggestion. Turn off the computer; get off the chair; pack a backpack with a change of clothes and some food... and go for a friggin' hike.

See what the real world looks like, and you might realize that all of these things you claim control your world have no sway what-so-ever on your world.


posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:00 AM

uhm... He's a citizen of this country... He's allowed to donate to any campaign he wants... Plus... $2,300 is the maximum donation for a senatorial campaign. He didn't give the maximum.

Do you believe that? You can't be serious. Why do you think he went back on his word and signature in agreeing to Public Funding?

After huge donations from Liberal Hollywood and Investement/Energy Banking CEOs, I guess the public system is broken afterall.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by coven

a private citizen donating less than half of the maximum contribution is not proof that the candidate is being manipulated by that citizen. If you knew anything about how the political system works, (which I should... I've been working on campaigns for 4 years now) you would know that the people who want to buy your sway... Don't pay minimum dollar. They also don't always get what they want.

Contributions don't require a response that favors the contributer. If you have some evidence of this (not 'six degrees of kevin bacon' either please!)
please post it, as some of us would really like to see some proof of all of your slanderous/liable accusations against this candidate.

I don't understand why you haven't provided any substantial evidence... yet you continue to try and down those of us who support Barack Obama for pointing this out for you. Just because you've found a trolling loophole, doesn't give you the right to constantly use it.

Well actually coven I did provide evidence. I showed that Frank Pearl, Chairman of Perseus LLC, a multi-billion dollar hedge fund partnered with George Soros, was backing Obama as far back as 2003. Pearl had to get out his check book and make a check out to an unknown-at-the-time Illinois state Senator.

Then in 2006 another member of Perseus LLC got out his checkbook and wrote Obama a check for Obama's 2010 Senate campaign fund.

Then Obama decided to run for President and immediately formulated a platform that included a $50 billion U.S. government venture cap fund to invest in alternative energy companies, the very same companies Perseus LLC is heavily invested in.

And in 2008 Obama selected Perseus Vice-Chairman James A. Johnson to vet his VP candidate.

So to conclude that Johnson's selection to be part of Obama's campaign is just somehow coincidental is absurd. And I would suggest that you couldn't find another thread on ATS that is more documented with original proof, i.e., direct evidence and not just some regurgitation of somebody else's blog.

1. Frank Pearl is member of Bilderberg and CFR -PROVEN
2. Frank Pearl backed Obama in 2003 -PROVEN
3. Richard Holbrooke backed Obama in 2006 -PROVEN
4. Richard Holbrooke, Frank Pearl, and James A. Johnson run Perseus LLC -PROVEN
5. Perseus LLC is partnered with George Soros -PROVEN
6. Obama picked James A. Johnson to vet his VP -PROVEN.
7. Obama plans on investing $50 billion over 5 years in alternative energy companies -PROVEN
8. Perseus LLC is already heavily invested in alternative energy companies -PROVEN

What exactly don't you get about this coven?

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by jetxnet

uhm... He's a citizen of this country... He's allowed to donate to any campaign he wants... Plus... $2,300 is the maximum donation for a senatorial campaign. He didn't give the maximum.

Do you believe that? You can't be serious. Why do you think he went back on his word and signature in agreeing to Public Funding?

After huge donations from Liberal Hollywood and Investement/Energy Banking CEOs, I guess the public system is broken afterall.

And it's not the direct monetary contribution that matters. It's the entree into the inner circle that matters. It's the meeting with George Soros and Soros' funding of, and's official endorsement of Obama to it's 8 million members through direct mail and zero-cost emails. even revoked it's own 527 tax status to support Obama.

So no, it wasn't the piddly financial contribution that meant anything. It was being brought into the inner circle of power by Pearl, Soros, Holbrooke, and Johnson because they needed somebody who could stop Clinton in 2008.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:25 AM
that's hilarious

because when you got this site it shows which members donated what to who from perseus llc

Barack Obama recieved one
out of all those other democrats

Hillary Clinton shows up twice

John Kerry 5 times.

but i guess it'd be important to leave that out of any Jaime83 post?

and, oh, isnt it strange how you never posted us about This

[edit on 7/4/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:54 AM
This is not surprising. No one even gets close to being president (McCain included) without very powerful people opening doors and collecting their dues in return. Democrat? Republican? Two sides of the same coin. It doesn't matter who wins. Depending on who wins may change details in the method but the agenda remains the same for the real powers that be.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Andrew E. Wiggin
that's hilarious

I'm really not sure what you find hilarious about our government being controlled by the same multi-billion dollar hedge fund managers who've decided our choices on who we can vote for.

I find it disgusting, not hilarious.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 05:00 AM
It's amazing how Every thread you start has 7 stars fairly quickly...

You know we do notice these things.

Then again I guess some political groups just don't know how to organize their covert operations any more...

Nice to see you keep swinging for the fences jamie.

I'd advise waiting for a pitch before the next swing.

posted on Jul, 4 2008 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by jamie83

no no

whtas hilarious is your assertion that its for "obama" like obama is in on something big and secret because persues donated 1400 dollars to his campaign

come on

if you'd visit the links (but u wont) you'd see that you're wrong

They donate to campaigns EVERY year

Does it make them powerful? They were alreayd powerful. When you can buy your way out of any mess, you're powerful...or your'e OJ, either way

are they more powerful than the president? It depends on who you ask. But congress, technically, is equally as powerful as the presdient, the president is just the "poster child" for America

So - i guess they'd better buy out congress too, eh?

Sounds awfully expensive.

500 mil to obama
whats pelosi going to ask for if she knows obama got 500 mil

how about clinton
etc etc etc

You cant 'control the country' by 'controlling the president'

or maybe you skipped that day in American History class?

[edit on 7/4/2008 by Andrew E. Wiggin]

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